/* $OpenXM: OpenXM_contrib2/asir2000/engine/Hgfs.c,v 1.11 2001/06/26 09:47:05 noro Exp $ */ #include "ca.h" struct p_pair { UM p0; UM p1; struct p_pair *next; }; void canzassf(UM,int,UM *); void lnfsf(int,UM,UM,struct p_pair *,UM,UM); void minipolysf(UM,UM,UM); void czsfum(UM,UM *); void gensqfrsfum(UM,DUM); void sfbmtop(int,BM,V,V,P *); void pp_sfp(VL,P,P *); void sfcsump(VL,P,P *); void mulsfbmarray(int,BM,ML,int,int *,V,V,P *); void const_term(P,UM); void fctrsf(p,dcp) P p; DCP *dcp; { int n,i,j,k; DCP dc,dc0; P lc; P zp; UM mp; UM *tl; struct oDUM *udc,*udc1; simp_ff(p,&zp); p = zp; if ( !p ) { *dcp = 0; return; } mp = W_UMALLOC(UDEG(p)); ptosfum(p,mp); if ( (n = DEG(mp)) < 0 ) { *dcp = 0; return; } else if ( n == 0 ) { NEWDC(dc); COEF(dc) = p; DEG(dc) = ONE; NEXT(dc) = 0; *dcp = dc; return; } lc = COEF(DC(p)); if ( !_isonesf(COEF(mp)[n]) ) { monicsfum(mp); } W_CALLOC(n+1,struct oDUM,udc); gensqfrsfum(mp,udc); tl = (UM *)ALLOCA((n+1)*sizeof(UM)); W_CALLOC(DEG(mp)+1,struct oDUM,udc1); for ( i = 0,j = 0; udc[i].f; i++ ) if ( DEG(udc[i].f) == 1 ) { udc1[j].f = udc[i].f; udc1[j].n = udc[i].n; j++; } else { bzero((char *)tl,(n+1)*sizeof(UM)); czsfum(udc[i].f,tl); for ( k = 0; tl[k]; k++, j++ ) { udc1[j].f = tl[k]; udc1[j].n = udc[i].n; } } udc = udc1; NEWDC(dc0); COEF(dc0) = lc; DEG(dc0) = ONE; dc = dc0; for ( n = 0; udc[n].f; n++ ) { NEWDC(NEXT(dc)); dc = NEXT(dc); STOQ(udc[n].n,DEG(dc)); sfumtop(VR(p),udc[n].f,&COEF(dc)); } NEXT(dc) = 0; *dcp = dc0; } void gensqfrsfum(p,dc) UM p; struct oDUM *dc; { int n,i,j,d,mod; UM t,s,g,f,f1,b; if ( (n = DEG(p)) == 1 ) { dc[0].f = UMALLOC(DEG(p)); cpyum(p,dc[0].f); dc[0].n = 1; return; } t = W_UMALLOC(n); s = W_UMALLOC(n); g = W_UMALLOC(n); f = W_UMALLOC(n); f1 = W_UMALLOC(n); b = W_UMALLOC(n); diffsfum(p,t); cpyum(p,s); gcdsfum(t,s,g); if ( !DEG(g) ) { dc[0].f = UMALLOC(DEG(p)); cpyum(p,dc[0].f); dc[0].n = 1; return; } cpyum(p,b); cpyum(p,t); divsfum(t,g,f); for ( i = 0, d = 0; DEG(f); i++ ) { while ( 1 ) { cpyum(b,t); if ( divsfum(t,f,s) >= 0 ) break; else { cpyum(s,b); d++; } } cpyum(b,t); cpyum(f,s); gcdsfum(t,s,f1); divsfum(f,f1,s); cpyum(f1,f); dc[i].f = UMALLOC(DEG(s)); cpyum(s,dc[i].f); dc[i].n = d; } mod = characteristic_sf(); if ( DEG(b) > 0 ) { d = 1; while ( 1 ) { cpyum(b,t); for ( j = DEG(t); j >= 0; j-- ) if ( COEF(t)[j] && (j % mod) ) break; if ( j >= 0 ) break; else { DEG(s) = DEG(t)/mod; for ( j = 0; j <= DEG(t); j++ ) COEF(s)[j] = COEF(t)[j*mod]; cpyum(s,b); d *= mod; } } gensqfrsfum(b,dc+i); for ( j = i; dc[j].f; j++ ) dc[j].n *= d; } } void randsfum(d,p) int d; UM p; { int i; for ( i = 0; i < d; i++ ) COEF(p)[i] = _randomsf(); for ( i = d-1; i >= 0 && !COEF(p)[i]; i-- ); p->d = i; } void pwrmodsfum(p,e,f,pr) int e; UM p,f,pr; { UM wt,ws,q; if ( e == 0 ) { DEG(pr) = 0; COEF(pr)[0] = _onesf(); } else if ( DEG(p) < 0 ) DEG(pr) = -1; else if ( e == 1 ) { q = W_UMALLOC(DEG(p)); cpyum(p,pr); DEG(pr) = divsfum(pr,f,q); } else if ( DEG(p) == 0 ) { DEG(pr) = 0; COEF(pr)[0] = _pwrsf(COEF(p)[0],e); } else { wt = W_UMALLOC(2*DEG(f)); ws = W_UMALLOC(2*DEG(f)); q = W_UMALLOC(2*DEG(f)); pwrmodsfum(p,e/2,f,wt); if ( !