/* $OpenXM: OpenXM_contrib2/asir2000/builtin/al.c,v 1.4 2001/03/09 01:14:13 noro Exp $ */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $Id: al.c,v 1.6 2001/03/08 18:51:10 sturm Exp $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- File al.c: Real quantifier elimination code for RISA/ASIR Copyright (c) 1996-2001 by Andreas Dolzmann and Thomas Sturm, University of Passau, Germany dolzmann@uni-passau.de, sturm@uni-passau.de ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include void Phugo(); void Pex(); void Pall(); void constrq(); void Pfop(); void Pfargs(); void Pfopargs(); void Pcompf(); void Patnum(); int compf(); void Patl(); void Pqevar(); void Pqe(); void Psimpl(); void Psubf(); void Pnnf(); void smkjf(); void simpl(); void simpl1(); void simpl_gand(); void simpl_th2atl(); int simpl_gand_udnargls(); int simpl_gand_thupd(); int simpl_gand_thprsism(); void lbc(); void replaceq(); void deleteq(); void simpl_gand_insert_a(); void simpl_gand_insert_c(); int compaf(); int comprel(); int synequalf(); void simpl_impl(); void simpl_equiv(); void simpl_a(); void simpl_a_o(); void simpl_a_no(); void qe(); void blocksplit(); void qeblock(); int qeblock_verbose1a(); void qeblock_verbose1b(); void qeblock_verbose2(); void qeblock_verbose0(); int getmodulus(); int qevar(); int gausselim(); int delv(); int translate(); int translate_a(); void translate_a1(); void mklgp(); void translate_a2(); void mkqgp(); void getqcoeffs(); void mkdiscr(); int al_reorder(); int indices(); void mkeset(); int selectside(); int cmp2n(); void add2eset(); void seproots(); void sp_add2eset(); void subgpf(); void subref(); void subref_a(); void substd_a(); void substd_a1(); void substd_a2(); void substd_a21(); void substd_a21_equal(); void substd_a21_leq(); void substd_a21_lessp(); void getrecoeffs(); void subinf_a(); void subinf_a_o(); void subinf_a_o1(); void subtrans_a_no(); void subpme_a(); void subpme_a_o(); void subpme_a_o1(); int comember(); void coadd(); int coget(); int colen(); void apply2ats(); void atl(); void atl1(); void atnum(); void atnum1(); void pnegate(); void subf(); void subf_a(); void nnf(); void nnf1(); void ap(); void freevars(); void freevars1(); void freevars1_a(); void rep(); void gpp(); void esetp(); void nodep(); extern Verbose; struct oRE { P p; P discr; int rootno; int itype; }; typedef struct oRE *RE; struct oGP { F g; RE p; }; typedef struct oGP *GP; struct oCEL { VL vl; F mat; }; typedef struct oCEL *CEL; struct oCONT { NODE first; NODE last; }; typedef struct oCONT *CONT; struct oQVL { oFOP q; VL vl; }; typedef struct oQVL *QVL; #define GUARD(x) ((x)->g) #define POINT(x) ((x)->p) #define NEWGP(x) ((x)=(GP)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oGP))) #define MKGP(x,g,p) (NEWGP(x),GUARD(x)=g,POINT(x)=p) #define NEWRE(x) ((x)=(RE)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oRE))) #define MKRE(x,pp,d,rn,i) \ (NEWRE(x),(x)->p=pp,(x)->discr=d,(x)->rootno=rn,(x)->itype=i) #define DISC(re) ((re)->discr) #define ROOTNO(re) ((re)->rootno) #define ITYPE(re) ((re)->itype) #define STD 0 #define EPS 1 #define PEPS 2 #define MEPS -2 #define PINF 3 #define MINF -3 #define NEWQVL(x) ((x)=(QVL)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oQVL))) #define MKQVL(x,qq,vvl) (NEWQVL(x),(x)->q=qq,(x)->vl=vvl) #define VARL(x) (x)->vl #define QUANT(x) (x)->q #define NUMBER(p) (p==0 || NUM(p)) #define NZNUMBER(p) (p && NUM(p)) #define MKVL(a,b,c) \ (NEWVL(a),(a)->v=(V)b,NEXT(a)=(VL)(c)) #define NEXTVL(r,c) \ if(!(r)){NEWVL(r);(c)=(r);}else{NEWVL(NEXT(c));(c)=NEXT(c);} #define NEWCEL(x) ((x)=(CEL)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oCEL))) #define MKCEL(x,vvl,mmat) (NEWCEL(x),(x)->vl=vvl,(x)->mat=mmat) #define VRL(x) ((x)->vl) #define FIRST(x) ((x)->first) #define LAST(x) ((x)->last) #define MKCONT(x) ((x)=(CONT)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oCONT)),FIRST(x)=LAST(x)=NULL) struct ftab al_tab[] = { {"simpl",Psimpl,-2}, {"ex",Pex,-2}, {"all",Pall,-2}, {"fop",Pfop,1}, {"fargs",Pfargs,1}, {"fopargs",Pfopargs,1}, {"compf",Pcompf,2}, {"atl",Patl,1}, {"qevar",Pqevar,2}, {"qe",Pqe,1}, {"atnum",Patnum,1}, {"subf",Psubf,3}, {"nnf",Pnnf,1}, {"hugo",Phugo,4}, {0,0,0} }; void Phugo(arg,rp) NODE arg; F *rp; { substd_a21_equal(BDY(arg),BDY(NEXT(arg)),BDY(NEXT(NEXT(arg))),BDY(NEXT(NEXT(NEXT(arg)))),rp); ap(*rp); substd_a21_leq(BDY(arg),BDY(NEXT(arg)),BDY(NEXT(NEXT(arg))),BDY(NEXT(NEXT(NEXT(arg)))),rp); ap(*rp); substd_a21_lessp(BDY(arg),BDY(NEXT(arg)),BDY(NEXT(NEXT(arg))),BDY(NEXT(NEXT(NEXT(arg)))),rp); ap(*rp); } void Pex(arg,rp) NODE arg; F *rp; { if (argc(arg) == 1) constrq(AL_EX,0,(F)BDY(arg),rp); else constrq(AL_EX,BDY(arg),(F)BDY(NEXT(arg)),rp); } void Pall(arg,rp) NODE arg; F *rp; { if (argc(arg) == 1) constrq(AL_ALL,0,(F)BDY(arg),rp); else constrq(AL_ALL,BDY(arg),(F)BDY(NEXT(arg)),rp); } void constrq(q,vars,m,rp) oFOP q; Obj vars; F m,*rp; { VL sc; NODE varl=NULL,varlc,arg; P p; if (!vars) { for (freevars(m,&sc); sc; sc=NEXT(sc)) { NEXTNODE(varl,varlc); MKV(VR(sc),p); BDY(varlc) = (pointer)p; } } else if (OID(vars) == O_LIST) { MKNODE(arg,vars,NULL); Preverse(arg,&vars); varl = BDY((LIST)vars); } else MKNODE(varl,vars,NULL); for (; varl; varl=NEXT(varl)) { MKQF(*rp,q,VR((P)BDY(varl)),m); m = *rp; } } void Pfop(arg,rp) NODE arg; Q *rp; { oFOP op; op = FOP((F)ARG0(arg)); STOQ((int)op,*rp); } void Pfargs(arg,rp) NODE arg; LIST *rp; { oFOP op; LIST l; NODE n1,n2; F f; P x; f = (F)ARG0(arg); op = FOP(f); if ( AL_TVAL(op) ) n1 = 0; else if ( AL_JUNCT(op) ) n1 = FJARG(f); else if ( AL_QUANT(op) ) { MKV(FQVR(f),x); MKNODE(n2,FQMAT(f),0); MKNODE(n1,x,n2); } else if (AL_ATOMIC(op) ) MKNODE(n1,FPL(f),0); else if ( AL_UNI(op) ) MKNODE(n1,FARG(f),0); else if ( AL_EXT(op) ) { MKNODE(n2,FRHS(f),0); MKNODE(n1,FLHS(f),n2); } MKLIST(l,n1); *rp = l; } void Pfopargs(arg,rp) NODE arg; LIST *rp; { oFOP op; LIST l; NODE n0,n1,n2; F f; P x; Q op1; f = (F)ARG0(arg); op = FOP(f); STOQ((int)op,op1); if ( AL_TVAL(op) ) n1 = 0; else if ( AL_JUNCT(op) ) n1 = FJARG(f); else if ( AL_QUANT(op) ) { MKV(FQVR(f),x); MKNODE(n2,FQMAT(f),0); MKNODE(n1,x,n2); } else if (AL_ATOMIC(op) ) MKNODE(n1,FPL(f),0); else if ( AL_UNI(op) ) MKNODE(n1,FARG(f),0); else if ( AL_EXT(op) ) { MKNODE(n2,FRHS(f),0); MKNODE(n1,FLHS(f),n2); } MKNODE(n0,op1,n1); MKLIST(l,n0); *rp = l; } void Pcompf(arg,rp) NODE arg; Q *rp; { STOQ(compf(CO,BDY(arg),BDY(NEXT(arg))),*rp); } void Patnum(arg,rp) NODE arg; Q *rp; { atnum(BDY(arg),rp); } void Patl(arg,rp) NODE arg; LIST *rp; { NODE h; atl(BDY(arg),&h); MKLIST(*rp,h); } void Pqevar(arg,rp) NODE arg; F *rp; { qevar(BDY(arg),VR((P)BDY(NEXT(arg))),rp); } void Pqe(arg,rp) NODE arg; F *rp; { qe(BDY(arg),rp); } void Psubf(arg,rp) NODE arg; F *rp; { subf(CO,(F)BDY(arg),VR((P)BDY(NEXT(arg))),(P)BDY(NEXT(NEXT(arg))),rp); } void Pnnf(arg,rp) NODE arg; F *rp; { nnf((F)BDY(arg),rp); } /* Simplification */ /* Return values of simpl_gand_udnargls() */ #define GINCONSISTENT 0 #define OK 1 #define NEWAT 2 /* Return values of THPRSISM() */ #define CONTINUE 10 #define DROP 11 #define REPLACE 12 #define KILL 13 void Psimpl(argl,rp) NODE argl; F *rp; { if (argc(argl) == 1) simpl(BDY(argl),(NODE)NULL,rp); else simpl(BDY(argl),BDY((LIST)BDY(NEXT(argl))),rp); } void smkjf(pf,j,argl) F *pf; oFOP j; NODE argl; { if (!argl) MKTV(*pf,AL_NEUTRAL(j)); else if (!NEXT(argl)) *pf = (F)BDY(argl); else MKJF(*pf,j,argl); } void simpl(f,th,pnf) F f,*pnf; NODE th; { simpl1(f,th,0,pnf); } void simpl1(f,th,n,pnf) F f,*pnf; NODE th; int n; { F h,hh; oFOP op=FOP(f); if (AL_ATOMIC(op)) { simpl_a(f,pnf); return; } if (AL_JUNCT(op)) { simpl_gand(op,AL_NEUTRAL(op),AL_OMNIPOT(op),FJARG(f),th,n,pnf); return; } if (AL_TVAL(op)) { *pnf = f; return; } if (AL_QUANT(op)) { simpl1(FQMAT(f),(NODE)NULL,n+1,&h); MKQF(*pnf,op,FQVR(f),h); return; } if (op == AL_NOT) { simpl1(FARG(f),th,n+1,&h); switch (FOP(h)) { case AL_TRUE: *pnf = F_FALSE; break; case AL_FALSE: *pnf = F_TRUE; break; default: MKUF(*pnf,AL_NOT,h); } return; } if (op == AL_IMPL) { simpl_impl(AL_IMPL,FLHS(f),FRHS(f),th,n,pnf); return; } if (op == AL_REPL) { simpl_impl(AL_REPL,FRHS(f),FLHS(f),th,n,pnf); return; } if (op == AL_EQUIV) { simpl_equiv(FLHS(f),FRHS(f),th,n,pnf); return; } else error("unknown operator in simpl1"); } void simpl_gand(gand,gtrue,gfalse,argl,oth,n,pnf) oFOP gand,gtrue,gfalse; NODE argl,oth; int n; F *pnf; { NODE cnargl=NULL,cc=NULL,cnargl2=NULL,cc2=NULL,th=NULL,thc=NULL,nargl,narglc; F fgfalse,h; int st; for (; oth; oth = NEXT(oth)) { NEXTNODE(th,thc); BDY(thc) = BDY(oth); } for (; argl; argl = NEXT(argl)) { if (FOP((F)BDY(argl)) == gfalse) { *pnf = (F)BDY(argl); return; } if (AL_ATOMIC(FOP((F)BDY(argl)))) { simpl_a((F)BDY(argl),&h); if (FOP(h) == gfalse) { *pnf = h; return; } st = simpl_gand_udnargls(gand,gtrue,h,n,&th,&thc,&cnargl,&cc); if (st == GINCONSISTENT) { MKTV(fgfalse,gfalse); *pnf = fgfalse; return; } } else simpl_gand_insert_c((F)BDY(argl),&cnargl,&cc); } for (; cnargl != NULL; cnargl = NEXT(cnargl)) { simpl1((F)BDY(cnargl),th,n+1,&h); if (FOP(h) == gfalse) { *pnf = h; return; } st = simpl_gand_udnargls(gand,gtrue,h,n,&th,&thc,&cnargl2,&cc2); switch (st) { case GINCONSISTENT: MKTV(fgfalse,gfalse); *pnf = fgfalse; return; case NEWAT: if (cnargl2 != NULL) { if (cnargl != NULL) NEXT(cc) = cnargl2; else cnargl = cnargl2; cc = cc2; cnargl2 = cc2 = NULL; } break; } } simpl_th2atl(gand,th,n,&nargl,&narglc); if (nargl == NULL) nargl = cnargl2; else NEXT(narglc) = cnargl2; smkjf(pnf,gand,nargl); } void simpl_th2atl(gand,th,n,patl,patlc) oFOP gand; NODE th,*patl,*patlc; int n; { NODE atl=NULL,atlc=NULL; LBF h; F at,negat; switch (gand) { case AL_AND: for (; th; th = NEXT(th)) { if (LBFLB((LBF)BDY(th)) == n) { NEXTNODE(atl,atlc); BDY(atlc) = (pointer)LBFF((LBF)BDY(th)); } } break; case AL_OR: for (; th; th = NEXT(th)) { if (LBFLB((LBF)BDY(th)) == n) { at = LBFF((LBF)BDY(th)); MKAF(negat,AL_LNEGOP(FOP(at)),FPL(at)); NEXTNODE(atl,atlc); BDY(atlc) = (pointer)negat; } } break; } *patl = atl; *patlc = atlc; } int simpl_gand_udnargls(gand,gtrue,narg,n,pth,pthc,pcnargl,pcc) oFOP gand,gtrue; F narg; int n; NODE *pth,*pthc,*pcnargl,*pcc; { NODE sargl; F h; oFOP op; int st,found=OK; op = FOP(narg); if (op == gtrue) return(OK); if (AL_ATOMIC(op)) return(simpl_gand_thupd(gand,narg,n,pth,pthc)); if (op == gand) { sargl = FJARG(narg); for (; sargl; sargl = NEXT(sargl)) { h = (F)BDY(sargl); if (AL_ATOMIC(FOP(h))) { st = simpl_gand_thupd(gand,h,n,pth,pthc); switch (st) { case NEWAT: found = NEWAT; break; case GINCONSISTENT: return(GINCONSISTENT); } } else simpl_gand_insert_c(h,pcnargl,pcc); } return(found); } simpl_gand_insert_c(narg,pcnargl,pcc); return(OK); } int simpl_gand_thupd(top,at,n,pth,pthc) oFOP top; F at; int n; NODE *pth,*pthc; { LBF atpr,thpr; NODE scth; int st; F h; if (top == AL_OR) { MKAF(h,AL_LNEGOP(FOP(at)),FPL(at)); at = h; } MKLBF(atpr,at,n); for (scth = *pth; scth; scth = NEXT(scth)) { thpr = (LBF)BDY(scth); st = simpl_gand_thprsism(thpr,&atpr); switch (st) { case GINCONSISTENT: return(GINCONSISTENT); case DROP: return(OK); case REPLACE: /* replaceq(*pth,(pointer)thpr,(pointer)atpr,pth,pthc); */ /* return(NEWAT); */ case KILL: deleteq(*pth,(pointer)thpr,(pointer)pth,pthc); } } NEXTNODE(*pth,*pthc); BDY(*pthc) = (pointer)atpr; return(NEWAT); } int simpl_gand_thprsism(thpr,patpr) LBF thpr,*patpr; { P thlbc,atlbc,thlhs1,atlhs1,difference; oFOP natfop; F nat; LBF natpr; int st; lbc(FPL(LBFF(*patpr)),&atlbc); mulp(CO,FPL(LBFF(thpr)),atlbc,&thlhs1); lbc(FPL(LBFF(thpr)),&thlbc); mulp(CO,FPL(LBFF(*patpr)),thlbc,&atlhs1); subp(CO,thlhs1,atlhs1,&difference); if (!NUMBER(difference)) return(CONTINUE); if (difference == NULL) { st = simpl_gand_smtbelhs(FOP(LBFF(thpr)),FOP(LBFF(*patpr)),&natfop); if (st == REPLACE) { MKAF(nat,natfop,FPL(LBFF(*patpr))); MKLBF(natpr,nat,LBFLB(*patpr)); *patpr = natpr; }; return(st); } return(simpl_gand_smtbdlhs(FOP(LBFF(thpr)),FOP(LBFF(*patpr)),difference)); } int simpl_gand_smtbelhs(thop,atop,pnatop) oFOP thop,atop,*pnatop; { if (atop == thop) return(DROP); switch (thop) { case AL_EQUAL: switch (atop) { case AL_NEQ: case AL_LESSP: case AL_GREATERP: return(GINCONSISTENT); case AL_LEQ: case AL_GEQ: return(DROP); } case AL_NEQ: switch (atop) { case AL_EQUAL: return(GINCONSISTENT); case AL_LEQ: *pnatop = AL_LESSP; return(REPLACE); case AL_GEQ: *pnatop = AL_GREATERP; return(REPLACE); case AL_LESSP: case AL_GREATERP: *pnatop = atop; return(REPLACE); } case AL_LEQ: switch (atop) { case AL_EQUAL: case AL_GEQ: *pnatop = AL_EQUAL; return(REPLACE); case AL_NEQ: case AL_LESSP: *pnatop = AL_LESSP; return(REPLACE); case AL_GREATERP: return(GINCONSISTENT); } case AL_GEQ: switch (atop) { case AL_EQUAL: case AL_LEQ: *pnatop = AL_EQUAL; return(REPLACE); case AL_NEQ: case AL_GREATERP: *pnatop = AL_GREATERP; return(REPLACE); case AL_LESSP: return(GINCONSISTENT); } case AL_LESSP: switch (atop) { case AL_EQUAL: case AL_GEQ: case AL_GREATERP: return(GINCONSISTENT); case AL_NEQ: case AL_LEQ: return(DROP); } case AL_GREATERP: switch (atop) { case AL_EQUAL: case AL_LEQ: case AL_LESSP: return(GINCONSISTENT); case AL_NEQ: case AL_GEQ: return(DROP); } } } int simpl_gand_smtbdlhs(thop,atop,difference) oFOP thop,atop; P difference; { oFOP op1,op2; int drop1,drop2; if (cmpq((Q)difference,0) == 1) { /* good luck with the next compiler */ op1 = atop; op2 = thop; drop1 = DROP; drop2 = KILL; } else { op1 = thop; op2 = atop; drop1 = KILL; drop2 = DROP; } switch (op1) { case AL_EQUAL: switch (op2) { case AL_EQUAL: case AL_LEQ: case AL_LESSP: return(GINCONSISTENT); default: return(drop2); } case AL_NEQ: case AL_LEQ: case AL_LESSP: switch (op2) { case AL_EQUAL: case AL_LEQ: case AL_LESSP: return(drop1); default: return(CONTINUE); } case AL_GEQ: switch(op2) { case AL_EQUAL: case AL_LEQ: case AL_LESSP: return(GINCONSISTENT); default: return(drop2); } case AL_GREATERP: switch (op2) { case AL_EQUAL: case AL_LEQ: case AL_LESSP: return(GINCONSISTENT); default: return(drop2); } } } void lbc(f,pc) P f,*pc; { for (*pc = f; !NUM(*pc); *pc = COEF(DC(*pc))) ; } void replaceq(l,old,new,pnl,pnlc) NODE l,*pnl,*pnlc; pointer old,new; { *pnl = NULL; for (; l; l = NEXT(l)) { NEXTNODE(*pnl,*pnlc); if(BDY(l) == old) BDY(*pnlc) = new; else BDY(*pnlc) = BDY(l); } } void deleteq(l,obj,pnl,pnlc) NODE l,*pnl,*pnlc; pointer obj; { *pnl = NULL; for (; l; l = NEXT(l)) if(BDY(l) != obj) { NEXTNODE(*pnl,*pnlc); BDY(*pnlc) = BDY(l); } } void simpl_gand_insert_a(f,paargl,pac) F f; NODE *paargl,*pac; { int w; NODE n,sc,prev; if (*paargl == 0) { NEXTNODE(*paargl,*pac); BDY(*pac) = (pointer)f; return; } w = compaf(CO,BDY(*pac),f); if (w == 1) { NEXTNODE(*paargl,*pac); BDY(*pac) = (pointer)f; return; } if (w == 0) return; w = compaf(CO,f,BDY(*paargl)); if (w == 1) { MKNODE(n,f,*paargl); *paargl = n; return; } if (w == 0) return; /* f belongs strictly inside the existing list */ for (sc=*paargl; (w=compaf(CO,BDY(sc),f))==1; sc=NEXT(sc)) prev = sc; if (w == 0) return; MKNODE(n,f,sc); NEXT(prev) = n; } void