#!/usr/bin/perl # # $Id: gphelp.in,v 1.23 2001/04/04 11:45:41 karim Exp $ # # Copyright (C) 2000 The PARI group. # # This file is part of the PARI/GP package. # # PARI/GP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. # # Check the License for details. You should have received a copy of it, along # with the package; see the file 'COPYING'. If not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # Output extended help corresponding to a given GP command. By default, # extract relevant information from from the PARI manual, run TeX, then open # an xdvi display. # # The manual can be compressed. # # Usage: gphelp keyword # # Command line options: # -k: apropos (list of relevant GP functions) # -detex (-d): don't use TeX + xdvi (implicit when DISPLAY is not set). # -color_help (-ch) : use color "number" (same scheme as in GP) # -color_bold (-cb) : display bold in color "number" # -color_underline (-cu) : display underlined text in color "number" # # -raw use internal format for output with @x markers, -detex is implicit # (for the TeX-to-pod converter) # # -to_pod file convert file to POD (should be the only args) # # -to_dumbpod file same, but without nested formating # # Granted environment variables (override): # GPTMPDIR: where temporary files will go (/tmp by default). # GPDOCDIR: where is manual (by default, where make install will put it). # GPXDVI: which 'xdvi' program to call (xdvi by default) # $version= "2.2.1"; $miscdir= "/usr/local/lib/pari"; # no expanded material (@key@) below $wwwsite= "http://www.parigp-home.de/"; $docdir = $ENV{GPDOCDIR} || $ENV{GPHELP_DOCDIR} || "$miscdir/doc"; $xdvi = $ENV{GPXDVI} || "xdvi"; $xdviref = $ENV{GPXDVIREF} || "$xdvi -paper 29.7x21cm"; $gzip = "gzip"; $zcat = "$gzip -dc"; $refcard = (@ARGV and $ARGV[-1] =~ /refcard/i); $dumb_pod=1, $ARGV[0] = '-to_pod' if @ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq '-to_dumb_pod'; &to_pod() if @ARGV == 2 && $ARGV[0] eq '-to_pod'; &options(); &init(); if ($#ARGV < 0) { &treat($_); cleanexit(); } &pretex() if (!$detex); for (@ARGV) { &treat($_); } if ($apropos) { &apropos_final_print(); cleanexit(); } if (!$found) { &clean if (!$detex); cleanexit(); } &posttex() if (!$detex); print $gpmsg if (!$detex && $fromgp); cleanexit(); # # Procedures # sub cleanexit { print "\e[0m" unless $to_pod; exit 0; } sub help { print "Usage: $0 [-k] [-detex] [-ch c1] [-cb c2] [-cu c3] keyword\n"; print "where c1,c2,c3 denote background, bold and underline color\n"; exit(1); } sub options { $raw = $detex = $fromgp = $apropos = 0; $ch = $cb = $cu = ''; while ($_ = $ARGV[0]) { last if (! /^-[a-z]/); shift(@ARGV); if ($_ eq "-fromgp") { $fromgp = 1; } elsif ($_ eq "-k") { $apropos = 1; } elsif ($_ eq "-detex" || $_ eq "-d") { $detex = 1; } elsif ($_ eq "-raw") { $raw = $detex = 1; } elsif ($_ eq "-color_help" || $_ eq "-ch") { $ch = &color(shift(@ARGV)); } elsif ($_ eq "-color_bold" || $_ eq "-cb") { $cb = &color(shift(@ARGV)); } elsif ($_ eq "-color_underline" || $_ eq "-cu") { $cu = &color(shift(@ARGV)); } else { &help(); } } $detex = 1 if (!$detex && !$ENV{DISPLAY}); } sub init { $gpmsg = "ugly_kludge_done\n"; &inittr(); $indent = " "; chdir($docdir); $docfile = "usersch3.tex"; $tmpdir = $ENV{GPTMPDIR} || $ENV{TMPDIR} || $ENV{GPHELP_TMPDIR} || "/tmp"; $texfile = "$tmpdir/gp.help$$"; open(IN,"translations") || die("Could not find translation file, docdir='$docdir'"); while() { chomp; @_ = split(/ *\@ */); $key = shift(@_); $transl{$key} = join('@',@_); } close(IN); } sub not_found { local($help) = shift; $help =~ s/\\\\/_B#K#S_/g; $help =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g; $help =~ s/_B#K#S_/\\/g; print "'$help' not found !