/* $OpenXM: OpenXM_contrib2/asir2000/lib/dmul102,v 1.1 2003/12/12 07:57:20 noro Exp $ */ #define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) #define MIN(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(b):(a)) /* CAUTION: functions in this file are experimental. */ Hosts = [ "iyokan-0-g","iyokan-0-g", "iyokan-1-g","iyokan-1-g", "iyokan-2-g","iyokan-2-g", "iyokan-3-g","iyokan-3-g" ]$ def spawn102(Hosts,N) "spawn102(hostlist,nserver|debug=1) hostlist : [\"iyokan-0\",\"iyokan-1\",...] nserver : number of servers to be used in hostlist If debug is specified, the debug windows will appear." { Debug = getopt(debug); if ( type(Debug) == -1 ) Debug = 0; else if ( Debug ) Debug = 1; Procs = newvect(N); for ( I = 0; I < N; I++ ) { if ( Debug ) Procs[I] = ox_launch(Hosts[I],get_rootdir(),"ox_asir"); else Procs[I] = ox_launch_nox(Hosts[I],get_rootdir(),"ox_asir"); ox_set_rank_102(Procs[I],N,I); sleep(1000); } for ( I = 0; I < N; I++ ) for ( J = I+1; J < N; J++ ) { P = generate_port(); ox_tcp_accept_102(Procs[I],P,J); ox_tcp_connect_102(Procs[J],Hosts[I],P,I); } return Procs; } def urandompoly(N,D) "urandompoly(N,D) generate a univariate random polynomial of degree N, with D bit random coefficients." { for(I=0,R=0;I<=N;I++)R+= lrandom(D)*x^I; return R; } /* return: F1*F2 if option 'proc' is supplied as a list of server id's, F1*F2 is calculated by distributed computation. */ def d_mul(F1,F2) "d_mul(F1,F2|proc=ProcList) computes the product of F1 and F2. If ProcList is specified, the product is computed in parallel." { Procs = getopt(proc); if ( type(Procs) == -1 ) return umul(F1,F2); if ( !var(F1) || !var(F2) ) return F1*F2; NP = length(Procs); ox_push_cmo(Procs[0],[F1,F2]); for ( I = 0; I < NP; I++ ) ox_cmo_rpc(Procs[I],"d_mul_main",0); R = ox_pop_cmo(Procs[0]); return R; } def d_mul_main(Root) { Id = ox_get_rank_102(); NP = Id[0]; Rank = Id[1]; Arg = ox_bcast_102(Root); F1 = Arg[0]; F2 = Arg[1]; L = setup_modarrays(F1,F2,NP); Marray = L[0]; MIarray = L[1]; M = L[2]; R = umul_chrem(F1,F2,MIarray[Rank],Marray[Rank],M); Arg = 0; F1 = 0; F2 = 0; R = ox_reduce_102(Root,"+",R); if ( Rank == Root ) R = uadj_coef(R%M,M,ishift(M,1)); return R; } /* * Marray[J] = FFTprime[Marray[J][0]]*...*FFTprime[Marray[J][...]] * M = Marray[0]*...*Marray[NP-1] */ def setup_modarrays(F1,F2,NP) { V = var(F1); D1 = deg(F1,V); D2 = deg(F2,V); Dmin = MIN(D1,D2); Dfft = p_mag(D1+D2+1)+1; Bound = maxblen(F1)+maxblen(F2)+p_mag(Dmin)+1; if ( Bound < 32 ) Bound = 32; Marray = newvect(NP); MIarray = newvect(NP); for ( I = 0; I < NP; I++ ) { Marray[I] = 1; MIarray[I] = []; } for ( M = 1, I = 0, J = 0; p_mag(M) <= Bound; J = (J+1)%NP ) { T = get_next_fft_prime(I,Dfft); if ( !T ) error("fft_mul_d : fft_prime exhausted."); Marray[J] *= T[1]; MIarray[J] = cons(T[0],MIarray[J]); M *= T[1]; I = T[0]+1; } return [Marray,MIarray,M]; } def umul_chrem(F1,F2,Ind,M1,M) { T0 = time(); C = umul_specialmod(F1,F2,Ind); Mhat = idiv(M,M1); MhatInv = inv(Mhat,M1); R = Mhat*((MhatInv*C)%M1); return R; } end$