(e%2) ) { mulsfum(wt,wt,pr); DEG(pr) = divsfum(pr,f,q); } else { mulsfum(wt,wt,ws); DEG(ws) = divsfum(ws,f,q); mulsfum(ws,p,pr); DEG(pr) = divsfum(pr,f,q); } } } void spwrsfum(m,f,e,r) UM f,m,r; N e; { UM t,s,q; N e1; int a; if ( !e ) { DEG(r) = 0; COEF(r)[0] = _onesf(); } else if ( UNIN(e) ) cpyum(f,r); else { a = divin(e,2,&e1); t = W_UMALLOC(2*DEG(m)); spwrsfum(m,f,e1,t); s = W_UMALLOC(2*DEG(m)); q = W_UMALLOC(2*DEG(m)); mulsfum(t,t,s); DEG(s) = divsfum(s,m,q); if ( a ) { mulsfum(s,f,t); DEG(t) = divsfum(t,m,q); cpyum(t,r); } else cpyum(s,r); } } void tracemodsfum(m,f,e,r) UM f,m,r; int e; { UM t,s,q,u; int i; q = W_UMALLOC(2*DEG(m)+DEG(f)); /* XXX */ t = W_UMALLOC(2*DEG(m)); s = W_UMALLOC(2*DEG(m)); u = W_UMALLOC(2*DEG(m)); DEG(f) = divsfum(f,m,q); cpyum(f,s); cpyum(f,t); for ( i = 1; i < e; i++ ) { mulsfum(t,t,u); DEG(u) = divsfum(u,m,q); cpyum(u,t); addsfum(t,s,u); cpyum(u,s); } cpyum(s,r); } void make_qmatsf(p,tab,mp) UM p; UM *tab; int ***mp; { int n,i,j; int *c; UM q,r; int **mat; int one; n = DEG(p); *mp = mat = almat(n,n); for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) { r = W_UMALLOC(DEG(tab[j])); q = W_UMALLOC(DEG(tab[j])); cpyum(tab[j],r); DEG(r) = divsfum(r,p,q); for ( i = 0, c = COEF(r); i <= DEG(r); i++ ) mat[i][j] = c[i]; } one = _onesf(); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) mat[i][i] = _subsf(mat[i][i],one); } void nullsf(mat,n,ind) int **mat; int *ind; int n; { int i,j,l,s,h,inv; int *t,*u; bzero((char *)ind,n*sizeof(int)); ind[0] = 0; for ( i = j = 0; j < n; i++, j++ ) { for ( ; j < n; j++ ) { for ( l = i; l < n; l++ ) if ( mat[l][j] ) break; if ( l < n ) { t = mat[i]; mat[i] = mat[l]; mat[l] = t; break; } else ind[j] = 1; } if ( j == n ) break; inv = _invsf(mat[i][j]); for ( s = j, t = mat[i]; s < n; s++ ) t[s] = _mulsf(t[s],inv); for ( l = 0; l < n; l++ ) { if ( l == i ) continue; u = mat[l]; h = _chsgnsf(u[j]); for ( s = j; s < n; s++ ) u[s] = _addsf(_mulsf(h,t[s]),u[s]); } } } void null_to_solsf(mat,ind,n,r) int **mat; int *ind; int n; UM *r; { int i,j,k,l; int *c; UM w; for ( i = 0, l = 0; i < n; i++ ) { if ( !ind[i] ) continue; w = UMALLOC(n); for ( j = k = 0, c = COEF(w); j < n; j++ ) if ( ind[j] ) c[j] = 0; else c[j] = mat[k++][i]; c[i] = _chsgnsf(_onesf()); for ( j = n; j >= 0; j-- ) if ( c[j] ) break; DEG(w) = j; r[l++] = w; } } /* make_qmatsf(p,tab,mp) nullsf(mat,n,ind) null_to_solsf(ind,n,r) */ void czsfum(f,r) UM f,*r; { int i,j; int d,n,ord; UM s,t,u,v,w,g,x,m,q; UM *base; n = DEG(f); base = (UM *)ALLOCA(n*sizeof(UM)); bzero((char *)base,n*sizeof(UM)); w = W_UMALLOC(2*n); q = W_UMALLOC(2*n); m = W_UMALLOC(2*n); base[0] = W_UMALLOC(0); DEG(base[0]) = 0; COEF(base[0])[0] = _onesf(); t = W_UMALLOC(1); DEG(t) = 1; COEF(t)[0] = 0; COEF(t)[1] = _onesf(); ord = field_order_sf(); pwrmodsfum(t,ord,f,w); base[1] = W_UMALLOC(DEG(w)); cpyum(w,base[1]); for ( i = 2; i < n; i++ ) { mulsfum(base[i-1],base[1],m); DEG(m) = divsfum(m,f,q); base[i] = W_UMALLOC(DEG(m)); cpyum(m,base[i]); } v = W_UMALLOC(n); cpyum(f,v); DEG(w) = 1; COEF(w)[0] = 0; COEF(w)[1] = _onesf(); x = W_UMALLOC(1); DEG(x) = 1; COEF(x)[0] = 0; COEF(x)[1] = _onesf(); t = W_UMALLOC(n); s = W_UMALLOC(n); u = W_UMALLOC(n); g = W_UMALLOC(n); for ( j = 0, d = 1; 2*d <= DEG(v); d++ ) { for ( DEG(t) = -1, i = 0; i <= DEG(w); i++ ) if ( COEF(w)[i] ) { mulssfum(base[i],COEF(w)[i],s); addsfum(s,t,u); cpyum(u,t); } cpyum(t,w); cpyum(v,s); subsfum(w,x,t); gcdsfum(s,t,g); if ( DEG(g) >= 1 ) { berlekampsf(g,d,base,r+j); j += DEG(g)/d; divsfum(v,g,q); cpyum(q,v); DEG(w) = divsfum(w,v,q); for ( i = 0; i < DEG(v); i++ ) DEG(base[i]) = divsfum(base[i],v,q); } } if ( DEG(v) ) { r[j] = UMALLOC(DEG(v)); cpyum(v,r[j]); j++; } r[j] = 0; } int berlekampsf(p,df,tab,r) UM p; int df; UM *tab,*r; { int n,i,j,k,nf,d,nr; int **mat; int *ind; UM mp,w,q,gcd,w1,w2; UM *u; int *root; n = DEG(p); ind = ALLOCA(n*sizeof(int)); make_qmatsf(p,tab,&mat); nullsf(mat,n,ind); for ( i = 0, d = 0; i < n; i++ ) if ( ind[i] ) d++; if ( d == 1 ) { r[0] = UMALLOC(n); cpyum(p,r[0]); return 1; } u = ALLOCA(d*sizeof(UM *)); r[0] = UMALLOC(n); cpyum(p,r[0]); null_to_solsf(mat,ind,n,u); root = ALLOCA(d*sizeof(int)); w = W_UMALLOC(n); mp = W_UMALLOC(d); w1 = W_UMALLOC(n); w2 = W_UMALLOC(n); for ( i = 1, nf = 1; i < d; i++ ) { minipolysf(u[i],p,mp); nr = find_rootsf(mp,root); for ( j = 0; j < nf; j++ ) { if ( DEG(r[j]) == df ) continue; for ( k = 0; k < nr; k++ ) { cpyum(u[i],w1); cpyum(r[j],w2); COEF(w1)[0] = _chsgnsf(root[k]); gcdsfum(w1,w2,w); if ( DEG(w) > 0 && DEG(w) < DEG(r[j]) ) { gcd = UMALLOC(DEG(w)); q = UMALLOC(DEG(r[j])-DEG(w)); cpyum(w,gcd); divsfum(r[j],w,q); r[j] = q; r[nf++] = gcd; } if ( nf == d ) return d; } } } } void minipolysf(f,p,mp) UM f,p,mp; { struct p_pair *list,*l,*l1,*lprev; int n,d; UM u,p0,p1,np0,np1,q,w; list = (struct p_pair *)MALLOC(sizeof(struct p_pair)); list->p0 = u = W_UMALLOC(0); DEG(u) = 0; COEF(u)[0] = _onesf(); list->p1 = W_UMALLOC(0); cpyum(list->p0,list->p1); list->next = 0; n = DEG(p); w = UMALLOC(2*n); p0 = UMALLOC(2*n); cpyum(list->p0,p0); p1 = UMALLOC(2*n); cpyum(list->p1,p1); q = W_UMALLOC(2*n); while ( 1 ) { COEF(p0)[DEG(p0)] = 0; DEG(p0)++; COEF(p0)[DEG(p0)] = _onesf(); mulsfum(f,p1,w); DEG(w) = divsfum(w,p,q); cpyum(w,p1); np0 = UMALLOC(n); np1 = UMALLOC(n); lnfsf(n,p0,p1,list,np0,np1); if ( DEG(np1) < 0 ) { cpyum(np0,mp); return; } else { l1 = (struct p_pair *)MALLOC(sizeof(struct p_pair)); l1->p0 = np0; l1->p1 = np1; for ( l = list, lprev = 0, d = DEG(np1); l && (DEG(l->p1) > d); lprev = l, l = l->next ); if ( lprev ) { lprev->next = l1; l1->next = l; } else { l1->next = list; list = l1; } } } } void lnfsf(n,p0,p1,list,np0,np1) int n; UM p0,p1; struct p_pair *list; UM np0,np1; { int inv,h,d1; UM t0,t1,s0,s1; struct p_pair *l; cpyum(p0,np0); cpyum(p1,np1); t0 = W_UMALLOC(n); t1 = W_UMALLOC(n); s0 = W_UMALLOC(n); s1 = W_UMALLOC(n); for ( l = list; l; l = l->next ) { d1 = DEG(np1); if ( d1 == DEG(l->p1) ) { h = _divsf(COEF(np1)[d1],_chsgnsf(COEF(l->p1)[d1])); mulssfum(l->p0,h,t0); addsfum(np0,t0,s0); cpyum(s0,np0); mulssfum(l->p1,h,t1); addsfum(np1,t1,s1); cpyum(s1,np1); } } } int find_rootsf(p,root) UM p; int *root; { UM *r; int i,j,n; n = DEG(p); r = ALLOCA((DEG(p))*sizeof(UM)); canzassf(p,1,r); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) root[i] = _chsgnsf(COEF(r[i])[0]); return n; } void canzassf(f,d,r) UM f,*r; int d; { UM t,s,u,w,g,o; N n1,n2,n3,n4,n5; UM *b; int n,m,i,q,ed; if ( DEG(f) == d ) { r[0] = UMALLOC(d); cpyum(f,r[0]); return; } else { n = DEG(f); b = (UM *)ALLOCA(n*sizeof(UM)); bzero((char *)b,n*sizeof(UM)); t = W_UMALLOC(2*d); s = W_UMALLOC(DEG(f)); u = W_UMALLOC(DEG(f)); w = W_UMALLOC(DEG(f)); g = W_UMALLOC(DEG(f)); o = W_UMALLOC(0); DEG(o) = 0; COEF(o)[0] = _onesf(); q = field_order_sf(); if ( q % 2 ) { STON(q,n1); pwrn(n1,d,&n2); subn(n2,ONEN,&n3); STON(2,n4); divsn(n3,n4,&n5); } else ed = d*extdeg_sf(); while ( 1 ) { randsfum(2*d,t); if ( q % 2 ) { spwrsfum(f,t,n5,s); subsfum(s,o,u); } else tracemodsfum(f,t,ed,u); cpyum(f,w); gcdsfum(w,u,g); if ( (DEG(g) >= 1) && (DEG(g) < DEG(f)) ) { canzassf(g,d,r); cpyum(f,w); divsfum(w,g,s); canzassf(s,d,r+DEG(g)/d); return; } } } } /* Hensel related functions */ int sfberle(VL,P,int,GFS *,DCP *); void sfgcdgen(P,ML,ML *); void sfhenmain(LUM,ML,ML,ML *); void ptosflum(int,P,LUM); void sfhenmain2(BM,UM,UM,int,BM *); void ptosfbm(int,P,BM); /* f = f(x,y) */ void sfhensel(count,f,x,evp,sfp,listp) int count; P f; V x; GFS *evp; P *sfp; ML *listp; { int i,j; int fn,n,bound; ML rlist; BM fl; VL vl,nvl; V y; int dx,dy,mev; GFS ev; P f1,t,yev,c,sf; DCP dc; UM w,w1,q,fm,hm; UM *gm; clctv(CO,f,&vl); if ( vl->v != x ) { reordvar(vl,x,&nvl); reorderp(nvl,vl,f,&f1); vl = nvl; f = f1; } y = vl->next->v; dx = getdeg(x,f); dy = getdeg(y,f); if ( dx == 1 ) { *listp = rlist = MLALLOC(1); rlist->n = 1; rlist->c[0] = 0; return; } fn = sfberle(vl,f,count,&ev,&dc); if ( fn <= 1 ) { /* fn == 0 => short of evaluation points */ *listp = rlist = MLALLOC(1); rlist->n = fn; rlist->c[0] = 0; return; } /* pass the the leading coeff. to the first element */ c = dc->c; dc = NEXT(dc); mulp(vl,dc->c,c,&t); dc->c = t; /* convert mod y-a factors into UM */ gm = (UM *)ALLOCA(fn*sizeof(UM)); for ( i = 0; i < fn; i++, dc = NEXT(dc) ) { gm[i] = W_UMALLOC(UDEG(dc->c)); ptosfum(dc->c,gm[i]); } bound = dy+1; /* f(x,y) -> f(x,y+ev) */ fl = BMALLOC(dx,bound); ptosfbm(bound,f,fl); shiftsfbm(bound,fl,FTOIF(CONT(ev))); /* sf = f(x+ev) */ sfbmtop(bound,fl,x,y,&sf); /* fm = fl mod y */ fm = W_UMALLOC(dx); cpyum(COEF(fl)[0],fm); hm = W_UMALLOC(dx); q = W_UMALLOC(dx); rlist = MLALLOC(fn); rlist->n = fn; rlist->bound = bound; for ( i = 0; i < fn-1; i++ ) { fprintf(stderr,"%d\n",i); /* fl = gm[i]*hm mod y */ divsfum(fm,gm[i],hm); /* fl is replaced by the cofactor of gk mod y^bound */ /* rlist->c[i] = gk */ sfhenmain2(fl,gm[i],hm,bound,(BM *)&rlist->c[i]); cpyum(hm,fm); } /* finally, fl must be the lift of gm[fn-1] */ rlist->c[i] = fl; #if 0 /* y -> y-a */ mev = _chsgnsf(FTOIF(CONT(ev))); for ( i = 0; i < fn; i++ ) shiftsfbm(bound,(BM)(rlist->c[i]),mev); #endif *evp = ev; *sfp = sf; *listp = rlist; } /* main variable of f = x */ int sfberle(vl,f,count,ev,dcp) VL vl; P f; int count; GFS *ev; DCP *dcp; { UM wf,wf1,wf2,wfs,gcd; ML flist; int fn,fn1,n; GFS m,fm; DCP dc,dct,dc0; VL nvl; V x,y; P g,lc,lc0,f0; int j,q1,index,i; clctv(vl,f,&nvl); vl = nvl; x = vl->v; y = vl->next->v; simp_ff(f,&g); g = f; n = QTOS(DEG(DC(f))); wf = W_UMALLOC(n); wf1 = W_UMALLOC(n); wf2 = W_UMALLOC(n); wfs = W_UMALLOC(n); gcd = W_UMALLOC(n); q1 = field_order_sf()-1; lc = DC(f)->c; for ( j = 0, fn = n + 1, index = 0; index < q1 && j < count && fn > 1; index++ ) { MKGFS(index,m); substp(vl,lc,y,(P)m,&lc0); if ( lc0 ) { substp(vl,f,y,(P)m,&f0); ptosfum(f0,wf); cpyum(wf,wf1); diffsfum(wf1,wf2); gcdsfum(wf1,wf2,gcd); if ( DEG(gcd) == 0 ) { fctrsf(f0,&dc); for ( dct = NEXT(dc), i = 0; dct; dct = NEXT(dct), i++ ); if ( i < fn ) { dc0 = dc; fn = i; fm = m; } j++; } } } if ( index == q1 ) return 0; else if ( fn == 1 ) return 1; else { *dcp = dc0; *ev = fm; return fn; } } void sfgcdgen(f,blist,clistp) P f; ML blist,*clistp; { int i; int n,d,np; UM wf,wm,wx,wy,wu,wv,wa,wb,wg,q,tum; UM *in,*out; ML clist; n = UDEG(f); np = blist->n; d = 2*n; q = W_UMALLOC(d); wf = W_UMALLOC(d); wm = W_UMALLOC(d); wx = W_UMALLOC(d); wy = W_UMALLOC(d); wu = W_UMALLOC(d); wv = W_UMALLOC(d); wg = W_UMALLOC(d); wa = W_UMALLOC(d); wb = W_UMALLOC(d); ptosfum(f,wf); DEG(wg) = 0; COEF(wg)[0] = _onesf(); *clistp = clist = MLALLOC(np); clist->n = np; for ( i = 0, in = (UM *)blist->c, out = (UM *)clist->c; i < np; i++ ) { divsfum(wf,in[i],q); tum = wf; wf = q; q = tum; cpyum(wf,wx); cpyum(in[i],wy); eucsfum(wx,wy,wa,wb); mulsfum(wa,wg,wm); DEG(wm) = divsfum(wm,in[i],q); out[i] = UMALLOC(DEG(wm)); cpyum(wm,out[i]); mulsfum(q,wf,wu); mulsfum(wg,wb,wv); addsfum(wu,wv,wg); } } /* sfhenmain(fl,bqlist,cqlist,listp) */ void sfhenmain(f,bqlist,cqlist,listp) LUM f; ML bqlist,cqlist,*listp; { int i,j,k; int *px,*py; int **pp,**pp1; int n,np,bound,dr,tmp; UM wt,wq0,wq,wr,wm,wm0,wa,q; LUM wb0,wb1,tlum; UM *b,*c; LUM *l; ML list; n = DEG(f); np = bqlist->n; bound = bqlist->bound; *listp = list = MLALLOC(n); list->n = np; list->bound = bound; W_LUMALLOC(n,bound,wb0); W_LUMALLOC(n,bound,wb1); wt = W_UMALLOC(n); wq0 = W_UMALLOC(n); wq = W_UMALLOC(n); wr = W_UMALLOC(n); wm = W_UMALLOC(2*n); wm0 = W_UMALLOC(2*n); wa = W_UMALLOC(2*n); q = W_UMALLOC(2*n); b = (UM *)bqlist->c; c = (UM *)cqlist->c; l = (LUM *)list->c; for ( i = 0; i < np; i++ ) { l[i] = LUMALLOC(DEG(b[i]),bound); for ( j = DEG(b[i]), pp = COEF(l[i]), px = COEF(b[i]); j >= 0; j-- ) pp[j][0] = px[j]; } for ( i = 1; i < bound; i++ ) { fprintf(stderr,"."); /* at this point, f = l[0]*l[1]*...*l[np-1] mod y^i */ mulsflum(i+1,l[0],l[1],wb0); for ( j = 2; j < np; j++ ) { mulsflum(i+1,l[j],wb0,wb1); tlum = wb0; wb0 = wb1; wb1 = tlum; } #if 0 /* check */ for ( j = 0, pp = COEF(f), pp1 = COEF(wb0); j <= n; j++ ) for ( k = 0; k < i; k++ ) if ( pp[j][k] != pp1[j][k] ) error("henmain : cannot happen"); #endif for ( j = n, px = COEF(wt); j >= 0; j-- ) px[j] = 0; for ( j = n, pp = COEF(f), pp1 = COEF(wb0); j >= 0; j-- ) COEF(wt)[j] = _subsf(pp[j][i],pp1[j][i]); degum(wt,n); for ( j = n, px = COEF(wq0); j >= 0; j-- ) px[j] = 0; for ( j = 1; j < np; j++ ) { mulsfum(wt,c[j],wm); dr = divsfum(wm,b[j],q); for ( k = DEG(q), px = COEF(wq0), py = COEF(q); k >= 0; k-- ) px[k] = _addsf(px[k],py[k]); for ( k = dr, pp = COEF(l[j]), px = COEF(wm); k >= 0; k-- ) pp[k][i] = px[k]; } degum(wq0,n); mulsfum(wq0,b[0],wm); mulsfum(wt,c[0],wm0); addsfum(wm,wm0,wa); for ( j = DEG(wa), pp = COEF(l[0]), px = COEF(wa); j >= 0; j-- ) pp[j][i] = px[j]; for ( j = n, px = COEF(wq0); j >= 0; j-- ) px[j] = 0; } fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } /* f = g0*h0 mod y -> f = gk*hk mod y^bound, f is replaced by hk */ void sfhenmain2(f,g0,h0,bound,gp) BM f; UM g0,h0; int bound; BM *gp; { int i,j,k,l; int *px,*py; int **pp,**pp1; int n,np,dr,tmp; UM wt,wa,wb,wq,wm,q,w1,w2,wh1,wg1,ws; UM wc,wd,we,wz; BM wb0,wb1; int ng,nh; BM fk,gk,hk; n = degsfbm(bound,f); ng = g0->d; nh = h0->d; W_BMALLOC(n,bound,wb0); W_BMALLOC(n,bound,wb1); wt = W_UMALLOC(n); ws = W_UMALLOC(n); wq = W_UMALLOC(n); q = W_UMALLOC(2*n); wg1 = W_UMALLOC(2*n); wh1 = W_UMALLOC(2*n); /* fk = gk*hk mod y^k */ W_BMALLOC(n,bound,fk); cpyum(COEF(f)[0],COEF(fk)[0]); gk = BMALLOC(ng,bound); cpyum(g0,COEF(gk)[0]); W_BMALLOC(nh,bound,hk); cpyum(h0,COEF(hk)[0]); wc = W_UMALLOC(2*n); wd = W_UMALLOC(2*n); we = W_UMALLOC(2*n); wz = W_UMALLOC(2*n); /* compute wa,wb s.t. wa*g0+wb*h0 = 1 mod y */ w1 = W_UMALLOC(ng); cpyum(g0,w1); w2 = W_UMALLOC(nh); cpyum(h0,w2); wa = W_UMALLOC(2*n); wb = W_UMALLOC(2*n); /* XXX */ eucsfum(w1,w2,wa,wb); #if 0 mulsfum(wa,g0,wc); mulsfum(wb,h0,wd); addsfum(wc,wd,we); if ( DEG(we) != 0 || COEF(we)[0] != _onesf() ) error("henmain2 : cannot happen(euc)"); #endif fprintf(stderr,"bound=%d\n",bound); for ( k = 1; k < bound; k++ ) { fprintf(stderr,"."); /* at this point, f = gk*hk mod y^k */ #if 0 for ( j = 0; j < k; j++ ) if ( !isequalum(COEF(f)[j],COEF(fk)[j]) ) error("henmain2 : cannot happen(history)"); #endif /* clear wt */ bzero(COEF(wt),(n+1)*sizeof(int)); /* wt = (f-gk*hk)/y^k */ subsfum(COEF(f)[k],COEF(fk)[k],wt); /* clear wq */ bzero(COEF(wq),(n+1)*sizeof(int)); /* compute wf1,wg1 s.t. wh1*g0+wg1*h0 = wt */ mulsfum(wa,wt,wh1); DEG(wh1) = divsfum(wh1,h0,q); mulsfum(wh1,g0,wc); subsfum(wt,wc,wd); DEG(wd) = divsfum(wd,h0,wg1); /* check */ #if 0 if ( DEG(wd) >= 0 || DEG(wg1) > ng ) error("henmain2 : cannot happen(adj)"); mulsfum(wg1,h0,wc); mulsfum(wh1,g0,wd); addsfum(wc,wd,we); subsfum(we,wt,wz); if ( DEG(wz) >= 0 ) error("henmain2 : cannot happen"); #endif /* fk += ((wg1*hk+wh1*gk)*y^k+wg1*wh1*y^(2*k) mod y^bound */ /* wb0 = wh1*y^k */ clearsfbm(bound,n,wb0); DEG(wb0) = bound; cpyum(wh1,COEF(wb0)[k]); /* wb1 = gk*wb0 mod y^bound */ clearsfbm(bound,n,wb1); mulsfbm(bound,gk,wb0,wb1); /* fk += wb1 */ addtosfbm(bound,wb1,fk); /* wb0 = wg1*y^k */ clearsfbm(bound,n,wb0); DEG(wb0) = bound; cpyum(wg1,COEF(wb0)[k]); /* wb1 = hk*wb0 mod y^bound */ clearsfbm(bound,n,wb1); mulsfbm(bound,hk,wb0,wb1); /* fk += wb1 */ addtosfbm(bound,wb1,fk); /* fk += wg1*wh1*y^(2*k) mod y^bound */ if ( 2*k < bound ) { mulsfum(wg1,wh1,wt); addsfum(COEF(fk)[2*k],wt,ws); cpyum(ws,COEF(fk)[2*k]); } /* gk += wg1*y^k, hk += wh1*y^k */ cpyum(wg1,COEF(gk)[k]); cpyum(wh1,COEF(hk)[k]); } fprintf(stderr,"\n"); *gp = gk; DEG(f) = bound; for ( i = 0; i < bound; i++ ) cpyum(COEF(hk)[i],COEF(f)[i]); } void ptosflum(bound,f,fl) int bound; P f; LUM fl; { DCP dc; int **pp; int d; UM t; t = UMALLOC(bound); for ( dc = DC(f), pp = COEF(fl); dc; dc = NEXT(dc) ) { d = QTOS(DEG(dc)); ptosfum(COEF(dc),t); bcopy(t->c,pp[d],(t->d+1)*sizeof(int)); } } /* fl->c[i] = coef_y(f,i) */ void ptosfbm(bound,f,fl) int bound; P f; BM fl; { DCP dc; int d,i,n; UM t; n = QTOS(DEG(DC(f))); clearsfbm(bound,n,fl); DEG(fl) = bound; t = UMALLOC(bound); for ( dc = DC(f); dc; dc = NEXT(dc) ) { d = QTOS(DEG(dc)); ptosfum(COEF(dc),t); for ( i = 0; i <= DEG(t); i++ ) COEF(COEF(fl)[i])[d] = COEF(t)[i]; } for ( i = 0; i < bound; i++ ) degum(COEF(fl)[i],n); } /* x : main variable */ void sflumtop(bound,fl,x,y,fp) int bound; LUM fl; V x,y; P *fp; { int i,j,n; int **c; UM w; int *coef; DCP dc,dct; n = fl->d; c = fl->c; w = W_UMALLOC(bound); for ( i = 0, dc = 0; i <= n; i++ ) { coef = c[i]; for ( j = bound-1; j >= 0 && coef[j] == 0; j-- ); if ( j < 0 ) continue; DEG(w) = j; bcopy(coef,COEF(w),(j+1)*sizeof(int)); NEWDC(dct); STOQ(i,DEG(dct)); sfumtop(y,w,&COEF(dct)); NEXT(dct) = dc; dc = dct; } MKP(x,dc,*fp); } /* x : main variable */ void sfbmtop(bound,f,x,y,fp) int bound; BM f; V x,y; P *fp; { UM *c; int i,j,d,a; GFS b; DCP dc0,dc,dct; c = COEF(f); d = DEG(c[0]); for ( i = 1; i < bound; i++ ) d = MAX(DEG(c[i]),d); dc0 = 0; for ( i = 0; i <= d; i++ ) { dc = 0; for ( j = 0; j < bound; j++ ) { if ( DEG(c[j]) >= i && (a = COEF(c[j])[i]) ) { NEWDC(dct); STOQ(j,DEG(dct)); MKGFS(IFTOF(a),b); COEF(dct) = (P)b; NEXT(dct) = dc; dc = dct; } } if ( dc ) { NEWDC(dct); STOQ(i,DEG(dct)); MKP(y,dc,COEF(dct)); NEXT(dct) = dc0; dc0 = dct; } } if ( dc0 ) MKP(x,dc0,*fp); else *fp = 0; } void sfdtest(P,ML,V,V,DCP *); void sfbfctr(f,x,y,dcp) P f; V x,y; DCP *dcp; { ML list; P sf; GFS ev; DCP dc,dct; BM fl; int n,bound; /* sf(x) = f(x+ev) = list->c[0]*list->c[1]*... */ sfhensel(5,f,x,&ev,&sf,&list); sfdtest(sf,list,x,y,&dc); n = getdeg(x,sf); bound = list->bound; W_BMALLOC(n,bound,fl); for ( dct = dc; dct; dct = NEXT(dct) ) { ptosfbm(bound,COEF(dct),fl); shiftsfbm(bound,fl,_chsgnsf(FTOIF(CONT(ev)))); sfbmtop(bound,fl,x,y,&COEF(dct)); } *dcp = dc; } /* f = f(x,y) = list->c[0]*list->c[1]*... mod y^list->bound */ void sfdtest(f,list,x,y,dcp) P f; ML list; V x,y; DCP *dcp; { int n,np,bound; int i,j,k; int *win; P g,lcg,factor,cofactor,lcyx; P t,csum; DCP dcf,dcf0,dc; BM *c; BM lcy; UM lcg0; ML wlist; struct oVL vl1,vl0; VL vl; int z; /* vl = [x,y] */ vl0.v = x; vl0.next = &vl1; vl1.v = y; vl1.next = 0; vl = &vl0; /* setup various structures and arrays */ n = UDEG(f); np = list->n; bound = list->bound; win = W_ALLOC(np+1); wlist = W_MLALLOC(np); wlist->n = list->n; wlist->bound = list->bound; c = (BM *)COEF(wlist); bcopy((char *)COEF(list),(char *)c,(int)(sizeof(BM)*np)); lcg0 = W_UMALLOC(2*bound); /* initialize g by f */ g = f; /* initialize lcg */ mulp(vl,g,COEF(DC(g)),&lcg); /* initialize lcg0 */ const_term(lcg,lcg0); /* initialize csum = lcg(1) */ sfcsump(vl,lcg,&csum); /* initialize lcy by LC(f) */ W_BMALLOC(0,bound,lcy); NEWDC(dc); COEF(dc) = COEF(DC(g)); DEG(dc) = 0; NEWP(lcyx); VR(lcyx) = x; DC(lcyx) = dc; ptosfbm(bound,lcyx,lcy); fprintf(stderr,"np = %d\n",np); for ( g = f, k = 1, dcf = dcf0 = 0, win[0] = 1, --np, z = 0; ; z++ ) { if ( !(z % 1000) ) fprintf(stderr,"."); if ( sfdtestmain(vl,lcg,lcg0,lcy,csum,wlist,k,win,&factor,&cofactor) ) { NEXTDC(dcf0,dcf); DEG(dcf) = ONE; COEF(dcf) = factor; g = cofactor; /* update lcg */ mulp(vl,g,COEF(DC(g)),&lcg); /* update lcg0 */ const_term(lcg,lcg0); /* update csum */ sfcsump(vl,lcg,&csum); /* update lcy */ clearsfbm(bound,0,lcy); COEF(dc) = COEF(DC(g)); ptosfbm(bound,lcyx,lcy); for ( i = 0; i < k - 1; i++ ) for ( j = win[i] + 1; j < win[i + 1]; j++ ) c[j-i-1] = c[j]; for ( j = win[k-1] + 1; j <= np; j++ ) c[j-k] = c[j]; if ( ( np -= k ) < k ) break; if ( np - win[0] + 1 < k ) if ( ++k > np ) break; else for ( i = 0; i < k; i++ ) win[i] = i + 1; else for ( i = 1; i < k; i++ ) win[i] = win[0] + i; } else if ( !ncombi(1,np,k,win) ) if ( k == np ) break; else for ( i = 0, ++k; i < k; i++ ) win[i] = i + 1; } fprintf(stderr,"\n"); NEXTDC(dcf0,dcf); COEF(dcf) = g; DEG(dcf) = ONE; NEXT(dcf) = 0; *dcp = dcf0; } /* lcy = LC(g), lcg = lcy*g, lcg0 = const part of lcg */ int