/* $Id: gp.c,v 1.83 2001/09/29 18:32:02 karim Exp $ Copyright (C) 2000 The PARI group. This file is part of the PARI/GP package. PARI/GP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. Check the License for details. You should have received a copy of it, along with the package; see the file 'COPYING'. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /*******************************************************************/ /** **/ /** PARI CALCULATOR **/ /** **/ /*******************************************************************/ #include "pari.h" #ifdef _WIN32 # include # ifndef WINCE # include # endif #endif #ifdef HAS_STRFTIME # include #endif #include "../language/anal.h" #include "gp.h" #ifdef READLINE extern void init_readline(); long use_readline = 1; int readline_init = 1; BEGINEXTERN # if defined(__cplusplus) && defined(__SUNPRO_CC) /* readline.h gives a bad definition of readline() */ extern char*readline(char*); # else # ifdef READLINE_LIBRARY # include # else # include # endif # endif extern int isatty(int); extern void add_history(char*); ENDEXTERN #endif char* _analyseur(void); void _set_analyseur(char *s); void err_recover(long numerr); void free_graph(void); void gp_expand_path(char *v); int gp_init_entrees(module *modlist, entree **hash, int force); long gptimer(void); void init80(long n); void init_defaults(int force); void initout(int initerr); void init_graph(void); void init_lim_lines(char *s, long max); extern void install0(char *name, char *code, char *gpname, char *lib); void pari_sig_init(void (*f)(int)); int whatnow(char *s, int flag); #if 0 /* to debug TeXmacs interface */ #define DATA_BEGIN ((char) 'B') #define DATA_END ((char) 'E') #else #define DATA_BEGIN ((char) 2) #define DATA_END ((char) 5) #endif #define DATA_ESCAPE ((char) 27) #define MAX_PROMPT_LEN 128 #define DFT_PROMPT "? " #define COMMENTPROMPT "comment> " #define DFT_INPROMPT "" static GEN *hist; static char *help_prg,*path; static char prompt[MAX_PROMPT_LEN]; static char thestring[256]; static char *prettyprinter; static char *prettyprinter_dft = "tex2mail -TeX -noindent -ragged -by_par"; static pariFILE *prettyprinter_file; static long prettyp, test_mode, quiet_mode, gpsilent, simplifyflag; static long chrono, pariecho, primelimit, parisize, strictmatch; static long tglobal, histsize, paribufsize, lim_lines; static int tm_is_waiting = 0, handle_C_C = 0; static gp_format fmt; typedef struct Buffer { char *buf; long len; jmp_buf env; int flenv; } Buffer; #define current_buffer (bufstack?((Buffer*)(bufstack->value)):NULL) static stack *bufstack = NULL; #define LBRACE '{' #define RBRACE '}' #define pariputs_opt(s) if (!quiet_mode) pariputs(s) #define skip_space(s) while (isspace((int)*s)) s++ #define skip_alpha(s) while (isalpha((int)*s)) s++ #define ask_filtre(t) filtre("",NULL,t) static void usage(char *s) { printf("### Usage: %s [options]\n", s); printf("Options are:\n"); printf("\t[-b buffersize]\tDeprecated\n"); printf("\t[-emacs]\tRun as if in Emacs shell\n"); printf("\t[-f]\t\tFaststart: do not read .gprc\n"); printf("\t[--help]\tPrint this message\n"); printf("\t[-q]\t\tQuiet mode: do not print banner and history numbers\n"); printf("\t[-p primelimit]\tPrecalculate primes up to the limit\n"); printf("\t[-s stacksize]\tStart with the PARI stack of given size (in bytes)\n"); printf("\t[-test]\t\tTest mode. As -q, plus wrap long lines\n"); printf("\t[--version]\tOutput version info and exit\n\n"); exit(0); } /* must be called BEFORE pari_init() */ static void gp_preinit(int force) { static char *dflt; char *help; long i; if (force) { #if !defined(macintosh) || defined(__MWERKS__) primelimit = 500000; parisize = 1000000*sizeof(long); dflt = DFT_PROMPT; #else primelimit = 200000; parisize = 1000000; dflt = "?\n"; #endif } strcpy(prompt, dflt); #if defined(UNIX) || defined(__EMX__) # if defined(__EMX__) || defined(__CYGWIN32__) path = pari_strdup(".;C:;C:/gp"); # else path = pari_strdup(".:~:~/gp"); # endif help = getenv("GPHELP"); # ifdef GPHELP if (!help) help = GPHELP; # endif #else path = pari_strdup("."); help = NULL; #endif help_prg = help? pari_strdup(help): NULL; prettyp = f_PRETTYMAT; strictmatch = simplifyflag = 1; tglobal = 0; bufstack = NULL; secure = test_mode = under_emacs = under_texmacs = chrono = pariecho = 0; prettyprinter = prettyprinter_dft; prettyprinter_file = NULL; fmt.format = 'g'; fmt.field = 0; #ifdef LONG_IS_64BIT fmt.nb = 38; #else fmt.nb = 28; #endif lim_lines = 0; histsize = 5000; paribufsize = 1024; i = histsize*sizeof(GEN); hist = (GEN *) gpmalloc(i); memset(hist,0,i); for (i=0; i= buf+2 && s[-2] != '\\')) outer = !outer; break; case '\0': return buf; case ';': if (outer) { s[-1]=0; return buf; } break; case ':': if (outer && colon) { s[-1]=0; return buf; } break; } if (s == lim) err(talker,"buffer overflow in get_sep"); } } static char* get_sep(char *t) { return get_sep0(t,1); } static char* get_sep_colon_ok(char *t) { return get_sep0(t,0); } /* as above, t must be writeable, return 1 if we modified t */ static int get_sep2(char *t) { int outer=1; char *s = t; for(;;) { switch (*s++) { case '"': if (outer || s[-2] != '\\') outer = !outer; break; case '\0': return 0; default: if (outer && separe(*s)) { *s=0; return 1; } } } } static long get_int(char *s, long dflt) { char *p=get_sep(s); long n=atol(p); if (*p == '-') p++; while(isdigit((int)*p)) { p++; dflt=n; } switch(*p) { case 'k': case 'K': dflt *= 1000; p++; break; case 'm': case 'M': dflt *= 1000000; p++; break; } if (*p) err(talker2,"I was expecting an integer here", s, s); return dflt; } /* tell TeXmacs GP will start outputing data */ static void tm_start_output() { if (!tm_is_waiting) { printf("%cverbatim:",DATA_BEGIN); fflush(stdout); } tm_is_waiting = 1; } /* tell TeXmacs GP is done and is waiting for new data */ static void tm_end_output() { if (tm_is_waiting) { printf("%c", DATA_END); fflush(stdout); } tm_is_waiting = 0; } static void gp_output(GEN x) { long tx=typ(x); if (fmt.nb >= 0 && is_intreal_t(tx)) ecrire(x, fmt.format, fmt.nb, fmt.field); else switch(prettyp) { case f_PRETTYMAT: matbrute(x, fmt.format, fmt.nb); break; case f_PRETTY: case f_PRETTYOLD: sor(x, fmt.format, fmt.nb, fmt.field); break; case f_RAW : brute(x, fmt.format, fmt.nb); break; case f_TEX : texe(x, fmt.format, fmt.nb); break; } } /* print a sequence of (NULL terminated) GEN */ void print0(GEN *g, long flag) { int old=prettyp; if (flag < NBFORMATS) added_newline=1; else { flag -= NBFORMATS; added_newline=0; } prettyp=flag; for( ; *g; g++) if (typ(*g)==t_STR) pariputs(GSTR(*g)); /* otherwise it's surrounded by "" */ else gp_output(*g); if (added_newline) pariputc('\n'); prettyp=old; pariflush(); } /* write a sequence of (NULL terminated) GEN, to file s */ void write0(char *s, GEN *g, long flag) { int i = added_newline; s = expand_tilde(s); if (secure) { fprintferr("[secure mode]: about to write to '%s'. OK ? (^C if not)\n",s); hit_return(); } switchout(s); free(s); print0(g,flag); added_newline = i; switchout(NULL); } void