/********************************************************************/ /** **/ /** LINEAR ALGEBRA **/ /** (first part) **/ /** **/ /********************************************************************/ /* $Id: alglin1.c,v 1999/09/16 13:47:15 karim Exp $ */ #include "pari.h" /*******************************************************************/ /* */ /* TRANSPOSE */ /* */ /*******************************************************************/ GEN gtrans(GEN x) { long i,j,lx,dx, tx=typ(x); GEN y,p1; if (! is_matvec_t(tx)) err(typeer,"gtrans"); switch(tx) { case t_VEC: y=gcopy(x); settyp(y,t_COL); break; case t_COL: y=gcopy(x); settyp(y,t_VEC); break; case t_MAT: lx=lg(x); if (lx==1) return cgetg(1,t_MAT); dx=lg(x[1]); y=cgetg(dx,tx); for (i=1; i> TWOPOTBYTES_IN_LONG; x = cgetg(l+1, t_STR); str = GSTR(x); strcpy(str,sx); strcat(str,sy); if (flx) free(sx); if (fly) free(sy); return x; } GEN concatsp(GEN x, GEN y) { long tx=typ(x),ty=typ(y),lx=lg(x),ly=lg(y),i; GEN z,p1; if (tx==t_LIST || ty==t_LIST) return listconcat(x,y); if (tx==t_STR || ty==t_STR) return strconcat(x,y); if (tx==t_MAT && lx==1) { if (ty!=t_VEC || ly==1) return gtomat(y); err(concater); } if (ty==t_MAT && ly==1) { if (tx!=t_VEC || lx==1) return gtomat(x); err(concater); } if (! is_matvec_t(tx)) { if (! is_matvec_t(ty)) { z=cgetg(3,t_VEC); z[1]=(long)x; z[2]=(long)y; return z; } z=cgetg(ly+1,ty); if (ty != t_MAT) p1 = x; else { if (lg(y[1])!=2) err(concater); p1=cgetg(2,t_COL); p1[1]=(long)x; } for (i=2; i<=ly; i++) z[i]=y[i-1]; z[1]=(long)p1; return z; } if (! is_matvec_t(ty)) { z=cgetg(lx+1,tx); if (tx != t_MAT) p1 = y; else { if (lg(x[1])!=2) err(concater); p1=cgetg(2,t_COL); p1[1]=(long)y; } for (i=1; i=3) break; return (ly==1)? x: concatsp(x,(GEN) y[1]); case t_MAT: z=cgetg(ly,ty); if (lx != ly) break; for (i=1; i=3) break; return (ly==1)? x: concatsp(x,(GEN) y[1]); case t_MAT: if (lx != lg(y[1])) break; z=cgetg(ly+1,ty); z[1]=(long)x; for (i=2; i<=ly; i++) z[i]=y[i-1]; return z; } break; case t_MAT: switch(ty) { case t_VEC: z=cgetg(lx,tx); if (ly != lx) break; for (i=1; i=lx) err(talker,"trying to concat elements of an empty vector"); y = (GEN)x[i++]; for (; i=3) break; return (ly==1)? gcopy(x): concat(x,(GEN) y[1]); case t_MAT: z=cgetg(ly,ty); if (lx != ly) break; for (i=1; i=3) break; return (ly==1)? gcopy(x): concat(x,(GEN) y[1]); case t_MAT: if (lx != lg(y[1])) break; z=cgetg(ly+1,ty); z[1]=lcopy(x); for (i=2; i<=ly; i++) z[i]=lcopy((GEN) y[i-1]); return z; } break; case t_MAT: switch(ty) { case t_VEC: z=cgetg(lx,tx); if (ly != lx) break; for (i=1; imax) return 0; } if (*s == '.') { s++; if (*s != '.') return 0; do s++; while (isspace((int)*s)); if (*s) { *b = str_to_long(s, &s); if (*b < 0) *b += lx; if (*b<1 || *b>max || *s) return 0; } return 1; } if (*s) return 0; *b = *a; return 1; } GEN extract(GEN x, GEN l) { long av,i,j, tl = typ(l), tx = typ(x), lx = lg(x); GEN y; if (! is_matvec_t(tx)) err(typeer,"extract"); if (tl==t_INT) { /* extract components of x as per the bits of mask l */ if (!signe(l)) return cgetg(1,tx); av=avma; y = (GEN) gpmalloc(lx*sizeof(long)); i = j = 1; while (!mpodd(l)) { l=shifti(l,-1); i++; } while (signe(l) && ifirst; i--,j++) y[j] = lcopy((GEN)x[i]); for (i=last-1; i>0; i--,j++) y[j] = lcopy((GEN)x[i]); } } else { if (first <= last) { y = cgetg(last-first+2,tx); for (i=first,j=1; i<=last; i++,j++) y[j] = lcopy((GEN)x[i]); } else { y = cgetg(first-last+2,tx); for (i=first,j=1; i>=last; i--,j++) y[j] = lcopy((GEN)x[i]); } } return y; } if (is_vec_t(tl)) { long ll=lg(l); y=cgetg(ll,tx); for (i=1; i=lx || j<=0) err(talker,"no such component in vecextract"); y[i] = lcopy((GEN) x[j]); } return y; } if (tl == t_VECSMALL) { long ll=lg(l); y=cgetg(ll,tx); for (i=1; i=lx || j<=0) err(talker,"no such component in vecextract"); y[i] = lcopy((GEN) x[j]); } return y; } err(talker,"incorrect mask in vecextract"); return NULL; /* not reached */ } GEN matextract(GEN x, GEN l1, GEN l2) { long av = avma, tetpil; if (typ(x)!