\chapter{Specific Use of the GP Calculator} Originally, \idx{GP} was designed as a debugging tool for the PARI system library, and hence not much thought had been given to making it user-friendly. The situation has now changed somewhat, and GP is very useful as a stand-alone tool. The operations and functions available in PARI and GP will be described in the next chapter. In the present one, we describe the specific use of the GP programmable calculator. For starting the calculator, the general commandline syntax is: \kbd{gp [-s stacksize] [-p primelimit]} \noindent where items within brackets are optional\footnote{*}{On the Macintosh, even after clicking on the gp icon, once in the MPW Shell, you still need to type explicitly a command of the above form.}. These correspond to some internal parameters of GP, or {\it defaults}. See \secref{se:defaults} below for a list and explanation of all defaults, there are many more than just those two. These defaults can be changed by adding parameters to the input line as above, or interactively during a GP session or in a preferences file (also known as \kbd{gprc}). \unix Some new features were developed on UNIX platforms, and depend heavily on the operating system in use. It is {\it possible\/} that some of these will be ported to other operating systems (BeOS, MacOS, DOS, OS/2, Windows, etc.) in future versions (most of them should be easy tasks for anybody acquainted with those). As for now, most of them were not. So, whenever a specific feature of the UNIX version is discussed in a paragraph, a UNIX sign sticks out in the left margin, like here. Just skip these if you're stranded on a different operating system: the core GP functions (i.e.~at least everything which is even faintly mathematical in nature) will still be available to you. It may also be possible (and then definitely advisable) to install \idx{Linux} or \idx{FreeBSD} on your machine. \misctitle{Note (added in version 2.0.12):} All the UNIX goodies are now available for DOS, OS/2 and Windows 3.1, thanks to the \tet{EMX} runtime package (\kbd{install} excluded under DOS, since DLLs are not supported by the OS). They've been reported to be available under Windows 95/98 and NT using the Cygwin package (untested by us, but supposedly supported by \kbd{Configure}). \emacs If you have GNU Emacs, you can work in a special Emacs shell (see \secref{se:emacs}), which is started by typing \kbd{M-x gp} (where as usual \kbd{M} is the \kbd{Meta} key) if you accept the default stack, prime and buffer sizes, or \kbd{C-u M-x gp} which will ask you for the name of the gp executable, the stack size, the prime limit and the buffer size. Specific features of this Emacs shell will be indicated by an EMACS sign.\smallskip If a \idx{preferences file} (or \kbd{gprc}, to be discussed in \secref{se:gprc}) can be found, GP will then read it and execute the commands it contains. This provides an easy way to customize GP without having to delve into the code to hardwire it to your likings. A copyright message then appears which includes the version number. Please note this number, so as to be sure to have the most recent version if you wish to have updates of PARI. The present manual is written for version \vers, and has undergone major changes since the 1.39.xx versions. After the copyright, the computer works for a few seconds (it is in fact computing and storing a table of primes), writes the top-level help information, some initial defaults, and then waits after printing its prompt (initially: \kbd{?}). Note that at any point the user can type \kbd{Ctrl-C} (that is press simultaneously the \kbd{Control} and \kbd{C} keys): the current computation will be interrupted and control given back to the user at the GP prompt. The top-level help information tells you that (as in many systems) to get help, you should type a \kbd{?}. When you do this and hit return, a menu appears, describing the eleven main categories of available functions and what to do to get more detailed help. If you now type \kbd{?$n$} with $1\le n\le11$, you will get the list of commands corresponding to category $n$ and simultaneously to Section $3.n$ of this manual. If you type \kbd{?}\var{functionname} where \var{functionname} is the name of a PARI function, you will get a short explanation of this function. \unix If extended help (see \secref{se:exthelp}) is available on your system, you can double or triple the \kbd{?} sign to get much more: respectively the complete description of the function (e.g.~\kbd{??~sqrt}), or a list of GP functions relevant to your query (e.g.~ \kbd{???~"elliptic curve"} or \kbd{???~"quadratic field"}). If GP was compiled with the right options (see Appendix A), a line editor will be available to correct the command line, get automatic completions, and so on. See \secref{se:readline} for a short summary of available commands. This might not be available for all architectures. Whether extended on-line help and line editing are available or not is indicated in the GP banner, between the version number and the copyright message. If you type \kbd{?\bs} you will get a short description of the metacommands (keyboard shortcuts). Finally, typing \kbd{?.} will return the list of available (pre-defined) member functions. These are functions attached to specific kind of objects, used to retrieve easily some information from complicated structures (you can define your own but they won't be shown here). We will soon describe these commands in more detail. As a general rule, under GP, commands starting with \b\ or with some other symbols like \kbd{?} or \kbd{\#}, are not computing commands, but are metacommands which allow the user to exchange information with GP. The available metacommands can be divided into default setting commands (explained below) and simple commands (or keyboard shortcuts, to be dealt with in \secref{se:meta}). \section{Defaults and output formats}\sidx{defaults}\sidx{output formats} \label{se:defaults} \noindent There are many internal variables in GP, defining how the system will behave in certain situations, unless a specific override has been given. Most of them are a matter of basic customization (colors, prompt) and will be set once and for all in your \idx{preferences file} (see \secref{se:gprc}), but some of them are useful interactively (set timer on, increase precision, etc.). The function used to manipulate these values is called \kbd{default}, which is described in \secref{se:default}. The basic syntax is \kbd{default(\var{def}, \var{value})}, \noindent which sets the default \var{def} to \var{value}. In interactive use, most of these can be abbreviated using historic GP metacommands (mostly, starting with \b), which we shall describe in the next section. Here we will only describe the available defaults and how they are used. Just be aware that typing \kbd{default} by itself will list all of them, as well as their current values (see \b{d}). Just after the default name, we give between parentheses the initial value when GP starts (assuming you did not tamper with it using command-line switches or a~\tet{gprc}). \misctitle{(somewhat technical) Note:} As we will see in \secref{se:strings}, the second argument to default will be subject to string context expansion, which means you can use run-time values. In other words, something like \kbd{a = 3; default(logfile, "\var{some filename}" a ".log")} will work. For the user's convenience, some defaults will be expanded further when the values are used (after the above expansion has been performed): $\bullet$ \idx{time expansion}: the string is sent through the library function \tet{strftime}. This means that \kbd{\%}\var{char} combinations have a special meaning, usually related to the time and date. For instance, \kbd{\%H} = hour (24-hour clock) and \kbd{\%M} = minute [00,59] (on a Unix system, you can try \kbd{man strftime} at your shell prompt to get a complete list). This is applied to \kbd{prompt}, \kbd{psfile}, and \kbd{logfile}. For instance, \kbd{default(prompt,"(\%R) ? ")} \noindent will prepend the time of day, in the form \kbd{(\var{hh}:\var{mm})} to GP's usual prompt. \unix $\bullet$ \idx{environment expansion}: When the string contains a sequence of the form \kbd{\${\it SOMEVAR}} (e.g.~\kbd{\$HOME}) the environment is searched and if {\it SOMEVAR} is defined, the sequence is replaced by the corresponding value. Also the \kbd{\til} symbol has the same meaning as in the C and bash shells~--- \kbd{\til} by itself stands for your home directory, and \kbd{\til{}user} is expanded to \kbd{user}'s home directory. This is applied to all filenames\sidx{filename}. \subsecidx{buffersize} (default \kbd{30000}): GP input is buffered, which means only so many bytes of data can be read at a time before a command is executed. This used to be a very important variable, to allow for very large input files to be read into GP, for example large matrices, without it complaining about ``unused characters''. Currently, \kbd{buffersize} is automatically adjusted to the size of the data that are to be read. It will never go down by itself though. Thus this option may come in handy to decrease the buffer size after some unusually large \kbd{read}, when you don't need to keep gigantic buffers around anymore. \subsecidxunix{colors} (default \kbd{""}): this default is only usable if GP \label{se:colors} is running within certain color-capable terminals. For instance \kbd{rxvt}, \kbd{color\_xterm} and modern versions of \kbd{xterm} under X Windows, or standard Linux/DOS text consoles. It causes GP to use a small palette of colors for its output. With xterms, the colormap used corresponds to the resources \kbd{Xterm*color$n$} where $n$ ranges from $0$ to $15$ (see the file \kbd{misc/color.dft} for an example). Legal values for this default are strings \kbd{"$a_1$,\dots,$a_k$"} where $k\le7$ and each $a_i$ is either \noindent $\bullet$ the keyword \kbd{no} (use the default color, usually black) \noindent $\bullet$ an integer between 0 and 15 corresponding to the aforementioned colormap \noindent $\bullet$ a triple $[c_0,c_1,c_2]$ where $c_0$ stands for foreground color, $c_1$ for background color, and $c_2$ for attributes (0 is default, 1 is bold, 4 is underline). The output objects thus affected are respectively error messages, history numbers, prompt, input line, output, help messages, timer (that's seven of them). If $k < 7$, the remaining $a_i$ are assumed to be $no$. For instance % \bprog% default(colors,"9, 5, no, no, 4") \eprog \noindent typesets error messages in color $9$, history numbers in color $5$, output in color $4$, and does not affect the rest. \emacs{In the present version, this default is incompatible with Emacs. Changing it will just fail silently (the alternative would be to display escape sequences as is, since Emacs will refuse to interpret them). On the other hand, you can customize highlighting in your \kbd{.emacs} so as to mimic exactly this behaviour. See \kbd{emacs/pariemacs.txt}.