gpwritebin(char *s, GEN x) { s = expand_tilde(s); if (secure) { fprintferr("[secure mode]: about to write to '%s'. OK ? (^C if not)\n",s); hit_return(); } writebin(s,x); free(s); } Buffer * new_buffer() { Buffer *b = (Buffer*) gpmalloc(sizeof(Buffer)); b->len = paribufsize; b->buf = gpmalloc(b->len); b->flenv = 0; return b; } void del_buffer(Buffer *b) { if (!b) return; free(b->buf); free((void*)b); } static void pop_buffer() { Buffer *b = (Buffer*) pop_stack(&bufstack); del_buffer(b); } /* kill all buffers until B is met or nothing is left */ static void kill_all_buffers(Buffer *B) { for(;;) { Buffer *b = current_buffer; if (b == B || !b) break; pop_buffer(); } } static void jump_to_buffer() { Buffer *b; while ( (b = current_buffer) ) { if (b->flenv) break; pop_buffer(); } if (!b) longjmp(environnement, 0); longjmp(b->env, 0); } static void jump_to_given_buffer(Buffer *buf) { Buffer *b; while ( (b = current_buffer) ) { if (b == buf) break; pop_buffer(); } if (!b->env) { b = NULL; err(warner,"no environmnent tied to buffer"); } if (!b) longjmp(environnement, 0); longjmp(b->env, 0); } /********************************************************************/ /* */ /* DEFAULTS */ /* */ /********************************************************************/ static void do_strftime(char *s, char *buf) { #ifdef HAS_STRFTIME time_t t = time(NULL); strftime(buf,MAX_PROMPT_LEN-1,s,localtime(&t)); #else strcpy(buf,s); #endif } static GEN sd_numeric(char *v, int flag, char *s, long *ptn, long Min, long Max, char **msg) { long n; if (*v == 0) n = *ptn; else { n = get_int(v,0); if (*ptn == n) return gnil; if (n > Max || n < Min) { sprintf(thestring, "default: incorrect value for %s [%ld-%ld]", s, Min, Max); err(talker2, thestring, v,v); } *ptn = n; } switch(flag) { case d_RETURN: return stoi(n); case d_ACKNOWLEDGE: if (msg) { if (!*msg) msg++; /* single msg, always printed */ else msg += n; /* one per possible value */ pariputsf(" %s = %ld %s\n", s, n, *msg); } else if (Max != 1 || Min != 0) pariputsf(" %s = %ld\n", s, n); else /* toggle */ { if (n==1) pariputsf(" %s = 1 (on)\n", s); else pariputsf(" %s = 0 (off)\n", s); } /* fall through */ default: return gnil; } } #define PRECDIGIT (long)((prec-2.)*pariK) static GEN sd_realprecision(char *v, int flag) { if (*v) { long newnb = get_int(v, fmt.nb); long newprec = (long) (newnb*pariK1 + 3); if (fmt.nb == newnb && prec == newprec) return gnil; if (newnb < 0) err(talker,"default: negative real precision"); fmt.nb = newnb; prec = newprec; } if (flag == d_RETURN) return stoi(fmt.nb); if (flag == d_ACKNOWLEDGE) { long n = PRECDIGIT; pariputsf(" realprecision = %ld significant digits", n); if (n != fmt.nb) pariputsf(" (%ld digits displayed)", fmt.nb); pariputc('\n'); } return gnil; } #undef PRECDIGIT static GEN sd_seriesprecision(char *v, int flag) { char *msg[] = {NULL, "significant terms"}; return sd_numeric(v,flag,"seriesprecision",&precdl, 0,LGBITS,msg); } static GEN sd_format(char *v, int flag) { if (*v) { char c = *v; if (c!='e' && c!='f' && c!='g') err(talker2,"default: inexistent format",v,v); fmt.format = c; v++; if (isdigit((int)*v)) { fmt.field=atol(v); while (isdigit((int)*v)) v++; } if (*v++ == '.') { if (*v == '-') fmt.nb = -1; else if (isdigit((int)*v)) fmt.nb=atol(v); } } if (flag == d_RETURN) { sprintf(thestring, "%c%ld.%ld", fmt.format, fmt.field, fmt.nb); return strtoGENstr(thestring,0); } if (flag == d_ACKNOWLEDGE) pariputsf(" format = %c%ld.%ld\n", fmt.format, fmt.field, fmt.nb); return gnil; } static long gp_get_color(char **st) { char *s, *v = *st; int c, trans; if (isdigit((int)*v)) { c = atol(v); trans = 1; } /* color on transparent background */ else { if (*v == '[') { char *a[3]; int i = 0; for (a[0] = s = ++v; *s && *s != ']'; s++) if (*s == ',') { *s = 0; a[++i] = s+1; } if (*s != ']') err(talker2,"expected character: ']'",s, *st); *s = 0; for (i++; i<3; i++) a[i] = ""; /* properties | color | background */ c = (atoi(a[2])<<8) | atoi(a[0]) | (atoi(a[1])<<4); trans = (*(a[1]) == 0); v = s + 1; } else { c = c_NONE; trans = 0; } } if (trans) c = c | (1<<12); while (*v && *v++ != ',') /* empty */; if (c != c_NONE) disable_color=0; *st = v; return c; } static GEN sd_colors(char *v, int flag) { long c,l; if (*v && !under_emacs && !under_texmacs) { disable_color=1; l = strlen(v); if (l <= 2 && strncmp(v, "no", l) == 0) v = ""; if (l <= 6 && strncmp(v, "darkbg", l) == 0) v = "1, 5, 3, 7, 6, 2, 3"; /* Assume recent ReadLine. */ if (l <= 7 && strncmp(v, "lightbg", l) == 0) v = "1, 6, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3"; /* Assume recent ReadLine. */ if (l <= 6 && strncmp(v, "boldfg", l) == 0) /* Good for darkbg consoles */ v = "[1,,1], [5,,1], [3,,1], [7,,1], [6,,1], [2,,1], [3,,1]"; v = filtre(v,NULL, f_INIT|f_REG); for (c=c_ERR; c < c_LAST; c++) gp_colors[c] = gp_get_color(&v); } if (flag == d_ACKNOWLEDGE || flag == d_RETURN) { char *s = thestring; int col[3], n; for (*s=0,c=c_ERR; c < c_LAST; c++) { n = gp_colors[c]; if (n == c_NONE) sprintf(s,"no"); else { decode_color(n,col); if (n & (1<<12)) { if (col[0]) sprintf(s,"[%d,,%d]",col[1],col[0]); else sprintf(s,"%d",col[1]); } else sprintf(s,"[%d,%d,%d]",col[1],col[2],col[0]); } s += strlen(s); if (c < c_LAST - 1) { *s++=','; *s++=' '; } } if (flag==d_RETURN) return strtoGENstr(thestring,0); pariputsf(" colors = \"%s\"\n",thestring); } return gnil; } static GEN sd_compatible(char *v, int flag) { char *msg[] = { "(no backward compatibility)", "(warn when using obsolete functions)", "(use old functions, don't ignore case)", "(use old functions, ignore case)", NULL }; long old = compatible; GEN r = sd_numeric(v,flag,"compatible",&compatible, 0,3,msg); if (old != compatible && flag != d_INITRC) { int res = gp_init_entrees(new_fun_set? pari_modules: pari_oldmodules, functions_hash, 0); if (res) err(warner,"user functions re-initialized"); } return r; } static GEN sd_secure(char *v, int flag) { if (*v && secure) { fprintferr("[secure mode]: Do you want to modify the 'secure' flag? (^C if not)\n"); hit_return(); } return sd_numeric(v,flag,"secure",&secure, 0,1,NULL); } static GEN sd_buffersize(char *v, int flag) { return sd_numeric(v,flag,"buffersize",&paribufsize, 1, (VERYBIGINT / sizeof(long)) - 1,NULL); } static GEN sd_debug(char *v, int flag) { return sd_numeric(v,flag,"debug",&DEBUGLEVEL, 0,20,NULL); } static GEN sd_rl(char *v, int flag) { #ifdef READLINE # if 0 /* Works - even when init_readline() was called */ if (readline_init && *v == '0') err(talker, "Too late to switch off readline mode"); # endif if (!readline_init && *v && *v != '0') { init_readline(); readline_init = 1; } return sd_numeric(v,flag,"readline",&use_readline, 0,20,NULL); #else /* !