\n"; } sub choose_chap { while (s/\@([0-9])$//) { $docfile = "usersch$1.tex"; } if (-r $docfile) { $pipe = ""; } else { die "Cannot find $docfile" if (! -r "$docfile.z" && ! -r "$docfile.gz" && ! -r "$docfile.Z"); $pipe = $zcat; } } use POSIX 'setsid'; sub open_dvi_then_quit { local($dvifile, $viewer)= @_; $dvifile = "$docdir/$dvifile" if (! -f "$dvifile"); die "could not find $dvifile" if (! -f "$dvifile"); (!$ENV{DISPLAY} && !$ENV{GPXDVI}) && die "xdvi needs X-Windows"; print "displaying \'$docdir/$dvifile\'."; setsid; # detach from terminal (^C will not kill xdvi) system("$viewer $dvifile 2>/dev/null >/dev/null&"); cleanexit(); } sub treat { local($help); $_ = $_[0]; s/_QUOTE/'/g; s/_BACKQUOTE/`/g; s/_DOUBQUOTE/"/g; s/^ *"(.*)"([^"]*) *$/$1$2/; if (s/\@$//) { $found = 0; $searchall = 1; $help = $_; while () { if (/usersch(.*)\.tex/) { &treat("$help\@$1"); if ($apropos && $#list > 0 || $#sentence_list > 0) { print "\nChapter $1:\n"; print "==========\n"; &apropos_final_print(); } } } return not_found($help) if (!$found && !$apropos); $searchall = 0; $apropos = 0; return; } &choose_chap; if (!$apropos) { open_dvi_then_quit("users.dvi",$xdvi) if (/^$/); open_dvi_then_quit("tutorial.dvi",$xdvi) if (/^tutorial$/); open_dvi_then_quit("refcard.dvi",$xdviref) if (/^refcard$/); } if (!$apropos && $transl{$_}) { $_ = $transl{$_}; &choose_chap; } s/(\W)/\\$1/g; ($pipe && open(DOC,"$pipe $docfile |")) || (!$pipe && open(DOC,"$docfile")) || die "Cannot open $docfile: $!"; return &apropos($_) if ($apropos); if (/^\\[<>=!]=?|[|&]{1,2}$/) { $_ = 'Comparison and boolean operators'; } $help = $_; while () { if (/^\\(subsubsec[a-z]*|subsec[a-z]*|section|chapter){$help}/) { $first = $_; last; } } if (eof(DOC)) { ¬_found($help) if (!$searchall); return; } $found = 1; if (!$detex) { &tex(); return; } &detex(); print "\n" if (!$fromgp); do {local $/; } if $^O eq 'os2' and $pipe; # Avoid broken pipe from zcat close(DOC); } # # A propos # sub apropos_print_list { $current = ""; @_ = sort(@_); for (@_) { next if ($_ eq $current); $current = $_; print "$indent$_\n"; } } sub apropos_raw_print { $indent = ""; &apropos_print_list(@sentence_list); &apropos_print_list(@list); } sub apropos_final_print { local($maxlen) = 0; local($i,$nbcol,$current); local($cols) = ($ENV{'COLUMNS'} || 80) - 1; if ($raw) { &apropos_raw_print(); return; } @list = sort(@list); for (@list) { $i= length($_); $maxlen = $i if ($i > $maxlen); } $maxlen++; $nbcol = $cols / $maxlen; $nbcol =~ s/\..*//; $nbcol-- if ($nbcol * $maxlen == $cols); $nbcol = 1 if (!$nbcol); $current = ""; $i = 0; for (@list) { next if ($_ eq $current); $current = $_; print($_); $i++; if ($i >= $nbcol) { $i=0; print "\n"; next; } print " " x ($maxlen - length($_)); } print "\n" if ($i); if ($#sentence_list > 0) { print "\nSee also:\n" if ($#list > 0); $indent = " "; apropos_print_list(@sentence_list); } } sub apropos_check { local($_) = $line; s/\n/ /g; return if (! /$help/); $_ = $current; s/\\b{(.)