} If you use an old \kbd{readline} library (version number less than 2.0), you should do as in the example above and leave $a_3$ and $a_4$ (prompt and input line) strictly alone. Since old versions of \kbd{readline} did not handle escape characters correctly (or more accurately, treated them in the only sensible way since they did not care to check all your terminal capabilities: it just ignored them), changing them would result in many annoying display bugs. The hacker's way to check if this is the case would be to look in the \kbd{readline.h} include file (wherever your readline include files are) for the string \kbd{RL\_PROMPT\_START\_IGNORE}. If it's there, you are safe. A more sensible way is to make some experiments, and get a more recent \kbd{readline} if yours doesn't work the way you'd like it to. See the file \kbd{misc/gprc.dft} for some examples. \subsecidx{compatible} (default \kbd{0}): The GP function names and syntax have changed tremendously between versions 1.xx and 2.00. To help you cope with this we provide some kind of backward compatibility, depending on the value of this default: \quad \kbd{compatible} = 0: no backward compatibility. In this mode, a very handy function, to be described in \secref{se:whatnow}, is \kbd{whatnow}, which tells you what has become of your favourite functions, which GP suddenly can't seem to remember. \quad \kbd{compatible} = 1: warn when using obsolete functions, but otherwise accept them. The output uses the new conventions though, and there may be subtle incompatibilities between the behaviour of former and current functions, even when they share the same name (the current function is used in such cases, of course!). We thought of this one as a transitory help for GP old-timers. Thus, to encourage switching to \kbd{compatible}=0, it is not possible to disable the warning. \quad \kbd{compatible} = 2: use only the old function naming scheme (as used up to version 1.39.15), but {\it taking case into account}. Thus \kbd{I} (${}=\sqrt{-1}$) is not the same as \kbd{i} (user variable, unbound by default), and you won't get an error message using \kbd{i} as a loop index as used to be the case. \quad \kbd{compatible} = 3: try to mimic exactly the former behaviour. This is not always possible when functions have changed in a fundamental way. But these differences are usually for the better (they were meant to, anyway), and will probably not be discovered by the casual user. One adverse side effect is that any user functions and aliases that have been defined {\it before\/} changing \kbd{compatible} will get erased if this change modifies the function list, i.e.~if you move between groups $\{0,1\}$ and $\{2,3\}$ (variables are unaffected). We of course strongly encourage you to try and get used to the setting \kbd{compatible}=0. \subsecidx{debug} (default \kbd{0}): debugging level. If it is non-zero, some extra messages may be printed (some of it in French), according to what is going on (see~\b{g}). \subsecidx{debugfiles} (default \kbd{0}): file usage debugging level. If it is non-zero, GP will print information on file descriptors in use, from PARI's point of view (see~\b{gf}). \subsecidx{debugmem} (default \kbd{0}): memory debugging level. If it is non-zero, GP will regularly print information on memory usage. If it's greater than 2, it will indicate any important garbage collecting and the function it is taking place in (see~\b{gm}). \noindent {\bf Important Note:} As it noticeably slows down the performance (and triggers bugs in a popular compiler), the first functionality (memory usage) is disabled if you're not running a version compiled for debugging (see Appendix~A). \subsecidx{echo} (default \kbd{0}): this is a toggle, which can be either 1 (on) or 0 (off). When \kbd{echo} mode is on, each command is reprinted before being executed. This can be useful when reading a file with the \b{r} or \kbd{read} commands. For example, it is turned on at the beginning of the test files used to check whether GP has been built correctly (see \b{e}). \subsecidx{format} (default \kbd{"g0.28"} and \kbd{"g0.38"} on 32-bit and 64-bit machines, respectively): of the form x$m.n$, where x is a letter in $\{\kbd{e},\kbd{f},\kbd{g}\}$, and $n$, $m$ are integers. If x is \kbd{f}, real numbers will be printed in \idx{fixed floating point format} with no explicit exponent (e.g.~\kbd{0.000033}); if the letter is \kbd{e}, they will be printed in \idx{scientific format}, always with an explicit exponent (e.g. \kbd{3.3e-5}). If the letter is \kbd{g}, real numbers will be printed in \kbd{f} format, except when their absolute value is less than $2^{-32}$, in which case they are printed in \kbd{e} format. \label{se:format} The number $n$ is the number of significant digits printed for real numbers, except if $n<0$ where all the significant digits will be printed (initial default 28, or 38 for 64-bit machines), and the number $m$ is the number of characters to be used for printing integers, but is ignored if equal to 0 (which is the default). This is a feeble attempt at formatting. \subsecidxunix{help} (default: the location of the \kbd{gphelp} script): the name of the external help program which will be used from within GP when extended help is invoked, usually through a \kbd{??} or \kbd{???} request (see \secref{se:exthelp}), or \kbd{M-H} under readline (see \secref{se:readline}). \subsecidx{histsize} (default \kbd{5000}): GP keeps a history of the last \kbd{histsize} results computed so far, which you can recover using the \kbd{\%} notation (see \secref{se:history}). When this number is exceeded, the oldest values are erased. Tampering with this default is the only way to get rid of the ones you don't need anymore. \subsecidx{lines} (default \kbd{0}): if set to a positive value, GP prints at most that many lines from each result, terminating the last line shown with \kbd{[+++]} if further material has been suppressed. The various \kbd{print} commands (see \secref{se:gp_program}) are unaffected, so you can always type \kbd{print(\%)}, \b{a}, or \b{b} to view the full result. If the actual screen width cannot be determined, a ``line'' is assumed to be 80 characters long. \subsecidx{log} (default \kbd{0}): this is a toggle, which can be either 1 (on) or 0 (off). When logging mode is turned on, GP opens a log file, whose exact name is determined by the \kbd{logfile} default. Subsequently, all the commands and results will be written to that file (see \b{l}). In case a file with this precise name already existed, it will not be erased: your data will be {\it appended\/} at the end. \subsecidx{logfile} (default \kbd{"pari.log"}): name of the log file to be used when the \kbd{log} toggle is on. Tilde and time expansion are performed. \subsecidx{output} (default \kbd{1}): this can take any of the following three values: 0 (=~{\it raw\/}), 1 (=~{\it prettymatrix\/}), or 2 (=~{\it prettyprint\/}). This means that, independently of the default \kbd{format} for reals which we explained above, you can print results in three ways: either in {\it raw\/}\sidx{raw format} format, i.e.~a format which is equivalent to what you input, including explicit multiplication signs, and everything typed on a line instead of two dimensional boxes. This can have several advantages, for instance it allows you to pick the result with a mouse or an editor, and to put it somewhere else.\label{se:output} The second format is the {\it prettymatrix\/}\sidx{prettymatrix format} format. The only difference to raw format is that matrices are printed as boxes instead of horizontally. This is prettier, but takes more space and cannot be used for input. Column vectors are still printed horizontally. The third format is the {\it prettyprint\/}\sidx{prettyprint format} or beautified format. In the present version \vers, this is not beautiful at all. Independently of the setting of this default, an object can be printed in any of the three formats at any time using the commands \b{a}, \b{m} and~\b{b} respectively (see below). \subsecidx{parisize} (default, 1000000 bytes on the Mac, 4000000 otherwise): GP, and in fact any program using the PARI library, needs a stack in which to do its computations. \kbd{parisize} is the stack size, in bytes. It is strongly recommended you increase this default (using the \kbd{-s} command-line switch, or a \kbd{gprc}) if you can afford it. In case of emergency, you can use the \tet{allocatemem} function to increase \kbd{parisize}, once the session is started. GP will try to {\it double\/} the stack size by itself when memory runs low during a computation, but this very computation will then be lost, and you will have to type the command again. \subsecidx{path} (default \kbd{".:\til:\til/gp"} on UNIX systems, \kbd{".;C:\bs;C:\bs GP} on DOS, OS/2 and Windows, and \kbd{"."} otherwise): This is a list of directories, separated by colons ':' (semicolons ';' in the DOS world, since colons are pre-empted for drive names). When asked to read a file whose name does not contain \kbd{/} (i.e.~no explicit path was given), GP will look for it in these directories, in the order they were written in \kbd{path}. Here, as usual, '.' means the current directory, and '$.\,.$' its immediate parent. Tilde expansion is performed. \subsecidx{primelimit} (default \kbd{200000} on the Mac, and \kbd{500000} otherwise): GP precomputes a list of all primes less than \kbd{primelimit} at initialization time. These are used by many arithmetical functions. If you don't plan to invoke any of them, you can just set this to 1. \subsecidx{prompt} (default \kbd{"? "}): a string that will be printed as prompt. Note that most usual escape sequences are available there: \b{e} for Esc, \b{n} for Newline, \dots, \kbd{\bs\bs} for \kbd{\bs}. Time expansion is performed. This string is sent through the library function \kbd{\idx{strftime}} (on a Unix system, you can try \kbd{man strftime} at your shell prompt). This means that \kbd{\%} constructs have a special meaning, usually related to the time and date. For instance, \kbd{\%H} = hour (24-hour clock) and \kbd{\%M} = minute [00,59] (use \kbd{\%\%} to get a real \kbd{\%}). If you use \kbd{readline}, escape sequences in your prompt will result in display bugs. If you have a relatively recent \kbd{readline} (see the comment at the end of \secref{se:colors}), you can brace them with special sequences (\kbd{\bs[} and \kbd{\bs]}), and you will be safe. If these just result in extra spaces in your prompt, then you'll have to get a more recent \kbd{readline}. See the file \kbd{misc/gprc.dft} for an example. \emacs {\bf Caution}: Emacs needs to know about the prompt pattern to separate your input from previous GP results, without ambiguity. It's not a trivial problem to adapt automatically this regular expression to an arbitrary prompt (which can be self-modifying!). Thus, in this version \vers, Emacs relies on the prompt being the default one. So, do not tamper with the \kbd{prompt} variable {\it unless\/} you modify it simultaneously in your \kbd{.emacs} file (see \kbd{emacs/pariemacs.txt} and \kbd{misc/gprc.dft} for examples). \subsecidx{psfile} (default \kbd{"pari.ps"}): name of the default file where GP is to dump its PostScript drawings (these will always be appended, so that no previous data are lost). Tilde and time expansion are performed. \subsecidx{realprecision} (default \kbd{28} and \kbd{38} on 32-bit and 64-bit machines respectively): the number of significant digits and, at the same time, the number of printed digits of real numbers (see~\b{p}). Note that PARI internal precision works on a word basis (32 or 64 bits), hence may not coincide with the number of decimal digits you input. For instance to get 2 decimal digits you need one word of precision which, on a 32-bit machine, actually gives you 9 digits ($9 < \log_{10}(2^{32}) < 10$): \bprog% ? default(realprecision, 2) \q realprecision = 9 significant digits (2 digits displayed) \eprog \subsecidx{secure} (default \kbd{0}): this is a toggle which can be either 1 (on) or 0 (off). If on, the \tet{system} and \tet{extern} command are disabled. These two commands are potentially dangerous when you execute foreign scripts since they let GP execute arbitrary UNIX commands. GP will ask for confirmation before letting you (or a script) unset this toggle. \subsecidx{seriesprecision} (default \kbd{16}): precision of power series (see~\b{ps}). \subsecidx{simplify} (default \kbd{1}): this is a toggle which can be either 1 (on) or 0 (off). When the PARI library computes something, the type of the result is not always the simplest possible. The only type conversions which the PARI library does automatically are rational numbers to integers (when they are of type \typ{FRAC} and equal to integers), and similarly rational functions to polynomials (when they are of type \typ{RFRAC} and equal to polynomials). This feature is useful in many cases, and saves time, but can be annoying at times. Hence you can disable this and, whenever you feel like it, use the function \kbd{simplify} (see Chapter 3) which allows you to simplify objects to the simplest possible types recursively (see~\b{y}). \sidx{automatic simplification} \subsecidx{strictmatch} (default \kbd{1}): this is a toggle which can be either 1 (on) or 0 (off). If on, unused characters after a sequence has been processed will produce an error. Otherwise just a warning is printed. This can be useful when you're not sure how many parentheses you have to close after complicated nested loops. \subsecidx{timer} (default \kbd{0}): this is a toggle which can be either 1 (on) or 0 (off). If on, every instruction sequence (anything ended by a newline in your input) is timed, to some accuracy depending on the hardware and operating system. The time measured is the user \idx{CPU time}, {\it not\/} including the time for printing the results (see \kbd{\#} and \kbd{\#\#}). \subsec{Note on output formats.