/* $Id: subgroup.c,v 1.9 2001/06/20 15:26:57 karim Exp $ Copyright (C) 2000 The PARI group. This file is part of the PARI/GP package. PARI/GP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. Check the License for details. You should have received a copy of it, along with the package; see the file 'COPYING'. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "pari.h" extern GEN hnf0(GEN x, long r); void push_val(entree *ep, GEN a); void pop_val(entree *ep); /* SUBGROUPS * Assume: G = Gp x I, with Gp a p-group and (|I|,p)=1, and I small. * Compute subgroups of I by recursive calls * Loop through subgroups Hp of Gp using Birkhoff's algorithm. * If (I is non trivial) * lift Hp to G (mul by exponent of I) * for each subgp of I, lift it to G (mult by exponent of Gp) * consider the group generated by the two subgroups (concat) */ static long *powerlist, *mmu, *lam, *c, *maxc, *a, *maxa, **g, **maxg; static GEN **H, subq, subqpart, hnfgroup; static GEN BINMAT; static long countsub, expoI; static long *available, indexbound, lsubq, lsubqpart; static char *gpch; static entree *ep; static void(*treatsub_fun)(GEN); typedef struct slist { struct slist *next; long *data; } slist; static slist *sublist; void printtyp(long *typ) { long i; for (i=1; i<=typ[0]; i++) fprintferr(" %ld ",typ[i]); fprintferr("\n"); } /* compute conjugate partition of typ */ static long* conjugate(long *typ) { long *t, i, k = typ[0], l, last; if (!k) { t = new_chunk(1); t[0]=0; return t; } l = typ[1]; t = new_chunk(l+2); t[1] = k; last = k; for (i=2; i<=l; i++) { while (typ[last] < i) last--; t[i] = last; } t[i] = 0; t[0] = l; return t; } static void std_fun(GEN x) { ep->value = (void*)x; lisseq(gpch); countsub++; } void addcell(GEN H) { long *pt,i,j, k = 0, n = lg(H)-1; slist *cell = (slist*) gpmalloc(sizeof(slist) + n*(n+1)/2 * sizeof(long)); sublist->next = cell; cell->data = pt = (long*) (cell + 1); for (j=1; j<=n; j++) for(i=1; i<=j; i++) pt[k++] = itos(gcoeff(H,i,j)); sublist = cell; } static void list_fun(GEN x) { addcell(hnf(concatsp(hnfgroup,x))); countsub++; } /* treat subgroup Hp (not in HNF, treatsub_fun should do it if desired) */ static void treatsub(GEN Hp) { long i; if (!subq) treatsub_fun(Hp); else { /* not a p group, add the trivial part */ Hp = gmulsg(expoI,Hp); /* lift Hp to G */ for (i=1; i0 and l>1 */ static void dogroup(void) { long av = avma,av1, e,i,j,k,r,n,t2,ind, t = mmu[0], l = lam[0]; t2 = (l==t)? t-1: t; n = t2 * l - (t2*(t2+1))/2; /* number of gamma_ij */ for (i=1, r=t+1; ; i++) { if (available[i]) c[r++] = i; if (r > l) break; } if (DEBUGLEVEL>2) { fprintferr(" column selection:"); printtyp(c); } /* a/g and maxa/maxg access the same data indexed differently */ for (ind=0,i=1; i<=t; ind+=(l-i),i++) { maxg[i] = maxa + (ind - (i+1)); /* only access maxg[i][i+1..l] */ g[i] = a + (ind - (i+1)); for (r=i+1; r<=l; r++) if (c[r] < c[i]) maxg[i][r] = powerlist[mmu[i]-mmu[r]-1]; else if (lam[c[r]] < mmu[i]) maxg[i][r] = powerlist[lam[c[r]]-mmu[r]]; else maxg[i][r] = powerlist[mmu[i]-mmu[r]]; } av1=avma; a[n-1]=0; for (i=0; i maxa[n-1]) { j=n-2; while (j>=0 && a[j]==maxa[j]) j--; if (j<0) { avma=av; return; } a[j]++; for (k=j+1; k mmu[0]) { dogroup(); return; } if (r!