}/\\$1/; s/\{\}//g; s/\\pow/^/; s/\\%/%/; s/\\bs/\\/; s/\\\#/\#/g; s,\+\$/\$-,+/-,; if (/ /) { push(@sentence_list,$_); } else { push(@list,$_); } } sub apropos { local($line,$current,$new); $help = $_[0]; $help='\\\\pow' if ($help eq '\^'); $help='\\\\til' if ($help eq '\~'); @sentence_list = @list = ""; while () { if (/^\\(subsubsec[a-z]*|subsec[a-z]*|section|chapter){/) { $new = &get_match($_,'{','}'); &apropos_check(); $current = $new; $line = ""; } $line .= $_; } &apropos_check(); } # # Tex Part # sub pretex { open(TEX,">$texfile.tex") || die "Couldn't open $texfile.tex"; print TEX << "EOT"; \\def\\fromgphelp\{\} \\input $docdir/parimacro.tex EOT } sub tex { print TEX "$first"; while () { last if /^\\(section|sub[sub]*sec)/i; print TEX; } close(DOC); } sub posttex { print TEX "\\vfill\\eject\\bye"; close(TEX); chdir($tmpdir); system("tex $texfile.tex 2>/dev/null > /dev/null < /dev/null") == 0 || die "could not process $texfile.dvi" if (! -f "$texfile.dvi"); setsid; # detach from terminal (^C will not kill xdvi) system("($xdvi $texfile.dvi 2>/dev/null >/dev/null; rm -f $texfile.tex $texfile.dvi $texfile.log)&"); } sub clean { unlink("$texfile.tex","$texfile.dvi","$texfile.log"); } # # Detex Part # sub fit_loop { local($i); return if ($miss > 9); while ($miss > 0) { # print "1:$miss ";print @_;print "\n"; for (@_) { $miss-- if (s/([?!\.;])$/$1 /); return if ($miss == 0); } # print "2:$miss ";print @_;print "\n"; for (@_) { $miss-- if (s/([?!\.;]) $/$1 /); return if ($miss == 0); } # print "3:$miss ";print @_;print "\n"; for (@_) { $miss-- if (s/([\),])$/$1 /); return if ($miss == 0); } # print "4:$miss ";print @_;print "\n"; $i = 0; for (@_) { if (!$i) { $i = 1; next; } $miss-- if (s/^\(/ (/); return if ($miss == 0); } # print "5:$miss "; print @_;print "\n"; for (@_) { $miss--; s/$/ /; return if ($miss == 0); } } } sub fit_line { local($wi, @a); local($l) = -1; local($rem) = $_[0]; for (@l) { $l2 = $l; $l += ($_ + 1); last if ($l > $rem); $wi++; } $miss = $rem - $l2; splice(@l, 0, $wi); @a = splice(@w, 0, $wi-1); &fit_loop(@a); push(@a, shift(@w)); return join(' ', @a); } # empty output line sub is_void { local($in) = shift; $in =~ s/\@\[\w+\]//g; $in =~ s/\@[012]//g; ($in =~ /^\s*$/)? 1: 0; } sub nl { push(@f_text, shift); } sub format_text { local($last_void) = 0; local($add_stuff) = 0; local($cols) = ($ENV{'COLUMNS'} || 80) - 1; local($first) = $cols - length($indent); for (@text) { if (s/^\@1//) # start verbatim { nl(&fit_line($first)) if (@w); nl("") if (!$last_void && !is_void($_)); # add empty line nl("$indent$_"); } elsif (s/^\@0//) # verbatim lines { nl("$indent$_"); } elsif (s/^\@2//) # end verbatim { nl("$indent$_"); $last_void = is_void($_); } elsif (is_void($_)) # line is empty { next if (!$add_stuff); nl("") if (!$last_void); $last_void = $add_stuff = 0; nl("\@[endbold]$indent" . &fit_line($first)); while (@w) { nl(&fit_line($cols)); } } else { $add_stuff = 1; s/^ +//; @_ = split(/ /, $_); for (@_) { s/\Q$tr{nbrk}/ /g; push(@w, $_); # these codes will be replaced by 1 character s/\@\[(obr|cbr|ouml|uuml|agrav|eacute|ldollar|pm|lt|gt|\{|\})]/\@/g; # the rest will be replaced by zero-width characters s/\@\[\w+\]//g; push(@l, length($_)); } } } } # argument has the form s1${open}s2${close}s3 # Return 's2'. Set $remainder to 's3'. sub get_match { local ($_, $open, $close) = (shift,shift,shift); local (@tmp, $arg,$parity,$ok); local ($obr) = 1; $parity = ($open eq $close); /$open/; $_ = $'; # remove everything before (and including) first $open while ($_) { @tmp = split(/($open|$close)/); while ($#tmp >= 0) { $_ = shift(@tmp); $obr++ if (/^$open$/); if ($parity && $obr == 2) { $ok = 1; last } $obr-- if (/^$close$/); if (!