} \noindent A zero real number is printed in \kbd{e} format as $0.Exx$ where $xx$ is the (usually negative) {\it decimal\/} exponent of the number (cf.\ % \secref{se:whatzero}). This allows the user to check the accuracy of the zero in question (this could also be done using \b{x}, but that would be more technical). When the integer part of a real number $x$ is not known exactly because the exponent of $x$ is greater than the internal precision, the real number is printed in \kbd{e} format (note that in versions before 1.38.93, this was instead printed with a $*$ at the end). Note also that in beautified format, a number of type integer or real is written without enclosing parentheses, while most other types have them. Hence, if you see the expression $( 3.14 )$, it is not of type real, but probably of type complex with zero imaginary part (if you want to be sure, type \b{x} or use the function \kbd{type}). \section{Simple metacommands}\label{se:meta} \noindent Simple metacommands are meant as shortcuts and should not be used in GP scripts (see \secref{se:programming}). Beware that these, as all of GP input, are now {\it case sensitive}. For example, \b{Q} is no longer identical to \b{q}. In the following list, braces are used to denote optional arguments, with their default values when applicable, e.g.~$\{n=0\}$ means that if $n$ is not there, it is assumed to be~$0$. Whitespace (or spaces) between the metacommand and its arguments and within arguments is optional. (This can cause problems only with \b{w}, when you insist on having a filename whose first character is a digit, and with \b{r} or \b{w}, if the filename itself contains a space. In such cases, just use the underlying \kbd{read} or \kbd{write} function; see~\secref{se:write}). \subseckbd{?} $\{{\it command}\}$: GP on-line help interface. As already mentioned, if you type \kbd{?$n$} where $n$ is a number from 1 to 11, you will get the list of functions in Section $3.n$ of the manual (the list of sections being obtained by simply typing \kbd{?}). \label{se:exthelp} These names are in general not informative enough. More details can be obtained by typing \kbd{?{\it function}}, which gives a short explanation of the function's calling convention and effects. Of course, to have complete information, read Chapter 3 of this manual (the source code is at your disposal as well, though a trifle less readable!). Much better help can be obtained through the extended help system (see below). You then get the function description exactly as it stands in Chapter 3. All operators (e.g.~\kbd{+}, \kbd{\&\&}, etc.) are accepted by this extended help, as well as a few other keywords describing key GP concepts, e.g.~\kbd{readline} (the line editor), \kbd{integer}, \kbd{nf} (``number field'' as used in most algebraic number theory computations), \kbd{ell} (elliptic curves), etc. \unix If the line before the copyright message indicates that extended help is available (this means \kbd{perl} is installed on your system, GP was told about it at compile time, and the whole PARI distribution was correctly installed), you can add more \kbd{?} signs for extended functionalities: \kbd{??~\var{keyword}} yields the functions description as it stands in this manual, usually in Chapter~2 or~3. If you're not satisfied with the default chapter chosen, you can impose a given chapter by ending the keyword with \kbd{@} followed by the chapter number, e.g.~\kbd{??~Hello@2} will look in Chapter~2 for section heading \kbd{Hello} (which doesn't exist, by the way). \kbd{???~\var{pattern}} produces a list of sections in Chapter~3 of the manual related to your query. As before, if \var{pattern} ends by \kbd{@} ifollowed by a chapter number, that chapter is searched instead; you also have the option to append a simple \kbd{@} (without a chapter number) to browse through the whole manual. If your query contains dangerous characters (e.g \kbd{?} or blanks) it is advisable to enclose it within double quotes, as for GP strings (e.g \kbd{???~"elliptic curve"}). Note that extended help is much more powerful than the short help, since it knows about operators as well: you can type \kbd{??~*} or \kbd{??~\&\&}, whereas a single \kbd{?} would just yield a not too helpful \kbd{*** unknown identifier.} \noindent message. Also, you can ask for extended help on section number~$n$ in Chapter~3, just by typing \kbd{??~$n$} (where \kbd{?$n$} would yield merely a list of functions). Finally, a few key concepts in GP are documented in this way: metacommands (e.g \kbd{??~"??"}), defaults (e.g \kbd{??~psfile}) and type names (e.g \typ{INT} or \kbd{integer}), as well as various miscellaneous keywords such as \kbd{edit} (short summary of line editor commands), \kbd{operator}, \kbd{member}, \kbd{"user defined"}, \kbd{nf}, \kbd{ell}, \dots Last but not least~: \kbd{??} without argument will open a \kbd{dvi} previewer (\kbd{xdvi} by default, \kbd{\$GPXDVI} if it is defined in your environment) containing the full user's manual. \kbd{??tutorial} and \kbd{??refcard} do the same with the \idx{tutorial} and \idx{reference card} respectively. \misctitle{Technical note:} these functionalities are provided by an external \kbd{perl} script that you are free to use outside any GP session (and modify to your liking, if you are perl-knowledgeable). It is called \kbd{\idx{gphelp}}, lies in the \kbd{doc} subdirectory of your distribution (just make sure you run \kbd{Configure} first, see Appendix~A) and is really two programs in one. The one which is used from within GP is \kbd{gphelp} which runs \TeX\ on a selected part of this manual, then opens a previewer. \kbd{gphelp -detex} is a text mode equivalent, which looks often nicer especially on a colour-capable terminal (see \kbd{misc/gprc.dft} for examples). The default \kbd{help} selects which help program will be used from within GP. You are welcome to improve this help script, or write new ones (and we really would like to know about it so that we may include them in future distributions). By the way, outside of GP you can give more than one keyword as argument to \kbd{gphelp}. \subseckbd{/*...*/}: comment. Everything between the stars is ignored by GP. These comments can span any number of lines. \subseckbd{\bs\bs}: one-line comment. The rest of the line is ignored by GP. \subsec{\b{a}} $\{n\}$: prints the object number $n$ ($\%n$) in raw format. If the number $n$ is omitted, print the latest computed object ($\%$). \label{se:history} \subsec{\b{b}} $\{n\}$: Same as \b{a}, in prettyprint (i.e.~beautified) format. \subsec{\b{c}}:\sidx{available commands} prints the list of all available hardcoded functions under GP, not including operators written as special symbols (see \secref{se:operators}). More information can be obtained using the \kbd{?} metacommand (see above). For user-defined functions / member functions, see \b{u} and \b{um}. \subsec{\b{d}}: prints the \idx{defaults} as described in the previous section (shortcut for \kbd{default()}, see \secref{se:default}). \subsec{\b{e}} $\{n\}$: switches the \kbd{echo} mode on (1) or off (0). If $n$ is explicitly given, set echo to $n$. \subsec{\b{g}} $\{n\}$: sets the debugging level \kbd{debug} to the non-negative integer $n$. \subsec{\b{gf}} $\{n\}$: sets the file usage debugging level \kbd{debufiles} to the non-negative integer $n$. \subsec{\b{gm}} $\{n\}$: sets the memory debugging level \kbd{debugmem} to the non-negative integer $n$. \subsec{\b{h}} $\{m$\kbd{-}$n\}$: outputs some debugging info about the hashtable. If the argument is a number $n$, outputs the contents of cell $n$. Ranges can be given in the form $m$\kbd{-}$n$ (from cell $m$ to cell $n$, \$ = last cell). If a function name is given instead of a number or range, outputs info on the internal structure of the hash cell this function occupies (a \kbd{struct entree} in C). If the range is reduced to a dash ('\kbd{-}'), outputs statistics about hash cell usage. \subsec{\b{l}} $\{${\it logfile/}$\}$: switches \kbd{log} mode on and off. If a {\it logfile} argument is given, change the default logfile name to {\it logfile} and switch log mode on. \subsec{\b{m}}: as \b{a}, but using prettymatrix format. \subsec{\b{p}} $\{n\}$: sets \kbd{realprecision} to $n$ decimal digits. Prints its current value if $n$ is omitted. \subsec{\b{ps}} $\{n\}$: sets \kbd{seriesprecision} to $n$ significant terms. Prints its current value if $n$ is omitted. \subsec{\b{q}}: \idx{quit}s the GP session and returns to the system. Shortcut for the function \kbd{quit} (see \secref{se:quit}). \subsec{\b{r}} $\{${\it filename\/}$\}$: \idx{read}s into GP all the commands contained in the named file as if they had been typed from the keyboard, one line after the other. Can be used in combination with the \b{w} command (see below). Related but not equivalent to the function \kbd{read} (see \secref{se:read}); in particular, if the file contains more than one line of input, there will be one history entry for each of them, whereas \kbd{read} would only record the last one. If {\it filename\/} is omitted, re-read the previously used input file (fails if no file has ever been successfully read in the current session). \unix This command accepts compressed files in \idx{compress}ed (\kbd{.Z}) or \idx{gzip}ped (\kbd{.gz} or \kbd{.z}) format. They will be uncompressed on the fly as GP reads them, without changing the files themselves. \subsec{\b{s}}: prints the state of the PARI \idx{stack} and \idx{heap}. This is used primarily as a debugging device for PARI, and is not intended for the casual user. \subsec{\b{t}}: prints the \idx{internal longword format} of all the PARI types. The detailed bit or byte format of the initial codeword(s) is explained in Chapter~4, but its knowledge is not necessary for a GP user. \subsec{\b{u}}: prints the definitions of all user-defined functions. \subsec{\b{um}}: prints the definitions of all user-defined member functions. \subsec{\b{v}}: prints the \idx{version number} and implementation architecture (680x0, Sparc, Alpha, other) of the GP executable you are using. In library mode, you can use instead the two character strings \kbd{PARIVERSION} and \kbd{PARIINFO}, which correspond to the first two lines printed by GP just before the Copyright message. \subsec{\b{w}} $\{n\}$ $\{${\it filename\/}$\}$: \idx{write}s the object number $n$ ( $\%n$ ) into the named file, in raw format. If the number $n$ is omitted, writes the latest computed object ( $\%$ ). If {\it filename\/} is omitted, appends to \kbd{logfile} (the GP function \kbd{write} is a trifle more powerful, as you can have filenames whose first character is a digit). \subsec{\b{x}}: prints the complete tree with addresses and contents (in hexadecimal) of the \idx{internal representation} of the latest computed object in GP. As for \b{s}, this is used primarily as a debugging device for PARI. However, used on a PARI integer, it can be used as a decimal$\rightarrow$hexadecimal converter. \subsec{\b{y}} $\{n\}$: switches \kbd{simplify} on (1) or off (0). If $n$ is explicitly given, set simplify to $n$. \subseckbd{\#}: switches the \kbd{timer} on or off. \subseckbd{\#\#}: prints the time taken by the latest computation. Useful when you forgot to turn on the \kbd{timer}. \section{Input formats for the PARI types} \noindent Before describing more sophisticated functions in the next section, let us see here how to input values of the different data types known to PARI. Recall that blanks are ignored in any expression which is not a string (see below). \subsec{Integers} \sidx{integer} (type \typ{INT}\idxtyp{INT}): type the integer (with an initial \kbd{+} or \kbd{-}, if desired) with no decimal point. \subsec{Real numbers} \sidx{real number} (type \typ{REAL}\idxtyp{REAL}): type the number with a decimal point. The internal precision of the real number will be the supremum of the input precision and the default precision. For example, if the default precision is 28 digits, typing \kbd{2.