( defined READLINE ) */ long dummy; return sd_numeric(v,flag,"readline",&dummy, 0,20,NULL); #endif } static GEN sd_debugfiles(char *v, int flag) { return sd_numeric(v,flag,"debugfiles",&DEBUGFILES, 0,20,NULL); } static GEN sd_debugmem(char *v, int flag) { return sd_numeric(v,flag,"debugmem",&DEBUGMEM, 0,20,NULL); } static GEN sd_echo(char *v, int flag) { return sd_numeric(v,flag,"echo",&pariecho, 0,1,NULL); } static GEN sd_lines(char *v, int flag) { return sd_numeric(v,flag,"lines",&lim_lines, 0,VERYBIGINT,NULL); } static GEN sd_histsize(char *v, int flag) { long n = histsize; GEN r = sd_numeric(v,flag,"histsize",&n, 1, (VERYBIGINT / sizeof(long)) - 1,NULL); if (n != histsize) { long i = n*sizeof(GEN); GEN *gg = (GEN *) gpmalloc(i); memset(gg,0,i); if (tglobal) { long k = (tglobal-1) % n; long kmin = k - min(n,histsize), j = k; i = (tglobal-1) % histsize; while (k > kmin) { gg[j] = hist[i]; hist[i] = NULL; if (!i) i = histsize; if (!j) j = n; i--; j--; k--; } while (hist[i]) { gunclone(hist[i]); if (!i) i = histsize; i--; } } free((void*)hist); hist=gg; histsize=n; } return r; } static GEN sd_log(char *v, int flag) { long vlog = logfile? 1: 0, old = vlog; GEN r = sd_numeric(v,flag,"log",&vlog, 0,1,NULL); if (vlog != old) { if (vlog) { logfile = fopen(current_logfile, "a"); if (!logfile) err(openfiler,"logfile",current_logfile); #ifndef WINCE setbuf(logfile,(char *)NULL); #endif } else { if (flag == d_ACKNOWLEDGE) pariputsf(" [logfile was \"%s\"]\n", current_logfile); fclose(logfile); logfile=NULL; } } return r; } static GEN sd_output(char *v, int flag) { char *msg[] = {"(raw)", "(prettymatrix)", "(prettyprint)", "(external prettyprint)", NULL}; return sd_numeric(v,flag,"output",&prettyp, 0,3,msg); } extern void err_clean(); void allocatemem0(unsigned long newsize) { parisize = allocatemoremem(newsize); err_clean(); jump_to_buffer(); } static GEN sd_parisize(char *v, int flag) { long n = parisize; GEN r = sd_numeric(v,flag,"parisize",&n, 10000,VERYBIGINT,NULL); if (n != parisize) { if (flag != d_INITRC) allocatemem0(n); parisize = n; } return r; } static GEN sd_primelimit(char *v, int flag) { long n = primelimit; GEN r = sd_numeric(v,flag,"primelimit",&n, 0,VERYBIGINT,NULL); if (n != primelimit) { if (flag != d_INITRC) { byteptr ptr = initprimes(n); free(diffptr); diffptr = ptr; } primelimit = n; } return r; } static GEN sd_simplify(char *v, int flag) { return sd_numeric(v,flag,"simplify",&simplifyflag, 0,1,NULL); } static GEN sd_strictmatch(char *v, int flag) { return sd_numeric(v,flag,"strictmatch",&strictmatch, 0,1,NULL); } static GEN sd_timer(char *v, int flag) { return sd_numeric(v,flag,"timer",&chrono, 0,1,NULL); } static GEN sd_filename(char *v, int flag, char *s, char **f) { if (*v) { char *old = *f; v = expand_tilde(v); do_strftime(v,thestring); free(v); *f = pari_strdup(thestring); free(old); } if (flag == d_RETURN) return strtoGENstr(*f,0); if (flag == d_ACKNOWLEDGE) pariputsf(" %s = \"%s\"\n",s,*f); return gnil; } static GEN sd_logfile(char *v, int flag) { GEN r = sd_filename(v, flag, "logfile", ¤t_logfile); if (*v && logfile) { fclose(logfile); logfile = fopen(current_logfile, "a"); if (!logfile) err(openfiler,"logfile",current_logfile); #ifndef WINCE setbuf(logfile,(char *)NULL); #endif } return r; } static GEN sd_psfile(char *v, int flag) { return sd_filename(v, flag, "psfile", ¤t_psfile); } static void err_secure(char *d, char *v) { err(talker,"[secure mode]: can't modify '%s' default (to %s)",d,v); } static GEN sd_help(char *v, int flag) { char *str; if (*v) { if (secure) err_secure("help",v); if (help_prg) free(help_prg); help_prg = expand_tilde(v); } str = help_prg? help_prg: "none"; if (flag == d_RETURN) return strtoGENstr(str,0); if (flag == d_ACKNOWLEDGE) pariputsf(" help = \"%s\"\n", str); return gnil; } static GEN sd_path(char *v, int flag) { if (*v) { char *old = path; path = pari_strdup(v); free(old); if (flag == d_INITRC) return gnil; gp_expand_path(path); } if (flag == d_RETURN) return strtoGENstr(path,0); if (flag == d_ACKNOWLEDGE) pariputsf(" path = \"%s\"\n",path); return gnil; } static GEN sd_prettyprinter(char *v, int flag) { if (*v && !under_texmacs) { char *old = prettyprinter; int cancel = (!strcmp(v,"no")); if (secure) err_secure("prettyprinter",v); if (!strcmp(v,"yes")) v = prettyprinter_dft; if (old && strcmp(old,v) && prettyprinter_file) { pariFILE *f; if (cancel) f = NULL; else { f = try_pipe(v, mf_OUT | mf_TEST); if (!f) { err(warner,"broken prettyprinter: '%s'",v); return gnil; } } pari_fclose(prettyprinter_file); prettyprinter_file = f; } prettyprinter = cancel? NULL: pari_strdup(v); if (old && old != prettyprinter_dft) free(old); if (flag == d_INITRC) return gnil; } if (flag == d_RETURN) return strtoGEN(prettyprinter? prettyprinter: ""); if (flag == d_ACKNOWLEDGE) pariputsf(" prettyprinter = \"%s\"\n",prettyprinter? prettyprinter: ""); return gnil; } static GEN sd_prompt(char *v, int flag) { if (*v) { strncpy(prompt,v,MAX_PROMPT_LEN); #ifdef macintosh strcat(prompt,"\n"); #endif } if (flag == d_RETURN) return strtoGENstr(prompt,0); if (flag == d_ACKNOWLEDGE) pariputsf(" prompt = \"%s\"\n",prompt); return gnil; } default_type gp_default_list[] = { {"buffersize",(void*)sd_buffersize}, {"colors",(void*)sd_colors}, {"compatible",(void*)sd_compatible}, {"debug",(void*)sd_debug}, {"debugfiles",(void*)sd_debugfiles}, {"debugmem",(void*)sd_debugmem}, {"echo",(void*)sd_echo}, {"format",(void*)sd_format}, {"help",(void*)sd_help}, {"histsize",(void*)sd_histsize}, {"lines",(void*)sd_lines}, {"log",(void*)sd_log}, {"logfile",(void*)sd_logfile}, {"output",(void*)sd_output}, {"parisize",(void*)sd_parisize}, {"path",(void*)sd_path}, {"primelimit",(void*)sd_primelimit}, {"prettyprinter",(void*)sd_prettyprinter}, {"prompt",(void*)sd_prompt}, {"psfile",(void*)sd_psfile}, {"realprecision",(void*)sd_realprecision}, {"readline",(void*)sd_rl}, {"secure",(void*)sd_secure}, {"seriesprecision",(void*)sd_seriesprecision}, {"simplify",(void*)sd_simplify}, {"strictmatch",(void*)sd_strictmatch}, {"timer",(void *)sd_timer}, {NULL,NULL} /* sentinel */ }; static void help_default() { default_type *dft; for (dft=gp_default_list; dft->fun; dft++) ((void (*)(ANYARG)) dft->fun)("", d_ACKNOWLEDGE); } static GEN setdefault(char *s,char *v, int flag) { default_type *dft; if (!