simpl_gand_insert_c(f,pcargl,pcc) F f; NODE *pcargl,*pcc; { NODE sc; for (sc=*pcargl; sc; sc=NEXT(sc)) if (synequalf(f,(F)BDY(sc))) return; NEXTNODE(*pcargl,*pcc); BDY(*pcc) = (pointer)f; } int compaf(vl,f1,f2) VL vl; F f1,f2; { int w; w = compp(vl,FPL(f1),FPL(f2)); if (w) return w; return comprel(FOP(f1),FOP(f2)); } int comprel(op1,op2) oFOP op1,op2; /* implement order: =, <>, <=, <, >=, > */ { if (op1 == op2) return 0; switch (op1) { case AL_EQUAL: return 1; case AL_NEQ: switch (op2) { case AL_EQUAL: return -1; default: return 1; } case AL_LEQ: switch (op2) { case AL_EQUAL: return -1; case AL_NEQ: return -1; default: return 1; } case AL_LESSP: switch (op2) { case AL_GEQ: return 1; case AL_GREATERP: return 1; default: return -1; } case AL_GEQ: switch (op2) { case AL_GREATERP: return 1; default: return -1; } case AL_GREATERP: return -1; } error("unknown relation in comprel"); } int synequalf(f1,f2) F f1,f2; { oFOP op=FOP(f1); if (op != FOP(f2)) return 0; if (AL_ATOMIC(op)) return (compp(CO,FPL(f1),FPL(f2)) == 0); if (AL_JUNCT(op)) { NODE sc1,sc2; for (sc1=FJARG(f1),sc2=FJARG(f2); sc1 && sc2; sc1=NEXT(sc1),sc2=NEXT(sc2)) if (! synequalf(BDY(sc1),BDY(sc2))) return 0; if (sc1 || sc2) return 0; return 1; } } void simpl_impl(op,prem,concl,th,n,pf) oFOP op; F prem,concl,*pf; NODE th; int n; { F h,hh; simpl1(prem,th,n+1,&h); if (FOP(h) == AL_FALSE) { *pf = F_TRUE; return; } simpl1(concl,th,n+1,&hh); if (FOP(hh) == AL_TRUE) { *pf = F_TRUE; return; } if (FOP(h) == AL_TRUE) { *pf = hh; return; } if (FOP(hh) == AL_FALSE) { pnegate(h,pf); return; } if (op == AL_IMPL) { MKBF(*pf,AL_IMPL,h,hh); return; } MKBF(*pf,AL_REPL,hh,h); } void simpl_equiv(lhs,rhs,th,n,pf) F lhs,rhs,*pf; NODE th; int n; { F h,hh; simpl1(lhs,th,n+1,&h); simpl1(rhs,th,n+1,&hh); if (FOP(h) == AL_TRUE) { *pf = hh; return; } if (FOP(hh) == AL_TRUE) { *pf = h; return; } if (FOP(h) == AL_FALSE) { pnegate(hh,pf); return; } if (FOP(hh) == AL_FALSE) { pnegate(h,pf); return; } MKBF(*pf,AL_EQUIV,h,hh); } void simpl_a(f,pnf) F f,*pnf; { oFOP r=FOP(f); P lhs=(P)FPL(f); if (NUMBER(lhs)) { #if 0 lhs = (Q)lhs; /* good luck with the next compiler */ #endif switch (r) { case AL_EQUAL: *pnf = (lhs == 0) ? F_TRUE : F_FALSE; return; case AL_NEQ: *pnf = (lhs != 0) ? F_TRUE : F_FALSE; return; case AL_LESSP: *pnf = (cmpq((Q)lhs,0) == -1) ? F_TRUE : F_FALSE; return; case AL_GREATERP: *pnf = (cmpq((Q)lhs,0) == 1) ? F_TRUE : F_FALSE; return; case AL_LEQ: *pnf = (cmpq((Q)lhs,0) != 1) ? F_TRUE : F_FALSE; return; case AL_GEQ: *pnf = (cmpq((Q)lhs,0) != -1) ? F_TRUE : F_FALSE; return; default: error("unknown operator in simpl_a"); } } if (AL_ORDER(r)) simpl_a_o(&r,&lhs); else simpl_a_no(&lhs); MKAF(*pnf,r,lhs); } void simpl_a_o(ar,alhs) oFOP *ar; P *alhs; { DCP dec; sqfrp(CO,*alhs,&dec); if (SGN((Q)COEF(dec)) == -1) *ar = AL_ANEGREL(*ar); *alhs=(P)ONE; for (dec = NEXT(dec); dec; dec = NEXT(dec)) { mulp(CO,*alhs,COEF(dec),alhs); if (EVENN(NM(DEG(dec)))) mulp(CO,*alhs,COEF(dec),alhs); } } void simpl_a_no(alhs) P *alhs; { DCP dec; sqfrp(CO,*alhs,&dec); *alhs=(P)ONE; for (dec = NEXT(dec); dec; dec = NEXT(dec)) mulp(CO,*alhs,COEF(dec),alhs); } /* QE */ #define BTMIN 0 #define BTEQUAL 0 #define BTWO 1 #define BTLEQ 2 #define BTGEQ 3 #define BTSO 4 #define BTLESSP 5 #define BTGREATERP 6 #define BTNEQ 7 #define BTMAX 7 #define IPURE 0 #define IPE 1 #define IME 2 #define II 3 void qe(f,pnf) F f,*pnf; { NODE bl,sc; F h; simpl(f,(NODE)NULL,&h); nnf(h,&h); blocksplit(h,&bl,&h); for (sc=bl; sc; sc=NEXT(sc)) { if (QUANT(((QVL)BDY(sc))) == AL_EX) qeblock(VARL(((QVL)BDY(sc))),h,&h); else { pnegate(h,&h); qeblock(VARL(((QVL)BDY(sc))),h,&h); pnegate(h,&h); } } *pnf = h; } void blocksplit(f,pbl,pmat) F f,*pmat; NODE *pbl; { oFOP cq; NODE bl=NULL,blh; VL vl,vlh; QVL qvl; while (AL_QUANT(cq=FOP(f))) { NEWNODE(blh); vl = NULL; while (FOP(f) == cq) { NEWVL(vlh); VR(vlh) = FQVR(f); NEXT(vlh) = vl; vl = vlh; f = FQMAT(f); } MKQVL(qvl,cq,vl); BDY(blh) = (pointer)qvl; NEXT(blh) = bl; bl = blh; } *pbl = bl; *pmat = f; } void qeblock(vl,f,pnf) VL vl; F f,*pnf; { CONT co; CEL cel; VL cvl; NODE n,sc; NODE nargl=NULL,narglc; int w,pr; int left=0,modulus; qeblock_verbose0(vl); simpl(f,(NODE)NULL,&f); MKCONT(co); MKCEL(cel,vl,f); coadd(co,cel); while (coget(co,&cel)) { cvl = VRL(cel); pr = qeblock_verbose1a(co,cvl,&left,&modulus); w = qevar(MAT(cel),&cvl,&n); qeblock_verbose1b(w,pr); for (sc=n; sc; sc=NEXT(sc)) if ((F)BDY(sc) != F_FALSE) if (cvl) { MKCEL(cel,cvl,(F)BDY(sc)); if (!comember(co,cel)) coadd(co,cel); } else { NEXTNODE(nargl,narglc); BDY(narglc) = BDY(sc); } } qeblock_verbose2(); smkjf(pnf,AL_OR,nargl); simpl(*pnf,(NODE)NULL,pnf); } void qeblock_verbose0(vl) VL vl; { if (!Verbose) return; printf("eliminating"); for (; vl; vl=NEXT(vl)) printf(" %s",NAME(VR(vl))); } int qeblock_verbose1a(co,cvl,pleft,pmodulus) CONT co; VL cvl; int *pleft,*pmodulus; { int i=0; if (!Verbose) return; if (*pleft == 0) { for (; cvl; cvl=NEXT(cvl)) i++; printf("\nleft %d\n",i); *pleft = colen(co) + 1; *pmodulus = getmodulus(*pleft); printf("(%d",(*pleft)--); fflush(asir_out); return 1; } else if (*pleft % *pmodulus == 0) { printf("(%d",(*pleft)--); fflush(asir_out); return 1; } (*pleft)--; return 0; } void qeblock_verbose1b(g,print) int g,print; { if (!