$obr) { $ok = 1; last } $arg .= $_; } last if ($ok); $_ = ; } $remainder = join('',@tmp); return $arg; } sub detex { local ($fun,$args); chomp; # 1: get the function "prototype" $fun = &get_match($_,'{','}'); # name $fun = &basic_subst($fun); $_ = $remainder; # args as $(x)$ in \subsecidx{sin}$(x)$: if (/^ *\$/) { $args = &basic_subst(&get_match($_,'\$','\$')); $_ = $remainder; } $_ = if (!&basic_subst($_)); # dft value as (...) in \subsecidx{echo} (default \kbd{0}) if (/^ *\(/) { $args .= ' (' . &basic_subst(&get_match($_,'\(','\)')) . ')'; $_ = $remainder; } $args .= ":" if ($args !~ /: *$/ && ($args || $fun !~ /: */)); $fun = "\@[startbold]$fun\@[endbold]$args"; if ($raw) { print("$fun "); } else { &TeXprint($fun); } # 2: start parsing the function description if ($_) { s/^ *://; &presubst(); } while () { last if /^\\(section|sub[sub]*sec)/i; &presubst(); } if ($raw) { print join("\n", @text); return; } &format_text(); for (@f_text) { &TeXprint("$_"); } } # We use the special char @ to transmit special sequences sub inittr { @ou = qw( dollar nbrk startbold endbold startcode endcode obr cbr uuml ouml agrave eacute startpodcode endpodcode startlink endlink startbcode endbcode startbi endbi startit endit startword endword startlword endlword pm empty gt lt podleader ); @tr{@ou} = map "\@[$_]", @ou; $tr{dollar} = '$' if $to_pod; %pr = ( dollar => '', ldollar => '$', # literal dollar nbrk => 'S< >', startbold => 'B<', endbold => '>', startcode => 'C<', startlink => 'L<', endlink => '>', endcode => '>', obr => '{', cbr => '}', startpodcode => 'C<', endpodcode => '>', ( $dumb_pod ? (startbcode => 'B<', endbcode => '>', startbi => 'B<', endbi => '>',) : (startbcode => 'B '>>', startbi => 'B '>>')), startit => 'I<', endit => '>', startword => 'F<', endword => '>', startlword => ' F<', endlword => '> ', pm => 'F<+->', "gt" => 'E', "lt" => 'E', ouml => 'E', uuml => 'E', eacute => 'E', agrave => 'E', empty => 'Z<>', podleader => '=', ); } sub indent_equally { my $in = shift; $in =~ s/^[ \t]*/ /mg; $in} sub basic_subst { local($_) = shift; s/(\S)[ \t]*\n[ \t]+/$1\n/gm; s/([^\\])\\\{/$1$tr{obr}/g; s/([^\\])\\\}/$1$tr{cbr}/g; s/([^\\])\\-/$1/g; s/\A\\q?quad(?![a-zA-Z])\s*/$tr{nbrk}$tr{nbrk}/; s|\\wwwsite|$wwwsite|g; s|\\miscdir|$miscdir|g; s/^\\def\\.*\{\n.*\n\}//gm; s/\\def\\.*//g; s(\\footnote\s*\{?\*+\}?\s*\{\s*((?:[^{}]|\{(?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*\})*)\}) {$tr{startbold}FOOTNOTE$tr{endbold}$tr{lt}$tr{lt}$tr{lt} $1 $tr{gt}$tr{gt}$tr{gt}}g; s/(\{[\w\s]+)\{\}([\s\w]+\})/$1$2/g; # {nf{}init} s(\\op(?![a-zA-Z])\s*)({\\it op\\/})g; # {nf{}init} s/\\(leavevmode|strut)(?![a-zA-Z])\s*//g; s/ \\funno \s* { \s* ((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*) } \s* { \s* ((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*) } \s* { \s* ((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*) } /\\noindent{\\tt $1 \$\\key{$2}\$($3)}/gx; s/\\funs\s*\{((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}\s*\{((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}/\\fun{}{$1}{$2}/g; s/\\fun\s*\{([^{}]*)\}\s*\{((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}\s*\{((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}/\\kbd{$1 \\key{$2}($3)}\\sidx{$2}/g; s/\\\\(?