=t_MAT) err(typeer,"matextract"); x = extract(gtrans(extract(x,l2)),l1); tetpil=avma; return gerepile(av,tetpil, gtrans(x)); } GEN extract0(GEN x, GEN l1, GEN l2) { if (! l2) return extract(x,l1); return matextract(x,l1,l2); } /*******************************************************************/ /* */ /* SCALAR-MATRIX OPERATIONS */ /* */ /*******************************************************************/ /* create the square nxn matrix equal to z*Id */ static GEN gscalmat_proto(GEN z, GEN myzero, long n, int flag) { long i,j; GEN y = cgetg(n+1,t_MAT); if (n < 0) err(talker,"negative size in scalmat"); if (flag) z = (flag==1)? stoi((long)z): gcopy(z); for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { y[i]=lgetg(n+1,t_COL); for (j=1; j<=n; j++) coeff(y,j,i) = (i==j)? (long)z: (long)myzero; } return y; } GEN gscalmat(GEN x, long n) { return gscalmat_proto(x,gzero,n,2); } GEN gscalsmat(long x, long n) { return gscalmat_proto((GEN)x,gzero,n,1); } GEN idmat(long n) { return gscalmat_proto(gun,gzero,n,0); } GEN idmat_intern(long n,GEN myun,GEN z) { return gscalmat_proto(myun,z,n,0); } GEN gscalcol_proto(GEN z, GEN myzero, long n) { GEN y = cgetg(n+1,t_COL); long i; if (n) { y[1]=(long)z; for (i=2; i<=n; i++) y[i]=(long)myzero; } return y; } GEN zerocol(long n) { GEN y = cgetg(n+1,t_COL); long i; for (i=1; i<=n; i++) y[i]=zero; return y; } GEN gscalcol(GEN x, long n) { return gscalcol_proto(gcopy(x),gzero,n); } GEN gscalcol_i(GEN x, long n) { return gscalcol_proto(x,gzero,n); } GEN gtomat(GEN x) { long tx,lx,i; GEN y,p1; if (!x) return cgetg(1, t_MAT); tx = typ(x); if (! is_matvec_t(tx)) { y=cgetg(2,t_MAT); p1=cgetg(2,t_COL); y[1]=(long)p1; p1[1]=lcopy(x); return y; } switch(tx) { case t_VEC: lx=lg(x); y=cgetg(lx,t_MAT); for (i=1; i0; i--) { m = gneg_i((GEN)b[i]); for (j=i+1; j<=nbli; j++) m = gadd(m, gmul(gcoeff(a,i,j),(GEN) u[j])); u[i] = ldiv(gneg_i(m), gcoeff(a,i,i)); } return u; } /* Gauss pivot. * Compute a^(-1)*b, where nblig(a) = nbcol(a) = nblig(b). * b is a matrix or column vector, NULL meaning: take the identity matrix * Be careful, if a or b is empty, the result is the empty matrix... */ GEN gauss(GEN a, GEN b) { long inexact,ismat,nbli,nbco,i,j,k,av,tetpil,lim; GEN p,m,u; /* nbli: nb lines of b = nb columns of a */ /* nbco: nb columns of b (if matrix) */ if (typ(a)!=t_MAT) err(mattype1,"gauss"); if (b && typ(b)!=t_COL && typ(b)!=t_MAT) err(typeer,"gauss"); if (lg(a) == 1) { if (b && lg(b)!=1) err(consister,"gauss"); if (DEBUGLEVEL) err(warner,"in Gauss lg(a)=%ld lg(b)=%ld",lg(a),b?lg(b):-1); return cgetg(1,t_MAT); } av=avma; lim=stack_lim(av,1); nbli = lg(a)-1; if (nbli!=lg(a[1])-1) err(mattype1,"gauss"); a = dummycopy(a); b = check_b(b,nbli); nbco = lg(b)-1; inexact = use_maximal_pivot(a); ismat = (typ(b)==t_MAT); if(DEBUGLEVEL>4) fprintferr("Entering gauss with inexact=%ld ismat=%ld\n",inexact,ismat); for (i=1; i ex) { ex=e; k=j; } } if (gcmp0(gcoeff(a,k,i))) err(matinv1); } else if (gcmp0(p)) /* first non-zero pivot */ { do k++; while (k<=nbli && gcmp0(gcoeff(a,k,i))); if (k>nbli) err(matinv1); } /* if (k!=i), exchange the lines s.t. k = i */ if (k != i) { for (j=i; j<=nbli; j++) swap(coeff(a,i,j), coeff(a,k,j)); if (ismat) { for (j=1; j<=nbco; j++) swap(coeff(b,i,j), coeff(b,k,j)); } else swap(b[i],b[k]); p = gcoeff(a,i,i); } for (k=i+1; k<=nbli; k++) { m=gcoeff(a,k,i); if (!gcmp0(m)) { m = gneg_i(gdiv(m,p)); for (j=i+1; j<=nbli; j++) { u = gmul(m,gcoeff(a,i,j)); coeff(a,k,j) = ladd(gcoeff(a,k,j),u); } if (ismat) for (j=1; j<=nbco; j++) { u = gmul(m,gcoeff(b,i,j)); coeff(b,k,j) = ladd(gcoeff(b,k,j),u); } else { u = gmul(m,(GEN) b[i]); b[k] = ladd((GEN) b[k],u); } } } if (low_stack(lim, stack_lim(av,1))) { GEN *gptr[2]; if(DEBUGMEM>1) err(warnmem,"gauss. i=%ld",i); gptr[0]=&a; gptr[1]=&b; gerepilemany(av,gptr,2); } } if(DEBUGLEVEL>4) fprintferr("Solving the triangular system\n"); p=gcoeff(a,nbli,nbli); if (!inexact && gcmp0(p)) err(matinv1); if (!ismat) u = gauss_get_col(a,b,p,nbli); else { long av1 = avma; lim = stack_lim(av1,1); u=cgetg(nbco+1,t_MAT); for (j=2; j<=nbco; j++) u[j] = zero; /* dummy */ for (j=1; j<=nbco; j++) { u[j] = (long)gauss_get_col(a,(GEN)b[j],p,nbli); if (low_stack(lim, stack_lim(av1,1))) { if(DEBUGMEM>1) err(warnmem,"gauss[2]. j=%ld", j); tetpil=avma; u = gerepile(av1,tetpil,gcopy(u)); } } } tetpil=avma; return gerepile(av,tetpil,gcopy(u)); } /* x a matrix with integer coefficients. Return a multiple of the determinant * of the lattice generated by the columns of x (to be used with hnfmod) */ GEN detint(GEN x) { GEN pass,c,v,det1,piv,pivprec,vi,p1; long i,j,k,rg,n,m,m1,av=avma,av1,lim; if (typ(x)!