*s) { help_default(); return gnil; } for (dft=gp_default_list; dft->fun; dft++) if (!strcmp(s,dft->name)) { if (flag == d_EXISTS) return gun; return ((GEN (*)(ANYARG)) dft->fun)(v,flag); } if (flag == d_EXISTS) return gzero; err(talker,"unknown default: %s",s); return NULL; /* not reached */ } /********************************************************************/ /** **/ /** HELP **/ /** **/ /********************************************************************/ static int has_ext_help() { if (help_prg) { char *buf = pari_strdup(help_prg), *s = buf; FILE *file; while (*s && *s != ' ') s++; *s = 0; file = fopen(buf,"r"); if (file) { fclose(file); return 1; } free(buf); } return 0; } static int compare_str(char **s1, char **s2) { return strcmp(*s1, *s2); } /* Print all elements of list in columns, pausing every nbli lines * if nbli is non-zero. * list is a NULL terminated list of function names */ void print_fun_list(char **list, int nbli) { long i=0, j=0, maxlen=0, nbcol,len, w = term_width(); char **l; while (list[i]) i++; qsort (list, i, sizeof(char *), (QSCOMP)compare_str); for (l=list; *l; l++) { len = strlen(*l); if (len > maxlen) maxlen=len; } maxlen++; nbcol= w / maxlen; if (nbcol * maxlen == w) nbcol--; if (!nbcol) nbcol = 1; pariputc('\n'); i=0; for (l=list; *l; l++) { pariputs(*l); i++; if (i >= nbcol) { i=0; pariputc('\n'); if (nbli && j++ > nbli) { j = 0; hit_return(); } continue; } len = maxlen - strlen(*l); while (len--) pariputc(' '); } if (i) pariputc('\n'); } #define LIST_LEN 1023 static void commands(int n) { int hashpos, s = 0, olds = LIST_LEN; entree *ep; char **list = (char **) gpmalloc((olds+1)*sizeof(char *)); for (hashpos = 0; hashpos < functions_tblsz; hashpos++) for (ep = functions_hash[hashpos]; ep; ep = ep->next) if ((n<0 && ep->menu) || ep->menu == n) { list[s++] = ep->name; if (s >= olds) { int news = olds + (LIST_LEN + 1)*sizeof(char *); list = (char**) gprealloc(list,news,olds); olds = news; } } list[s]=NULL; print_fun_list(list,term_height()-4); free(list); } static void print_def_arg(GEN x) { if (x == gzero) return; pariputc('='); if (typ(x)==t_STR) pariputs(GSTR(x)); /* otherwise it's surrounded by "" */ else bruteall(x,'g',-1,1); } static void print_user_fun(entree *ep) { gp_args *f= (gp_args*)ep->args; GEN q = (GEN)ep->value, *arg = f->arg; int i, narg; q++; /* skip initial NULL */ pariputs(ep->name); pariputc('('); narg = f->narg; for (i=1; i<=narg; i++, arg++) { entree *ep = varentries[*q++]; pariputs(ep? ep->name:"#"); print_def_arg(*arg); if (i == narg) { arg++; break; } pariputs(", "); } pariputs(") = "); narg = f->nloc; if (narg) { pariputs("local("); for (i=1; i<=narg; i++, arg++) { entree *ep = varentries[*q++]; pariputs(ep? ep->name:"#"); print_def_arg(*arg); if (i == narg) break; pariputs(", "); } pariputs("); "); } pariputs((char*)q); } static void print_user_member(entree *ep) { GEN q = (GEN)ep->value; entree *ep2; q++; /* skip initial NULL */ ep2 = varentries[*q++]; pariputs(ep2? ep2->name:"#"); pariputsf(".%s = ", ep->name); pariputs((char*)q); } static void user_fun() { entree *ep; int hash; for (hash = 0; hash < functions_tblsz; hash++) for (ep = functions_hash[hash]; ep; ep = ep->next) if (EpVALENCE(ep) == EpUSER) { pariputc(LBRACE); print_user_fun(ep); pariputc(RBRACE); pariputs("\n\n"); } } static void user_member() { entree *ep; int hash; for (hash = 0; hash < functions_tblsz; hash++) for (ep = members_hash[hash]; ep; ep = ep->next) if (EpVALENCE(ep) == EpMEMBER) { pariputc(LBRACE); print_user_member(ep); pariputc(RBRACE); pariputs("\n\n"); } } static void center(char *s) { long i, pad = term_width() - strlen(s); char *u = thestring; if (pad<0) pad=0; else pad >>= 1; for (i=0; i-subscribe@list.cr.yp.to. You \ can only send messages to the lists you have subscribed to! An archive is kept \ at the WWW site mentioned above. You can also reach the authors directly by \ email: pari@math.u-bordeaux.fr (answer not guaranteed)."); } static void gentypes(void) { pariputs("List of the PARI types:\n\ t_INT : long integers [ cod1 ] [ cod2 ] [ man_1 ] ... [ man_k ]\n\ t_REAL : long real numbers [ cod1 ] [ cod2 ] [ man_1 ] ... [ man_k ]\n\ t_INTMOD : integermods [ code ] [ mod ] [ integer ]\n\ t_FRAC : irred. rationals [ code ] [ num. ] [ den. ]\n\ t_FRACN : rational numbers [ code ] [ num. ] [ den. ]\n\ t_COMPLEX: complex numbers [ code ] [ real ] [ imag ]\n\ t_PADIC : p-adic numbers [ cod1 ] [ cod2 ] [ p ] [ p^r ] [ int ]\n\ t_QUAD : quadratic numbers [ cod1 ] [ mod ] [ real ] [ imag ]\n\ t_POLMOD : poly mod [ code ] [ mod ] [ polynomial ]\n\ -------------------------------------------------------------\n\ t_POL : polynomials [ cod1 ] [ cod2 ] [ man_1 ] ... [ man_k ]\n\ t_SER : power series [ cod1 ] [ cod2 ] [ man_1 ] ... [ man_k ]\n\ t_RFRAC : irred. rat. func. [ code ] [ num. ] [ den. ]\n\ t_RFRACN : rational function [ code ] [ num. ] [ den. ]\n\ t_QFR : real qfb [ code ] [ a ] [ b ] [ c ] [ del ]\n\ t_QFI : imaginary qfb [ code ] [ a ] [ b ] [ c ]\n\ t_VEC : row vector [ code ] [ x_1 ] ... [ x_k ]\n\ t_COL : column vector [ code ] [ x_1 ] ... [ x_k ]\n\ t_MAT : matrix [ code ] [ col_1 ] ... [ col_k ]\n\ t_LIST : list [ code ] [ cod2 ] [ x_1 ] ... [ x_k ]\n\ t_STR : string [ code ] [ man_1 ] ... [ man_k ]\n\ \n"); } static void menu_commands(void) { pariputs("Help topics:\n\ 0: list of user-defined identifiers (variable, alias, function)\n\ 1: Standard monadic or dyadic OPERATORS\n\ 2: CONVERSIONS and similar elementary functions\n\ 3: TRANSCENDENTAL functions\n\ 4: NUMBER THEORETICAL functions\n\ 5: Functions related to ELLIPTIC CURVES\n\ 6: Functions related to general NUMBER FIELDS\n\ 7: POLYNOMIALS and power series\n\ 8: Vectors, matrices, LINEAR ALGEBRA and sets\n\ 9: SUMS, products, integrals and similar functions\n\ 10: GRAPHIC functions\n\ 11: PROGRAMMING under GP\n\ 12: The PARI community\n\ \n\ Further help (list of relevant functions): ?n (1<=n<=11).\n\ Also:\n\ ? functionname (short on-line help)\n\ ?\\ (keyboard shortcuts)\n\ ?. (member functions)\n"); if (has_ext_help()) pariputs("\ Extended help looks available:\n\ ?? (opens the full user's manual in a dvi previewer)\n\ ?? tutorial (same with the GP tutorial)\n\ ?? refcard (same with the GP reference card)\n\ \n\ ?? keyword (long help text about \"keyword\" from the user's manual)\n\ ??? keyword (a propos: list of related functions)."); } static void slash_commands(void) { pariputs("# : enable/disable timer\n\ ## : print time for last result\n\ \\\\ : comment up to end of line\n\ \\a {n} : print result in raw format (readable by PARI)\n\ \\b {n} : print result in beautified format\n\ \\c : list all commands (same effect as ?*)\n\ \\d : print all defaults\n\ \\e {n} : enable/disable echo (set echo=n)\n\ \\g {n} : set debugging level\n\ \\gf{n} : set file debugging level\n\ \\gm{n} : set memory debugging level\n\ \\h {m-n}: hashtable information\n\ \\l {f} : enable/disable logfile (set logfile=f)\n\ \\m {n} : print result in prettymatrix format\n\ \\o {n} : change output method (0=raw, 1=prettymatrix, 2=prettyprint)\n\ \\p {n} : change real precision\n\ \\ps{n} : change series precision\n\ \\q : quit completely this GP session\n\ \\r {f} : read in a file\n\ \\s {n} : print stack information\n\ \\t : print the list of PARI types\n\ \\u : print the list of user-defined functions\n\ \\um : print the list of user-defined member functions\n\ \\v : print current version of GP\n\ \\w {nf} : write to a file\n\ \\x {n} : print complete inner structure of result\n\ \\y {n} : disable/enable automatic simplification (set simplify=n)\n\ \n\ {f}=optional filename. {n}=optional integer\n"); } static void member_commands(void) { pariputs("Member functions, followed by relevant objects\n\n\ a1-a6, b2-b8, c4-c6 : coeff. of the curve. ell\n\ area : area ell\n\ bnf : big number field bnf, bnr\n\ clgp : class group bnf, bnr\n\ cyc : cyclic decomposition (SNF) clgp bnf, bnr\n\ diff, codiff: different and codifferent nf, bnf, bnr\n\ disc : discriminant ell, nf, bnf, bnr\n\ e, f : inertia/residues degree prid\n\ fu : fundamental units bnf, bnr\n\ futu : [u,w] where u=unit group, w=torsion bnf, bnr\n\ gen : generators prid, clgp bnf, bnr\n\ j : j-invariant ell\n\ mod : modulus\n\ nf : number field bnf, bnr\n\ no : number of elements clgp bnf, bnr\n\ omega, eta: [omega1,omega2] and [eta1, eta2] ell\n\ p : rational prime contained in prid prid\n\ pol : defining polynomial nf, bnf, bnr\n\ reg : regulator bnf, bnr\n\ roots: roots ell nf, bnf, bnr\n\ sign : signature nf, bnf, bnr\n\ t2 : t2 matrix nf, bnf, bnr\n\ tate : Tate's [u^2,u,q] ell\n\ tu : torsion unit and its order bnf, bnr\n\ tufu : [w,u] where u=unit group, w=torsion bnf, bnr\n\ w : Mestre's w ell\n\ zk : integral basis nf, bnf, bnr\n\ zkst : structure of (Z_K/m)^* (valid for idealstar also) bnr\n"); } #define QUOTE "_QUOTE" #define DOUBQUOTE "_DOUBQUOTE" #define BACKQUOTE "_BACKQUOTE" static char * _cat(char *s, char *t) { *s = 0; strcat(s,t); return s + strlen(t); } static char * filter_quotes(char *s) { int i, l = strlen(s); int quote = 0; int backquote = 0; int doubquote = 0; char *str, *t; for (i=0; i < l; i++) switch(s[i]) { case '\'': quote++; break; case '`' : backquote++; break; case '"' : doubquote++; } str = (char*)gpmalloc(l + quote * (strlen(QUOTE)-1) + doubquote * (strlen(DOUBQUOTE)-1) + backquote * (strlen(BACKQUOTE)-1) + 1); t = str; for (i=0; i < l; i++) switch(s[i]) { case '\'': t = _cat(t, QUOTE); break; case '`' : t = _cat(t, BACKQUOTE); break; case '"' : t = _cat(t, DOUBQUOTE); break; default: *t++ = s[i]; } *t = 0; return str; } #define MAX_LINE_LEN 255 static void external_help(char *s, int num) { long nbli = term_height()-3, li = 0; char buf[MAX_LINE_LEN+1], *str, *opt = "", *ar = ""; pariFILE *z; FILE *f; if (!help_prg) err(talker,"no external help program"); s = filter_quotes(s); str = gpmalloc(strlen(help_prg) + strlen(s) + 64); if (num < 0) opt = "-k"; else if (s[strlen(s)-1] != '@') { ar = thestring; sprintf(ar,"@%d",num); } sprintf(str,"%s -fromgp %s %c%s%s%c",help_prg,opt, SHELL_Q,s,ar,SHELL_Q); z = try_pipe(str,0); f = z->file; free(str); free(s); while (fgets(buf,MAX_LINE_LEN,f)) { if (!strncmp("ugly_kludge_done",buf,16)) break; buf[MAX_LINE_LEN]=0; pariputs(buf); if (++li > nbli) { hit_return(); li = 0; } } pari_fclose(z); } char *keyword_list[]={ "operator", "user", "member", "integer", "real", "readline", "refcard", "tutorial", "nf", "bnf", "bnr", "ell", NULL }; static int ok_external_help(char *s) { long n; if (!*s) return 1; if (!isalpha((int)*s)) return 3; /* operator or section number */ if (!strncmp(s,"t_",2)) return 2; /* type name */ for (n=0; keyword_list[n]; n++) if (!strcmp(s,keyword_list[n])) return 3; return 0; } /* don't mess readline display */ static void aide_print(char *s1, char *s2, int flag) { if ((flag & h_RL) == 0) err(talker, "%s: %s", s1, s2); pariputsf("%s: %s\n", s1, s2); } static void aide0(char *s, int flag) { long n, long_help = flag & h_LONG; entree *ep,*ep1; char *s1; s = get_sep(s); if (isdigit((int)*s)) { n=atoi(s); if (n == 12) { community(); return; } if (n<0 || n > 12) err(talker2,"no such section in help: ?",s,s); if (long_help) external_help(s,3); else commands(n); return; } /* Get meaningful entry on \ps 5 */ if (*s == '\\') { s1 = s+1; skip_alpha(s1); *s1 = '\0';} if (flag & h_APROPOS) { external_help(s,-1); return; } if (long_help && (n = ok_external_help(s))) { external_help(s,n); return; } switch (*s) { case '*' : commands(-1); return; case '\0': menu_commands(); return; case '\\': slash_commands(); return; case '.' : member_commands(); return; } ep = is_entry(s); if (ep && long_help) { if (!strcmp(ep->name, "default")) { char *t = s+7, *e; skip_space(t); if (*t == '(') { t++; skip_space(t); e = t; skip_alpha(e); *e = '\0'; /* safe: get_sep() made it a copy */ if (is_default(t)) { external_help(t, 2); return; } } } } if (!ep) { n = is_default(s)? 2: 3; if (long_help) external_help(s,n); else { if (n == 2) { aide_print(s,"default",h_RL); return; } n = whatnow(s,1); if (n) err(obsoler,s,s, s,n); aide_print(s,"unknown identifier",flag); } return; } ep1 = ep; ep = do_alias(ep); if (ep1 != ep) pariputsf("%s is aliased to:\n\n",s); switch(EpVALENCE(ep)) { case EpUSER: if (!ep->help || long_help) print_user_fun(ep); if (!ep->help) return; if (long_help) { pariputs("\n\n"); long_help=0; } break; case EpGVAR: case EpVAR: if (!ep->help) { aide_print(s, "user defined variable",h_RL); return; } long_help=0; break; case EpINSTALL: if (!ep->help) { aide_print(s, "installed function",h_RL); return; } long_help=0; break; } if (long_help) { external_help(ep->name,3); return; } if (ep->help) { print_text(ep->help); return; } err(bugparier,"aide (no help found)"); } void aide(char *s, int flag) { if ((flag & h_RL) == 0) { if (*s == '?') { flag |= h_LONG; s++; } if (*s == '?') { flag |= h_APROPOS; s++; } } term_color(c_HELP); aide0(s,flag); term_color(c_NONE); if ((flag & h_RL) == 0) pariputc('\n'); } /********************************************************************/ /** **/ /** METACOMMANDS **/ /** **/ /********************************************************************/ static void print_entree(entree *ep, long hash) { pariputsf(" %s ",ep->name); pariputsf(VOIR_STRING1,(ulong)ep); pariputsf(":\n hash = %3ld, valence = %3ld, menu = %2ld, code = %s\n", hash, ep->valence, ep->menu, ep->code? ep->code: "NULL"); if (ep->next) { pariputsf(" next = %s ",(ep->next)->name); pariputsf(VOIR_STRING1,(ulong)(ep->next)); } pariputs("\n"); } static void print_hash_list(char *s) { long m,n; entree *ep; if (isalpha((int)*s)) { ep = is_entry_intern(s,functions_hash,&n); if (!ep) err(talker,"no such function"); print_entree(ep,n); return; } if (isdigit((int)*s) || *s == '$') { m = functions_tblsz-1; n = atol(s); if (*s=='$') n = m; if (mnext) print_entree(ep,n); } return; } if (*s=='-') { for (n=0; nnext) m++; pariputsf("%3ld:%3ld ",n,m); if (n%9 == 8) pariputc('\n'); } pariputc('\n'); return; } for (n=0; nnext) print_entree(ep,n); } static char * what_readline() { #ifdef READLINE if (use_readline) return "v"READLINE" enabled"; else #endif return "disabled"; } static void print_version() { char buf[64]; center(PARIVERSION); center(PARIINFO); sprintf(buf,"(readline %s, extended help%s available)", what_readline(), has_ext_help()? "": " not"); center(buf); } static void gp_head() { print_version(); pariputs("\n"); center("Copyright (C) 2000 The PARI Group"); print_text("\nPARI/GP is free software, covered by the GNU General Public \ License, and comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER"); pariputs("\n\ Type ? for help, \\q to quit.\n\ Type ?12 for how to get moral (and possibly technical) support.\n\n"); sd_realprecision ("",d_ACKNOWLEDGE); sd_seriesprecision("",d_ACKNOWLEDGE); sd_format ("",d_ACKNOWLEDGE); pariputsf("\nparisize = %ld, primelimit = %ld\n", parisize, primelimit); } static void fix_buffer(Buffer *b, long newlbuf) { b->buf = gprealloc(b->buf, newlbuf, b->len); b->len = paribufsize = newlbuf; } void gp_quit() { free_graph(); freeall(); kill_all_buffers(NULL); if (INIT_SIG) pari_sig_init(SIG_DFL); term_color(c_NONE); pariputs_opt("Goodbye!