=[a-zA-Z])/\\bs /g; s/\\b{}\\b{}/\\bs\\bs /g; s/\\\\/\\bs/g; s/(\'\'|\`\`)/"/g unless $to_pod; # (english) double quotes # asymptotic or isomorphic (~) [beware of ties] s/(^|[^\\]) +~/$1~/; s/~ */~/; s/(^|[^\\])~/$1$tr{nbrk}/g; # ties s/\\(simeq|sim|approx)(?![a-zA-Z])/ ~ /g; s/\\til(?![a-zA-Z])/~/g; # ~ (transpose) s/\\(~|tilde)/~/g; s/\\(equiv)(?![a-zA-Z])/ = /g; s/\\`a/$tr{agrave}/; s/\\`{a}/$tr{agrave}/; s/\\"o/$tr{ouml}/; s/\\"{o}/$tr{ouml}/; s/\\"u/$tr{uuml}/; s/\\"{u}/$tr{uuml}/; s/\\'e/$tr{eacute}/; s/\\'{e}/$tr{eacute}/; s/(^|[^\\])%.*/$1/g; # comments s/\\vadjust\s*\{\s*\\penalty\s*\d+\s*\}//g; # We do not strip %\n, thus: s/\\kbd{\n\s*/\\kbd{/g; s/\$\\bf(\b|(?=[\d_]))\s*([^\$]+)\$/\$$tr{startbcode}$1$tr{endbcode}\$/g; s/\$/$tr{dollar}/g; # math mode s/\t/ /g; s/\\,//g; s/\\[ ;]/ /g; # various spaces s/\\\///g; # italic correction s/^&+//g; # tab marks s/([^\\])&+/$1 /g; # tab marks s/\\TeX\{\}/TeX/g; s/\\TeX(\W)/TeX$1/g; s/ *\\circ\b */ o /g; s/\\d?frac{\s*((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)}{\s*((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)}/($1)\/($2)/g; s(\\d?frac\s*(\d)\s*(\d))(($1/$2))g; s[{\s*(\w)\s*\\over(?![a-zA-Z])\s*(\w)\s*}]{($1/$2)}g; s[{\s*((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)\\over(?![a-zA-Z])\s*((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)}][($1)/($2)]g; # \def\synt#1#2{\syn{#1}{\tt #2}} # \def\syn#1#2{\synx{#1}{#2}{#1}} s/\\synt?\{\s*((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}\{\s*((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}/\\synx{$1}{$2}{$1}/g; # \def\synx#1#2#3{\sidx{#3}The library syntax is $\key{#1}({#2})$} # Often used with embedded {}. s/\\synx\{\s*((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}\{\s*((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}\{((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}/\\sidx{$3}The library syntax is $tr{startbold}$1$tr{endbold}$tr{startpodcode}($2)$tr{endpodcode}/; # May be used with an empty arg s/\\typ\{([^\}]*)\}/$tr{startcode}t_$1$tr{endcode}/g; s/(\\string)?\\_/_/g; s/\\([#\$&%|])/$1/g; s/\\(hat(?![a-zA-Z])|\^)({\\?\s*})?/^/g; s/ *\\pow(?![a-zA-z]) */^/g; s/\\neq?(?![a-zA-Z])/ != /g; s/\\enspace(?![a-zA-Z])/ /g; s/\\times(?![a-zA-Z]) */ x /g; s/\\infty(?![a-zA-Z]) */ oo /g; s/ *\\(bmod|mod) */ mod /g; s/ *\\pmod(?![a-zA-Z]) *\{\s*((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}/ (mod $1)/g; s/ *\\cdot(?![a-zA-Z]) */./g; # Maybe " . "? s/ *(\\|\@)[lc]?dots(?![a-zA-Z]) */.../g; s/\\(log|sin|cos|lim(proj)?|tan|mod|sqrt|exp|ln|det|Re|Im|deg|wp|cap|oplus)(?![a-zA-Z])/$tr{startlword}$1$tr{endlword}/g; s/\\pi(?![a-zA-Z])/$tr{startword}Pi$tr{endword}/g; s/\\(Alpha | Beta | Chi | Delta | Epsilon | Phi | Gamma | Eta | Iota | vartheta | Kappa | Lambda | Mu | Nu | Omicron | Pi | Theta | Rho | Sigma | Tau | Ypsilon | varsigma | Omega | Xi | Psi | Zeta | alpha | beta | chi | delta | varepsilon | phi | gamma | eta | iota | varphi | kappa | lambda | mu | nu | omicron | pi | theta | rho | sigma | tau | ypsilon | varpi | omega | xi | psi | zeta | int | expr | seq | args | gcd | sum | prod | Re | infty ) (?![a-zA-Z])/$tr{startword}$1$tr{endword}/xg; s/ *\\in(?![a-zA-Z]) */ belongs to /g; s/\\pm(?![a-zA-Z])/$tr{pm}/g; s/ *\\mid(?![a-zA-Z]) */ | /g; s/\\idxtyp\{([^{}]*)\}/\\sidx{t_$1}/g; s/\\ref\{[^\}]*\}/$tr{startbold}??$tr{endbold}/g unless $to_pod; s/\\secref\{[^\}]*\}/Section ($tr{startbold}??$tr{endbold})/g unless $to_pod; s/\\label\{[^\}]*\}//g unless $to_pod; s/\\(noindent|medskip|bigskip|smallskip|left|right)(?![a-zA-Z])[ \t]*//g; s/\\vfill *(\\eject)?