sfdtestmain(vl,lcg,lcg0,lcy,csum,list,k,in,fp,cofp) VL vl; P lcg; UM lcg0; BM lcy; P csum; ML list; int k; int *in; P *fp,*cofp; { P fmul,csumg,q; V x,y; x = vl->v; y = vl->next->v; if (!sfctest(lcg0,lcy,list,k,in)) return 0; mulsfbmarray(UDEG(lcg),lcy,list,k,in,x,y,&fmul); if ( csum ) { sfcsump(vl,fmul,&csumg); if ( csumg ) { if ( !divtp(vl,csum,csumg,&q) ) return 0; } } if ( divtp_by_sfbm(vl,lcg,fmul,&q) ) { pp_sfp(vl,fmul,fp); pp_sfp(vl,q,cofp); return 1; } else return 0; } void const_term(f,c) P f; UM c; { DCP dc; for ( dc = DC(f); dc && DEG(dc); dc = NEXT(dc) ); if ( dc ) ptosfum(COEF(dc),c); else DEG(c) = -1; } void const_term_sfbm(f,bound,c) BM f; int bound; UM c; { int i; for ( i = 0; i < bound; i++ ) if ( DEG(COEF(f)[i]) >= 0 ) COEF(c)[i] = COEF(COEF(f)[i])[0]; else COEF(c)[i] = 0; degum(c,bound-1); } /* lcy*(product of const part) | lcg0 ? */ int sfctest(lcg0,lcy,list,k,in) UM lcg0; BM lcy; ML list; int k; int *in; { DCP dc; int bound,i,dr; UM t,s,u,w; BM *l; bound = list->bound; t = W_UMALLOC(2*bound); s = W_UMALLOC(2*bound); u = W_UMALLOC(2*bound); const_term_sfbm(lcy,bound,t); if ( DEG(t) < 0 ) return 1; l = (BM *)list->c; for ( i = 0; i < k; i++ ) { const_term_sfbm(l[in[i]],bound,s); mulsfum(t,s,u); if ( DEG(u) >= bound ) degum(u,bound-1); w = t; t = u; u = w; } cpyum(lcg0,s); dr = divsfum(s,t,u); if ( dr >= 0 ) return 0; else return 1; } /* main var of f is x */ void mulsfbmarray(n,lcy,list,k,in,x,y,g) int n; BM lcy; ML list; int k; int *in; V x,y; P *g; { int bound,i; BM wb0,wb1,t,lcbm; BM *l; bound = list->bound; W_BMALLOC(n,bound,wb0); W_BMALLOC(n,bound,wb1); l = (BM *)list->c; clearsfbm(bound,n,wb0); mulsfbm(bound,lcy,l[in[0]],wb0); for ( i = 1; i < k; i++ ) { clearsfbm(bound,n,wb1); mulsfbm(bound,l[in[i]],wb0,wb1); t = wb0; wb0 = wb1; wb1 = t; } sfbmtop(bound,wb0,x,y,g); } void sfcsump(vl,f,s) VL vl; P f; P *s; { P t,u; DCP dc; for ( dc = DC(f), t = 0; dc; dc = NEXT(dc) ) { addp(vl,COEF(dc),t,&u); t = u; } *s = t; } /* *fp = primitive part of f w.r.t. x */ void pp_sfp(vl,f,fp) VL vl; P f; P *fp; { V x,y; int d; UM t,s,gcd; DCP dc; P dvr; x = vl->v; y = vl->next->v; d = getdeg(y,f); if ( d == 0 ) *fp = f; /* XXX */ else { t = W_UMALLOC(2*d); s = W_UMALLOC(2*d); gcd = W_UMALLOC(2*d); dc = DC(f); ptosfum(COEF(dc),gcd); for ( dc = NEXT(dc); dc; dc = NEXT(dc) ) { ptosfum(COEF(dc),t); gcdsfum(gcd,t,s); cpyum(s,gcd); } sfumtop(y,gcd,&dvr); divsp(vl,f,dvr,fp); } } int divtp_by_sfbm(vl,f,g,qp) VL vl; P f,g; P *qp; { V x,y; int fx,fy,gx,gy; BM fl,gl,ql; UM *cf,*cg,*cq; UM hg,q,t,s; int i,j,dr; x = vl->v; y = vl->next->v; fx = getdeg(x,f); fy = getdeg(y,f); gx = getdeg(x,g); gy = getdeg(y,g); if ( fx < gx || fy < gy ) return 0; W_BMALLOC(fx,fy+1,fl); ptosfbm(fy+1,f,fl); cf = COEF(fl); W_BMALLOC(gx,gy+1,gl); ptosfbm(gy+1,g,gl); cg = COEF(gl); W_BMALLOC(fx-gx,fy-gy+1,ql); cq = COEF(ql); hg = cg[gy]; q = W_UMALLOC(fx); t = W_UMALLOC(fx); s = W_UMALLOC(fx); for ( i = fy; i >= gy; i-- ) { if ( DEG(cf[i]) < 0 ) continue; dr = divsfum(cf[i],hg,q); if ( dr >= 0 ) return 0; if ( DEG(q) > fx-gx ) return 0; cpyum(q,cq[i-gy]); for ( j = 0; j <= gy; j++ ) { mulsfum(cg[j],q,t); subsfum(cf[j+i-gy],t,s); cpyum(s,cf[j+i-gy]); } } for ( j = gy-1; j >= 0 && DEG(cf[j]) < 0; j-- ); if ( j >= 0 ) return 0; sfbmtop(DEG(ql),ql,x,y,qp); }