(Verbose && print)) return; printf("%s) ",g ? (g==2) ? "qg" : "lg" : "e"); fflush(asir_out); } void qeblock_verbose2() { if (!Verbose) return; printf("\n"); } int getmodulus(n) int n; { int pow=1; while (n >= pow*100) { pow *= 10; } return pow; } int qevar(f,pcvl,pfl) F f; VL *pcvl; NODE *pfl; { int w; V x; F h; NODE trans[8],eset,sc,r=NULL,rc; w = gausselim(f,pcvl,&x,&eset); if (!w) { x = VR(*pcvl); *pcvl = NEXT(*pcvl); translate(f,x,trans); mkeset(trans,x,&eset); } for (sc=eset; sc; sc=NEXT(sc)) { NEXTNODE(r,rc); subgpf(f,x,BDY(sc),&h); simpl(h,(NODE)NULL,&BDY(rc)); } *pfl = r; return w; } int gausselim(f,pvl,px,peset) F f; VL *pvl; V *px; NODE *peset; { Q deg,two; P rlhs,a,b,c; V v; VL scvl; NODE sc; int w; if (FOP(f) != AL_AND) return 0; STOQ(2,two); for (deg=ONE; cmpq(two,deg) >= 0; addq(deg,ONE,°)) for (scvl=*pvl; scvl; scvl=NEXT(scvl)) { v = VR(scvl); for (sc=FJARG(f); sc; sc=NEXT(sc)) { if (FOP((F)BDY(sc)) != AL_EQUAL) continue; al_reorder(FPL((F)BDY(sc)),v,&rlhs); if (VR(rlhs) != v) continue; w = gauss_abc(rlhs,v,deg,&a,&b,&c); if (!w) continue; *px = v; delv(v,*pvl,pvl); if (a) { gauss_mkeset2(rlhs,a,b,c,peset); return 2; } gauss_mkeset1(rlhs,b,peset); return 1; } } return 0; } int gauss_abc(rlhs,v,deg,pa,pb,pc) P rlhs,*pa,*pb,*pc; V v; Q deg; { Q two; DCP rld; rld = DC(rlhs); if (cmpq(DEG(rld),deg) != 0) return 0; STOQ(2,two); if (cmpq(deg,two) == 0) { *pa = COEF(rld); rld = NEXT(rld); } else *pa = 0; if (rld && cmpq(DEG(rld),ONE) == 0) { *pb = COEF(rld); rld = NEXT(rld); } else *pb = 0; if (rld) *pc = COEF(rld); else *pc = 0; return (NZNUMBER(*pa) || NZNUMBER(*pb) || NZNUMBER(*pc)); } gauss_mkeset1(rlhs,b,peset) P rlhs,b; NODE *peset; { GP hgp; mklgp(rlhs,b,STD,&hgp); MKNODE(*peset,hgp,NULL); } gauss_mkeset2(rlhs,a,b,c,peset) P rlhs,a,b,c; NODE *peset; { RE hre; F hf; GP hgp; P discr; NODE esetc; *peset = NULL; if (!NUM(a)) { NEXTNODE(*peset,esetc); mklgp(rlhs,b,STD,&hgp); BDY(esetc) = (pointer)hgp; } NEXTNODE(*peset,esetc); mkqgp(rlhs,a,b,c,1,STD,&hgp); BDY(esetc) = (pointer)hgp; NEXTNODE(*peset,esetc); mkqgp(rlhs,a,b,c,2,STD,&hgp); BDY(esetc) = (pointer)hgp; } int delv(v,vl,pnvl) V v; VL vl,*pnvl; { VL nvl=NULL,nvlc; if (v == VR(vl)) { *pnvl = NEXT(vl); return 1; } for (; vl && (VR(vl) != v); vl=NEXT(vl)) { NEXTVL(nvl,nvlc); VR(nvlc) = VR(vl); } if (vl) { NEXT(nvlc) = NEXT(vl); *pnvl = nvl; return 1; } *pnvl = nvl; return 0; } int translate(f,x,trans) F f; V x; NODE trans[]; { NODE sc,transc[8]; RE hre; GP hgp; int bt,w=0; P h; for (bt=BTMIN; bt<=BTMAX; bt++) trans[bt] = NULL; for (atl(f,&sc); sc; sc=NEXT(sc)) w = (translate_a(BDY(sc),x,trans,transc) || w); return w; } int translate_a(at,v,trans,transc) F at; V v; NODE trans[],transc[]; { P mp; Q two; int w; w = al_reorder(FPL(at),v,&mp); if (w == 0) return 0; if (cmpq(ONE,DEG(DC(mp))) == 0) { translate_a1(FOP(at),mp,trans,transc); return 1; }; STOQ(2,two); if (cmpq(two,DEG(DC(mp))) == 0) { translate_a2(FOP(at),mp,trans,transc); return 1; }; error("degree violation in translate_a"); } void translate_a1(op,mp,trans,transc) oFOP op; P mp; NODE trans[],transc[]; { P b; int itype,btype; GP hgp; b = COEF(DC(mp)); indices(op,NUM(b) ? SGN((Q)b) : 0,&itype,&btype); NEXTNODE(trans[btype],transc[btype]); mklgp(mp,b,itype,&hgp); BDY(transc[btype]) = (pointer)hgp; } void mklgp(mp,b,itype,pgp) P mp,b; int itype; GP *pgp; { RE hre; F hf; MKRE(hre,mp,(P)ONE,1,itype); MKAF(hf,AL_NEQ,b); MKGP(*pgp,hf,hre); } void translate_a2(op,mp,trans,transc) oFOP op; P mp; NODE trans[],transc[]; { P a,b,c,linred; int itype,btype; GP hgp; getqcoeffs(mp,&a,&b,&c); if (!NUM(a) && b) { MKP(VR(mp),NEXT(DC(mp)),linred); translate_a1(op,linred,trans,transc); } indices(op,0,&itype,&btype); NEXTNODE(trans[btype],transc[btype]); mkqgp(mp,a,b,c,-1,itype,&hgp); BDY(transc[btype]) = (pointer)hgp; } void mkqgp(mp,a,b,c,rootno,itype,pgp) P mp,a,b,c; int rootno; int itype; GP *pgp; { P discr; RE hre; F hf; NODE n=NULL,nc; mkdiscr(a,b,c,&discr); MKRE(hre,mp,discr,rootno,itype); NEXTNODE(n,nc); MKAF(hf,AL_NEQ,a); BDY(nc) = (pointer)hf; NEXTNODE(n,nc); MKAF(hf,AL_GEQ,discr); BDY(nc) = (pointer)hf; MKJF(hf,AL_AND,n); MKGP(*pgp,hf,hre); } void getqcoeffs(mp,pa,pb,pc) P mp,*pa,*pb,*pc; { DCP hdcp; *pa = COEF(DC(mp)); hdcp = NEXT(DC(mp)); if (hdcp && cmpq(DEG(hdcp),ONE) == 0) { *pb = COEF(hdcp); hdcp = NEXT(hdcp); } else *pb = 0; if (hdcp && DEG(hdcp) == 0) { *pc = COEF(hdcp); } else *pc = 0; } void mkdiscr(a,b,c,pd) P a,b,c,*pd; { P h1,h2; Q four; mulp(CO,a,c,&h1); STOQ(4,four); mulp(CO,(P)four,h1,&h2); mulp(CO,b,b,&h1); subp(CO,h1,h2,pd); } int al_reorder(p,v,pnp) P p,*pnp; V v; { VL tvl; reordvar(CO,v,&tvl); reorderp(tvl,CO,p,pnp); if (*pnp && !NUM(*pnp) && strcmp(NAME(VR(*pnp)),NAME(v)) == 0) return 1; else