//g; s/\\(q|quad)(?![a-zA-Z])\s*/ /g; s/\\qquad(?![a-zA-Z])\s*/ /g; s/\\centerline\s*\{\s*(?:\\tt\b\s*)?(.*(\n[ \t].*)*)\}(?=\s*$)/indent_equally($1)/ge; s/\\centerline\s*\{\s*(?:\\tt\b\s*)?((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}/ indent_equally($1)/ge; s/\\big\b//g; s/\\settabs.*//; s/^\\\+/$tr{nbrk}/gm; s/\\\+//g; s/\\cr(?![a-zA-Z])//g; s/\\B(?![a-zA-Z])/\\kbd{BIL}/g; s/ *([=><]) */ $1 /g; s/ *< *([=<]) */ <$1 /g; s/ *> *([=>]) */ >$1 /g; s/ *([*+-\/^&=|:]) += */ $1= /g; s/ *\\Rightarrow */ ==$tr{gt} /g; s/\\rangle(?![a-zA-Z])\s*/$tr{startcode}$tr{gt}$tr{endcode}/g; s/\\langle(?![a-zA-Z])\s*/$tr{startcode}$tr{lt}$tr{endcode}/g; s/\\rightarrow(?![a-zA-Z])\s*/$tr{startcode}--$tr{gt}$tr{endcode}/g; s/\\longleftrightarrow(?![a-zA-Z])\s*/$tr{startcode}$tr{lt}-----$tr{gt}$tr{endcode}/g; s/\\mapsto(?![a-zA-Z])\s*/$tr{startcode}|---$tr{gt}$tr{endcode}/g; s/ *\\geq?(?![a-zA-Z]) *([^ ])/ $tr{startcode}$tr{gt}=$tr{endcode} $1/g; s/ *\\leq?(?![a-zA-Z]) *([^ ])/ $tr{startcode}$tr{lt}=$tr{endcode} $1/g; s/\\(vers|PARIversion)(?![a-zA-Z])/$tr{startbold}$version$tr{endbold}/; s/\\([QRCFZNapdf])(?![a-zA-Z])/$tr{startbi}$1$tr{endbi}$2/g; s/\\([QRCFZN])\1(?![a-zA-Z])/$tr{startbi}$1$tr{endbi}$2/g; s/\\Bbb\b\s*(\w)/$tr{startbi}$1$tr{endbi}/g; s/\\([oc]br)/$tr{$1}/g; s/\\quo(?![a-zA-Z])/\"/g; s/(^|\s)\{(\w+)\}/$1$2/g; s/\\p(?![a-zA-Z])/$tr{startbold}p$tr{endbold}$1/g; s/\\point\{([^\}]*)\}/$tr{startbold}* $1$tr{endbold}/g; s/\\bullet/$tr{startbold}*$tr{endbold}/g; s/\\misctitle\{([^\}]*)\}/$tr{startbold}$1$tr{endbold}/g; s/\\subsec\{([^\}]*)\}/$tr{startbold}$1$tr{endbold}/g unless $to_pod; s/\\teb\{([^\}]*)\}/\\sidx{$1}$tr{startbold}$1$tr{endbold}/g; s/\\tet\{([^\}]*)\}/\\sidx{$1}$tr{startcode}$1$tr{endcode}/g; s/\\tev\{([^\}]*)\}/\\sidx{$1}$tr{startit}$1$tr{endit}/g; s/\\\$/$tr{ldollar}/g; s/\\kbd\s*\{\s*/\\kbd{$tr{gt}/g if $to_pod; s/\\kbd\s*\{((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}/$tr{startcode}$1$tr{endcode}/g; s/\\key\{((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}/$tr{startbold}$1$tr{endbold}/g unless $refcard; if ($refcard) { s/\\(?:key|li)\{((?:[^{}]+(?=[{}])|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}\s*\{\}[ \t]*\n/\n\n=back\n\n$1\n\n=over\n\n/g; s/\\(?:key|li)\{((?:[^{}]+(?=[{}])|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}\s*\{(([^{}]+(?=[{}])|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}/\n=item $tr{startcode}$2$tr{endcode}\n\n$1\n/g; } s/\\var\{([^\}]*)\}/$tr{startit}$1$tr{endit}/g; s/\\fl(?![a-zA-Z])/$tr{startit}flag$tr{endit}/g; s/\\b{([^}]*)}/$tr{startcode}\\$1$tr{endcode}/g; s/\\kbdsidx/\\sidx/g; s/\\sidx\{[^\}]*\}//g unless $to_pod; s/\\[a-zA-Z]*idx\{([^\}]*)\}/$1/g unless $to_pod; s/\\(?:text|hbox)\s*\{ *(?:\\it\b\s*)?(([^{}]+(?=[{}])|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}/$1/g; s/\\(text|hbox)//g; s/^([ \t]+)\{ *\\(it|sl|bf|tt)\b/S<$1>{\\$2/gm; s/\{ *\\(it|sl) *(([^{}]+(?=[{}])|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}/$tr{startit}$2$tr{endit}/g; s/\{ *\\bf *(([^{}]+(?=[{}])|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}/$tr{startbold}$1$tr{endbold}/g; s/\{ *\\tt *(([^{}]+(?=[{}])|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}/$tr{startpodcode}$1$tr{endpodcode}/g; $seek=1 if (s/\{ *\\it */$tr{startit}/g); if ($seek) { $seek=0 if (s/\}/$tr{endit}/) } s/\\(backslash|bs)\{(\w)\}/\\$2/g; s/\\(backslash|bs)(?![a-zA-Z]) */\\/g; s/\@com(.