/* * Copyright (c) 1994-2000 FUJITSU LABORATORIES LIMITED * All rights reserved. * * FUJITSU LABORATORIES LIMITED ("FLL") hereby grants you a limited, * non-exclusive and royalty-free license to use, copy, modify and * redistribute, solely for non-commercial and non-profit purposes, the * computer program, "Risa/Asir" ("SOFTWARE"), subject to the terms and * conditions of this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, you acquire * only a limited right to use the SOFTWARE hereunder, and FLL or any * third party developer retains all rights, including but not limited to * copyrights, in and to the SOFTWARE. * * (1) FLL does not grant you a license in any way for commercial * purposes. You may use the SOFTWARE only for non-commercial and * non-profit purposes only, such as academic, research and internal * business use. * (2) The SOFTWARE is protected by the Copyright Law of Japan and * international copyright treaties. If you make copies of the SOFTWARE, * with or without modification, as permitted hereunder, you shall affix * to all such copies of the SOFTWARE the above copyright notice. * (3) An explicit reference to this SOFTWARE and its copyright owner * shall be made on your publication or presentation in any form of the * results obtained by use of the SOFTWARE. * (4) In the event that you modify the SOFTWARE, you shall notify FLL by * e-mail at risa-admin@sec.flab.fujitsu.co.jp of the detailed specification * for such modification or the source code of the modified part of the * SOFTWARE. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. FLL * MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AND * EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTIES' * RIGHTS. NO FLL DEALER, AGENT, EMPLOYEES IS AUTHORIZED TO MAKE ANY * MODIFICATIONS, EXTENSIONS, OR ADDITIONS TO THIS WARRANTY. * UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES AND UNDER NO LEGAL THEORY, TORT, CONTRACT, * OR OTHERWISE, SHALL FLL BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES OF ANY CHARACTER, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THE SOFTWARE OR THIS AGREEMENT, DAMAGES * FOR LOSS OF GOODWILL, WORK STOPPAGE, OR LOSS OF DATA, OR FOR ANY * DAMAGES, EVEN IF FLL SHALL HAVE BEEN INFORMED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGES, OR FOR ANY CLAIM BY ANY OTHER PARTY. EVEN IF A PART * OF THE SOFTWARE HAS BEEN DEVELOPED BY A THIRD PARTY, THE THIRD PARTY * DEVELOPER SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE, * PERFORMANCE OR NON-PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. * $OpenXM: OpenXM_contrib2/asir2018/io/tcpf.c,v 1.2 2018/09/28 08:20:29 noro Exp $ */ #include "ca.h" #include "parse.h" #include "com.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ox.h" #if defined(VISUAL) || defined(__MINGW32__) #include #include #endif #define INIT_TAB_SIZ 64 #define OX_XTERM "ox_xterm" #if !defined(_PA_RISC1_1) #define RSH "rsh" #else #define RSH "remsh" #endif static struct m_c { int m,c,af_unix; } *m_c_tab; static int m_c_i,m_c_s; int I_am_server; extern int little_endian; #if defined(MPI) extern int mpi_nprocs; #define valid_mctab_index(ind)\ if((ind)<0||(ind)>=mpi_nprocs){error("invalid server id");} #define check_valid_mctab_index(ind)\ if((ind)<0||(ind)>=mpi_nprocs){(ind)=-1;} #else #define valid_mctab_index(ind)\ if((ind)=m_c_i||\ ((m_c_tab[ind].m<0)&&(m_c_tab[ind].c<0))){error("invalid server id");} #define check_valid_mctab_index(ind)\ if((ind)=m_c_i||\ ((m_c_tab[ind].m<0)&&(m_c_tab[ind].c<0))){(ind)=-1;} #endif