return 0; } int indices(op,s,pit,pbt) oFOP op; int s,*pit,*pbt; { switch (op) { case AL_EQUAL: *pit = STD; *pbt = BTEQUAL; return; case AL_NEQ: *pit = EPS; *pbt = BTNEQ; return; case AL_LEQ: *pit = STD; switch (s) { case 1: *pbt = BTLEQ; return; case -1: *pbt = BTGEQ; return; case 0: *pbt = BTWO; return; } case AL_GEQ: *pit = STD; switch (s) { case 1: *pbt = BTGEQ; return; case -1: *pbt = BTLEQ; return; case 0: *pbt = BTWO; return; } case AL_LESSP: switch (s) { case 1: *pit = MEPS; *pbt = BTLESSP; return; case -1: *pit = PEPS; *pbt = BTGREATERP; return; case 0: *pit = EPS; *pbt = BTSO; return; } case AL_GREATERP: switch (s) { case 1: *pit = PEPS; *pbt = BTGREATERP; return; case -1: *pit = MEPS; *pbt = BTLESSP; return; case 0: *pit = EPS; *pbt = BTSO; return; } default: error("unknown relation or sign in indices"); } } void mkeset(trans,x,peset) NODE trans[],*peset; V x; { NODE esetc; P h; RE hre; GP hgp; int cw,cs,deps,dinf,ord; *peset = NULL; ord = selectside(trans,&cw,&cs,&deps,&dinf); if (ord) { add2eset(trans[cw],peset,&esetc); add2eset(trans[BTWO],peset,&esetc); add2eset(trans[cs],peset,&esetc); sp_add2eset(trans[BTSO],deps,peset,&esetc); NEXTNODE(*peset,esetc); MKRE(hre,0,0,0,dinf); MKGP(hgp,F_TRUE,hre); BDY(esetc) = (pointer)hgp; } else { NEXTNODE(*peset,esetc); MKV(x,h); MKRE(hre,h,(P)ONE,1,STD); MKGP(hgp,F_TRUE,hre); BDY(esetc) = (pointer)hgp; } add2eset(trans[BTEQUAL],peset,&esetc); sp_add2eset(trans[BTNEQ],deps,peset,&esetc); } int selectside(trans,pcw,pcs,pdeps,pdinf) NODE trans[]; int *pcw,*pcs,*pdeps,*pdinf; { if (cmp2n(trans[BTLEQ],trans[BTLESSP],trans[BTGEQ],trans[BTGREATERP])==1) { *pcw = BTGEQ; *pcs = BTGREATERP; *pdeps = PEPS; *pdinf = MINF; } else { *pcw = BTLEQ; *pcs = BTLESSP; *pdeps = MEPS; *pdinf = PINF; } if (!(trans[BTLEQ] || trans[BTLESSP] || trans[BTGEQ] || trans[BTGREATERP] || trans[BTWO] || trans[BTSO])) return 0; return 1; } int cmp2n(n1a,n1b,n2a,n2b) NODE n1a,n1b,n2a,n2b; { NODE n1,n2; int n1bleft=1,n2bleft=1; n1 = n1a; n2 = n2a; while (n1 && n2) { n1 = NEXT(n1); if (n1 == NULL && n1bleft) { n1 = n1b; n1bleft = 0; } n2 = NEXT(n2); if (n2 == NULL && n2bleft) { n2 = n2b; n2bleft = 0; } } if (n1 || n2) return n1 ? 1 : -1; return 0; } void add2eset(trfield,peset,pesetc) NODE trfield,*peset,*pesetc; { NODE ntrfield,ntrfieldc; if (trfield == NULL) return; seproots(trfield,&ntrfield,&ntrfieldc); if (*peset == NULL) { *peset = ntrfield; *pesetc = ntrfieldc; } else { NEXT(*pesetc) = ntrfield; *pesetc = ntrfieldc; } } void seproots(trfield,pntrfield,pntrfieldc) NODE trfield,*pntrfield,*pntrfieldc; { NODE sc; NODE ntrf=NULL,ntrfc; RE hre,hre2; GP hgp,hgp2; for (sc=trfield; sc; sc=NEXT(sc)) { hgp = (GP)BDY(sc); hre = POINT(hgp); if (ROOTNO(hre) == -1) { NEXTNODE(ntrf,ntrfc); MKRE(hre2,PL(hre),DISC(hre),1,ITYPE(hre)); MKGP(hgp2,GUARD(hgp),hre2); BDY(ntrfc) = (pointer)hgp2; NEXTNODE(ntrf,ntrfc); ROOTNO(hre) = 2; BDY(ntrfc) = (pointer)hgp; } else { NEXTNODE(ntrf,ntrfc); BDY(ntrfc) = (pointer)hgp; } } *pntrfield = ntrf; *pntrfieldc = ntrfc; } void sp_add2eset(trfield,itype,peset,pesetc) NODE trfield,*peset,*pesetc; int itype; { NODE sc; GP hgp; for (sc=trfield; sc; sc=NEXT(sc)) { hgp = (GP)BDY(sc); ITYPE(POINT(hgp)) = itype; } add2eset(trfield,peset,pesetc); } void subgpf(f,v,gp,pnf) F f,*pnf; V v; GP gp; { NODE argl=NULL,arglc; NEXTNODE(argl,arglc); BDY(arglc) = (pointer)GUARD(gp); NEXTNODE(argl,arglc); subref(f,v,POINT(gp),&BDY(arglc)); MKJF(*pnf,AL_AND,argl); } void subref(f,v,r,pnf) F f,*pnf; V v; RE r; { pointer argv[2]; argv[0] = (pointer)v; argv[1] = (pointer)r; apply2ats(f,subref_a,argv,pnf); } void subref_a(at,argv,pnat) F at,*pnat; pointer argv[]; { switch (ITYPE((RE)argv[1])) { case STD: substd_a(at,argv[0],argv[1],pnat); return; case EPS: error("unspecified RE in subref_a()"); case PEPS: case MEPS: subpme_a(at,argv[0],argv[1],pnat); return; case PINF: case MINF: subinf_a(at,argv[0],argv[1],pnat); return; default: error("unknown itype in subref_a()"); } } void substd_a(at,v,re,pnf) F at,*pnf; V v; RE re; { VL no; P rlhs,prem,bdn,nlhs; Q dd,dndeg; reordvar(CO,v,&no); reorderp(no,CO,FPL(at),&rlhs); if (!rlhs || NUM(rlhs) || VR(rlhs) != v) { *pnf = at; return; } premp(no,rlhs,PL(re),&prem); if (prem && !NUM(prem) && VR(prem) == v) { /* quadratic case */ substd_a2(FOP(at),prem,DEG(DC(rlhs)),re,pnf); return; } subq(DEG(DC(rlhs)),DEG(DC(PL(re))),&dd); addq(dd,ONE,&dndeg); if (AL_ORDER(FOP(at)) && (!EVENN(NM(dndeg)))) mulp(CO,prem,COEF(DC(PL(re))),&nlhs); else nlhs = prem; MKAF(*pnf,FOP(at),nlhs); } void substd_a2(op,prem,fdeg,re,pf) oFOP op; F prem; Q fdeg; RE re; F *pf; { P a,b,c,ld; getrecoeffs(prem,fdeg,re,&a,&b,&c,&ld); if (ROOTNO(re) == 1) chsgnp(b,&b); else if (ROOTNO(re) != 2) error("unspecified quadratic root in substd_a2"); substd_a21(op,a,b,c,ld,pf); } void substd_a21(op,a,b,c,d,pf) oFOP op; P a,b,c,d; F *pf; { switch (op) { case AL_EQUAL: substd_a21_equal(a,b,c,d,pf); return; case AL_NEQ: substd_a21_equal(a,b,c,d,pf); pnegate(*pf,pf); return; case