} will give a number with internal precision 28, but typing a 45 significant digit real number will give a number with internal precision at least 45 (although less may be printed). You can also use scientific notation with the letter \kbd{E} or \kbd{e} (like \kbd{6.02 E 23} or \kbd{1e-5}). \subsec{Integermods}\sidx{integermod} (type \typ{INTMOD}\idxtyp{INTMOD}): to enter $n \mod m$, type \kbd{Mod(n,m)}, {\it not\/} \kbd{n\%m} (see Chapter~3). \subsec{Rational numbers}\sidx{rational number} (types \typ{FRAC}\idxtyp{FRAC} and \typ{FRACN}\idxtyp{FRACN}): under GP, all fractions are automatically reduced to lowest terms, so it is in principle impossible to work with reducible fractions (of type \typ{FRACN}), although of course in library mode this is easy. To enter $n/m$ just type it as written. As explained in \secref{se:gdiv}, division will {\it not\/} be performed, only reduction to lowest terms.\label{se:FRAC} If you really want a reducible fraction under GP, you must use the \kbd{type} function (see \secref{se:gptype}), by typing \kbd{type(x,FRACN)}. Be warned however that this function must be used with extreme care. \subsec{Complex numbers}\sidx{complex number} (type \typ{COMPLEX}\idxtyp{COMPLEX}): to enter $x+iy$, type \kbd{x + I*y} ({\it not\/} \kbd{x+i*y}). The letter \kbd{\idx{I}} stands for $\sqrt{-1}$. Recall from Chapter 1 that $x$ and $y$ can be of type \typ{INT}, \typ{REAL}, \typ{INTMOD}, \typ{FRAC}/\typ{FRACN}, or \typ{PADIC}. \subsec{$p$-adic numbers}\sidx{p-adic number}\label{se:padic} (type \typ{PADIC}\idxtyp{PADIC}): to enter a $p$-adic number, simply write a rational or integer expression and add to it \kbd{O($p$\pow $k$)}, where $p$ and $k$ are integers. This last expression indicates three things to GP: first that it is dealing with a \typ{PADIC} type (the fact that $p$ is an integer, and not a polynomial, which would be used to enter a series, see \secref{se:series}), secondly the ``prime'' $p$ (note that it is not checked whether $p$ is indeed prime; you can work on 10-adics if you want, but beware of disasters as soon as you do something non-trivial like taking a square root), and finally the number of significant $p$-adic digits $k$. Note that \kbd{O(25)} is not the same as \kbd{O(5\pow 2)}; you probably want the latter! For example, you can type in the $7$-adic number \kbd{2*7\pow(-1) + 3 + 4*7 + 2*7\pow 2 + O(7\pow3)} \noindent exactly as shown, or equivalently as \kbd{905/7 + O(7\pow3)}. \subsec{Quadratic numbers}\sidx{quadratic number} (type \typ{QUAD}\idxtyp{QUAD}): first, you must define the default quadratic order or field in which you want to work. This is done using the \kbd{\idx{quadgen}} function, in the following way. Write something like \kbd{w = quadgen(d)} \noindent where \kbd{d} is the {\it discriminant\/} of the quadratic order in which you want to work (hence $d$ is congruent to $0$ or $1$ modulo $4$). The name \kbd{w} is of course just a suggestion, but corresponds to traditional usage. You can of course use any variable name that you like. However, quadratic numbers are always printed with a \kbd{w}, regardless of the discriminant. So beware, two numbers can be printed in the same way and not be equal. However GP will refuse to add or multiply them for example. Now $(1,w)$ will be the ``canonical'' integral basis of the quadratic order (i.e.~$w=\sqrt{d}/2$ if $d\equiv 0 \mod 4$, and $w=(1+\sqrt{d})/2$ if $d\equiv 1 \mod 4$, where $d$ is the discriminant), and to enter $x+yw$ you just type \kbd{x + y*w}. \subsec{Polmods}\sidx{polmod} (type \typ{POLMOD}\idxtyp{POLMOD}): exactly as for integermods, to enter $x \mod y$ (where $x$ and $y$ are polynomials), type \kbd{Mod(x,y)}, not \kbd{x\%y} (see \secref{se:Mod}). Note that when $y$ is an irreducible polynomial in one variable, polmods whose modulus is $y$ are simply algebraic numbers in the finite extension defined by the polynomial $y$. This allows us to work easily in \idx{number field}s, finite extensions of the $p$-adic field $\Q_p$, or \idx{finite field}s. \label{se:rempolmod} \misctitle{Important remark.} Since the variables\sidx{variable} occurring in a polmod are not free variables, it is essential in order to avoid inconsistencies that polmods use the same variable in internal operations (i.e.~between polmods) and variables of lower priority (which have been introduced later in the GP session) for external operations (typically between a polynomial and a polmod). For example, PARI will not recognize that \kbd{Mod(y, y\pow2 + 1)} is the same as \kbd{Mod(x, x\pow2 + 1)}. Hopefully, this problem will pass away when type ``element of a number field'' is eventually introduced. On the other hand, \kbd{Mod(x, x\pow2 + 1) + Mod(x, x\pow2 + 1)} (which gives \kbd{Mod(2*x, x\pow2 + 1)}) and \kbd{x + Mod(y, y\pow2 + 1)} (which gives a result mathematically equivalent to $\kbd{x} + i$ with $i^2=-1$) are completely correct, while \kbd{y + Mod(x, x\pow2 + 1)} gives \kbd{Mod(x + y, x\pow2 + 1)}, which may not be what you want (\kbd{y} is treated here as a numerical parameter, not as a polynomial variable). \misctitle{Note (added in version 2.0.16)} As long as the main variables are the same, it is allowed to mix \typ{POL} and \typ{POLMOD}s. The result will be the expected \typ{POLMOD}. For instance \kbd{x + Mod(x, x\pow2 + 1)} is equal to \kbd{Mod(2*x, x\pow2 + 1)}. This wasn't the case prior to version 2.0.16: it returned a polynomial in \kbd{x} equivalent to $\kbd{x} + i$, which was in fact an invalid object (you couldn't \kbd{lift} it). \subsec{Polynomials}\sidx{polynomial}\label{se:pol} (type \typ{POL}\idxtyp{POL}): type the polynomial in a natural way, not forgetting to put a ``$*$'' between a coefficient and a formal variable (this $*$ does not appear in beautified output). Any \idx{variable} name can be used except for the reserved names \kbd{I} (used exclusively for the square root of $-1$), \kbd{Pi} ($3.14\dots$), \kbd{Euler} (Euler's constant), and all the function names: predefined functions, as described in Chapter~3 (use \b{c} to get the complete list of them) and user-defined functions, which you ought to know about (use \b{u} if you are subject to memory lapses). The total number of different variable names is limited to $16384$ and $65536$ on 32-bit and 64-bit machines respectively, which should be enough. If you ever need hundreds of variables, you should probably be using vectors instead. \subsec{Power series}\sidx{power series}\label{se:series} (type \typ{SER}\idxtyp{SER}): type a rational function or polynomial expression and add to it \hbox{\kbd{O({\it expr\/} \pow $k$)}}, where {\it expr\/} is an expression which has non-zero valuation (it can be a polynomial, power series, or a rational function; the most common case being simply a variable name). This indicates to GP that it is dealing with a power series, and the desired precision is $k$ times the valuation of {\it expr\/} with respect to the main variable of {\it expr\/} (to check the ordering of the variables, or to modify it, use the function \kbd{reorder}; see~\secref{se:reorder}). \subsec{Rational functions}\sidx{rational function} (types \typ{RFRAC}\idxtyp{RFRAC} and \typ{RFRACN}\idxtyp{RFRACN}): as for fractions, all rational functions are automatically reduced to lowest terms under GP. All that was said about fractions in \secref{se:FRAC} remains valid here. \subsec{Binary quadratic forms of positive or negative discriminant}% \sidx{binary quadratic forms} (type \typ{QFR}\idxtyp{QFR} and \typ{QFI}\idxtyp{QFI}): these are input using the function \kbd{Qfb} (see Chapter~3). For example \kbd{Qfb(1,2,3)} will create the binary form $x^2+2xy+3y^2$. It will be imaginary (of internal type \typ{QFI}) since $2^2 - 4*3 = -8$ is negative. In the case of forms with positive discriminant (type \typ{QFR}), you may add an optional fourth component (related to the regulator, more precisely to Shanks and Lenstra's ``distance''), which must be a real number. See also the function \kbd{qfbprimeform} which directly creates a prime form of given discriminant (see Chapter~3). \subsec{Row and column vectors}\sidx{row vector}\sidx{column vector} (types \typ{VEC}\idxtyp{VEC} and \typ{COL}\idxtyp{COL}): to enter a row vector, type the components separated by commas ``\kbd{,}'', and enclosed between brackets ``\kbd{[}$\,$'' and ``$\,$\kbd{]}'', e.g.~% \kbd{[1,2,3]}. To enter a column vector, type the vector horizontally, and add a tilde ``\til'' to transpose. \kbd{[ ]} yields the empty (row) vector. The function \tet{Vec} can be used to transform any object into a vector (see Chapter~3). \subsec{Matrices} (type \typ{MAT}\idxtyp{MAT}):\sidx{matrix} to enter a matrix, type the components line by line, the components being separated by commas ``\kbd{,}'', the lines by semicolons ``\kbd{;}'', and everything enclosed in brackets ``\kbd{[}$\,$'' and ``$\,$\kbd{]}'', e.g. \kbd{[x,y; z,t; u,v]}. \kbd{[ ; ]} yields the empty (0x0) matrix. The function \tet{Mat} can be used to transform any object into a matrix (see Chapter 3). Note that although the internal representation is essentially the same (only the type number is different), a row vector of column vectors is {\it not\/} a matrix; for example, multiplication will not work in the same way. Note also that it is possible to create matrices (by conversion of empty column vectors and concatenation, or using the \kbd{matrix} function) with a given positive number of columns, each of which has zero rows. It is not possible to create or represent matrices with zero columns and a nonzero number of rows. \subsec{Lists} (type \typ{LIST})\idxtyp{LIST}:\sidx{list} lists cannot be input directly; you have to use the function \kbd{listcreate} first, then \kbd{listput} each time you want to append a new element (but you can access the elements directly as with the vector types described above). The function \kbd{List} can be used to transform (row or column) vectors into lists (see Chapter~3). \subsec{Strings} (type \typ{STR})\idxtyp{STR}:\sidx{string}% \sidx{character string} to enter a string, just enclose it between double quotes \kbd{"}, like this: \kbd{"this is a string"}. The function \kbd{Str} can be used to transform any object into a string (see Chapter~3). \section{GP operators}\label{se:operators} \noindent Loosely speaking, an \idx{operator} is a function (usually associated to basic arithmetic operations) whose name contains only non-alphanumeric characters. In practice, most of these are simple functions, which take arguments, and return a value; assignment operators also have side effects. Each of these has some fixed and unchangeable priority, which means that, in a given expression, the operations with the highest priority will be performed first. Operations at the same priority level will always be performed in the order they were written, i.e.