\n"); if (under_texmacs) tm_end_output(); exit(0); } /* history management function: * flag < 0, called from freeall() * flag = 0, called from %num in anal.c:truc() * flag > 0, called from %` in anal.c:truc(), p > 0 */ static GEN gp_history(long p, long flag, char *old, char *entrypoint) { int er1 = 0; if (flag < 0) { free((void *)hist); return NULL; } if (!tglobal) er1 = 1; if (flag) { p = tglobal - p; if (p <= 0) er1 = 1; } else if (p > tglobal) err(talker2,"I can't see into the future",old,entrypoint); if (!p) p = tglobal; if (tglobal - p >= histsize) er1 = 1; p = (p-1) % histsize; if (er1 || !hist[p]) err(talker2,"I can't remember before the big bang",old,entrypoint); return hist[p]; } extern char *GENtostr0(GEN x, void(*do_out)(GEN)); static void texmacs_output(GEN z, long n) { char *sz = GENtostr0(z, &outtex); printf("%clatex:", DATA_BEGIN); printf("\\magenta\\%%%ld = $\\blue ", n); printf("%s$%c", sz,DATA_END); free(sz); fflush(stdout); } /* Wait for prettyprinter for finish, to prevent new prompt from overwriting * the output. Fill the output buffer, wait until it is read. * Better than sleep(2): give possibility to print */ static void prettyp_wait() { char *s = " \n"; int i = 400; pariputs("\n\n"); pariflush(); /* start translation */ while (--i) pariputs(s); pariputs("\n"); pariflush(); } /* initialise external prettyprinter (tex2mail) */ static int prettyp_init() { if (!prettyprinter_file) prettyprinter_file = try_pipe(prettyprinter, mf_OUT | mf_TEST); if (prettyprinter_file) return 1; err(warner,"broken prettyprinter: '%s'",prettyprinter); if (prettyprinter != prettyprinter_dft) free(prettyprinter); prettyprinter = NULL; return 0; } /* n = history number. if n = 0 no history */ static int tex2mail_output(GEN z, long n) { FILE *o_out; int o_prettyp; if (!(prettyprinter && prettyp_init())) return 0; o_out = pari_outfile; /* save state */ o_prettyp = prettyp; /* Emit first: there may be lines before the prompt */ if (n) term_color(c_OUTPUT); pariflush(); pari_outfile = prettyprinter_file->file; prettyp = f_TEX; /* history number */ if (n) { if (*term_get_color(c_HIST) || *term_get_color(c_OUTPUT)) { char col1[80]; strcpy(col1, term_get_color(c_HIST)); sprintf(thestring, "\\LITERALnoLENGTH{%s}\\%%%ld = \\LITERALnoLENGTH{%s}", col1, n, term_get_color(c_OUTPUT)); } else sprintf(thestring, "\\%%%ld = ", n); pariputs_opt(thestring); } /* output */ gp_output(z); /* flush and restore */ prettyp_wait(); prettyp = o_prettyp; pari_outfile = o_out; if (n) term_color(c_NONE); return 1; } static void normal_output(GEN z, long n) { /* history number */ term_color(c_HIST); sprintf(thestring, "%%%ld = ", n); pariputs_opt(thestring); /* output */ term_color(c_OUTPUT); init_lim_lines(thestring,lim_lines); gp_output(z); init_lim_lines(NULL,lim_lines); term_color(c_NONE); pariputc('\n'); } static GEN gpreadbin(char *s) { GEN x = readbin(s,infile); popinfile(); return x; } static void escape0(char *tch) { char *s, c; if (compatible != NONE) { s = tch; while (*s) if (*s++ == '=') { GEN (*f)(char*, int) = NULL; int len = (s-tch) - 1; if (!strncmp(tch,"precision",len)) f = sd_realprecision; else if (!strncmp(tch,"serieslength",len)) f = sd_seriesprecision; else if (!strncmp(tch,"format",len)) f = sd_format; else if (!strncmp(tch,"prompt",len)) f = sd_prompt; if (f) { f(get_sep(s), d_ACKNOWLEDGE); return; } break; } } s = tch; switch ((c = *s++)) { case 'w': case 'x': case 'a': case 'b': case 'B': case 'm': { /* history things */ long d; GEN x; if (c != 'w' && c != 'x') d = get_int(s,0); else { d = atol(s); if (*s == '-') s++; while (isdigit((int)*s)) s++; } x = gp_history(d, 0, tch+1,tch-1); switch (c) { case 'a': brute (x, fmt.format, -1); break; case 'm': matbrute(x, fmt.format, -1); break; case 'B': if (tex2mail_output(x,0)) return; /* fall through */ case 'b': sor (x, fmt.format, -1, fmt.field); break; case 'x': voir(x, get_int(s, -1)); case 'w': { GEN g[2]; g[0] = x; g[1] = NULL; s = get_sep_colon_ok(s); if (!*s) s = current_logfile; write0(s, g, f_RAW); return; } } pariputc('\n'); return; } case 'c': commands(-1); break; case 'd': help_default(); break; case 'e': s = get_sep(s); if (!*s) s = pariecho?"0":"1"; sd_echo(s,d_ACKNOWLEDGE); break; case 'g': switch (*s) { case 'm': sd_debugmem(++s,d_ACKNOWLEDGE); break; case 'f': sd_debugfiles(++s,d_ACKNOWLEDGE); break; default : sd_debug(s,d_ACKNOWLEDGE); break; } break; case 'h': print_hash_list(s); break; case 'l': s = get_sep_colon_ok(s); if (*s) { sd_logfile(s,d_ACKNOWLEDGE); if (logfile) break; } sd_log(logfile?"0":"1",d_ACKNOWLEDGE); break; case 'o': sd_output(s,d_ACKNOWLEDGE); break; case 'p': switch (*s) { case 's': sd_seriesprecision(++s,d_ACKNOWLEDGE); break; default : sd_realprecision(s,d_ACKNOWLEDGE); break; } break; case 'q': gp_quit(); break; case 'r': s = get_sep_colon_ok(s); switchin(s); if (file_is_binary(infile)) gpreadbin(s); break; case 's': etatpile(0); break; case 't': gentypes(); break; case 'u': switch (*s) { case 'm': user_member(); break; default: user_fun(); } break; case 'v': print_version(); break; case 'y': s = get_sep(s); if (!*s) s = simplifyflag?"0":"1"; sd_simplify(s,d_ACKNOWLEDGE); break; default: err(caracer1,tch-1,tch-2); } } static void escape(char *tch) { char *old = _analyseur(); _set_analyseur(tch); /* for error messages */ escape0(tch); _set_analyseur(old); } /********************************************************************/ /* */ /* GPRC */ /* */ /********************************************************************/ #if defined(UNIX) || defined(__EMX__) # include #endif static int get_preproc_value(char *s) { if (!strncmp(s,"EMACS",5)) return under_emacs || under_texmacs; if (!strncmp(s,"READL",5)) { #ifdef READLINE if (use_readline) return 1; else #endif return 0; } return -1; } /* return $HOME or the closest we can find */ static char * get_home(int *free_it) { char *drv, *pth = os_getenv("HOME"); if (pth) return pth; if ((drv = os_getenv("HOMEDRIVE")) && (pth = os_getenv("HOMEPATH"))) { /* looks like WinNT */ char *buf = gpmalloc(strlen(pth) + strlen(drv) + 1); sprintf(buf, "%s%s",drv,pth); *free_it = 1; return buf; } #if defined(__EMX__) || defined(UNIX) { struct passwd *p = getpwuid(geteuid()); if (p) return p->pw_dir; } #endif return "."; } static FILE * gprc_chk(char *s) { FILE *f = fopen(s, "r"); if (f && !quiet_mode) { fprintferr("Reading GPRC: %s ...", s); added_newline = 0; } return f; } /* Look for [._]gprc: $GPRC, then in $HOME, /, C:/ */ static FILE * gprc_get() { FILE *f = NULL; char *str, *s, c; long l; #ifdef macintosh f = gprc_chk("gprc"); #else s = os_getenv("GPRC"); if (s) f = gprc_chk(s); if (!f) { int free_it = 0; s = get_home(&free_it); l = strlen(s); c = s[l-1]; str = strcpy(gpmalloc(l+7), s); if (free_it) free(s); s = str + l; if (c != '/' && c != '\\') *s++ = '/'; #ifdef UNIX *s = '.'; /* .gprc */ #else *s = '_'; /* _gprc */ #endif strcpy(s+1, "gprc"); f = gprc_chk(str); /* in $HOME */ if (!f) f = gprc_chk(s); /* in . */ if (!f) f = gprc_chk("/etc/gprc"); if (!f) f = gprc_chk("C:/_gprc"); free(str); } #endif return f; } static int get_line_from_file(char *prompt, Buffer *b, FILE *file); #define err_gprc(s,t,u) { fprintferr("\n"); err(talker2,s,t,u); } static char ** gp_initrc() { char **flist, *s,*s1,*s2; FILE *file = gprc_get(); long fnum = 4, find = 0; Buffer *b; if (!file) return NULL; flist = (char **) gpmalloc(fnum * sizeof(char*)); b = new_buffer(); for(;;) { if (!get_line_from_file(NULL,b,file)) { del_buffer(b); if (!quiet_mode) fprintferr("Done.