=t_MAT) err(typeer,"detint"); n=lg(x)-1; if (!n) return gun; m1=lg(x[1]); m=m1-1; lim=stack_lim(av,1); c=new_chunk(m1); for (k=1; k<=m; k++) c[k]=0; av1=avma; pass=cgetg(m1,t_MAT); for (j=1; j<=m; j++) { p1=cgetg(m1,t_COL); pass[j]=(long)p1; for (i=1; i<=m; i++) p1[i]=zero; } v=cgetg(m1,t_COL); det1=gzero; piv=pivprec=gun; for (rg=0,k=1; k<=n; k++) { long t = 0; for (i=1; i<=m; i++) if (!c[i]) { vi=mulii(piv,gcoeff(x,i,k)); for (j=1; j<=m; j++) if (c[j]) vi=addii(vi,mulii(gcoeff(pass,i,j),gcoeff(x,j,k))); v[i]=(long)vi; if (!t && signe(vi)) t=i; } if (t) { if (rg == m-1) { det1=mppgcd((GEN)v[t],det1); c[t]=0; } else { rg++; pivprec = piv; piv=(GEN)v[t]; c[t]=k; for (i=1; i<=m; i++) if (!c[i]) { GEN p2 = negi((GEN)v[i]); for (j=1; j<=m; j++) if (c[j] && j!=t) { p1 = addii(mulii(gcoeff(pass,i,j), piv), mulii(gcoeff(pass,t,j), p2)); if (rg>1) p1 = divii(p1,pivprec); coeff(pass,i,j) = (long)p1; } coeff(pass,i,t) = (long)p2; } } } if (low_stack(lim, stack_lim(av,1))) { GEN *gptr[5]; if(DEBUGMEM>1) err(warnmem,"detint. k=%ld",k); gptr[0]=&det1; gptr[1]=ϖ gptr[2]=&pivprec; gptr[3]=&pass; gptr[4]=&v; gerepilemany(av1,gptr,5); } } return gerepileupto(av, absi(det1)); } static void gerepile_gauss_keep(GEN x, long m, long n, long k, long t, long av) { long tetpil = avma,dec,u,A,i; if (DEBUGMEM > 1) err(warnmem,"gauss_pivot_keep. k=%ld, n=%ld",k,n); for (u=t+1; u<=m; u++) copyifstack(coeff(x,u,k), coeff(x,u,k)); for (i=k+1; i<=n; i++) for (u=1; u<=m; u++) copyifstack(coeff(x,u,i), coeff(x,u,i)); (void)gerepile(av,tetpil,NULL); dec = av-tetpil; for (u=t+1; u<=m; u++) { A=coeff(x,u,k); if (A=bot) coeff(x,u,k)+=dec; } for (i=k+1; i<=n; i++) for (u=1; u<=m; u++) { A=coeff(x,u,i); if (A=bot) coeff(x,u,i)+=dec; } } static void gerepile_gauss_keep_mod_p(GEN x, GEN p, long m, long n, long k, long t, long av) { long tetpil = avma,dec,u,A,i; if (DEBUGMEM > 1) err(warnmem,"gauss_pivot_keep. k=%ld, n=%ld",k,n); for (u=t+1; u<=m; u++) if (isonstack(coeff(x,u,k))) coeff(x,u,k) = lmodii(gcoeff(x,u,k),p); for (i=k+1; i<=n; i++) for (u=1; u<=m; u++) if (isonstack(coeff(x,u,i))) coeff(x,u,i) = lmodii(gcoeff(x,u,i),p); (void)gerepile(av,tetpil,NULL); dec = av-tetpil; for (u=t+1; u<=m; u++) { A=coeff(x,u,k); if (A=bot) coeff(x,u,k)+=dec; } for (i=k+1; i<=n; i++) for (u=1; u<=m; u++) { A=coeff(x,u,i); if (A=bot) coeff(x,u,i)+=dec; } } /* special gerepile for huge matrices */ static void gerepile_gauss(GEN x,long m,long n,long k,long t,long av, long j, GEN c) { long tetpil = avma,dec,u,A,i; if (DEBUGMEM > 1) err(warnmem,"gauss_pivot. k=%ld, n=%ld",k,n); for (u=t+1; u<=m; u++) if (u==j || !c[u]) copyifstack(coeff(x,u,k), coeff(x,u,k)); for (u=1; u<=m; u++) if (u==j || !c[u]) for (i=k+1; i<=n; i++) copyifstack(coeff(x,u,i), coeff(x,u,i)); (void)gerepile(av,tetpil,NULL); dec = av-tetpil; for (u=t+1; u<=m; u++) if (u==j || !c[u]) { A=coeff(x,u,k); if (A=bot) coeff(x,u,k)+=dec; } for (u=1; u<=m; u++) if (u==j || !c[u]) for (i=k+1; i<=n; i++) { A=coeff(x,u,i); if (A=bot) coeff(x,u,i)+=dec; } } /*******************************************************************/ /* */ /* KERNEL of an m x n matrix */ /* return n - rk(x) linearly independant vectors */ /* */ /*******************************************************************/ /* x has INTEGER coefficients */ GEN keri(GEN x) { GEN c,d,y,p,pp; long i,j,k,r,t,n,m,av,av0,tetpil,lim; if (typ(x)!