~from left to right. Anything enclosed between parenthesis is considered a complete subexpression, and will be resolved independently of the surrounding context. For instance, assuming that {\it op}$_1$, {\it op}$_2$, {\it op}$_3$ are standard binary operators with increasing priorities (think of \kbd{+}, \kbd{*}, \kbd{\pow} for instance), $$ x~\hbox{\it op}_1~y~\hbox{\it op}_2~z~\hbox{\it op}_2~x~\hbox{\it op}_3~y $$ is equivalent to $$ x~\hbox{\it op}_1~((y~\hbox{\it op}_2~z)~\hbox{\it op}_2~ (x~\hbox{\it op}_3~y)).$$ GP knows quite a lot of different operators, some of them unary (having only one argument), some binary. Unary operators are defined for either prefix (preceding their single argument: {\it op\/}~$x$) or postfix (following the argument: $x$~{\it op\/}) position, never both (some are syntactically correct in both positions, but with different meanings). Binary operators all use the syntax $x$~{\it op\/}~$y$. Most of them are well known, some are borrowed from C~syntax, and a few are specific to GP. Beware that some GP operators may differ slightly from their C counterparts. For instance, GP's postfix \kbd{++} returns the {\it new\/} value, like the prefix \kbd{++} of~C, and the binary shifts \kbd{<<}, \kbd{>>} have a priority which is different from (higher than) that of their C counterparts. When in doubt, just surround everything by parentheses (besides, your code will probably be more legible). \noindent Here is the complete list (in order of decreasing priority, binary unless mentioned otherwise): \sidx{priority} \def\point#1{\noindent $\bullet$ #1\hfill\break\indent\strut} \point{Priority 9} % \kbd{++} and \kbd{--} (unary, postfix): \kbd{$x$++} assigns the value $x+1$ to $x$, then returns the new value of $x$. This corresponds to the C statement \kbd{++$x$} (there is no prefix \kbd{++} operator in GP). \kbd{$x$--} does the same with $x-1$. \point{Priority 8} % \kbd{{\it op\/}=}, where {\it op\/} is any simple binary operator (i.e.~a binary operator with no side effects, i.e.~one of those defined below) which is not a boolean operator (comparison or logical). \kbd{x~{\it op\/}=~$y$} assigns $(\kbd{x}~{\it op\/}~y)$ to~\kbd{x}, and returns the new value of~\kbd{x}, {\it not\/} a reference to the \idx{variable}~\kbd{x}. (Thus an assignment cannot occur on the lefthand side of another assignment.) \point{Priority 7} % \kbd{=} is the assignment operator. The result of \kbd{x~=~$y$} is the value of the expression~$y$, which is also assigned to the variable~\kbd{x}. This is {\it not\/} the equality test operator. Beware that a statement like \kbd{x~=~1} is always true (i.e.~non-zero), and sets \kbd{x} to~1. \point{Priority 6} % \kbd{!} (unary, prefix): logical {\it not}. \kbd{!$x$} return $1$ if $x$ is equal to $0$ (specifically, if \kbd{gcmp0($x$)==1}), and $0$ otherwise. \kbd{'} (unary, prefix): quote its argument without evaluating it. \bprog% ? a = x + 1; x = 1; ? subst(a,x,1) \ \ ***\ \ \ variable name expected: subst(a,x,1) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \pow--- ? subst(a,'x,1) \%1 = 2 \eprog \point{Priority 5} % \kbd{\pow}: powering. \kbd{'} (unary, postfix): derivative with respect to the main variable. \strut\kbd{\til} (unary, postfix): vector/matrix transpose. \kbd{!} (unary, postfix): factorial. $x\kbd{!}=x(x-1)\cdots 1$. \kbd{.}: \kbd{$x$.$b$} extracts member $b$ from structure $x$. \point{Priority 4} % \kbd{+}, \kbd{-} (unary, prefix): \kbd{-} toggles the sign of its argument, \kbd{+} has no effect whatsoever. \point{Priority 3} % \kbd{*}: multiplication. \kbd{/}: exact division (\kbd{3/2}=$3/2$, not $1.5$). \kbd{\bs}, \kbd{\%}: euclidean quotient and remainder, i.e.~if $x = qy + r$, with $0\le r < y$ (if $x$ and $y$ are polynomials, assume instead that $\deg r< \deg y$ and that the leading terms of $r$ and $x$ have the same sign), then $\kbd{x \b{ } y} = q$, $\kbd{x\%y} = r$. \kbd{\bs/}: rounded euclidean quotient for integers (rounded towards $+\infty$ when the exact quotient would be a half-integer). \kbd{<<}, \kbd{>>}: left and right binary shift: \kbd{x<0$, and $x \b{/} 2^{-n}$ otherwise; and \kbd{x>>n}$~=~$\kbd{x<<(-n)}. \point{Priority 2} % \kbd{+}, \kbd{-}: addition/subtraction. \point{Priority 1} % \kbd{<}, \kbd{>}, \kbd{<=}, \kbd{>=}: the usual comparison operators, returning 1 for \kbd{true} and 0 for \kbd{false}. For instance, \kbd{x<=1} returns $1$ if $x\le 1$ and $0$ otherwise. \kbd{<>}, \kbd{!=}: test for (exact) inequality. \kbd{==}: test for (exact) equality. \point{Priority 0} % \kbd{\&}, \kbd{\&\&}: logical {\it and}. \kbd{|}, \kbd{||}: logical (inclusive) {\it or}. Any sequence of logical {\it or\/} and {\it and\/} operations is evaluated from left to right, and aborted as soon as the final truth value is known. Thus, for instance, \kbd{(x \&\& 1/x)} or \kbd{(type(p) == "t\_INT" \&\& isprime(p))} will never produce an error since the second argument need not (and will not) be processed when the first is already zero (false). \misctitle{Remark:} For the sake of efficiency, you should use the \kbd{++}, \kbd{--} and {\it op\/}\kbd{=} operators whenever possible: \bprog% ? a=200000; ? i=0; while(i}. This tells GP that what you will write on the next line is the physical continuation of what you have just written. In other words, it makes GP forget your newline character. For example if you use this while defining a function, and if you ask for the definition of the function using \kbd{?name}, you will see that your backslash has disappeared and that everything is on the same line. You can type a \kbd{\bs} anywhere. It will be interpreted as above only if (apart from ignored whitespace characters) it is immediately followed by a newline. For example, you can type \bprog% ? 3 + \bs 4% \eprog \noindent instead of typing \kbd{3 + 4}. The second one is a slight variation on the first, and is mostly useful when defining a user function (see \secref{se:user_defined}): since an equal sign can never end a valid expression, GP will disregard a newline immediately following an \kbd{=}. \bprog% ? a = 123 \%1 = 123 \eprog The third one cannot be used everywhere, but is in general much more useful. It is the use of braces \kbd{\obr} and \kbd{\cbr}.\sidx{brace characters} When GP sees an opening brace (\kbd{\obr}) {\it at the beginning of a line} (modulo spaces as usual), it understands that you are typing a multi-line command, and newlines will be ignored until you type a closing brace \kbd{\cbr}. However, there is an important (but easily obeyed) restriction: inside an open brace-close brace pair, all your input lines will be concatenated, suppressing any newlines. Thus, all newlines should occur after a semicolon (\kbd{;}), a comma (\kbd{,}) or an operator (for clarity's sake, we don't recommend splitting an identifier over two lines in this way). For instance, the following program \bprog \obr \q a = b \q b = c \cbr \eprog \noindent would silently produce garbage, since what GP will really see is \kbd{a=bb=c} which will assign the value of \kbd{c} to both \kbd{bb} and \kbd{a} (if this really is what you intended, you're a hopeless case). \section{The GP/PARI programming language} The GP calculator uses a purely interpreted language. The structure of this language is reminiscent of LISP with a functional notation, \kbd{f(x,y)} rather than \kbd{(f x y)}: all \idx{programming} constructs, such as \kbd{if}, \kbd{while,} etc... are functions \footnote{*}{Not exactly, since not all their arguments need be evaluated. For instance it would be stupid to evaluate both branches of an \kbd{if} statement: since only one will apply, GP only expands this one.} (see \secref{se:programming} for a complete list), and the main loop does not really execute, but rather evaluates (sequences of) expressions. Of course, it is by no means a true LISP. \subsec{Variables and symbolic expressions}.\sidx{variable} In GP you can use up to 16383 variable names (up to 65535 on 64-bit machines). These names can be any standard identifier names, i.e.~they must start with a letter and contain only valid keyword characters: \kbd{\_} or alphanumeric characters ([\kbd{\_A-Za-z0-9}]). To avoid confusion with other symbols, you must not use other non-alphanumeric symbols like \kbd{\$}, or '\kbd{.}'. In addition to the function names which you must not use (see the list with \b{c}), there are exactly three special variable names which you are not allowed to use: \kbd{Pi} and \tet{Euler}, which represent well known constants, and $\kbd{I}=\sqrt{-1}$. Note that GP names are case sensitive since version 1.900. This means for instance that the symbol \kbd{i} is perfectly safe to use, and will not be mistaken for $\sqrt{-1}$, and that \kbd{o} is not synonymous anymore to \kbd{O}. If you grew addicted to the previous behaviour, you can have it back by setting the default \kbd{compatible} to $3$. Now the main thing to understand is that PARI/GP is {\it not\/} a symbolic manipulation package, although it shares some of the functionalities. One of the main consequences of this fact is that all expressions are evaluated as soon as they are written, they never stay in a purely abstract form% \footnote{**}{An obvious but important exception are character strings which are evaluated\dots\ essentially to themselves (type \typ{STR}). Not exactly so though, since we do some work to treat the quoted characters correctly (those preceded by a \b{)}.}. % As an important example, consider what happens when you use a variable name {\it before\/} assigning a value into it. This is perfectly acceptable to GP, which considers this variable in fact as a polynomial of degree 1, with coefficients 1 in degree 1, 0 in degree 0, whose variable is the variable name you used. If later you assign a value to that variable, the objects which you have created before will still be considered as polynomials. If you want to obtain their value, use the function \kbd{eval} (see \secref{se:eval}). Finally, note that if the variable $x$ contains a vector or list, you can assign a result to $x[m]$ (i.e.~write something like $x[k]=\var{expr}$). If $x$ is a matrix, you can assign a result to $x[m,n]$, but {\it not\/} to $x[m]$. If you want to assign an expression to the $m$-th column of a matrix $x$, use $x[,m]=\var{expr}$ instead. Similarly, use $x[m,]=\var{expr}$ to assign an expression to the $m$-th row of $x$. This process is recursive, so if $x$ is a matrix of matrices of \dots, an expression such as $x[1,1][,3][4]=1$ would be perfectly valid (assuming of course that all matrices along the way have the correct dimensions). \misctitle{Note:} We'll see in \secref{se:user_defined} that it is possible to restrict the use of a given variable by declaring it to be \tet{global} or \tet{local}. This can be useful to enforce clean programming style, but is in no way mandatory. \misctitle{(Technical) Note:} Variables are numbered in the order that they appear since the beginning of the session, and the main variable of an expression is always the lowest numbered variable. Hence if you are working with expressions involving several variables and want to have them ordered in a specific manner {\it in the internal representation}, the simplest is just to write down the variables one after the other under GP before starting any real computations. If you already have started working and want to change the names of the variables in an object, use the function \tet{changevar}. If you only want to have them ordered when the result is printed, you can also use the function \tet{reorder}, but this won't change anything to the internal representation. \misctitle{(Very technical) Note:} Each variable has a stack of values, implemented as a linked list. When a new scope is entered (during a function call which uses it as a parameter, or if the variable is used as a loop index, see \secref{se:user_defined} and \secref{se:programming}), the value of the actual parameter is pushed on the stack. If the parameter is not supplied, a special $0$ value called \teb{gnil} is pushed on the stack (this value is not printed if it is returned as the result of a GP expression sequence). Upon exit, the stack decreases. You can \kbd{kill} a variable, decreasing the stack yourself. This should be used only at the top level of GP, to undo the effect of an assignment, not from a function. However, the stack has a bottom: the value of a variable is the monomial of degree 1 in this variable, as is natural for a mathematician. \subsec{Expressions and expression sequences}. An \idx{expression}\sidx{expression sequence} is formed by combining the GP operators, functions (including user-defined functions, see below) and control statements. It may be preceded by an assignment statement '$=$' into a variable. It always has a value, which can be any PARI object. Several expressions can be combined on a single line by separating them with semicolons (';') and also with colons (':') for those who are used to BASIC. Such an expression sequence will be called simply a \var{seq}. A \var{seq} also has a value, which is the value of the last non-empty expression in the sequence. Under GP, the value of the \var{seq}, and only this last value, is always put on the stack (i.e. it will become the next object $\%n$). The values of the other expressions in the \var{seq} are discarded after the execution of the \var{seq} is complete, except of course if they were assigned into variables. In addition, the value of the \var{seq} (or of course of an expression if there is only one) is printed if the line does not end with a semicolon (';'). \subsec{User defined functions}.