*)$/$tr{startcode}$1$tr{endcode}/g; # Last resort: s/\\kbd\s*\{(.*?)\}/$tr{startcode}$1$tr{endcode}/g; s/^([ \t]{3,})\Q$tr{startcode}\E(.*)\Q$tr{endcode}\E/$1$2/gmo if $to_pod; # Last resort: s/^([ \t]{3,})\Q$tr{startcode}\E(.*?)\Q$tr{endcode}\E/$1$2/gmso if $to_pod; # Remove leading spaces unless have embedded wrapped code: s/^[ \t]+//gm if $to_pod and /^\S/ and not /^[ \t]*\n[ \t]/m; s/\{ *\}//g; # empty args s{\Q$tr{startcode}\E((ftp|http)://.*?)\Q$tr{endcode}\E}{$tr{startlink}$1$tr{endlink}}go if $to_pod; $_; } sub presubst { chomp; if ($in_prog && /(\\|\@)eprog/) { $in_prog = 0; $_ = "\@2" . &code_subst($`) . $tr{endcode}; push(@text, $_); $_ = &basic_subst($'); } elsif ($in_prog || s/\\bprog(tabs.*)?//g) { $in_prog++; # = 1 on the \bprog line # code should start on the next line $_ = &code_subst($_); s/^/\@1$tr{startcode}/ if ($in_prog == 2); s/^/\@0/ if ($in_prog > 2); } else { $_ = &basic_subst($_); } push(@text, $_); } sub code_subst { my $in = shift; $in =~ s/\@dots\b/.../g; $in =~ s/\@miscdir\b/$miscdir/g; if ($in =~ /\@com(.*)/) { if ($to_pod) { $in = $` . &basic_subst($1) . code_subst($'); } else { $in = $` . $tr{endcode} . &basic_subst($1) . $tr{startcode} . code_subst($'); } } if ($in =~ /\@Ccom(.*)\*\//) { if ($to_pod) { $in = $` . &basic_subst($1) . "*/" . &code_subst($'); } else { $in = $` . $tr{endcode} . &basic_subst($1) . $tr{startcode} . "*/" . &code_subst($'); } } $in; } sub wrap_code { my $in = shift; $in =~ s/^[ \t]+$//mg; $in = &code_subst($in); $in =~ s/^(.)/ $1/mg; $in =~ s/\s*\Z//; # $in =~ s/\\kbd\{((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}/$1/g if $to_pod; $in =~ s/\$([^\$\n]*)\$/$1/g if $to_pod; "\n\n$in\n\n"; } sub indexify { my $in = shift; $in =~ s/(^|and\s+)(\w+)(\$?\()/$1\\idx{$2}$3/g; $in =~ s/^(\\b\{\w+\})(?!\S)/\\idx{$1}/g; $in; } sub for_index { my $in = shift; 1 while $in =~ s/\Q$tr{startcode}\E(.*?)\Q$tr{endcode}\E/$1/go; $in; } sub strip_trail { my $in = shift; $in =~ s/\s+\Z//; $in } # This subroutine works in paragraph mode sub TeXprint_topod { s/\A\s+//; s/^\\def\\.*\{\n.*\n\}//gm; s/\\def\\.*//g; # Repeated in basic_subst, as the next one s/(\{[\w\s]+)\{\}([\s\w]+\})/$1$2/g; # {rnf{}llgram} s/\\vbox\s*\{\s*\\bprog/\\bprog/g; s/([\\\@])eprog\s*\}/$1eprog/g; # \n is below to prevent splitting on ' ' # We also remove ':' s/\\sectype\{\s*((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}\{\s*((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}/\\subsec{Type \\typ{$1} (${2}s)}\n\\sidx{$2}/g; s/\\sectypeindex\{\s*((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}\{\s*((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}\{\s*((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}/\\subsec{Type \\typ{$1} (${2}s)}\n\\sidx{$3}/g; s/\\sectypes\{\s*((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}\{\s*((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}\{\s*((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)\}/\\subsec{Type \\typ{$1} and \\typ{$1} (${3}s)}\n\\sidx{$3}/g; # Try to guard \label/\sidx (removing possible '.') # This somehow breaks index... # s/(\\(?:section|subsec(?:ref|idx|op)?(unix)?)\s*{(?:(?:[^{}]+(?=[{}])|{[^{}]+})+)})\.?\s*\\(label|sidx)/$1\n\\$2/; s/(\\(?:section|subsec(?:ref|idx|op)?)\s*{(?:(?:[^{}]+(?=[{}])|{[^{}]+})+)})\.?