=t_MAT) err(typeer,"keri"); n=lg(x)-1; if (!n) return cgetg(1,t_MAT); av0=avma; m=lg(x[1])-1; r=0; pp=cgetg(n+1,t_COL); x=dummycopy(x); p=gun; c=new_chunk(m+1); for (k=1; k<=m; k++) c[k]=0; d=new_chunk(n+1); av=avma; lim=stack_lim(av,1); for (k=1; k<=n; k++) { j=1; while (j<=m && (c[j] || !signe(gcoeff(x,j,k))) ) j++; if (j>m) { r++; d[k]=0; for(j=1; jnc) { avma=av; y=cgetg(nc+1,t_COL); for (j=1; j<=nc; j++) y[j]=zero; return y; } y=cgetg(nc+1,t_COL); y[1]=(k>1)? coeff(x,l[1],k): un; for (q=gun,j=2; j1) y[k]=lneg(gmul(q,(GEN) d[k-1])); for (j=k+1; j<=nc; j++) y[j]=zero; d=content(y); t=avma; return gerepile(av,t,gdiv(y,d)); } /*******************************************************************/ /* */ /* GAUSS REDUCTION OF MATRICES (m lines x n cols) */ /* (kernel, image, complementary image, rank) */ /* */ /*******************************************************************/ static long gauss_ex; static int (*gauss_is_zero)(GEN); static int real0(GEN x) { return gcmp0(x) || (gexpo(x) < gauss_ex); } static void gauss_get_prec(GEN x, long prec) { long pr = matprec(x); if (!pr) { gauss_is_zero = &gcmp0; return; } if (pr > prec) prec = pr; gauss_ex = - (long)(0.85 * bit_accuracy(prec)); gauss_is_zero = &real0; } /* return the transform of x under a standard Gauss pivot. r = dim ker(x). * d[k] contains the index of the first non-zero pivot in column k */ static GEN gauss_pivot_keep(GEN x, long prec, GEN *dd, long *rr) { GEN c,d,p,mun; long i,j,k,r,t,n,m,av,lim; if (typ(x)!=t_MAT) err(typeer,"gauss_pivot"); n=lg(x)-1; if (!n) { *dd=NULL; *rr=0; return cgetg(1,t_MAT); } gauss_get_prec(x,prec); m=lg(x[1])-1; r=0; x=dummycopy(x); mun=negi(gun); c=new_chunk(m+1); for (k=1; k<=m; k++) c[k]=0; d=(GEN)gpmalloc((n+1)*sizeof(long)); av=avma; lim=stack_lim(av,1); for (k=1; k<=n; k++) { j=1; while (j<=m && (c[j] || gauss_is_zero(gcoeff(x,j,k)))) j++; if (j>m) { r++; d[k]=0; for(j=1; jm) { r++; d[k]=0; } else { c[j]=k; d[k]=j; p = gdiv(mun,gcoeff(x,j,k)); for (i=k+1; i<=n; i++) coeff(x,j,i) = lmul(p,gcoeff(x,j,i)); for (t=1; t<=m; t++) if (!c[t]) /* no pivot on that line yet */ { p=gcoeff(x,t,k); coeff(x,t,k)=zero; for (i=k+1; i<=n; i++) coeff(x,t,i) = ladd(gcoeff(x,t,i), gmul(p,gcoeff(x,j,i))); if (low_stack(lim, stack_lim(av,1))) gerepile_gauss(x,m,n,k,t,av,j,c); } for (i=k; i<=n; i++) coeff(x,j,i) = zero; /* dummy */ } } *dd=d; *rr=r; } static GEN ker0(GEN x, long prec) { GEN d,y; long i,j,k,r,n, av = avma, tetpil; x=gauss_pivot_keep(x,prec,&d,&r); if (!r) { avma=av; if (d) free(d); return cgetg(1,t_MAT); } n = lg(x)-1; tetpil=avma; y=cgetg(r+1,t_MAT); for (j=k=1; j<=r; j++,k++) { GEN p = cgetg(n+1,t_COL); y[j]=(long)p; while (d[k]) k++; for (i=1; in) err(suppler2); zone = switch_stack(NULL, n*n); switch_stack(zone,1); y = myid? dummycopy(myid): idmat(n-1); switch_stack(zone,0); for (i=1; i=n) err(suppler2); p1=(GEN)y[i]; y[i]=x[i]; if (i!=j) y[j]=(long)p1; } avma = av; y = gcopy(y); free(zone); return y; } GEN suppl(GEN x) { return suppl_intern(x,NULL); } GEN image2(GEN x) { long av=avma,tetpil,k,n,i; GEN p1,p2; if (typ(x)!=t_MAT) err(typeer,"image2"); k=lg(x)-1; if (!k) return gcopy(x); n=lg(x[1])-1; p1=ker(x); k=lg(p1)-1; if (k) { p1=suppl(p1); n=lg(p1)-1; } else p1=idmat(n); tetpil=avma; p2=cgetg(n-k+1,t_MAT); for (i=k+1; i<=n; i++) p2[i-k]=lmul(x,(GEN) p1[i]); return gerepile(av,tetpil,p2); } GEN matimage0(GEN x,long flag) { switch(flag) { case 0: return image(x); case 1: return image2(x); default: err(flagerr,"matimage"); } return NULL; /* not reached */ } long rank(GEN x) { long av = avma, r; GEN d; gauss_pivot(x,0,&d,&r); /* yield r = dim ker(x) */ avma=av; if (d) free(d); return lg(x)-1 - r; } GEN indexrank(GEN x) { long av = avma, i,j,n,r; GEN res,d,p1,p2; /* yield r = dim ker(x) */ gauss_pivot(x,0,&d,&r); /* now r = dim Im(x) */ n = lg(x)-1; r = n - r; avma=av; res=cgetg(3,t_VEC); p1=cgetg(r+1,t_VEC); res[1]=(long)p1; p2=cgetg(r+1,t_VEC); res[2]=(long)p2; if (d) { for (i=0,j=1; j<=n; j++) if (d[j]) { i++; p1[i]=d[j]; p2[i]=j; } free(d); qsort(p1+1,r,sizeof(long),(QSCOMP)pari_compare_long); } for (i=1;i<=r;i++) { p1[i]=lstoi(p1[i]); p2[i]=lstoi(p2[i]); } return res; } /*******************************************************************/ /* */ /* LINEAR ALGEBRA MODULO P */ /* */ /*******************************************************************/ #ifdef LONG_IS_64BIT # define MASK (0x7fffffff00000000UL) #else # define MASK (0x7fff0000UL) #endif static GEN ker_mod_p_small(GEN x, GEN pp, long nontriv) { GEN y,c,d; long a,i,j,k,r,t,n,m,av0,tetpil, p = pp[2], piv; n = lg(x)-1; m=lg(x[1])-1; r=0; av0 = avma; x = dummycopy(x); for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { GEN p1 = (GEN)x[i]; for (j=1; j<=m; j++) p1[j] = itos((GEN)p1[j]); } c=new_chunk(m+1); for (k=1; k<=m; k++) c[k]=0; d=new_chunk(n+1); for (k=1; k<=n; k++) { for (j=1; j<=m; j++) if (!c[j]) { a = coeff(x,j,k) % p; if (a) break; } if (j>m) { if (nontriv) { avma=av0; return NULL; } r++; d[k]=0; } else { c[j]=k; d[k]=j; { long av1 = avma; GEN p1 = mpinvmod(stoi(a), pp); piv = -itos(p1); avma = av1; } coeff(x,j,k) = -1; for (i=k+1; i<=n; i++) coeff(x,j,i) = (piv * coeff(x,j,i)) % p; for (t=1; t<=m; t++) if (t!=j) { piv = coeff(x,t,k) % p; if (piv) { coeff(x,t,k) = 0; for (i=k+1; i<=n; i++) { a = coeff(x,t,i) + piv * coeff(x,j,i); if (a & MASK) a %= p; coeff(x,t,i) = a; } } } } } tetpil=avma; y=cgetg(r+1,t_MAT); for (j=k=1; j<=r; j++,k++) { GEN c = cgetg(n+1,t_COL); y[j]=(long)c; while (d[k]) k++; for (i=1; i>1)) return ker_mod_p_small(x, p, nontriv); m=lg(x[1])-1; r=0; av0 = avma; x=dummycopy(x); mun=negi(gun); c=new_chunk(m+1); for (k=1; k<=m; k++) c[k]=0; d=new_chunk(n+1); av=avma; lim=stack_lim(av,1); for (k=1; k<=n; k++) { for (j=1; j<=m; j++) if (!c[j]) { coeff(x,j,k) = lmodii(gcoeff(x,j,k), p); if (signe(coeff(x,j,k))) break; } if (j>m) { if (nontriv) { avma = av0; return NULL; } r++; d[k]=0; for(j=1; jm) { r++; d[k]=0; } else { c[j]=k; d[k]=j; piv = negi(mpinvmod(gcoeff(x,j,k), p)); for (i=k+1; i<=n; i++) coeff(x,j,i) = lmodii(mulii(piv,gcoeff(x,j,i)), p); for (t=1; t<=m; t++) if (!c[t]) /* no pivot on that line yet */ { piv=gcoeff(x,t,k); if (signe(piv)) { coeff(x,t,k)=zero; for (i=k+1; i<=n; i++) coeff(x,t,i) = laddii(gcoeff(x,t,i), mulii(piv,gcoeff(x,j,i))); if (low_stack(lim, stack_lim(av,1))) gerepile_gauss(x,m,n,k,t,av,j,c); } } for (i=k; i<=n; i++) coeff(x,j,i) = zero; /* dummy */ } } *dd=d; *rr=r; } GEN ker_mod_p(GEN x, GEN p) { return ker_mod_p_i(x, p, 0); } int ker_trivial_mod_p(GEN x, GEN p) { return ker_mod_p_i(x, p, 1)==NULL; } GEN image_mod_p(GEN x, GEN p) { GEN d,y; long j,k,r, av = avma; gauss_pivot_mod_p(x,p,&d,&r); /* r = dim ker(x) */ if (!r) { avma=av; if (d) free(d); return gcopy(x); } /* r = dim Im(x) */ r = lg(x)-1 - r; avma=av; y=cgetg(r+1,t_MAT); for (j=k=1; j<=r; k++) if (d[k]) y[j++] = lcopy((GEN)x[k]); free(d); return y; } /*******************************************************************/ /* */ /* EIGENVECTORS */ /* (independent eigenvectors, sorted by increasing eigenvalue) */ /* */ /*******************************************************************/ GEN eigen(GEN x, long prec) { GEN y,z,rr,p,ssesp,r1,r2,r3; long i,k,l,ly,av,tetpil,nbrac,ex, n = lg(x); if (typ(x)!=t_MAT) err(typeer,"eigen"); if (n != 1 && n != lg(x[1])) err(mattype1,"eigen"); if (n<=2) return gcopy(x); av=avma; ex = 16 - bit_accuracy(prec); y=cgetg(n,t_MAT); z=dummycopy(x); p=caradj(x,0,NULL); rr=roots(p,prec); nbrac=lg(rr)-1; for (i=1; i<=nbrac; i++) { GEN p1 = (GEN)rr[i]; if (!signe(p1[2])) rr[i]=p1[1]; } ly=1; k=1; r2=(GEN)rr[1]; for(;;) { r3 = ground(r2); if (gexpo(gsub(r2,r3)) < ex) r2 = r3; for (i=1; i ex) { ex=e; k=j; } } p1 = gcoeff(a,i,k); if (gcmp0(p1)) return gerepileupto(av, gcopy(p1)); } else if (gcmp0(p)) { do k++; while(k<=nbco && gcmp0(gcoeff(a,i,k))); if (k>nbco) return gerepileupto(av, gcopy(p)); } if (k != i) { swap(a[i],a[k]); s = -s; p = gcoeff(a,i,i); } x = gmul(x,p); for (k=i+1; k<=nbco; k++) { GEN m = gcoeff(a,i,k); if (!gcmp0(m)) { m = gneg_i(gdiv(m,p)); for (j=i+1; j<=nbco; j++) coeff(a,j,k) = ladd(gcoeff(a,j,k), gmul(m,gcoeff(a,j,i))); } } } if (s<0) x = gneg_i(x); av1=avma; return gerepile(av,av1,gmul(x,gcoeff(a,nbco,nbco))); } /* a has integer entries, N = P^n */ GEN det_mod_P_n(GEN a, GEN N, GEN P) { long va,i,j,k,s, av = avma, nbco = lg(a)-1; GEN x,p; s=1; va=0; x=gun; a=dummycopy(a); for (i=1; i 7) timer2(); for (pprec=gun,i=1; inbco) return gerepileupto(av, gcopy(p)); swap(a[k], a[i]); s = -s; p=gcoeff(a,i,i); } ci = (GEN*)a[i]; for (k=i+1; k<=nbco; k++) { ck = (GEN*)a[k]; m = (GEN)ck[i]; if (gcmp0(m)) { if (gcmp1(p)) { if (!gcmp1(pprec)) a[k] = (long)gdivexact((GEN)a[k], pprec); } else for (j=i+1; j<=nbco; j++) { p1 = gmul(p,ck[j]); if (diveuc) p1 = gdivexact(p1,pprec); ck[j] = p1; } } else { m = gneg_i(m); for (j=i+1; j<=nbco; j++) { p1 = gadd(gmul(p,ck[j]), gmul(m,ci[j])); if (diveuc) p1 = gdivexact(p1,pprec); ck[j] = p1; } } } if (DEBUGLEVEL > 7) msgtimer("det, col %ld / %ld",i,nbco-1); } p = gcoeff(a,nbco,nbco); if (s < 0) p = gneg(p); else if (nbco==1) p = gcopy(p); return gerepileupto(av, p); } /*******************************************************************/ /* */ /* SPECIAL HNF (FOR INTERNAL USE !!!) */ /* */ /*******************************************************************/ GEN lincomb_integral(GEN u, GEN v, GEN X, GEN Y); GEN vconcat(GEN Q1, GEN Q2); static int count(long **mat, long row, long len, long *firstnonzero) { int j, n=0; for (j=1; j<=len; j++) { long p = mat[j][row]; if (p) { if (labs(p)!=1) return -1; n++; *firstnonzero=j; } } return n; } static int count2(long **mat, long row, long len) { int j; for (j=len; j; j--) if (labs(mat[j][row]) == 1) return j; return 0; } static GEN hnffinal(GEN matgen,GEN perm,GEN* ptdep,GEN* ptB,GEN* ptC) { GEN p1,p2,U,H,Hnew,Bnew,Cnew,diagH1; GEN B = *ptB, C = *ptC, dep = *ptdep, depnew; long av,i,j,k,s,i1,j1,lim,zc; long co = lg(C); long col = lg(matgen)-1; long lnz, nlze, lig; if (col == 0) return matgen; lnz = lg(matgen[1])-1; /* was called lnz-1 - nr in hnfspec */ nlze = lg(dep[1])-1; lig = nlze + lnz; if (DEBUGLEVEL>5) { fprintferr("Entering hnffinal:\n"); if (DEBUGLEVEL>6) { if (nlze) fprintferr("dep = %Z\n",dep); fprintferr("mit = %Z\n",matgen); fprintferr("B = %Z\n",B); } } /* [LLLKERIM] u1u2=lllkerim(matgen); u1=(GEN)u1u2[1]; u2=(GEN)u1u2[2]; if (DEBUGLEVEL>6) fprintferr("lllkerim done\n"); if (lg(u2)<=lnz) err(talker,"matrix not of maximal rank in hermite spec"); p1=gmul(matgen,u2); detmat=absi(det(p1)); if (DEBUGLEVEL>6) fprintferr("det done\n"); H=hnfmod(p1,detmat); if (DEBUGLEVEL>6) fprintferr("hnfmod done\n"); p2=gmul(u1,lllint(u1)); if (DEBUGLEVEL>6) fprintferr("lllint done\n"); p3=gmul(u2,gauss(p1,H)); if (DEBUGLEVEL>6) fprintferr("gauss done\n"); U=cgetg(col+1,t_MAT); for (j=1; j6) fprintferr("hnfhavas done\n"); for (i=1; i < lg(p1) && gcmp0(p1[i]); i++); i1=i-1; u1=cgetg(i,t_MAT); for (j=1; j5) fprintferr(" hnfall done\n"); /* Clean up B using new H */ for (s=0,i=lnz; i; i--) { GEN h = gcoeff(H,i,i); if ( (diagH1[i] = gcmp1(h)) ) { h = NULL; s++; } for (j=col+1; j1) err(warnmem,"hnffinal, i = %ld",i); gerepilemany(av,gptr,2); } } p1 = cgetg(lnz+1,t_VEC); p2 = perm + nlze; for (i1=0, j1=lnz-s, i=1; i<=lnz; i++) /* push the 1 rows down */ if (diagH1[i]) p1[++j1] = p2[i]; else p2[++i1] = p2[i]; for (i=i1+1; i<=lnz; i++) p2[i] = p1[i]; if (DEBUGLEVEL>5) fprintferr(" first pass in hnffinal done\n"); /* s = # extra redundant generators taken from H * zc col-s co zc = col ­ lnz * [ 0 |dep | ] i = lnze + lnz - s = lig - s * nlze [--------| B' ] * [ 0 | H' | ] H' = H minus the s rows with a 1 on diagonal * i [--------|-----] lig-s (= "1-rows") * [ 0 | Id ] * [ | ] li */ lig -= s; col -= s; lnz -= s; Hnew = cgetg(lnz+1,t_MAT); if (nlze) depnew = cgetg(lnz+1,t_MAT); Bnew = cgetg(co-col,t_MAT); C = dummycopy(Cnew); for (j=1,i1=j1=0; j<=lnz+s; j++) { GEN z = (GEN)H[j]; if (diagH1[j]) { /* hit exactly s times */ i1++; p1 = cgetg(lig+1,t_COL); Bnew[i1] = (long)p1; C[i1+col] = Cnew[j+zc]; for (i=1; i<=nlze; i++) p1[i] = coeff(dep,i,j); p1 += nlze; } else { j1++; p1 = cgetg(lnz+1,t_COL); Hnew[j1] = (long)p1; C[j1+zc] = Cnew[j+zc]; if (nlze) depnew[j1] = dep[j]; } for (i=k=1; k<=lnz; i++) if (!diagH1[i]) p1[k++] = z[i]; } for (j=s+1; j5) { fprintferr("Leaving hnffinal\n"); if (DEBUGLEVEL>6) { if (nlze) fprintferr("dep = %Z\n",depnew); fprintferr("mit = %Z\n",Hnew); outerr(Hnew); fprintferr("B = %Z\n",Bnew); fprintferr("C = %Z\n",C); } } if (nlze) *ptdep = depnew; *ptC = C; *ptB = Bnew; return Hnew; } /* for debugging */ static void p_mat(long **mat, long *perm, long k0) { long av=avma, i,j; GEN p1, matj, matgen; long co = lg(mat); long li = lg(perm); fprintferr("Permutation: %Z\n",perm); matgen = cgetg(co,t_MAT); for (j=1; j 6) fprintferr("matgen = %Z\n",matgen); avma=av; } #define gswap(x,y) { long *_t=x; x=y; y=_t; } /* HNF reduce a relation matrix (column operations + row permutation) ** Input: ** mat = (li-1) x (co-1) matrix of long ** C = r x (co-1) matrix of GEN ** perm= permutation vector (length li-1), indexing the rows of mat: easier ** to maintain perm than to copy rows. For columns we can do it directly ** using e.g. swap(mat[i], mat[j]) ** k0 = integer. The k0 first lines of mat are dense, the others are sparse. ** Output: cf ASCII art in the function body ** ** row permutations applied to perm ** column operations applied to C. **/ GEN hnfspec(long** mat, GEN perm, GEN* ptdep, GEN* ptB, GEN* ptC, long k0) { long av=avma,av2,*p,i,j,k,lk0,col,lig,*matj; long n,s,t,lim,nlze,lnz,nr; GEN p1,p2,matb,matbnew,vmax,matt,T,extramat; GEN B,H,dep,permpro; GEN *gptr[4]; long co = lg(mat); long li = lg(perm); /* = lg(mat[1]) */ int updateT = 1; if (DEBUGLEVEL>5) { fprintferr("Entering hnfspec\n"); p_mat(mat,perm,0); } matt = cgetg(co,t_MAT); /* dense part of mat (top) */ for (j=1; j 1 && lg((*ptC)[1]) > 1)) T = idmat(col); else { /* dummy ! */ GEN z = cgetg(1,t_COL); T = cgetg(co, t_MAT); updateT = 0; for (j=1; j lk0) switch( count(mat,perm[i],col,&n) ) { case 0: /* move zero lines between k0+1 and lk0 */ lk0++; swap(perm[i], perm[lk0]); i=lig; continue; case 1: /* move trivial generator between lig+1 and li */ swap(perm[i], perm[lig]); swap(T[n], T[col]); gswap(mat[n], mat[col]); p = mat[col]; if (p[perm[lig]] < 0) /* = -1 */ { /* convert relation -g = 0 to g = 0 */ for (i=lk0+1; i5) { fprintferr(" after phase1:\n"); p_mat(mat,perm,0); } #define absmax(s,z) {long _z = labs(z); if (_z > s) s = _z;} #if 0 /* TODO: check, and put back in */ /* Get rid of all lines containing only 0 and ± 1, keeping track of column * operations in T. Leave the rows 1..lk0 alone [up to k0, coeff * explosion, between k0+1 and lk0, row is 0] */ s = 0; while (lig > lk0 && s < (HIGHBIT>>1)) { for (i=lig; i>lk0; i--) if (count(mat,perm[i],col,&n) >= 0) break; if (i == lk0) break; /* only 0, ±1 entries, at least 2 of them non-zero */ swap(perm[i], perm[lig]); swap(T[n], T[col]); p1 = (GEN)T[col]; gswap(mat[n], mat[col]); p = mat[col]; if (p[perm[lig]] < 0) { for (i=lk0+1; i<=lig; i++) p[perm[i]] = -p[perm[i]]; T[col] = lneg(p1); } for (j=1; j1) err(warnmem,"hnfspec[1]"); T = gerepileupto(av2, gcopy(T)); } } #endif /* As above with lines containing a ±1 (no other assumption). * Stop when single precision becomes dangerous */ for (j=1; j<=col; j++) { matj = mat[j]; for (s=0, i=lk0+1; i<=lig; i++) absmax(s, matj[i]); vmax[j] = s; } while (lig > lk0) { for (i=lig; i>lk0; i--) if ( (n = count2(mat,perm[i],col)) ) break; if (i == lk0) break; swap(perm[i], perm[lig]); swap(vmax[n], vmax[col]); gswap(mat[n], mat[col]); p = mat[col]; swap(T[n], T[col]); p1 = (GEN)T[col]; if (p[perm[lig]] < 0) { for (i=lk0+1; i<=lig; i++) p[perm[i]] = -p[perm[i]]; p1 = gneg(p1); T[col] = (long)p1; } for (j=1; j= (HIGHBIT-vmax[j]) / vmax[col]) goto END2; for (s=0, i=lk0+1; i<=lig; i++) absmax(s, matj[perm[i]] -= t*p[perm[i]]); vmax[j] = s; T[j] = (long)lincomb_integral(gun,stoi(-t), (GEN)T[j],p1); } lig--; col--; if (low_stack(lim, stack_lim(av2,1))) { if(DEBUGMEM>1) err(warnmem,"hnfspec[2]"); T = gerepileupto(av2,gcopy(T)); } } END2: /* clean up mat: remove everything to the right of the 1s on diagonal */ /* go multiprecision first */ matb = cgetg(co,t_MAT); /* bottom part (complement of matt) */ for (j=1; j5) { fprintferr(" after phase2:\n"); p_mat(mat,perm,k0); } for (i=li-2; i>lig; i--) { long i1, i0 = i - k0, k = i + co-li; GEN Bk = (GEN)matb[k]; GEN Tk = (GEN)T[k]; for (j=k+1; j 0) { /* p2 = 1 */ for (i1=1; i11) err(warnmem,"hnfspec[3], i = %ld", i); for (j=1; j5) { fprintferr(" matb cleaned up (using Id block)\n"); if (DEBUGLEVEL>6) outerr(matb); } nlze = lk0 - k0; /* # of 0 rows */ lnz = lig-nlze+1; /* 1 + # of non-0 rows (!