\sidx{user defined functions} \label{se:user_defined} It is very easy to define a new function under GP, which can then be used like any other function. The syntax is as follows: \kbd{name(list of formal variables) = local(list of local variables); \var{seq}} \noindent which looks better written on consecutive lines: \bprog% name($x_0$, $x_1$, \dots) = \obr \q local($t_0$, $t_1$, \dots); \q local(\dots); \q \q \dots \cbr \eprog \noindent (note that the first newline is disregarded due to the preceding \kbd{=} sign, and the others because of the enclosing braces). Both lists of variables are comma-separated and allowed to be empty. The \tet{local} statements can be omitted; as usual \var{seq} is any expression sequence. \kbd{name} is the name given to the function and is subject to the same restrictions as variable names. In addition, variable names are not valid function names, you have to \kbd{kill} the variable first (the converse is true: function names can't be used as variables, see \secref{se:kill}). Previously used function names can be recycled: you are just redefining the function (the previous definition is lost of course). \kbd{list of formal variables} is the list of variables corresponding to those which you will actually use when calling your function. The number of actual parameters supplied when calling the function has to be less than the number of formal variables. Uninitialized formal variables will be given a default value. An equal (\kbd{=}) sign following a variable name in the function definition, followed by any expression, gives the variable a default value. The expression gets evaluated the moment the function is defined, and is fixed afterward. A variable for which you supply no default value will be initialized to zero. \kbd{list of local variables} is the list of the additional local variables which are used in the function body. Note that if you omit some or all of these local variable declarations, the non-declared variables will become global, hence known outside of the function, and this may have undesirable side-effects. On the other hand, in some cases it may also be what you want. Local variables can be given a default value as the formal variables. \misctitle{Example:} For instance \kbd{foo(x=1,y=2,z=3) = print(x ":" y ":" z)}, defines a function which prints its arguments (at most three of them), separated by colons. This then follows the rules of default arguments generation as explained at the beginning of \secref{se:functions}. \bprog% ? foo(6,7) 6:7:3 ? foo(,5) 1:5:3 ? foo 1:2:3 \eprog Once the function is defined using the above syntax, you can use it like any other function. In addition, you can also recall its definition exactly as you do for predefined functions, that is by writing \kbd{?\var{name}}. This will print the list of arguments, as well as their default values, the text of \var{seq}, and a short help text if one was provided using the \kbd{addhelp} function (see \secref{se:addhelp}). One small difference to predefined functions is that you can never redefine the built-in functions, while you can redefine a user-defined function as many times as you want. Typing \b{u} will output the list of user-defined functions. An amusing example of a user-defined function is the following. It is intended to illustrate both the use of user-defined functions and the power of the \kbd{sumalt} function. Although the \idx{Riemann zeta-function} is included in the standard functions, let us assume that this is not the case (or that we want another implementation). One way to define it, which is probably the simplest (but certainly not the most efficient), is as follows: \sidx{zeta function} \bprog% zet(s) = \obr \q local(j); /* not needed, and possibly confusing (see below) */ \q sumalt(j=1, (-1)\pow(j-1)*j\pow(-s)) / (1 - 2\pow(1-s)) \cbr \eprog \noindent This gives reasonably good accuracy and speed as long as you are not too far from the domain of convergence. Try it for $s$ integral between $-5$ and $5$, say, or for $s=0.5+i*t$ where $t=14.134\dots$ The iterative constructs which use a variable name (\kbd{for$xxx$}, \kbd{prod$xxx$}, \kbd{sum$xxx$}, \kbd{vector}, \kbd{matrix}, \kbd{plot}, etc.) also consider the given variable to be local to the construct. A value is pushed on entry and pulled on exit. So, it is not necessary for a function using such a construct to declare the variable as a dummy formal parameter. In particular, since loop variables are not visible outside their loops, the variable \kbd{j} need not be declared in the protoype of our \kbd{zet} function above. \kbd{zet(s) = sumalt(j=1, (-1)\pow(j-1)*j\pow(-s)) / (1 - 2\pow(1-s))} \noindent would be a perfectly sensible (and in fact better) definition. Since local/global scope is a very tricky point, here's one more example. What's wrong with the following definition? \bprog% ? first\_prime\_div(x) = \obr \q local(p); \q forprime(p=2, x, if (x\%p == 0, break)); \q p \cbr ? first\_prime\_div(10) \%1 = 0 \eprog \misctitle{Answer:} the index $p$ in the \kbd{forprime} loop is local to the loop and is not visible to the outside world. Hence, it doesn't survive the \kbd{break} statement. More precisely, at this point the loop index is restored to its preceding value, which is 0 (local variables are initialized to 0 by default). To sum up, the routine returns the $p$ declared local to it, not the one which was local to \kbd{forprime} and ran through consecutive prime numbers. Here's a corrected version: \bprog% ? first\_prime\_div(x) = forprime(p=2, x, if (x\%p == 0, return(p))) \eprog Again, it is strongly recommended to declare all other local variables that are used inside a function: if a function accesses a variable which is not one of its formal parameters, the value used will be the one which happens to be on top of the stack at the time of the call. This could be a ``global'' value, or a local value belonging to any function higher in the call chain. So, be warned. There's no problem with recursive functions as long as one pays proper attention to variable scope. Here's a last example, used to retrieve the coefficient array of a multivariate polynomial (a non-trivial task due to PARI's unsophisticated representation for those objects)~: \sidx{multivariate polynomial} \bprog% coeffs(P, nbvar) = \obr \q local(v); \h \q if (type(P) != "t\_POL", \q\q for (i=0, nbvar-1, P = [P]); \q\q return (P) \q ); \q v = vector(poldegree(P)+1, i, polcoeff(P,i-1)); \q vector(length(v), i, coeffs(v[i], nbvar-1)) \cbr \eprog \noindent If $P$ is a polynomial in $k$ variables, show that after the assignment {\tt v = coeffs(P,k)}, the coefficient of $x_1^{n_1}\dots x_k^{n_k}$ in P is given by {\tt v[$n_1$+1][\dots][$n_k$+1]}. What would happen if the declaration {\tt local(v)} had been omitted ? \misctitle{Function which take functions as parameters ?} This is easy in GP using the following trick (neat example due to Bill Daly): \bprog% calc(f, x) = eval(Str( f "(x)")) \eprog \noindent If you call this with \kbd{calc("sin", 1)}, it will return $\sin(1)$ (evaluated!). \misctitle{Restrictions on variable use:} it is not allowed to use the same variable name for different parameters of your function. Or to use a given variable both as a formal parameter and a local variable in a given function. Hence \bprog% ? f(x,x) = 1 \q *** user function f: variable x declared twice. \eprog Also, the statement \kbd{\idx{global}(x, y, z, t)} (see \secref{se:global}) declares the corresponding variables to be global. It is then forbidden to use them as formal parameters or loop indexes as described above, since the parameter would ``shadow'' the variable. \misctitle{Implementation note.} For the curious reader, here is how these stacks are handled: a \idx{hashing function} is computed from the identifier, and used as an index in \tet{hashtable}, a table of pointers. Each of these pointers begins a linked list of structures (type \tet{entree}). The linked list is searched linearly for the identifier (each list will typically have less than 7 components or so). When the correct \kbd{entree} is found, it points to the top of the stack of values for that identifier if it is a variable, to the function itself if it is a predefined function, and to a copy of the text of the function if it is a user-defined function. When an error occurs, all of this maze (rather a tree, in fact) is searched and (hopefully) restored to the state preceding the last call of the main evaluator. \misctitle{Note:} The above syntax (using the \tet{local} keyword) was introduced in version 2.0.13. The old syntax \kbd{name(list of true formal variables, list of local variables) = \var{seq}} \noindent is still recognized but is deprecated since genuine arguments and local variables become undistinguishable. \subsec{Member functions}.\sidx{member functions} Member functions use the `dot' notation to retrieve information from complicated structures (by default: types \tet{ell}, \tet{nf}, \tet{bnf}, \tet{bnr} and prime ideals). The syntax \kbd{structure.member} is taken to mean: retrieve \kbd{member} from \kbd{structure}, e.g.~\kbd{ell.j} returns the $j$-invariant of the elliptic curve \kbd{ell} (or outputs an error message if \kbd{ell} doesn't have the correct type). You can define your own member functions using the syntax: \bprog% structure.member = {\it function text} \eprog \noindent where {\it function text\/} is written as the {\it seq\/} in a standard user function (without local variables), whose only argument would be \kbd{structure}. For instance, the current implementation of the \kbd{ell} type is simply an horizontal vector, the $j$-invariant being the thirteenth component. This could be implemented as \bprog x.j = \obr \q if (type(x) != "t\_VEC" || length(x) < 14, \q\q error("this is not a proper elliptic curve: " x) \q ); \q x[13] \cbr \eprog You can redefine one of your own member functions simply by typing a new definition for it. On the other hand, as a safety measure, you can't redefine the built-in member functions, so typing the above text would in fact produce an error (you'd have to call it e.g.