AL_LEQ: substd_a21_leq(a,b,c,d,pf); return; case AL_LESSP: substd_a21_lessp(a,b,c,d,pf); return; case AL_GEQ: substd_a21_lessp(a,b,c,d,pf); pnegate(*pf,pf); return; case AL_GREATERP: substd_a21_leq(a,b,c,d,pf); pnegate(*pf,pf); return; default: error("unknown operator in substd_a21"); } } void substd_a21_equal(a,b,c,d,pf) P a,b,c,d; F *pf; { F hf; NODE cj=NULL,cjc; P hp1,hp2; NEXTNODE(cj,cjc); mulp(CO,a,a,&hp1); mulp(CO,b,b,&hp2); mulp(CO,hp2,c,&hp2); subp(CO,hp1,hp2,&hp1); MKAF(hf,AL_EQUAL,hp1); BDY(cjc) = (pointer)hf; NEXTNODE(cj,cjc); mulp(CO,a,b,&hp1); MKAF(hf,AL_LEQ,hp1); BDY(cjc) = (pointer)hf; MKJF(*pf,AL_AND,cj); } void substd_a21_leq(a,b,c,d,pf) P a,b,c,d; F *pf; { F hf; NODE cj=NULL,cjc,dj=NULL,djc; P hp1,hp2; NEXTNODE(dj,djc); NEXTNODE(cj,cjc); mulp(CO,a,d,&hp1); MKAF(hf,AL_LEQ,hp1); BDY(cjc) = (pointer)hf; NEXTNODE(cj,cjc); mulp(CO,a,a,&hp1); mulp(CO,b,b,&hp2); mulp(CO,hp2,c,&hp2); subp(CO,hp1,hp2,&hp1); MKAF(hf,AL_GEQ,hp1); BDY(cjc) = (pointer)hf; MKJF(hf,AL_AND,cj); BDY(djc) = (pointer)hf; NEXTNODE(dj,djc); cj = NULL; NEXTNODE(cj,cjc); MKAF(hf,AL_LEQ,hp1); BDY(cjc) = (pointer)hf; NEXTNODE(cj,cjc); mulp(CO,b,d,&hp1); MKAF(hf,AL_LEQ,hp1); BDY(cjc) = (pointer)hf; MKJF(hf,AL_AND,cj); BDY(djc) = (pointer)hf; MKJF(*pf,AL_OR,dj); } void substd_a21_lessp(a,b,c,d,pf) P a,b,c,d; F *pf; { F hf,hf0; NODE cj=NULL,cjc,d1=NULL,d1c,d2=NULL,d2c; P hp1,hp2; NEXTNODE(d1,d1c); NEXTNODE(cj,cjc); mulp(CO,a,d,&hp1); MKAF(hf0,AL_LESSP,hp1); BDY(cjc) = (pointer)hf0; NEXTNODE(cj,cjc); mulp(CO,a,a,&hp1); mulp(CO,b,b,&hp2); mulp(CO,hp2,c,&hp2); subp(CO,hp1,hp2,&hp1); MKAF(hf,AL_GREATERP,hp1); BDY(cjc) = (pointer)hf; MKJF(hf,AL_AND,cj); BDY(d1c) = (pointer)hf; NEXTNODE(d1,d1c); cj = NULL; NEXTNODE(cj,cjc); NEXTNODE(d2,d2c); MKAF(hf,AL_LESSP,hp1); BDY(d2c) = (pointer)hf; NEXTNODE(d2,d2c); BDY(d2c) = (pointer)hf0; MKJF(hf,AL_OR,d2); BDY(cjc) = (pointer)hf; NEXTNODE(cj,cjc); mulp(CO,b,d,&hp1); MKAF(hf,AL_LEQ,hp1); BDY(cjc) = (pointer)hf; MKJF(hf,AL_AND,cj); BDY(d1c) = (pointer)hf; MKJF(*pf,AL_OR,d1); } void getrecoeffs(prem,fdeg,re,pa,pb,pc,pld) P prem,*pa,*pb,*pc,*pld; Q fdeg; RE re; { P a,b,c,alpha,beta,h1,h2,h3; Q two; alpha = COEF(DC(prem)); beta = (NEXT(DC(prem))) ? COEF(NEXT(DC(prem))) : 0; getqcoeffs(PL(re),&a,&b,&c); STOQ(2,two); mulp(CO,(P)two,a,&h1); mulp(CO,h1,beta,&h2); mulp(CO,b,alpha,&h1); subp(CO,h2,h1,pa); *pb = alpha; *pc = DISC(re); *pld = (EVENN(NM(fdeg))) ? (P)ONE : a; } void subinf_a(f,v,re,pnf) F f,*pnf; V v; RE re; { if (AL_ORDER(FOP(f))) subinf_a_o(f,v,re,pnf); else subtrans_a_no(f,v,pnf); } void subinf_a_o(f,v,ire,pnf) F f,*pnf; V v; RE ire; { P rlhs; if (!al_reorder(FPL(f),v,&rlhs)) *pnf = f; else subinf_a_o1(FOP(f),DC(rlhs),ire,pnf); } void subinf_a_o1(op,lhsdcp,ire,pnf) oFOP op; DCP lhsdcp; RE ire; F *pnf; { P an; F h; NODE c=NULL,cc,d=NULL,dc; if (lhsdcp == 0) { MKAF(*pnf,op,0); return; } if (DEG(lhsdcp) == 0) { MKAF(*pnf,op,COEF(lhsdcp)); return; } if (ITYPE(ire) == MINF && !EVENN(NM(DEG(lhsdcp)))) chsgnp(COEF(lhsdcp),&an); else an = COEF(lhsdcp); NEXTNODE(d,dc); MKAF(h,AL_MKSTRICT(op),an); BDY(dc) = (pointer)h; NEXTNODE(d,dc); NEXTNODE(c,cc); MKAF(h,AL_EQUAL,an); BDY(cc) = (pointer)h; NEXTNODE(c,cc); subinf_a_o1(op,NEXT(lhsdcp),ire,&h); BDY(cc) = (pointer)h; MKJF(h,AL_AND,c); BDY(dc) = (pointer)h; MKJF(*pnf,AL_OR,d); } void subtrans_a_no(f,v,pnf) F f,*pnf; V v; { P rlhs; DCP sc; F h; NODE nargl=NULL,narglc; oFOP op=FOP(f); if (!al_reorder(FPL(f),v,&rlhs)) { *pnf = f; return; } for (sc=DC(rlhs); sc; sc=NEXT(sc)) { NEXTNODE(nargl,narglc); MKAF(h,op,COEF(sc)); BDY(narglc) = (pointer)h; } smkjf(pnf,AL_TRSUBEXP(op),nargl); } void subpme_a(af,v,re,pnf) F af,*pnf; V v; RE re; { if (AL_ORDER(FOP(af))) subpme_a_o(af,v,re,pnf); else subtrans_a_no(af,v,pnf); } void subpme_a_o(af,v,r,pnf) F af,*pnf; V v; RE r; { F h; RE stdre; subpme_a_o1(FOP(af),FPL(af),v,ITYPE(r)==MEPS,&h); MKRE(stdre,PL(r),DISC(r),ROOTNO(r),STD); subref(h,v,stdre,pnf); } void subpme_a_o1(op,lhs,v,minus,pnf) oFOP op; P lhs; V v; int minus; F *pnf; { Q deg; F h; NODE c=NULL,cc,d=NULL,dc; P df; degp(v,lhs,°); if (deg == 0) { MKAF(*pnf,op,lhs); return; }; NEXTNODE(d,dc); MKAF(h,AL_MKSTRICT(op),lhs); BDY(dc) = (pointer)h; NEXTNODE(d,dc); NEXTNODE(c,cc); MKAF(h,AL_EQUAL,lhs); BDY(cc) = (pointer)h; NEXTNODE(c,cc); diffp(CO,lhs,v,&df); if (minus) chsgnp(df,&df); subpme_a_o1(op,df,v,minus,&h); BDY(cc) = (pointer)h; MKJF(h,AL_AND,c); BDY(dc) = (pointer)h; MKJF(*pnf,AL_OR,d); } int comember(co,x) CONT co; CEL x; { NODE sc; for (sc=FIRST(co); sc; sc=NEXT(sc)) if (synequalf(MAT(x),MAT((CEL)BDY(sc)))) return 1; return 0; } void coadd(co,x) CONT co; CEL x; { NEXTNODE(FIRST(co),LAST(co)); BDY(LAST(co)) = (pointer)x; } int coget(co,px) CONT co; CEL *px; { if (FIRST(co) == 0) return 0; *px = (CEL)BDY(FIRST(co)); FIRST(co) = NEXT(FIRST(co)); return 1; } int colen(co) CONT co; { NODE sc; int n=0; for (sc=FIRST(co); sc; sc=NEXT(sc)) n++; return n; } /* Misc */ void apply2ats(f,client,argv,pnf) F f,*pnf; void (*client)(); pointer