\n\n"); fclose(file); flist[find] = NULL; return flist; } for (s = b->buf; *s; ) { s1 = s; if (get_sep2(s)) s++; s += strlen(s1); /* point to next expr */ if (*s1 == '#') { /* preprocessor directive */ int z, NOT = 0; s1++; if (strncmp(s1,"if",2)) err_gprc("unknown directive",s1,b->buf); s1 += 2; if (!strncmp(s1,"not",3)) { NOT = !NOT; s1 += 3; } if (*s1 == '!') { NOT = !NOT; s1++; } z = get_preproc_value(s1); if (z < 0) err_gprc("unknown preprocessor variable",s1,b->buf); if (NOT) z = !z; if (!z) continue; s1 += 5; } if (!strncmp(s1,"read",4)) { /* read file */ s1 += 4; if (find == fnum-1) { long n = fnum << 1; flist = (char**)gprealloc(flist, n*sizeof(char*), fnum*sizeof(char*)); fnum = n; } flist[find++] = s2 = gpmalloc(strlen(s1) + 1); if (*s1 == '"') (void)readstring(s1, s2); else strcpy(s2,s1); } else { /* set default */ s2 = s1; while (*s2 && *s2 != '=') s2++; if (*s2 != '=') err_gprc("missing '='",s2,b->buf); *s2++ = 0; if (*s2 == '"') (void)readstring(s2, s2); setdefault(s1,s2,d_INITRC); } } } } /********************************************************************/ /* */ /* GP MAIN LOOP */ /* */ /********************************************************************/ /* flag: * ti_NOPRINT don't print * ti_REGULAR print elapsed time (chrono = 1) * ti_LAST print last elapsed time (##) * ti_INTERRUPT received a SIGINT */ static char * do_time(long flag) { static long last = 0; long delay = (flag == ti_LAST)? last: gptimer(); char *s; last = delay; switch(flag) { case ti_REGULAR: s = "time = "; break; case ti_INTERRUPT: s = "user interrupt after "; break; case ti_LAST: s = " *** last result computed in "; break; default: return NULL; } strcpy(thestring,s); s=thestring+strlen(s); strcpy(s, term_get_color(c_TIME)); s+=strlen(s); if (delay >= 3600000) { sprintf(s, "%ldh, ", delay / 3600000); s+=strlen(s); delay %= 3600000; } if (delay >= 60000) { sprintf(s, "%ldmn, ", delay / 60000); s+=strlen(s); delay %= 60000; } if (delay >= 1000) { sprintf(s, "%ld,", delay / 1000); s+=strlen(s); delay %= 1000; if (delay < 100) { sprintf(s, "%s", (delay<10)? "00": "0"); s+=strlen(s); } } sprintf(s, "%ld ms", delay); s+=strlen(s); strcpy(s, term_get_color(c_NONE)); if (flag != ti_INTERRUPT) { s+=strlen(s); *s++='.'; *s++='\n'; *s=0; } return thestring; } static void gp_handle_SIGINT() { #ifdef _WIN32 if (++win32ctrlc >= 5) _exit(3); #else if (under_texmacs) tm_start_output(); err(siginter, do_time(ti_INTERRUPT)); #endif } static void gp_sighandler(int sig) { char *msg; os_signal(sig,gp_sighandler); switch(sig) { #ifdef SIGBREAK case SIGBREAK: gp_handle_SIGINT(); return; #endif #ifdef SIGINT case SIGINT: gp_handle_SIGINT(); return; #endif #ifdef SIGSEGV case SIGSEGV: msg="GP (Segmentation Fault)"; break; #endif #ifdef SIGBUS case SIGBUS: msg="GP (Bus Error)"; break; #endif #ifdef SIGFPE case SIGFPE: msg="GP (Floating Point Exception)"; break; #endif #ifdef SIGPIPE case SIGPIPE: if (prettyprinter_file && pari_outfile == prettyprinter_file->file) { pariFILE *f = prettyprinter_file; prettyprinter_file = NULL; /* to avoid oo recursion on error */ pari_outfile = stdout; pari_fclose(f); } err(talker, "Broken Pipe, resetting file stack..."); #endif default: msg="signal handling"; } err(bugparier,msg); } static void brace_color(char *s, int c, int force) { if (disable_color || (gp_colors[c] == c_NONE && !force)) return; #ifdef RL_PROMPT_START_IGNORE *s++ = RL_PROMPT_START_IGNORE; #endif strcpy(s, term_get_color(c)); #ifdef RL_PROMPT_START_IGNORE s+=strlen(s); *s++ = RL_PROMPT_END_IGNORE; *s = 0; #endif } static char * do_prompt() { static char buf[MAX_PROMPT_LEN + 24]; /* + room for color codes */ char *s; if (test_mode) return prompt; s = buf; *s = 0; /* escape sequences bug readline, so use special bracing (if available) */ brace_color(s, c_PROMPT, 0); s += strlen(s); if (filtre(s,NULL, f_COMMENT)) strcpy(s, COMMENTPROMPT); else do_strftime(prompt,s); s += strlen(s); brace_color(s, c_INPUT, 1); return buf; } static void unblock_SIGINT() { #ifdef USE_SIGRELSE sigrelse(SIGINT); #elif USE_SIGSETMASK sigsetmask(0); #endif } /* Read from file (up to '\n' or EOF) and copy at s0 (points in b->buf) */ static char * file_input(Buffer *b, char **s0, FILE *file, int TeXmacs) { int first = 1; char *s = *s0; long used0, used = s - b->buf; used0 = used; for(;;) { long left = b->len - used, ls; /* if from TeXmacs, tell him we need input */ if (TeXmacs) { tm_start_output(); tm_end_output(); } if (left < 512) { fix_buffer(b, b->len << 1); left = b->len - used; *s0 = b->buf + used0; } s = b->buf + used; if (! fgets(s, left, file)) return first? NULL: *s0; /* EOF */ ls = strlen(s); first = 0; if (ls+1 < left || s[ls-1] == '\n') return *s0; /* \n */ used += ls; } } #ifdef READLINE static char * gprl_input(Buffer *b, char **s0, char *prompt) { long used = *s0 - b->buf; long left = b->len - used; char *s; if (! (s = readline(prompt)) ) return NULL; /* EOF */ if ((ulong)left < strlen(s)) { fix_buffer(b, b->len << 1); *s0 = b->buf + used; } return s; } #endif static void input_loop(Buffer *b, char *buf0, FILE *file, char *prompt) { const int TeXmacs = (under_texmacs && file == stdin); const int f_flag = prompt? f_REG: f_REG | f_KEEPCASE; char *end, *s = b->buf, *buf = buf0; int wait_for_brace = 0; int wait_for_input = 0; /* buffer is not empty, init filter */ (void)ask_filtre(f_INIT); for(;;) { char *t = buf; if (!ask_filtre(f_COMMENT)) { /* not in comment */ skip_space(t); if (*t == LBRACE) { t++; wait_for_input = wait_for_brace = 1; } } end = filtre(t,s, f_flag); if (!