~\kbd{x.j2} in order for GP to accept it). Typing \b{um} will output the list of user-defined member functions. \misctitle{Note:} Member functions were not meant to be too complicated or to depend on any data that wouldn't be global. Hence they do no have parameters (besides the implicit \kbd{structure}) or local variables. Of course, if you need some preprocessing work in there, there's nothing to prevent you from calling your own functions (using freely their local variables) from a member function. For instance, one could implement (a dreadful idea as far as efficiency goes): \bprog correct\_ell\_if\_needed(x) = \obr \q local(tmp); \q if (type(x) != "t\_VEC", tmp = ellinit(x)) \q \bs\bs {\it some further checks} \q tmp \cbr x.j = correct\_ell\_if\_needed(x)[13]; \eprog \subsec{Strings and Keywords}\sidx{string}\sidx{keyword} \label{se:strings} \noindent GP variables can now hold values of type character string (internal type \typ{STR}). This section describes how they are actually used, as well as some convenient tricks (automatic concatenation and expansion, keywords) valid in string context. As explained above, the general way to input a string is to enclose characters between quotes~\kbd{"}. This is the only input construct where whitespace characters are significant: the string will contain the exact number of spaces you typed in. Besides, you can ``escape'' characters by putting a \kbd{\bs} just before them; this has the following effects: { \def\q{\quad} \obeylines \q \b{e}: the \kbd{} character. \q \b{n}: the \kbd{} character. \q \b{t}: the \kbd{} character. \q \b{any-other-char}: the \kbd{any-other-char} character. } In particular, the only way to put a \kbd{"} into a string is to escape it. Thus, for instance, \kbd{"\bs"a\bs""} would produce the string whose content is ``a''. This is definitely {\it not\/} the same thing as typing \kbd{"a"}, whose content is merely the one-letter string a. You can concatenate two strings using the \tet{concat} function. If either argument is a string, the other is automatically converted to a string if necessary (it will be evaluated first). \bprog% ? concat("ex", 1+1) \%1 = "ex2" ? a = 2; b = "ex"; concat(b, a) \%2 = "ex2" ? concat(a, b) \%3 = "2ex" \eprog Some functions expect strings for some of their arguments: \tet{print} would be an obvious example, \tet{Str} is a less obvious but very useful one (see the end of this section for a complete list). While typing in such an argument, you will be said to be in {\it \idx{string context}}. The rest of this section is devoted to special syntactical tricks which can be used with such arguments (and only here; you will get an error message if you try these outside of string context): $\bullet$ Writing two strings alongside one another will just concatenate them, producing a longer string. Thus it is equivalent to type in \kbd{"a " "b"} or \kbd{"a b"}. A little tricky point in the first expression: the first whitespace is enclosed between quotes, and so is part of a string; while the second (before the \kbd{"b"}) is completely optional and GP actually suppresses it, as it would with any number of whitespace characters at this point (i.e.~outside of any string). $\bullet$ If you insert an expression without quotes when GP expects a string, it gets ``expanded'': it is evaluated as a standard GP expression, and the final result (as would have been printed if you had typed it by itself) is then converted to a string, as if you had typed it directly. For instance \kbd{"a" 1+1 "b"} is equivalent to \kbd{"a2b"}: three strings get created, the middle one being the expansion of \kbd{1+1}, and these are then concatenated according to the rule described above. Another tricky point here: assume you did not assign a value to \kbd{aaa} in a GP expression before. Then typing \kbd{aaa} by itself in a string context will actually produce the correct output (i.e.~the string whose content is aaa), but in a fortuitous way. This \kbd{aaa} gets expanded to the monomial of degree one in the variable \kbd{aaa}, which is of course printed as \kbd{aaa}, and thus will expand to the three letters you were expecting. But you will have defined a variable as a side effect. $\bullet$ Since there are cases where expansion is not really desirable, we now distinguish between ``Keywords'' and ``Strings''. String is what has been described so far. Keywords are special relatives of Strings which are automatically assumed to be quoted, whether you actually type in the quotes or not. Thus expansion is never performed on them. They get concatenated, though. The analyzer supplies automatically the quotes you have ``forgotten'' and treats Keywords just as normal strings otherwise. For instance, if you type \kbd{"a"b+b} in Keyword context, you will get the string whose contents are ab+b. In String context, on the other hand, you would get a2\kbd{*}b (and you would have created the variable \kbd{b} in the process if it didn't exist before, but not the variable~\kbd{a}). All GP functions have prototypes (described in Chapter~3 below) which specify the types of arguments they expect: either generic PARI objects (GEN), or strings, or keywords, or unevaluated expression sequences. In the keyword case, only a very small set of words will actually be meaningful (the \kbd{default} function is a prominent example). Let's now try some not-so-stupid exercises to get the hang of it. Try to guess the results of the following commands without actually typing them, assuming that the \kbd{print} command evaluates and prints its (string) arguments in left-to-right order, ending with a newline (and returns 0 as an unprinted result): \bprog% \q print() \q print(1+3"a,3" ,4) \q print(a=3, (1 + ((a-3)==print())) (a = (a == 5\bs/2))) \eprog \noindent To round this up, here is a less artificial example, used to create generic matrices\sidx{generic matrix}: \bprog% ? genmat(u,v,s="x") = \idx{matrix}(u,v,i,j, eval(Str(s "" i "" j))) ? genmat(2,3) + genmat(2,3,m) \%1 = [x11 + m11 x12 + m12 x13 + m13] [x21 + m21 x22 + m22 x23 + m23] \eprog \noindent Note that the argument of \kbd{Str} is evaluated in string context, and really consists of 5 pieces (exercise: why are the empty strings necessary?). This part could also have been written as \kbd{concat(concat(Str(s), i), j)} (but {\it not\/} as \kbd{concat(Str(s), concat(i,j))}!). In practice, \kbd{Str} will often be easier to use than \kbd{concat}, if slightly more cryptic. \noindent The arguments of the following functions are processed in string context: \bprog% \idx{Str} \idx{addhelp} {\rm (second argument)} \idx{default} {\rm (second argument)} \idx{error} \idx{extern} \idx{plotstring} {\rm (second argument)} \idx{plotterm} {\rm (first argument)} {\rm all the \kbd{\idx{print}{\it xxx\/}} functions} \idx{read} \idx{system} {\rm all the \kbd{\idx{write}{\it xxx\/}} functions} \eprog \noindent The arguments of the following functions are processed as keywords: \bprog% \idx{alias} \idx{default} {\rm (first argument)} \idx{install} {\rm (all arguments but the last)} \idx{type} {\rm (second argument)} \idx{whatnow} \eprog \section{Interfacing GP with other languages} \noindent The PARI library was meant to be interfaced with C programs. This specific use will be dealt with extensively in Chapter~4. GP itself provides a convenient, if simple-minded, interpreter, which enables you to execute rather intricate scripts (see \secref{se:programming}). Scripts, when properly written, tend to be shorter and much clearer than C programs, and are certainly easier to write, maintain or debug. You don't need to deal with memory management, garbage collection, pointers, declarations, and so on. Because of their intrinsic simplicity, they are more robust as well. They are unfortunately somewhat slower. Thus their use will remain complementary: it is suggested that you test and debug your algorithms using scripts, before actually coding them in C for the sake of speed. \unix{Note that the \kbd{install} command enables you to concentrate on critical parts of your programs only (which can of course be written with the help of other mathematical libraries than PARI!), and to easily and efficiently import foreign functions for use under GP (see~\secref{se:install}).} We are aware of three PARI-related public domain libraries. {\it We neither endorse nor support any of them}. You might want to give them a try if you are familiar with the languages they are based on. First, there are \tet{PariPerl}% \footnote{*}{ see \kbd{% http://nswt.tuwien.ac.at:8000/htdocs/internet/unix/perl/math-pari.html}}, % written by Ilya Zakharevich (\kbd{ilya@math.ohio-state.edu}), and \tet{PariPython}% \footnote{**}{ see \kbd{http://www.math.jussieu.fr/\til{}fermigie/PariPython/readme.html}}, % by St\'efane Fermigier (\kbd{fermigie@math.jussieu.fr}). Finaly, Michael Stoll (\kbd{Michael\_Stoll@math.uni-bonn.de}) has integrated PARI into \tet{CLISP}, which is a Common Lisp implementation by Bruno Haible, Marcus Daniels and others. These provide interfaces to GP functions for use in \kbd{perl}, \kbd{python} or \kbd{Lisp} programs.\sidx{Perl}\sidx{Python}\sidx{Lisp} To our knowledge, only the \kbd{python} and \kbd{perl} interfaces have been upgraded to version 2.0 of PARI, the \kbd{CLISP} one being still based on version 1.39.$xx$. \section{The preferences file}\sidx{startup}\sidx{gprc}\sidx{preferences file} \label{se:gprc} \noindent When GP is started, it looks for a customization file, or \kbd{gprc} in the following places (in this order, only the first one found will be read): \noindent$\bullet$ On the Macintosh (only), GP looks in the directory which contains the GP executable itself for a file called \kbd{gprc}. No other places are examined. \noindent$\bullet$ If the operating system supports environment variables (essentially, anything but MacOS), GP checks whether the environment variable \tet{GPRC} is set. Under DOS, you can set it in \kbd{AUTOEXEC.BAT}. On Unix, this can be done with something like: \smallskip \settabs\+\indent&\kbd{GPRC=/my/dir/anyname; export GPRC}\quad&\cr \+&\kbd{GPRC=/my/dir/anyname; export GPRC}\quad&in \kbd{sh} syntax (for instance in your \kbd{.profile}),\cr \+&\kbd{setenv GPRC /my/dir/anyname} &in \kbd{csh} syntax (in your \kbd{.login} or \kbd{.cshrc} file).\cr \noindent If so, the file named by \kbd{\$GPRC} is the \kbd{gprc}. \noindent$\bullet$ If \kbd{GPRC} is not set, and if the environment variable \kbd{HOME} is defined, GP then tries \kbd{\$HOME/.gprc} on a Unix system \kbd{\$HOME\bs\_$\,$gprc} on a DOS, OS/2, or Windows system. \noindent$\bullet$ If \kbd{HOME} also leaves us clueless, we try \strut\kbd{\til/.gprc} on a Unix system (where as usual \kbd{\til} stands for your home directory), or \kbd{\b{\_}$\,$gprc} on a DOS, OS/2, or Windows system. \noindent$\bullet$ Finally, if no gprc was found among the user files mentioned above we look for \kbd{/etc/gprc} (\kbd{\bs etc\bs gprc}) for a system-wide gprc file (you'll need root privileges to set up such a file yourself). Note that on Unix systems, the \kbd{gprc}'s default name starts with a '.' and thus is hidden to regular \kbd{ls} commands; you need to type \kbd{ls -a} to see whether it's already there without your knowing about it. In any case, GP will open the corresponding file and process the commands in there, {\it before\/} doing anything else, e.g.~creating the PARI stack. If the file doesn't exist or cannot be read, GP will proceed to the initialization phase at once, eventually emitting a prompt. If any explicit commandline switches are given, they will override the values read from the \kbd{gprc} file. The syntax in this file (and valid in this file only, at this very precise moment!) is simple-minded, but should be sufficient for most purposes. It is read line by line, white space being optional as usual (unless surrounded by quotes). Two types of lines are first dealt with by a preprocessor: $\bullet$ comments are removed. This applies to all text surrounded by \kbd{/*~\dots~*/} as well as everything following \kbd{\bs\bs} on a given line. $\bullet$ lines starting with \kbd{\#if} \var{keyword} are treated as comments if \var{keyword} is not defined, and read normally otherwise. The condition can be negated using either \kbd{\#if not} (or \kbd{\#if !