argv[]; { if (AL_ATOMIC(FOP(f))) (*client)(f,argv,pnf); else if (AL_JUNCT(FOP(f))) { NODE sc,n=NULL,c; for (sc=FJARG(f); sc; sc=NEXT(sc)) { NEXTNODE(n,c); apply2ats(BDY(sc),client,argv,&BDY(c)); } MKJF(*pnf,FOP(f),n); } else if (AL_TVAL(FOP(f))) *pnf = f; else if (AL_QUANT(FOP(f))) { F h; apply2ats(FQMAT(f),client,argv,&h); MKQF(*pnf,FOP(f),FQVR(f),h); } else error("unknown operator in apply2ats"); } void atl(f,pn) F f; NODE *pn; { NODE c; *pn = NULL; atl1(f,pn,&c); } void atl1(f,pn,pc) F f; NODE *pn,*pc; { NODE sc; if (AL_ATOMIC(FOP(f))) { simpl_gand_insert_a(f,pn,pc); return; } if (AL_JUNCT(FOP(f))) for (sc=FJARG(f); sc; sc=NEXT(sc)) atl1(BDY(sc),pn,pc); } void atnum(f,pn) F f; Q *pn; { *pn = 0; atnum1(f,pn); } void atnum1(f,pn) F f; Q *pn; { NODE sc; if (AL_ATOMIC(FOP(f))) addq(*pn,ONE,pn); else if (AL_JUNCT(FOP(f))) for (sc=FJARG(f); sc; sc=NEXT(sc)) atnum1(BDY(sc),pn); } void pnegate(f,pnf) F f,*pnf; { F h; NODE sc,n=NULL,c; oFOP op=FOP(f); if (AL_QUANT(op)) { pnegate(FQMAT(f),&h); MKQF(*pnf,AL_LNEGOP(op),FQVR(f),h); return; } if (AL_JUNCT(op)) { for (sc=FJARG(f); sc; sc=NEXT(sc)) { NEXTNODE(n,c); pnegate((F)BDY(sc),(F*)&BDY(c)); } MKJF(*pnf,AL_LNEGOP(op),n); return; } if (AL_ATOMIC(op)) { MKAF(*pnf,AL_LNEGOP(op),FPL(f)); return; } if (op == AL_TRUE) { *pnf = F_FALSE; return; } if (op == AL_FALSE) { *pnf = F_TRUE; return; } error("unknown operator in pnegate()"); } void subf(o,f,v,p,pf) VL o; F f,*pf; V v; P p; { pointer argv[3]; argv[0] = (pointer)o; argv[1] = (pointer)v; argv[2] = (pointer)p; apply2ats(f,subf_a,argv,pf); } void subf_a(at,argv,pat) F at,*pat; pointer argv[]; { P nlhs; substp((VL)argv[0],FPL(at),(V)argv[1],(P)argv[2],&nlhs); MKAF(*pat,FOP(at),nlhs); } void nnf(f,pf) F f,*pf; { nnf1(f,0,0,pf); } void nnf1(f,neg,disj,pf) F f,*pf; int neg,disj; { F h; NODE sc,nargl=NULL,narglc; oFOP op=FOP(f); if (AL_ATOMIC(op) || AL_TVAL(op)) { if (neg) pnegate(f,pf); else *pf = f; return; } if (AL_JUNCT(op)) { if (neg) op = AL_LNEGOP(op); for (sc=FJARG(f); sc; sc=NEXT(sc)) { NEXTNODE(nargl,narglc); nnf1((F)BDY(sc),neg,op==AL_OR,(F*)&BDY(narglc)); } MKJF(*pf,op,nargl); return; } if (op == AL_IMPL) { op = neg ? AL_AND : AL_OR; NEXTNODE(nargl,narglc); nnf1(FLHS(f),!neg,op==AL_OR,(F*)&BDY(narglc)); NEXTNODE(nargl,narglc); nnf1(FRHS(f),neg,op==AL_OR,(F*)&BDY(narglc)); MKJF(*pf,op,nargl); return; } if (op == AL_REPL) { op = neg ? AL_AND : AL_OR; NEXTNODE(nargl,narglc); nnf1(FLHS(f),neg,op==AL_OR,(F*)&BDY(narglc)); NEXTNODE(nargl,narglc); nnf1(FRHS(f),!neg,op==AL_OR,(F*)&BDY(narglc)); MKJF(*pf,op,nargl); return; } if (op == AL_EQUIV) { /* should consider disj and its arguments ops */ NEXTNODE(nargl,narglc); MKBF(h,AL_IMPL,FLHS(f),FRHS(f)); BDY(narglc) = (pointer)h; NEXTNODE(nargl,narglc); MKBF(h,AL_REPL,FLHS(f),FRHS(f)); BDY(narglc) = (pointer)h; MKJF(h,AL_AND,nargl); nnf1(h,neg,disj,pf); return; } if (AL_QUANT(op)) { nnf1(FQMAT(f),neg,0,&h); MKQF(*pf,neg ? AL_LNEGOP(op) : op,FQVR(f),h); return; } if (op == AL_NOT) { nnf1(FARG(f),!neg,disj,pf); return; } error("unknown operator in nnf1()"); } void freevars(f,pvl) F f; VL *pvl; { *pvl = NULL; freevars1(f,pvl,NULL); } void freevars1(f,pvl,cbvl) F f; VL *pvl,cbvl; { VL hvl; NODE sc; oFOP op=FOP(f); if (AL_ATOMIC(op)) { freevars1_a(f,pvl,cbvl); return; } if (AL_JUNCT(op)) { for (sc=FJARG(f); sc; sc=NEXT(sc)) freevars1((F)BDY(sc),pvl,cbvl); return; } if (AL_QUANT(op)) { MKVL(hvl,FQVR(f),cbvl); freevars1(FQMAT(f),pvl,hvl); return; } if (AL_UNI(op)) { freevars1(FARG(f),pvl,cbvl); return; } if (AL_EXT(op)) { freevars1(FLHS(f),pvl,cbvl); freevars1(FRHS(f),pvl,cbvl); return; } if (AL_TVAL(op)) return; error("unknown operator in freevars1()"); } void freevars1_a(f,pvl,cbvl) F f; VL *pvl,cbvl; { VL sc,sc2,last; for (get_vars((Obj)FPL(f),&sc); sc; sc=NEXT(sc)) { for(sc2=cbvl; sc2; sc2=NEXT(sc2)) if (VR(sc) == VR(sc2)) break; if (sc2) continue; if (!*pvl) { MKVL(*pvl,VR(sc),NULL); continue; } for (sc2=*pvl; sc2; sc2=NEXT(sc2)) { if (VR(sc) == VR(sc2)) break; last = sc2; } if (sc2) continue; MKVL(NEXT(last),VR(sc),NULL); } } int compf(vl,f1,f2) VL vl; F f1,f2; { if (AL_ATOMIC(FOP(f1)) && AL_ATOMIC(FOP(f2))) return compaf(vl,f1,f2); if (AL_ATOMIC(FOP(f1))) return 1; if (AL_ATOMIC(FOP(f2))) return -1; if (synequalf(f1,f2)) return 0; return 2; } /* Debug */ void ap(x) pointer *x; { printexpr(CO,(Obj)x); printf("\n"); } void rep(re) RE re; { printf("("); printexpr(CO,(Obj)PL(re)); printf(","); printexpr(CO,(Obj)DISC(re)); printf(","); printf("%d)\n",re->itype); } void gpp(gp) GP gp; { ap(gp->g); rep(gp->p); } void esetp(eset) NODE eset; { NODE sc; for (sc=eset; sc; sc=NEXT(sc)) gpp(BDY(sc)); } void nodep(n) NODE n; { NODE sc; for (sc=n; sc; sc=NEXT(sc)) ap(BDY(sc)); } void lbfp(x) LBF x; { printf("(%d,",LBFLB(x)); printexpr(CO,(Obj)LBFF(x)); printf(")"); } void thp(x) NODE x; { if (x == NULL) { printf("[]\n"); return; } printf("["); lbfp((LBF)BDY(x)); x = NEXT(x); for (; x != NULL; x = NEXT(x)) { printf(","); lbfp((LBF)BDY(x)); } printf("]\n"); }