\s*\\(label|sidx)/$1\n\\$2/; # last if /\\subsec[\\{}ref]*[\\\${]$help[}\\\$]/o; s/\\chapter\s*{((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)}\s*/\n\n$tr{podleader}head1 NAME\n\nlibPARI - $1\n\n$tr{podleader}head1 DESCRIPTION\n\n/; s/\\appendix\s*{((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)}\s*/\n\n$tr{podleader}head1 NAME\n\nAppendix - $1\n\n$tr{podleader}head1 DESCRIPTION\n\n/; s/\\section\s*{((?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*)}\s*/"\n\n$tr{podleader}head1 " . indexify($1) . "\n\n"/e; # Try to delimit by : s/\\subsec(?:ref|idx|op)?(?:unix)?\s*{(([^{}]+(?=[{}])|{[^{}]+})+)}((\W*default:)?[^\n:]*):\s*/"\n\n$tr{podleader}head2 " . indexify("$1$3") . "\n\n"/e; s/\\subsec(?:ref|idx|op)?(?:unix)?\s*{(([^{}]+(?=[{}])|{[^{}]+})+)}([^\n:]*):\s*/"\n\n$tr{podleader}head2 " . indexify("$1$3") . "\n\n"/e; s/\\subsubsec(?:ref|idx|op)?(?:unix)?\s*{(([^{}]+(?=[{}])|{[^{}]+})+)}([^:]*):\s*/"\n\n$tr{podleader}item " . indexify("$1$3") . "\n\n"/e; # s/\\subsubsec\s*{(([^{}]+(?=[{}])|{[^{}]+})+)}\s*$/"\n\n$tr{podleader}item " . indexify("$1") . "\n\n"/e; s/\\subsubsec\s*{(([^{}]+(?=[{}])|{[^{}]+})+)}(.*)$/"\n\n$tr{podleader}item " . indexify("$1") . "$3\n\n"/me; # s/\\subseckbd\s*{(([^{}]+(?=[{}])|{[^{}]+})+)}:\s*/"\n\n$tr{podleader}head2 " . indexify("$1") . "\n\n"/e; s/\\subseckbd\s*{(([^{}]+(?=[{}])|{[^{}]+})+)}([^:]*):\s*/"\n\n$tr{podleader}head2 " . indexify("$1$3") . "\n\n"/e; # Try to delimit by ' ' s/\\subsec(?:ref|idx|op)?(?:unix)?\s*{(([^{}]+(?=[{}])|{[^{}]+})+)}(\S*)\s+/"\n\n$tr{podleader}head2 " . indexify("$1$3") . "\n\n"/e; s/\\subsec(?:ref|title|idx|op)?(?:unix)?\s*{(([^{}]+(?=[{}])|{[^{}]*})+)}:?\s*/"\n\n$tr{podleader}head2 " . indexify("$1") . "\n\n"/e; # This is to skip preface in refcard: /\Q$tr{podleader}\Ehead1|\\title(?![a-zA-Z])\s*\{/o and $seen_start = 1 or $seen_start or return; # Skip now! s/\\title\s*\{([^{}\s]*)(\s+([^{}]*))?\}(\s*\\centerline\s*\{([^{}]*)\})?\s*/$tr{podleader}head1 NAME\n\n$1 - $3. $5\n\n/ and $seen_title++ unless $seen_title; s/\\title\s*\{([^{}\s]*)(\s+([^{}]*))?\}(\s*\\centerline\s*\{([^{}]*)\})?\s*/\n\n/; s/\\parskip.*/\n/g; # Up to end of the line #s/([A-Z])\ until /(\\|@)eprog\b/ or eof(DOC); $acc .= wrap_code($1) if s/\A(?:tabs[^\n]*)?(?![a-zA-Z])[ \t]*\n?(.*?)(\\|@)eprog\s*//s; } $_ = $acc . basic_subst($_); # s/\\kbd\{/\{\\tt /g; # startcode # s/\\typ\{/\{\\tt t_/g; # startcode s/\$\s*(\@\[startbi\][A-Z]\@\[endbi\])\s*\$/$1/g; # s/\\p(\b|(?=[\d_]))/B

/g; #s/\$\\bf\b\s*([^\$]+)\$/C>/g; @lines = split /^$/m, $_; for (@lines) { s/>/\@[gt]/g unless /^\n*[ \t]/; s/$tr{startcode}$1$tr{endcode}\n\n/gs; s/\$([^\$]+)\$/$tr{startcode}$1$tr{endcode}/g; s/\\s(?:ref|idx){\s*([^{}]*)}/"X<" . for_index($1) . ">"/ge; # s/\\(?:ref|idx){\s*([^{}]*)}/"X<" . for_index($1) . ">$1"/ge; # Conflict between different versions of PARI and refcard: # s/\\(?:key|li)\s*{(.*)}\s*{(.+)}[ \t]*\n/\n\n=item C<$2>\n\n$1\n\n/msg; # s/\\(?:key|li)\s*{(.*)}\s*{}[ \t]*\n/\n\n=back\n\n$1\n\n=over\n\n/mgs; # s/\\(key|var)(?![a-zA-Z])\s*{(\w+)}/C<$2>/mg; s/\\var\s*{X<(\w+)>(\w+)}/X<$1>$tr{startcode}$2$tr{endcode}/mg; s/\\var\s*{f{}lag}/$tr{startcode}flag$tr{endcode}/mg; s/\\metax(?![a-zA-Z])\s*{(.*)}\s*{\s*(\w+)(?=C\<)(.*)}[ \t]*\n/\n\n=item C$3>\n\n$1\n\n/mg; s/\\metax(?![a-zA-Z])\s*{(.*)}\s*{(.*)}[ \t]*\n/\n\n=item C<$2>\n\n$1\n\n/mg; s/C\<\{\}=/C\<=/g; s/\\fl(?![a-zA-Z])/I/g; s/\\file(?![a-zA-Z])/F/g; s/\\(unix|emacs)\b\s*(\{?)(\s*\\(no)?indent)?\s*/X<\U$1>$2/g; s/\A\\label\s*\{([\w:.-]*)\}([ \t]*\n\s*(?=[^\s=]))?/X