/* $OpenXM: OpenXM_contrib2/asir2000/lib/solve,v 1999/12/03 07:39:11 noro Exp $ */ def kenzan(El,Sl) { for ( Tl = El; Tl != []; Tl = cdr(Tl) ) { if ( substv(car(Tl),Sl) ) { print("kenzan : error"); return 0; } } print("kenzan : ok"); return 1; } def substv(P,Sl) { for ( A = P; Sl != []; Sl = cdr(Sl) ) A = subst(A,car(car(Sl)),car(cdr(car(Sl)))); return A; } def co(X,V,D) { for ( I = 0; I < D; I++ ) X = diff(X,V); return sdiv(subst(X,V,0),fac(D)); } def solve(El,Vl) /* * El : list of linear forms * Vl : list of variable */ { N = length(El); M = length(Vl); Mat = newmat(N,M+1); W = newvect(M+1); Index = newvect(N); Vs = newvect(M); for ( I = 0, Tl = Vl; I < M; Tl = cdr(Tl), I++ ) Vs[I] = car(Tl); for ( I = 0, Tl = El; I < N; Tl = cdr(Tl), I++ ) { ltov(car(Tl),Vl,W); for ( J = 0; J <= M; J++ ) Mat[I][J] = W[J]; } Tl = solvemain(Mat,Index,N,M); L = car(Tl); D = car(cdr(Tl)); if ( L < 0 ) return []; for ( I = L - 1, S = []; I >= 0; I-- ) { for ( J = Index[I]+1, A = 0; J < M; J++ ) { A += Mat[I][J]*Vs[J]; } S = cons([Vs[Index[I]],-red((A+Mat[I][M])/D)],S); } if ( kenzan(El,S) ) return S; else return []; return S; } def solvemain(Mat,Index,N,M) /* * Mat : matrix of size Nx(M+1) * Index : vector of length N */ { for ( J = 0, L = 0, D = 1; J < M; J++ ) { for ( I = L; I < N && !Mat[I][J]; I++ ); if ( I == N ) continue; Index[L] = J; for ( K = 0; K <= M; K++ ) { T = Mat[I][K]; Mat[I][K] = Mat[L][K]; Mat[L][K] = T; } for ( I = L + 1, V = Mat[L][J]; I < N; I++ ) for ( K = J, U = Mat[I][J]; K <= M; K++ ) Mat[I][K] = sdiv(Mat[I][K]*V-Mat[L][K]*U,D); D = V; L++; } for ( I = L; I < N; I++ ) for ( J = 0; J <= M; J++ ) if ( Mat[I][J] ) return -1; for ( I = L - 2, W = newvect(M+1); I >= 0; I-- ) { for ( J = 0; J <= M; J++ ) W[J] = 0; for ( G = I + 1; G < L; G++ ) for ( H = Index[G], U = Mat[I][H]; H <= M; H++ ) W[H] += Mat[G][H]*U; for ( J = Index[I], U = Mat[I][J]; J <= M; J++ ) Mat[I][J] = sdiv(Mat[I][J]*D-W[J],U); } return [L,D]; } def length(L) { for ( I = 0; L != []; L = cdr(L), I++ ); return I; } def ltov(P,VL,W) { for ( I = 0, L = VL; L != []; L = cdr(L), I++ ) { W[I] = co(P,car(L),1); P -= W[I]*car(L); } W[I] = P; } end$