/* $Id: subgroup.c,v 1999/09/16 13:47:37 karim Exp $ */ #include "pari.h" GEN hnf0(GEN x, long r); void push_val(entree *ep, GEN a); void pop_val(entree *ep); /* SUBGROUPS * Assume: G = Gp x I, with Gp a p-group and (|I|,p)=1, and I small. * Compute subgroups of I by recursive calls * Loop through subgroups Hp of Gp using Birkhoff's algorithm. * If (I is non trivial) * lift Hp to G (mul by exponent of I) * for each subgp of I, lift it to G (mult by exponent of Gp) * consider the group generated by the two subgroups (concat) */ static long *powerlist, *mmu, *lam, *c, *maxc, *a, *maxa, **g, **maxg; static GEN **H, subq, subqpart, hnfgroup; static GEN BINMAT; static long countsub, expoI; static long *available, indexbound, lsubq, lsubqpart; static char *gpch; static entree *ep; static void(*treatsub_fun)(GEN); typedef struct slist { struct slist *next; long *data; } slist; static slist *sublist; void printtyp(long *typ) { long i; for (i=1; i<=typ[0]; i++) fprintferr(" %ld ",typ[i]); fprintferr("\n"); } /* compute conjugate partition of typ */ static long* conjugate(long *typ) { long *t, i, k = typ[0], l, last; if (!k) { t = new_chunk(1); t[0]=0; return t; } l = typ[1]; t = new_chunk(l+2); t[1] = k; last = k; for (i=2; i<=l; i++) { while (typ[last] < i) last--; t[i] = last; } t[i] = 0; t[0] = l; return t; } static void std_fun(GEN x) { ep->value = (void*)x; lisseq(gpch); countsub++; } void addcell(GEN H) { long *pt,i,j, k = 0, n = lg(H)-1; slist *cell = (slist*) gpmalloc(sizeof(slist) + n*(n+1)/2 * sizeof(long)); sublist->next = cell; cell->data = pt = (long*) (cell + 1); for (j=1; j<=n; j++) for(i=1; i<=j; i++) pt[k++] = itos(gcoeff(H,i,j)); sublist = cell; } static void list_fun(GEN x) { addcell(hnf(concatsp(hnfgroup,x))); countsub++; } /* treat subgroup Hp (not in HNF, treatsub_fun should do it if desired) */ static void treatsub(GEN Hp) { long i; if (!subq) treatsub_fun(Hp); else { /* not a p group, add the trivial part */ Hp = gmulsg(expoI,Hp); /* lift Hp to G */ for (i=1; i0 and l>1 */ static void dogroup() { long av = avma,av1, e,i,j,k,r,n,t2,ind, t = mmu[0], l = lam[0]; t2 = (l==t)? t-1: t; n = t2 * l - (t2*(t2+1))/2; /* number of gamma_ij */ for (i=1, r=t+1; ; i++) { if (available[i]) c[r++] = i; if (r > l) break; } if (DEBUGLEVEL>2) { fprintferr(" column selection:"); printtyp(c); } /* a/g and maxa/maxg access the same data indexed differently */ for (ind=0,i=1; i<=t; ind+=(l-i),i++) { maxg[i] = maxa + (ind - (i+1)); /* only access maxg[i][i+1..l] */ g[i] = a + (ind - (i+1)); for (r=i+1; r<=l; r++) if (c[r] < c[i]) maxg[i][r] = powerlist[mmu[i]-mmu[r]-1]; else if (lam[c[r]] < mmu[i]) maxg[i][r] = powerlist[lam[c[r]]-mmu[r]]; else maxg[i][r] = powerlist[mmu[i]-mmu[r]]; } av1=avma; a[n-1]=0; for (i=0; i maxa[n-1]) { j=n-2; while (j>=0 && a[j]==maxa[j]) j--; if (j<0) { avma=av; return; } a[j]++; for (k=j+1; k mmu[0]) { dogroup(); return; } if (r!=1 && (mmu[r-1] == mmu[r])) j = c[r-1]+1; else j = 1; for ( ; j<=maxc[r]; j++) if (available[j]) { c[r] = j; available[j] = 0; loop(r+1); available[j] = 1; } } static void dopsubtyp() { long av = avma, i,r, l = lam[0], t = mmu[0]; if (!t) { GEN p1 = cgetg(2,t_MAT); p1[1] = (long)zerocol(l); treatsub(p1); avma=av; return; } if (l==1) /* imply t = 1 */ { GEN p1 = gtomat(stoi(powerlist[lam[1]-mmu[1]])); treatsub(p1); avma=av; return; } c = new_chunk(l+1); c[0] = l; maxc = new_chunk(l+1); available = new_chunk(l+1); a = new_chunk(l*(t+1)); maxa=new_chunk(l*(t+1)); g = (long**)new_chunk(t+1); maxg = (long**)new_chunk(t+1); if (DEBUGLEVEL) { fprintferr(" subgroup:"); printtyp(mmu); } for (i=1; i<=t; i++) { for (r=1; r<=l; r++) if (mmu[i] > lam[r]) break; maxc[i] = r-1; } H = (GEN**)cgetg(t+1, t_MAT); for (i=1; i<=t; i++) { H[i] = (GEN*)cgetg(l+1, t_COL); for (r=1; r<=l; r++) H[i][r] = cgeti(3); } for (i=1; i<=l; i++) available[i]=1; for (i=1; i<=t; i++) c[i]=0; /* go through all column selections */ loop(1); avma=av; return; } static long weight(long *typ) { long i,w = 0; for (i=1; i<=typ[0]; i++) w += typ[i]; return w; } static long dopsub(long p, long *gtyp, long *indexsubq) { long w,i,j,k,n, wg, wmin = 0, count = 0; if (DEBUGLEVEL) { fprintferr("\ngroup:"); printtyp(gtyp); } if (indexbound) { wg = weight(gtyp); wmin = (long) (wg - (log((double)indexbound) / log((double)p))); if (cmpis(gpuigs(stoi(p), wg - wmin), indexbound) > 0) wmin++; } lam = gtyp; n = lam[0]; mmu = new_chunk(n+1); mmu[1] = -1; for (i=2; i<=n; i++) mmu[i]=0; for(;;) /* go through all vectors mu_{i+1} <= mu_i <= lam_i */ { mmu[1]++; if (mmu[1] > lam[1]) { for (j=2; j<=n; j++) if (mmu[j] < lam[j] && mmu[j] < mmu[j-1]) break; if (j>n) return count; mmu[j]++; for (k=1; k= wmin) { GEN p1 = gun; if (subq) /* G not a p-group */ { if (indexbound) { long indexH = itos(gpuigs(stoi(p), wg - w)); long bound = indexbound / indexH; subqpart = cgetg(lsubq, t_VEC); lsubqpart = 1; for (i=1; i 3) { fprintferr(" lambda = "); printtyp(lam); fprintferr(" lambda' = "); printtyp(lp); fprintferr(" mu = "); printtyp(mmu); fprintferr(" mu' = "); printtyp(mp); } for (j=1; j<=mp[0]; j++) { p1 = mulii(p1, gpuigs(stoi(p), mp[j+1]*(lp[j]-mp[j]))); p1 = mulii(p1, gcoeff(BINMAT, lp[j]-mp[j+1]+1, mp[j]-mp[j+1]+1)); } fprintferr(" alpha_lambda(mu,p) = %Z\n",p1); } countsub = 0; dopsubtyp(); count += countsub; if (DEBUGLEVEL) { fprintferr(" countsub = %ld\n", countsub); msgtimer("for this type"); if (subq) p1 = mulis(p1,lsubqpart-1); if (cmpis(p1,countsub)) { fprintferr(" alpha = %Z\n",p1); err(bugparier,"forsubgroup (alpha != countsub)"); } } } } } static GEN expand_sub(GEN x, long n) { long i,j, m = lg(x); GEN p = idmat(n-1), q,c; for (i=1; i k) { k = j; imax = i; } listgtyp[i] = (long)gtyp; } gtyp = (GEN)listgtyp[imax]; p = (GEN)primlist[imax]; k = gtyp[1]; powerlist = new_chunk(k+1); powerlist[0] = 1; powerlist[1] = itos(p); for (j=1; j<=k; j++) powerlist[j] = powerlist[1] * powerlist[j-1]; if (DEBUGLEVEL) BINMAT = matqpascal(gtyp[0]+1, p); if (nbprim == 2) subq = NULL; else { /* not a p-group */ GEN cyc2 = dummycopy(cyc); GEN ohnfgroup = hnfgroup; for (i=1; i2) { fprintferr("(lifted) subgp of prime to %Z part:\n",p); outbeaut(subq); } } count = dopsub(powerlist[1],gtyp,indexsubq); if (DEBUGLEVEL) fprintferr("nb subgroup = %ld\n",count); mmu=ommu; lam=olam; c=oc; maxc=omaxc; a=oa; maxa=omaxa; g=og; maxg=omaxg; H=oH; subqpart=osubqpart, countsub=ocountsub; available=oavailable; lsubqpart=olsubqpart; indexbound = oindexbound; expoI = oexpoI; powerlist = opowerlist; subq = osubq; BINMAT = oBINMAT; lsubq = olsubq; avma=av; return count; } void forsubgroup(entree *oep, GEN cyc, long bound, char *och) { entree *saveep = ep; char *savech = gpch; void(*savefun)(GEN) = treatsub_fun; long n, N = lg(cyc)-1; treatsub_fun = std_fun; cyc = dummycopy(cyc); for (n = N; n > 1; n--) /* take care of trailing 1s */ if (!gcmp1((GEN)cyc[n])) break; setlg(cyc, n+1); gpch = och; ep = oep; push_val(ep, gzero); (void)subgroup_engine(cyc,bound); pop_val(ep); treatsub_fun = savefun; gpch = savech; ep = saveep; } GEN subgrouplist(GEN cyc, long bound) { void(*savefun)(GEN) = treatsub_fun; slist *olist = sublist, *list; long ii,i,j,k,nbsub,n, N = lg(cyc)-1, av = avma; GEN z,H; GEN ohnfgroup = hnfgroup; sublist = list = (slist*) gpmalloc(sizeof(slist)); treatsub_fun = list_fun; cyc = dummycopy(cyc); for (n = N; n > 1; n--) /* take care of trailing 1s */ if (!gcmp1((GEN)cyc[n])) break; setlg(cyc, n+1); hnfgroup = diagonal(cyc); nbsub = subgroup_engine(cyc,bound); hnfgroup = ohnfgroup; avma = av; z = cgetg(nbsub+1,t_VEC); sublist = list; for (ii=1; ii<=nbsub; ii++) { list = sublist; sublist = list->next; free(list); H = cgetg(N+1,t_MAT); z[ii]=(long)H; k=0; for (j=1; j<=n; j++) { H[j] = lgetg(N+1, t_COL); for (i=1; i<=j; i++) coeff(H,i,j) = lstoi(sublist->data[k++]); for ( ; i<=N; i++) coeff(H,i,j) = zero; } for ( ; j<=N; j++) { H[j] = lgetg(N+1, t_COL); for (i=1; i<=N; i++) coeff(H,i,j) = (i==j)? un: zero; } } free(sublist); sublist = olist; treatsub_fun = savefun; return z; }