*s) { if (!wait_for_input) break; } else { if (*(b->buf) == '?') break; s = end-1; /* *s = last input char */ if (*s == '\\') { } else if (*s == '=') { wait_for_input = 1; s++; } else { if (!wait_for_brace) break; if (*s == RBRACE) { *s=0; break; } s++; } } /* read continuation line */ #ifdef READLINE if (!file) { free(buf); buf = gprl_input(b,&s,""); } else #endif buf = file_input(b,&s,file,TeXmacs); if (!buf) break; } if (!file && buf) free(buf); } /* prompt = NULL --> from gprc. Return 1 if new input, and 0 if EOF */ static int get_line_from_file(char *prompt, Buffer *b, FILE *file) { const int TeXmacs = (under_texmacs && file == stdin); char *buf, *s = b->buf; handle_C_C = 0; while (! (buf = file_input(b,&s,file,TeXmacs)) ) { /* EOF */ if (!handle_C_C) { if (TeXmacs) tm_start_output(); return 0; } /* received ^C in fgets, retry (as is "\n" were input) */ } input_loop(b,buf,file,prompt); if (*s && prompt) /* don't echo if from gprc */ { if (pariecho) { pariputs(prompt); pariputs(s); pariputc('\n'); } else if (logfile) fprintf(logfile, "%s%s\n",prompt,s); pariflush(); } if (under_texmacs) tm_start_output(); return 1; } /* request one line interactively. * Return 0: EOF * 1: got one line from readline or infile */ #ifndef READLINE static int get_line_from_user(char *prompt, Buffer *b) { pariputs(prompt); return get_line_from_file(prompt,b,infile); } #else static int get_line_from_user(char *prompt, Buffer *b) { if (use_readline) { static char *previous_hist = NULL; char *buf, *s = b->buf; if (! (buf = gprl_input(b,&s, prompt)) ) { /* EOF */ pariputs("\n"); return 0; } input_loop(b,buf,NULL,prompt); unblock_SIGINT(); /* bug in readline 2.0: need to unblock ^C */ if (*s) { /* update history (don't add the same entry twice) */ if (!previous_hist || strcmp(s,previous_hist)) { if (previous_hist) free(previous_hist); previous_hist = pari_strdup(s); add_history(s); } /* update logfile */ if (logfile) fprintf(logfile, "%s%s\n",prompt,s); } return 1; } else { pariputs(prompt); return get_line_from_file(prompt,b,infile); } } #endif static int is_interactive() { #if defined(UNIX) || defined(__EMX__) return (infile == stdin && !under_texmacs && (under_emacs || isatty(fileno(stdin)))); #else return (infile == stdin && !under_texmacs); #endif } /* return 0 if no line could be read (EOF) */ static int read_line(char *promptbuf, Buffer *b) { if (is_interactive()) return get_line_from_user(promptbuf, b); else return get_line_from_file(DFT_PROMPT,b,infile); } static void chron(char *s) { if (*s) { char *old = s-1; if (*s == '#') { pariputs(do_time(ti_LAST)); s++; } if (*s) err(caracer1,s,old); } else { chrono = 1-chrono; sd_timer("",d_ACKNOWLEDGE); } } static int check_meta(char *buf) { switch(*buf++) { case '?': aide(buf, h_REGULAR); break; case '#': chron(buf); break; case '\\': escape(buf); break; case '\0': return 2; default: return 0; } return 1; } /* If there are other buffers open (bufstack != NULL), we are doing an * immediate read (with read, extern...) */ static GEN gp_main_loop(int ismain) { long av, i,j; VOLATILE GEN z = gnil; Buffer *b = new_buffer(); if (!setjmp(b->env)) { b->flenv = 1; push_stack(&bufstack, (void*)b); } for(; ; setjmp(b->env)) { if (ismain) { static long tloc, outtyp; tloc = tglobal; outtyp = prettyp; recover(0); if (setjmp(environnement)) { char *s = (char*)global_err_data; if (s && *s) outerr(lisseq(s)); avma = top; parisize = top - bot; j = tglobal - tloc; i = (tglobal-1)%histsize; while (j) { gunclone(hist[i]); hist[i]=NULL; if (!i) i = histsize; i--; j--; } tglobal = tloc; prettyp = outtyp; kill_all_buffers(b); } } added_newline = 1; if (paribufsize != b->len) fix_buffer(b, paribufsize); for(;;) { int r; r = read_line(do_prompt(), b); if (!disable_color) term_color(c_NONE); if (!r) { #ifdef _WIN32 Sleep(10); if (win32ctrlc) dowin32ctrlc(); #endif if (popinfile()) gp_quit(); if (!ismain) { pop_buffer(); return z; } } else if (!check_meta(b->buf)) break; } if (ismain) { char c = b->buf[strlen(b->buf) - 1]; gpsilent = separe(c); (void)gptimer(); } av = avma; z = readseq(b->buf, strictmatch); if (!added_newline) pariputc('\n'); /* last output was print1() */ if (! ismain) continue; if (chrono) pariputs(do_time(ti_REGULAR)); else do_time(ti_NOPRINT); if (z == gnil) continue; if (simplifyflag) z = simplify_i(z); i = tglobal % histsize; tglobal++; if (hist[i]) gunclone(hist[i]); hist[i] = z = gclone(z); avma = av; if (gpsilent) continue; if (test_mode) { init80(0); gp_output(z); pariputc('\n'); } else { if (under_texmacs) texmacs_output(z,tglobal); else if (prettyp != f_PRETTY || !tex2mail_output(z,tglobal)) normal_output(z,tglobal); } pariflush(); } } GEN read0(char *s) { switchin(s); if (file_is_binary(infile)) return gpreadbin(s); return gp_main_loop(0); } static void check_secure(char *s) { if (secure) err(talker, "[secure mode]: system commands not allowed\nTried to run '%s'",s); } GEN extern0(char *s) { check_secure(s); infile = try_pipe(s, mf_IN)->file; return gp_main_loop(0); } static int silent() { if (gpsilent) return 1; { char c = _analyseur()[1]; return separe(c); } } GEN default0(char *a, char *b, long flag) { if (flag) flag=d_RETURN; else flag = silent()? d_SILENT: d_ACKNOWLEDGE; return setdefault(a,b,flag); } GEN input0() { Buffer *b = new_buffer(); GEN x; push_stack(&bufstack, (void*)b); while (! get_line_from_file(DFT_INPROMPT,b,infile)) if (popinfile()) { fprintferr("no input ???"); gp_quit(); } x = lisseq(b->buf); pop_buffer(); return x; } void system0(char *s) { #if defined(UNIX) || defined(__EMX__) check_secure(s); system(s); #else err(archer); #endif } void error0(GEN *g) { term_color(c_ERR); if (!added_newline) pariputc('\n'); pariputs("### User error:\n\n "); print0(g,f_RAW); term_color(c_NONE); err_recover(talker); } void errcontext(char *msg, char *s, char *entry); int break_loop(long numerr) { static FILE *oldinfile = NULL; static char *old = NULL; static Buffer *b = NULL; VOLATILE int go_on = 0; char *s, *t, *msg; if (b) jump_to_given_buffer(b); push_stack(&bufstack, (void*)new_buffer()); b = current_buffer; /* buffer created above */ if (setjmp(b->env)) { msg = "back to break loop"; s = t = NULL; } else { Buffer *oldb = (Buffer*)bufstack->prev->value; msg = "Starting break loop (type 'break' to go back to GP)"; old = s = _analyseur(); t = oldb->buf; /* something fishy, probably a ^C, or we overran analyseur */ if (!s || !s[-1] || s < t || s >= t + oldb->len) s = NULL; b->flenv = 1; oldinfile = infile; } term_color(c_ERR); pariputc('\n'); errcontext(msg, s, t); if (s) pariputc('\n'); term_color(c_NONE); if (numerr == siginter) pariputs("['' or 'next' will continue]\n"); infile = stdin; for(;;) { int flag; if (! read_line("> ", b)) break; if (!(flag = check_meta(b->buf))) { GEN x = lisseq(b->buf); if (did_break()) { if (numerr == siginter && did_break() == br_NEXT) { (void)loop_break(); /* clear status flag */ go_on = 1; } break; } if (x == gnil) continue; term_color(c_OUTPUT); gp_output(x); term_color(c_NONE); pariputc('\n'); } if (numerr == siginter && flag == 2) { handle_C_C = go_on = 1; break; } } if (old && !s) _set_analyseur(old); b = NULL; infile = oldinfile; pop_buffer(); return go_on; } int gp_exception_handler(long numerr) { char *s = (char*)global_err_data; if (s && *s) { fprintferr("\n"); outerr(lisseq(s)); } else { if (numerr == errpile) avma = top; return break_loop(numerr); } return 0; } long setprecr(long n) { long m = fmt.nb; if (n>0) {fmt.nb = n; prec = (long)(n*pariK1 + 3);} return m; } static void testint(char *s, long *d) { if (!s) return; *d = get_int(s, 0); if (*d <= 0) err(talker,"arguments must be positive integers"); } static char * read_arg(int *nread, char *t, long argc, char **argv) { int i = *nread; if (isdigit((int)*t)) return t; if (*t || i==argc) usage(argv[0]); *nread = i+1; return argv[i]; } static char** read_opt(long argc, char **argv) { char *b=NULL, *p=NULL, *s=NULL, **pre; int i=1, initrc=1; pari_outfile=stderr; while (i