=1 && (mmu[r-1] == mmu[r])) j = c[r-1]+1; else j = 1; for ( ; j<=maxc[r]; j++) if (available[j]) { c[r] = j; available[j] = 0; loop(r+1); available[j] = 1; } } static void dopsubtyp(void) { long av = avma, i,r, l = lam[0], t = mmu[0]; if (!t) { GEN p1 = cgetg(2,t_MAT); p1[1] = (long)zerocol(l); treatsub(p1); avma=av; return; } if (l==1) /* imply t = 1 */ { GEN p1 = gtomat(stoi(powerlist[lam[1]-mmu[1]])); treatsub(p1); avma=av; return; } c = new_chunk(l+1); c[0] = l; maxc = new_chunk(l+1); available = new_chunk(l+1); a = new_chunk(l*(t+1)); maxa=new_chunk(l*(t+1)); g = (long**)new_chunk(t+1); maxg = (long**)new_chunk(t+1); if (DEBUGLEVEL) { fprintferr(" subgroup:"); printtyp(mmu); } for (i=1; i<=t; i++) { for (r=1; r<=l; r++) if (mmu[i] > lam[r]) break; maxc[i] = r-1; } H = (GEN**)cgetg(t+1, t_MAT); for (i=1; i<=t; i++) { H[i] = (GEN*)cgetg(l+1, t_COL); for (r=1; r<=l; r++) H[i][r] = cgeti(3); } for (i=1; i<=l; i++) available[i]=1; for (i=1; i<=t; i++) c[i]=0; /* go through all column selections */ loop(1); avma=av; return; } static long weight(long *typ) { long i,w = 0; for (i=1; i<=typ[0]; i++) w += typ[i]; return w; } static long dopsub(long p, long *gtyp, long *indexsubq) { long w,i,j,k,n, wg = 0, wmin = 0, count = 0; if (DEBUGLEVEL) { fprintferr("\ngroup:"); printtyp(gtyp); } if (indexbound) { wg = weight(gtyp); wmin = (long) (wg - (log((double)indexbound) / log((double)p))); if (cmpis(gpuigs(stoi(p), wg - wmin), indexbound) > 0) wmin++; } lam = gtyp; n = lam[0]; mmu = new_chunk(n+1); mmu[1] = -1; for (i=2; i<=n; i++) mmu[i]=0; for(;;) /* go through all vectors mu_{i+1} <= mu_i <= lam_i */ { mmu[1]++; if (mmu[1] > lam[1]) { for (j=2; j<=n; j++) if (mmu[j] < lam[j] && mmu[j] < mmu[j-1]) break; if (j>n) return count; mmu[j]++; for (k=1; k= wmin) { GEN p1 = gun; if (subq) /* G not a p-group */ { if (indexbound) { long indexH = itos(gpuigs(stoi(p), wg - w)); long bound = indexbound / indexH; subqpart = cgetg(lsubq, t_VEC); lsubqpart = 1; for (i=1; i 3) { fprintferr(" lambda = "); printtyp(lam); fprintferr(" lambda'= "); printtyp(lp); fprintferr(" mu = "); printtyp(mmu); fprintferr(" mu'= "); printtyp(mp); } for (j=1; j<=mp[0]; j++) { p1 = mulii(p1, gpuigs(stoi(p), mp[j+1]*(lp[j]-mp[j]))); p1 = mulii(p1, gcoeff(BINMAT, lp[j]-mp[j+1]+1, mp[j]-mp[j+1]+1)); } fprintferr(" alpha_lambda(mu,p) = %Z\n",p1); } countsub = 0; dopsubtyp(); count += countsub; if (DEBUGLEVEL) { fprintferr(" countsub = %ld\n", countsub); msgtimer("for this type"); if (subq) p1 = mulis(p1,lsubqpart-1); if (cmpis(p1,countsub)) { fprintferr(" alpha = %Z\n",p1); err(bugparier,"forsubgroup (alpha != countsub)"); } } } } } static GEN expand_sub(GEN x, long n) { long i,j, m = lg(x); GEN p = idmat(n-1), q,c; for (i=1; i k) { k = j; imax = i; } listgtyp[i] = (long)gtyp; } gtyp = (GEN)listgtyp[imax]; p = (GEN)primlist[imax]; k = gtyp[1]; powerlist = new_chunk(k+1); powerlist[0] = 1; powerlist[1] = itos(p); for (j=1; j<=k; j++) powerlist[j] = powerlist[1] * powerlist[j-1]; if (DEBUGLEVEL) BINMAT = matqpascal(gtyp[0]+1, p); if (nbprim == 2) subq = NULL; else { /* not a p-group */ GEN cyc2 = dummycopy(cyc); GEN ohnfgroup = hnfgroup; for (i=1; i2) { fprintferr("(lifted) subgp of prime to %Z part:\n",p); outbeaut(subq); } } count = dopsub(powerlist[1],gtyp,indexsubq); if (DEBUGLEVEL) fprintferr("nb subgroup = %ld\n",count); mmu=ommu; lam=olam; c=oc; maxc=omaxc; a=oa; maxa=omaxa; g=og; maxg=omaxg; H=oH; subqpart=osubqpart, countsub=ocountsub; available=oavailable; lsubqpart=olsubqpart; indexbound = oindexbound; expoI = oexpoI; powerlist = opowerlist; subq = osubq; BINMAT = oBINMAT; lsubq = olsubq; avma=av; return count; } static GEN get_snf(GEN x) { GEN cyc; long n; switch(typ(x)) { case t_MAT: if (!isdiagonal(x)) return NULL; cyc = mattodiagonal_i(x); break; case t_VEC: case t_COL: cyc = dummycopy(x); break; default: return NULL; } for (n = lg(cyc)-1; n > 1; n--) /* take care of trailing 1s */ { GEN c = (GEN)cyc[n]; if (typ(c) != t_INT) return NULL; if (!gcmp1(c)) break; } setlg(cyc, n+1); for ( ; n > 0; n--) { GEN c = (GEN)cyc[n]; if (typ(c) != t_INT) return NULL; } return cyc; } void forsubgroup(entree *oep, GEN cyc, long bound, char *och) { entree *saveep = ep; char *savech = gpch; void(*savefun)(GEN) = treatsub_fun; treatsub_fun = std_fun; cyc = get_snf(cyc); if (!cyc) err(typeer,"forsubgroup"); gpch = och; ep = oep; push_val(ep, gzero); (void)subgroup_engine(cyc,bound); pop_val(ep); treatsub_fun = savefun; gpch = savech; ep = saveep; } GEN subgrouplist(GEN cyc, long bound) { void(*savefun)(GEN) = treatsub_fun; slist *olist = sublist, *list; long ii,i,j,k,nbsub,n, N = lg(cyc)-1, av = avma; GEN z,H; GEN ohnfgroup = hnfgroup; sublist = list = (slist*) gpmalloc(sizeof(slist)); treatsub_fun = list_fun; cyc = get_snf(cyc); if (!cyc) err(typeer,"subgrouplist"); n = lg(cyc)-1; hnfgroup = diagonal(cyc); nbsub = subgroup_engine(cyc,bound); hnfgroup = ohnfgroup; avma = av; z = cgetg(nbsub+1,t_VEC); sublist = list; for (ii=1; ii<=nbsub; ii++) { list = sublist; sublist = list->next; free(list); H = cgetg(N+1,t_MAT); z[ii]=(long)H; k=0; for (j=1; j<=n; j++) { H[j] = lgetg(N+1, t_COL); for (i=1; i<=j; i++) coeff(H,i,j) = lstoi(sublist->data[k++]); for ( ; i<=N; i++) coeff(H,i,j) = zero; } for ( ; j<=N; j++) { H[j] = lgetg(N+1, t_COL); for (i=1; i<=N; i++) coeff(H,i,j) = (i==j)? un: zero; } } free(sublist); sublist = olist; treatsub_fun = savefun; return z; }