= 0...0 1 0 ... 0) */ if (updateT) matt = gmul(matt,T); /* update top rows */ extramat = cgetg(col+1,t_MAT); /* = new C minus the 0 rows */ for (j=1; j<=col; j++) { GEN z = (GEN)matt[j]; GEN t = ((GEN)matb[j]) + nlze - k0; p2=cgetg(lnz,t_COL); extramat[j]=(long)p2; for (i=1; i<=k0; i++) p2[i] = z[i]; /* top k0 rows */ for ( ; i [%ld x %ld]",li-1,co-1, lig-1,col-1); return H; } /* HNF reduce x, apply same transforms to C */ GEN mathnfspec(GEN x, GEN *ptperm, GEN *ptdep, GEN *ptB, GEN *ptC) { long i,j,ly,lx = lg(x); GEN p1,p2,z,perm; if (lx == 1) return gcopy(x); ly = lg(x[1]); z = cgetg(lx,t_MAT); perm = cgetg(ly,t_VECSMALL); *ptperm = perm; for (i=1; i5) { fprintferr("Entering hnfadd:\n"); if (DEBUGLEVEL>6) fprintferr("extramat = %Z\n",extramat); } /* col co * [ 0 |dep | ] * nlze [--------| B ] * [ 0 | H | ] * [--------|-----] lig * [ 0 | Id ] * [ | ] li */ lextra = lg(extramat)-1; extratop = cgetg(lextra+1,t_MAT); /* [1..lig] part (top) */ p2 = cgetg(lextra+1,t_MAT); /* bottom */ for (j=1; j<=lextra; j++) { GEN z = (GEN)extramat[j]; p1=cgetg(lig+1,t_COL); extratop[j] = (long)p1; for (i=1; i<=lig; i++) p1[i] = z[i]; p1=cgetg(lB,t_COL); p2[j] = (long)p1; p1 -= lig; for ( ; i5) { fprintferr(" 1st phase done\n"); if (DEBUGLEVEL>6) fprintferr("extramat = %Z\n",extramat); } permpro = imagecomplspec(extramat, &nlze); p1 = new_chunk(lig+1); for (i=1; i<=lig; i++) p1[i] = perm[permpro[i]]; for (i=1; i<=lig; i++) perm[i] = p1[i]; matb = cgetg(colnew+1,t_MAT); dep = cgetg(colnew+1,t_MAT); for (j=1; j<=colnew; j++) { GEN z = (GEN)extramat[j]; p1=cgetg(nlze+1,t_COL); dep[j]=(long)p1; p2=cgetg(lig+1-nlze,t_COL); matb[j]=(long)p2; p2 -= nlze; for (i=1; i<=nlze; i++) p1[i] = z[permpro[i]]; for ( ; i<= lig; i++) p2[i] = z[permpro[i]]; } p3 = cgetg(lB,t_MAT); for (j=1; j5) fprintferr(" 2nd phase done\n"); *ptdep = dep; *ptB = B; H = hnffinal(matb,perm,ptdep,ptB,&Cnew); p1 = cgetg(co+lextra,t_MAT); for (j=1; j <= col-lH; j++) p1[j] = C[j]; C = Cnew - (col-lH); for ( ; j < co+lextra; j++) p1[j] = C[j]; gptr[0]=ptC; *ptC=p1; gptr[1]=ptdep; gptr[2]=ptB; gptr[3]=&H; gerepilemany(av,gptr,4); if (DEBUGLEVEL) { if (DEBUGLEVEL>7) { fprintferr("mit = %Z\n",H); fprintferr("C = %Z\n",p1); } msgtimer("hnfadd (%d)",lextra); } return H; } /* return a solution of congruence system sum M_{ i,j } X_j = Y_i mod D_i * If ptu1 != NULL, put in *ptu1 a Z-basis of the homogeneous system */ static GEN gaussmoduloall(GEN M, GEN D, GEN Y, GEN *ptu1) { long n,m,i,j,lM,av=avma,tetpil; GEN p1,delta,H,U,u1,u2,x; if (typ(M)!=t_MAT) err(typeer,"gaussmodulo"); lM = lg(M); m = lM-1; if (!m) { if ((typ(Y)!=t_INT && lg(Y)!=1) || (typ(D)!=t_INT && lg(D)!=1)) err(consister,"gaussmodulo"); return gzero; } n = lg(M[1])-1; switch(typ(D)) { case t_VEC: case t_COL: delta=diagonal(D); break; case t_INT: delta=gscalmat(D,n); break; default: err(typeer,"gaussmodulo"); } if (typ(Y) == t_INT) { p1 = cgetg(n+1,t_COL); for (i=1; i<=n; i++) p1[i]=(long)Y; Y = p1; } p1 = hnfall(concatsp(M,delta)); H = (GEN)p1[1]; U = (GEN)p1[2]; Y = gauss(H,Y); if (!gcmp1(denom(Y))) return gzero; u1 = cgetg(m+1,t_MAT); u2 = cgetg(n+1,t_MAT); for (j=1; j<=m; j++) { p1 = (GEN)U[j]; setlg(p1,lM); u1[j] = (long)p1; } U += m; for (j=1; j<=n; j++) { p1 = (GEN)U[j]; setlg(p1,lM); u2[j] = (long)p1; } x = gmul(u2,Y); tetpil=avma; x=lllreducemodmatrix(x,u1); if (!ptu1) x = gerepile(av,tetpil,x); else { GEN *gptr[2]; *ptu1=gcopy(u1); gptr[0]=ptu1; gptr[1]=&x; gerepilemanysp(av,tetpil,gptr,2); } return x; } GEN matsolvemod0(GEN M, GEN D, GEN Y, long flag) { long av; GEN p1,y; if (!flag) return gaussmoduloall(M,D,Y,NULL); av=avma; y = cgetg(3,t_VEC); p1 = gaussmoduloall(M,D,Y, (GEN*)y+2); if (p1==gzero) { avma=av; return gzero; } y[1] = (long)p1; return y; } GEN gaussmodulo2(GEN M, GEN D, GEN Y) { return matsolvemod0(M,D,Y,1); } GEN gaussmodulo(GEN M, GEN D, GEN Y) { return matsolvemod0(M,D,Y,0); }