}). Only two keywords are recognized: \kbd{EMACS}: defined if GP is running in an Emacs shell (see \secref{se:emacs}). \kbd{READL}: defined if GP is compiled with \kbd{readline} support (see \secref{se:readline}). \noindent For instance you could set your prompt in the following portable way: \bprog% \b{\bs} self modifying prompt looking like \hbox{{\rm (18:03) \key{gp}} >} prompt = "(\%R) \b{e}[1mgp\b{e}[m > " \h \b{\bs} readline wants non-printing characters to be braced between \pow A/\pow B pairs \#if READL prompt = "(\%R) \pow A\b{e}[1m\pow Bgp\pow A\b{e}[m\pow B > " \h \b{\bs} escape sequences not supported under emacs \#if EMACS prompt = "(\%R) gp > " \eprog \noindent After the preprocessing there remain two types of lines: $\bullet$ lines of the form \var{default} \kbd{=} \var{value}, where \var{default} is one of the available defaults (see \secref{se:defaults}), which will be set to \var{value} on actual startup. Don't forget the quotes around strings (e.g.~for \kbd{prompt} or \kbd{help}). $\bullet$ lines of the form \kbd{read "\var{some\_GP\_file}"} where \kbd{\var{some\_GP\_file}} is a regular GP script this time, which will be read just before GP prompts you for commands, but after initializing the defaults. This is the right place to input files containing \kbd{alias} commands, or your favorite macros. A sample \kbd{gprc} file called \kbd{gprc.dft} is provided in the standard distribution (in directory \kbd{lib}). It's a good idea to have a look at it and customize it to your needs. \section{Using GP under GNU Emacs} \label{se:emacs} Thanks to the initial help of Annette Hoffman from the University of Saarbr\"ucken, and David Carlisle from the University of Manchester, it is possible to use GP as a subprocess of GNU \idx{Emacs}. (Of course, you need GNU Emacs to be installed on your machine!). To use this, you should include in your \kbd{.emacs} file the following lines: \bprog% (autoload 'gp-mode "\miscdir/pari" nil t) (autoload 'gp-script-mode "\miscdir/pari" nil t) (autoload 'gp "\miscdir/pari" nil t) (autoload 'gpman "\miscdir/pari" nil t) (setq auto-mode-alist \q (cons '("\bs\bs.gp\$" . gp-script-mode) auto-mode-alist)) \eprog where \kbd{pari.el} is the name of the file that will have to be loaded by GNU Emacs (if you have changed the name, or if you have the file in a different directory, you must of course supply the correct name). This file is included in the PARI distribution and probably has been installed at the same time as GP. Once this is done, under GNU Emacs if you type \kbd{M-x gp} (where as usual \kbd{M} is the \kbd{Meta} key, i.e.~Escape, or on SUN keyboards, the Left key), a special shell will be started, which in particular launches GP with the default stack size, prime limit and input buffer size. If you type instead \kbd{C-u M-x gp}, you will be asked for the name of the GP executable, the stack size, the prime limit and the input buffer size before the execution of GP begins. If for any of these you simply type return, the default value will be used. On UNIX machines it will be the place you told \kbd{Configure} (usually \kbd{/usr/local/bin/gp}) for the executable, 4000000 for the stack, 500000 for the prime limit and 30000 for the buffer size. \smallskip You can then work as usual under GP, but with two notable advantages (which don't really matter if readline is available to you, see below). First and foremost, you have at your disposal all the facilities of a text editor like Emacs, in particular for correcting or copying blocks. Second, you can have an on-line help which is much more complete than what you obtain by typing \kbd{?name}. This is done by typing \kbd{M-?}. In the minibuffer, Emacs asks what function you want to describe, and after your reply you obtain the description which is in the users manual, including the description of functions (such as \kbd{\bs}, \kbd{\%}) which use special symbols. This help system can also be menu-driven, by using the command \kbd{M-\char`\\ c} which opens a help menu window which enables you to choose the category of commands for which you want an explanation. Nevertheless, if extended help is available on your system (see \secref{se:exthelp}), you should use it instead of the above, since it's nicer (it ran through \TeX) and understands many more keywords. Finally you can use command completion in the following way. After the prompt, type the first few letters of the command, then \kbd{} where \kbd{} is the TAB key. If there exists a unique command starting with the letters you have typed, the command name will be completed. If not, either the list of commands starting with the letters you typed will be displayed in a separate window (which you can then kill by typing as usual \kbd{C-x 1} or by typing in more letters), or ``no match found'' will be displayed in the Emacs command line. If your GP was linked with the readline library, read the section on completion in the section below (the paragraph on online help is not relevant). Note that if for some reason the session crashes (due to a bug in your program or in the PARI system), you will usually stay under Emacs, but the GP buffer will be killed. To recover it, simply type again \kbd{M-x gp} (or \kbd{C-u M-x gp}), and a new session of GP will be started after the old one, so you can recover what you have typed. Note that this will of course {\it not} work if for some reason you exited Emacs before coming back (except for the \kbd{C-z} temporary stopping command). \smallskip You also have at your disposal a few other commands and many possible customizations (colours, prompt). Read the file \kbd{emacs/pariemacs.txt} in standard distribution for details. \section{Using GP with readline} \sidx{line editor}\sidx{completion} Thanks to the initial help of Ilya Zakharevich, there is a possibility of line editing and command name completion outside of an Emacs buffer {\it if} you have compiled GP with the GNU \idx{readline} library. If you don't have Emacs available, or can't stand using it, we really advise you to make sure you get this very useful library before configuring or compiling GP. In fact, with \kbd{readline}, even line editing becomes {\it more} powerful outside an Emacs buffer! \subsec{A (too) short introduction to readline}: \label{se:readline} The basics are as follows (read the readline user manual~!), assume that \kbd{C-} stands for ``the \kbd{Control} key combined with another'' and the same for \kbd{M-} with the \kbd{Meta} key (generally \kbd{C-} combinations act on characters, while the \kbd{M-} ones operate on words). The \kbd{Meta} key might be called \kbd{Alt} on some keyboards, will display a black diamond on most others, and can safely be replaced by \kbd{Esc} in any case. Typing any ordinary key inserts text where the cursor stands, the arrow keys enabling you to move in the line. There are many more movement commands, which will be familiar to the Emacs user, for instance \kbd{C-a}/\kbd{C-e} will take you to the start/end of the line, \kbd{M-b}/\kbd{M-f} move the cursor backward/forward by a word, etc. Just press the \kbd{Return} key at any point to send your command to GP. All the commands you type in are stored in a history (with multiline commands being saved as single concatenated lines). The Up and Down arrows (or \kbd{C-p}/\kbd{C-n}) will move you through it, \kbd{M-<}/\kbd{M->} sending you to the start/end of the history. \kbd{C-r}/\kbd{C-s} will start an incremental backward/forward search. You can kill text (\kbd{C-k} kills till the end of line, \kbd{M-d} to the end of current word) which you can then yank back using the \kbd{C-y} key (\kbd{M-y} will rotate the kill-ring). \kbd{C-\_} will undo your last changes incrementally (\kbd{M-r} undoes all changes made to the current line). \kbd{C-t} and \kbd{M-t} will transpose the character (word) preceding the cursor and the one under the cursor. Keeping the \kbd{M-} key down while you enter an integer (a minus sign meaning reverse behaviour) gives an argument to your next readline command (for instance \kbd{M-- C-k} will kill text back to the start of line). If you prefer \idx{Vi}--style editing, \kbd{M-C-j} will toggle you to Vi mode. Of course you can change all these default bindings. For that you need to create a file named \kbd{.inputrc} in your home directory. For instance (notice the embedding conditional in case you would want specific bindings for GP): % \bprog% \$if Pari-GP \q set show-all-if-ambiguous \q "\b{C}-h": backward-delete-char \q "\b{e}\b{C}-h": backward-kill-word \q "\b{C}-xd": dump-functions \q (: "\b{C}-v()\b{C}-b" \qquad \# can be annoying when copy-pasting~! \q [: "\b{C}-v[]\b{C}-b" \$endif% \eprog % \noindent\kbd{C-x C-r} will re-read this init file, incorporating any changes made to it during the current session. \misctitle{Note:} By default, \kbd{(} and \kbd{[} are bound to the function \kbd{pari-matched-insert} which, if ``electric parentheses'' are enabled (default: off) will automatically insert the matching closure (respectively \kbd{)} and \kbd{]}). This behaviour can be toggled on and off by giving the numeric argument $-2$ to \kbd{(} (\kbd{M--2(}), which is useful if you want, e.g to copy-paste some text into the calculator. If you don't want a toggle, you can use \kbd{M--0} / \kbd{M--1} to specifically switch it on or off). \misctitle{Note:} In recent versions of readline (2.1 for instance), the \kbd{Alt} or \kbd{Meta} key can give funny results (output 8-bit accented characters for instance). If you don't want to fall back to the \kbd{Esc} combination, put the following two lines in your \kbd{.inputrc}: % \bprog% set convert-meta on set output-meta off% \eprog % don't remove this leading space (needed by gphelp) \subsec{Command completion and online help} As in the Emacs shell, \kbd{} will complete words for you. But, under readline, this mechanism will be context-dependent: GP will strive to only give you meaningful completions in a given context (it will fail sometimes, but only under rare and restricted conditions). For instance, shortly after a \kbd{\til}, we expect a user name, then a path to some file. Directly after \kbd{default(} has been typed, we would expect one of the \kbd{default} keywords. After \kbd{whatnow(} , we expect the name of an old function, which may well have disappeared from this version. After a '.', we expect a member keyword. And generally of course, we expect any GP symbol which may be found in the hashing lists: functions (both yours and GP's), and variables. If, at any time, only one completion is meaningful, GP will provide it together with $\bullet$ an ending comma if we're completing a default, $\bullet$ a pair of parentheses if we're completing a function name. In that case hitting \kbd{} again will provide the argument list as given by the online help\footnote{*}{recall that you can always undo the effect of the preceding keys by hitting \kbd{C-\_}}. Otherwise, hitting \kbd{} once more will give you the list of possible completions. Just experiment with this mechanism as often as possible, you'll probably find it very convenient. For instance, you can obtain \kbd{default(seriesprecision,10)}, just by hitting \kbd{defse10}, which saves 18 keystrokes (out of 27). Hitting \kbd{M-h} will give you the usual short online help concerning the word directly beneath the cursor, \kbd{M-H} will yield the extended help corresponding to the \kbd{help} default program (usually opens a \idx{dvi} previewer, or runs a primitive tex-to-ASCII program). None of these disturb the line you were editing. \vfill\eject