struct IOFP iofp_102[MAXIOFP]; int nserver_102; int myrank_102; int register_102(int s,int rank, int is_master); int register_server(); int get_mcindex(int); void Pox_send_raw_cmo(), Pox_recv_raw_cmo(); void Pox_launch(),Pox_launch_nox(); void Pox_launch_generic(); void Pox_shutdown(); void Pox_rpc(),Pox_cmo_rpc(),Pox_reset(),Pox_intr(),Pox_sync(),Pox_select(); void Pox_push_local(),Pox_push_cmo(),Pox_push_vl(),Pox_push_cmd(); void Pox_pop_local(),Pox_pop_cmo(); void Pox_pop0_local(),Pox_pop0_cmo(); void Pox_pop_string(),Pox_pop0_string(); void Pox_get(),Pox_pops(); void Pox_execute_function(),Pox_execute_string(); void Pox_setname(), Pox_evalname(); void Pox_flush(); void Pgenerate_port(),Ptry_bind_listen(),Ptry_connect(),Ptry_accept(); void Pregister_server(); void Pox_get_serverinfo(); void Pox_mpi_myid(), Pox_mpi_nprocs(); void Pox_tcp_accept_102(),Pox_tcp_connect_102(); void Pox_send_102(),Pox_recv_102(); void Pox_set_rank_102(); void Pox_get_rank_102(); void Pox_reset_102(); void Pox_bcast_102(); void Pox_reduce_102(); void ox_launch_generic(); pointer bevalf(); struct ftab tcp_tab[] = { {"ox_send_raw_cmo",Pox_send_raw_cmo,2}, {"ox_recv_raw_cmo",Pox_recv_raw_cmo,1}, {"ox_get_serverinfo",Pox_get_serverinfo,-1}, {"generate_port",Pgenerate_port,-1}, /* from master to client */ {"ox_set_rank_102",Pox_set_rank_102,3}, {"ox_tcp_accept_102",Pox_tcp_accept_102,3}, {"ox_tcp_connect_102",Pox_tcp_connect_102,4}, {"ox_reset_102",Pox_reset_102,1}, {"ox_get_rank_102",Pox_get_rank_102,0}, {"ox_send_102",Pox_send_102,2}, {"ox_recv_102",Pox_recv_102,1}, {"ox_bcast_102",Pox_bcast_102,-2}, {"ox_reduce_102",Pox_reduce_102,-3}, {"try_bind_listen",Ptry_bind_listen,1}, {"try_connect",Ptry_connect,2}, {"try_accept",Ptry_accept,2}, {"register_server",Pregister_server,4}, {"ox_flush",Pox_flush,1}, {"ox_launch",Pox_launch,-3}, {"ox_launch_nox",Pox_launch_nox,-3}, {"ox_launch_generic",Pox_launch_generic,7}, {"ox_shutdown",Pox_shutdown,1}, {"ox_rpc",Pox_rpc,-99999999}, {"ox_cmo_rpc",Pox_cmo_rpc,-99999999}, {"ox_sync",Pox_sync,1}, #if defined(MPI) {"ox_mpi_myid",Pox_mpi_myid,0}, {"ox_mpi_nprocs",Pox_mpi_nprocs,0}, #endif #if !defined(MPI) {"ox_reset",Pox_reset,-2}, {"ox_intr",Pox_intr,1}, {"ox_select",Pox_select,-2}, #endif {"ox_pop_string",Pox_pop_string,1}, {"ox_pop0_string",Pox_pop0_string,1}, {"ox_pop_local",Pox_pop_local,1}, {"ox_pop0_local",Pox_pop0_local,1}, {"ox_pop_cmo",Pox_pop_cmo,1}, {"ox_pop0_cmo",Pox_pop0_cmo,1}, {"ox_get",Pox_get,-1}, {"ox_pops",Pox_pops,-2}, {"ox_push_vl",Pox_push_vl,1}, {"ox_push_local",Pox_push_local,-99999999}, {"ox_push_cmo",Pox_push_cmo,-99999999}, {"ox_push_cmd",Pox_push_cmd,2}, {"ox_setname",Pox_setname,2}, {"ox_evalname",Pox_evalname,2}, {"ox_execute_string",Pox_execute_string,2}, {"ox_execute_function",Pox_execute_function,3}, {0,0,0}, }; extern struct IOFP iofp[]; extern MATHCAP my_mathcap; extern int ox_exchange_mathcap; Obj asir_pop_one(); void asir_push_one(Obj); #if defined(MPI) extern int mpi_myid, mpi_nprocs; void Pox_mpi_myid(Z *rp) { STOZ(mpi_myid,*rp); } void Pox_mpi_nprocs(Z *rp) { STOZ(mpi_nprocs,*rp); } #endif void Pox_get_serverinfo(NODE arg,LIST *rp) { int i,c; Z s_id; NODE t,n0,n; LIST list,l; if ( !arg ) { for ( i = I_am_server?1:0, n0 = 0; i < m_c_i; i++ ) if ( (m_c_tab[i].m>=0) || (m_c_tab[i].c>=0) ) { c = m_c_tab[i].c; ox_get_serverinfo(c,&list); STOZ(i,s_id); t = mknode(2,s_id,list); MKLIST(l,t); NEXTNODE(n0,n); BDY(n) = (pointer)l; } if ( n0 ) NEXT(n) = 0; MKLIST(*rp,n0); } else { i = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); if ( i >= 0 && i < m_c_i && ((m_c_tab[i].m>=0) || (m_c_tab[i].c>=0)) ) ox_get_serverinfo(m_c_tab[i].c,rp); else { MKLIST(*rp,0); } } } /* if noarg or arg[0]==0 then use IP socket and return a port number else use UNIX socket and return a string which represents a path name */ void Pgenerate_port(NODE arg,Obj *rp) { char port_str[BUFSIZ]; int port; char *s; STRING str; Z q; if ( !arg || !ARG0(arg) ) { generate_port(0,port_str); port = atoi(port_str); STOZ(port,q); *rp = (Obj)q; } else { generate_port(1,port_str); s = (char *)MALLOC(strlen((char *)port_str)+1); strcpy(s,port_str); MKSTR(str,s); *rp = (Obj)str; } } void Pox_reset_102(NODE arg,Z *rp) { int s; int index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); valid_mctab_index(index); s = m_c_tab[index].c; ox_send_cmd(s,SM_reset_102); ox_flush_stream_force(s); *rp = 0; } void Pox_get_rank_102(LIST *rp) { Z n,r; NODE node; STOZ(nserver_102,n); STOZ(myrank_102,r); node = mknode(2,n,r); MKLIST(*rp,node); } void Pox_set_rank_102(NODE arg,Z *rp) { Z nserver,rank; int s; int index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); valid_mctab_index(index); s = m_c_tab[index].c; nserver = (Z)ARG1(arg); rank = (Z)ARG2(arg); ox_send_data(s,nserver); ox_send_data(s,rank); ox_send_cmd(s,SM_set_rank_102); ox_flush_stream_force(s); *rp = 0; } /* ox_tcp_accept_102(server,port,rank) */ void Pox_tcp_accept_102(NODE arg,Z *rp) { int s; int index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); valid_mctab_index(index); s = m_c_tab[index].c; ox_send_data(s,ARG1(arg)); ox_send_data(s,ARG2(arg)); ox_send_cmd(s,SM_tcp_accept_102); ox_flush_stream_force(s); *rp = 0; } /* ox_tcp_connect_102(server,host,port,rank) */ void Pox_tcp_connect_102(NODE arg,Z *rp) { int s; int index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); valid_mctab_index(index); s = m_c_tab[index].c; ox_send_data(s,ARG1(arg)); ox_send_data(s,ARG2(arg)); ox_send_data(s,ARG3(arg)); ox_send_cmd(s,SM_tcp_connect_102); ox_flush_stream_force(s); *rp = 0; } /* try_bind_listen(port) */ void Ptry_bind_listen(NODE arg,Z *rp) { char port_str[BUFSIZ]; int port,s,use_unix; if ( IS_CYGWIN || !ARG0(arg) || NUM(ARG0(arg)) ) { port = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); sprintf(port_str,"%d",port); use_unix = 0; } else { strcpy(port_str,BDY((STRING)ARG0(arg))); use_unix = 1; } s = try_bind_listen(use_unix,port_str); STOZ(s,*rp); } /* try_connect(host,port) */ void Ptry_connect(NODE arg,Z *rp) { char port_str[BUFSIZ]; char *host; int port,s,use_unix; if ( IS_CYGWIN || !ARG1(arg) || NUM(ARG1(arg)) ) { port = ZTOS((Q)ARG1(arg)); sprintf(port_str,"%d",port); use_unix = 0; } else { strcpy(port_str,BDY((STRING)ARG1(arg))); use_unix = 1; } host = BDY((STRING)ARG0(arg)); s = try_connect(use_unix,host,port_str); STOZ(s,*rp); } /* try_accept(sock,port) */ void Ptry_accept(NODE arg,Z *rp) { int use_unix,s; if ( IS_CYGWIN || !ARG1(arg) || NUM(ARG1(arg)) ) use_unix = 0; else use_unix = 1; s = try_accept(use_unix,ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg))); STOZ(s,*rp); } /* register_server(cs,cport,ss,sport) */ void Pregister_server(NODE arg,Z *rp) { int cs,ss,cn,sn,ind,use_unix,id; char cport_str[BUFSIZ],sport_str[BUFSIZ]; Obj obj; MATHCAP server_mathcap; cs = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); ss = ZTOS((Q)ARG2(arg)); if ( IS_CYGWIN || !ARG1(arg) || NUM(ARG1(arg)) ) { sprintf(cport_str,"%d",ZTOS((Q)ARG1(arg))); use_unix = 0; } else { strcpy(cport_str,BDY((STRING)ARG1(arg))); use_unix = 1; } if ( !ARG3(arg) || NUM(ARG3(arg)) ) { if ( use_unix ) error("register_server : the protocol should conincide for two sockets"); sprintf(sport_str,"%d",ZTOS((Q)ARG3(arg))); } else { if ( !use_unix ) error("register_server : the protocol should conincide for two sockets"); strcpy(sport_str,BDY((STRING)ARG3(arg))); } /* client mode */ cn = get_iofp(cs,cport_str,0); sn = get_iofp(ss,sport_str,0); /* get_iofp returns -1 if the laucher could not spawn the server */ if ( sn < 0 ) { /* we should terminate the launcher */ ox_send_cmd(cn,SM_shutdown); ox_flush_stream_force(cn); STOZ(-1,*rp); return; } /* register server to the server list */ ind = register_server(use_unix,cn,sn,-1); if ( ox_exchange_mathcap ) { /* request remote mathcap */ ox_send_cmd(sn,SM_mathcap); ox_send_cmd(sn,SM_popCMO); ox_flush_stream_force(sn); ox_recv(sn,&id,&obj); server_mathcap = (MATHCAP)obj; store_remote_mathcap(sn,server_mathcap); /* send my mathcap */ create_my_mathcap("asir"); ox_send_data(sn,my_mathcap); ox_send_cmd(sn,SM_setMathcap); } /* return the server id */ STOZ(ind,*rp); } #if !defined(VISUAL) && !defined(__MINGW32__) #include #include #include #include static int find_executable(char *); static int find_executable_main(char *); static int find_executable(char *com) { char *c,*s; int len; char dir[BUFSIZ],path[BUFSIZ]; for ( s = (char *)getenv("PATH"); s; ) { c = (char *)index(s,':'); if ( c ) { len = c-s; strncpy(dir,s,len); s = c+1; dir[len] = 0; } else { strcpy(dir,s); s = 0; } sprintf(path,"%s/%s",dir,com); if ( find_executable_main(path) ) return 1; } return 0; } static int find_executable_main(char *file) { struct stat buf; if ( stat(file,&buf) || (buf.st_mode & S_IFDIR) ) return 0; if ( access(file,X_OK) ) return 0; else return 1; } #endif /* ox_launch_generic(host,launcher,server,use_unix,use_ssh,use_x,conn_to_serv) Input host: hostname on which servers run launcher: path name of the launcher server: path name of the server use_unix: use UNIX domain socket if 1 use_ssh: use ssh if 1 use_x: use X11 facilities if 1 conn_to_serv: connect to server if 1 */ void Pox_launch_generic(NODE arg,Z *rp) { int use_unix,use_ssh,use_x,conn_to_serv; char *host,*launcher,*server; Z ret; host = (arg&&ARG0(arg))?BDY((STRING)ARG0(arg)):0; launcher = BDY((STRING)ARG1(arg)); server = BDY((STRING)ARG2(arg)); use_unix = !IS_CYGWIN && ARG3(arg) ? 1 : 0; use_ssh = ARG4(arg) ? 1 : 0; use_x = ARG5(arg) ? 1 : 0; conn_to_serv = ZTOS((Q)ARG6(arg)); if ( !IS_CYGWIN && !host ) use_unix = 1; ox_launch_generic(host,launcher,server, use_unix,use_ssh,use_x,conn_to_serv,&ret); *rp = ret; } #if 0 void ox_launcher_101_generic(char *host,char *launcher, int use_unix,int use_ssh,int use_x,int conn_to_serv,Z *rp) { int cs,cn,ind,id; char control_port_str[BUFSIZ]; Obj obj; #if !defined(VISUAL) && !defined(__MINGW32__) if ( use_unix && !find_executable("xterm") ) use_x = 0; #endif control_port_str[0] = 0; do { generate_port(use_unix,control_port_str); if ( conn_to_serv ) { spawn_server_101(host,launcher, use_unix,use_ssh,use_x,conn_to_serv, control_port_str); cs = try_connect(use_unix,host,control_port_str); } else { cs = try_bind_listen(use_unix,control_port_str); if ( cs < 0 ) continue; spawn_laucher_101(host,launcher, use_unix,use_ssh,use_x,conn_to_serv, control_port_str); cs = try_accept(use_unix,cs); } } while ( cs < 0 ); /* client mode */ cn = get_iofp(cs,control_port_str,0); /* register server to the server list */ ind = register_server_101(use_unix,cn); STOZ(ind,*rp); } #endif void ox_launch_generic(char *host,char *launcher,char *server, int use_unix,int use_ssh,int use_x,int conn_to_serv,Z *rp) { int cs,ss,cn,sn,ind,id; char control_port_str[BUFSIZ]; char server_port_str[BUFSIZ]; Obj obj; MATHCAP server_mathcap; Z value; char *key; int fd=-1; NODE opt,n0; if ( current_option ) { for ( opt = current_option; opt; opt = NEXT(opt) ) { n0 = BDY((LIST)BDY(opt)); key = BDY((STRING)BDY(n0)); value = (Z)BDY(NEXT(n0)); if ( !strcmp(key,"fd") && value ) { fd = ZTOS(value); break; } } } if (!available_mcindex(fd)) { STOZ(-1,*rp); return; } #if !defined(VISUAL) && !defined(__MINGW32__) if ( use_unix && !find_executable("xterm") ) use_x = 0; #endif control_port_str[0] = 0; server_port_str[0] = 0; do { generate_port(use_unix,control_port_str); generate_port(use_unix,server_port_str); if ( !conn_to_serv ) { cs = try_bind_listen(use_unix,control_port_str); if ( cs < 0 ) continue; ss = try_bind_listen(use_unix,server_port_str); if ( ss < 0 ) continue; } spawn_server(host,launcher,server, use_unix,use_ssh,use_x,conn_to_serv, control_port_str,server_port_str); if ( conn_to_serv ) { cs = try_connect(use_unix,host,control_port_str); if ( cs < 0 ) continue; ss = try_connect(use_unix,host,server_port_str); if ( ss < 0 ) continue; } else { cs = try_accept(use_unix,cs); if ( cs < 0 ) continue; ss = try_accept(use_unix,ss); if ( ss < 0 ) continue; } } while ( cs < 0 || ss < 0 ); /* client mode */ cn = get_iofp(cs,control_port_str,0); sn = get_iofp(ss,server_port_str,0); /* get_iofp returns -1 if the laucher could not spawn the server */ if ( sn < 0 ) { /* we should terminate the launcher */ ox_send_cmd(cn,SM_shutdown); ox_flush_stream_force(cn); STOZ(-1,*rp); return; } /* register server to the server list */ ind = register_server(use_unix,cn,sn,fd); if ( ox_exchange_mathcap ) { /* request remote mathcap */ ox_send_cmd(sn,SM_mathcap); ox_send_cmd(sn,SM_popCMO); ox_flush_stream_force(sn); ox_recv(sn,&id,&obj); server_mathcap = (MATHCAP)obj; store_remote_mathcap(sn,server_mathcap); /* send my mathcap */ create_my_mathcap("asir"); ox_send_data(sn,my_mathcap); ox_send_cmd(sn,SM_setMathcap); } /* return the server id */ STOZ(ind,*rp); } #if defined(__CYGWIN32__) static void bslash2slash(char *buf) { char *p; for ( p = buf; *p; p++ ) if ( *p == '\\' ) *p = '/'; } static int get_start_path(char *buf) { static char start_path[BUFSIZ]; static int start_initialized = 0; char name[BUFSIZ]; if ( start_initialized ) { strcpy(buf,start_path); return 1; } /* Windows98 */ strcpy(buf,"c:\\windows\\command\\start.exe"); cygwin_conv_to_full_posix_path(buf,name); if ( !access(name,X_OK) ) { bslash2slash(buf); strcpy(start_path,buf); start_initialized = 1; return 1; } /* Windows2000 */ strcpy(buf,"c:\\winnt\\system32\\start.exe"); cygwin_conv_to_full_posix_path(buf,name); if ( !access(name,X_OK) ) { bslash2slash(buf); strcpy(start_path,buf); start_initialized = 1; return 1; } strcpy(buf,"c:\\winnt\\system32\\cmd.exe"); cygwin_conv_to_full_posix_path(buf,name); if ( !access(name,X_OK) ) { bslash2slash(buf); sprintf(start_path,"%s /c start",buf); strcpy(buf,start_path); start_initialized = 1; return 1; } strcpy(buf,"c:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe"); cygwin_conv_to_full_posix_path(buf,name); if ( !access(name,X_OK) ) { bslash2slash(buf); sprintf(start_path,"%s /c start",buf); strcpy(buf,start_path); start_initialized = 1; return 1; } return 0; } static void get_launcher_path(char *buf) { static char rootname[BUFSIZ]; static char launcher_path[BUFSIZ]; static int launcher_initialized = 0; char name[BUFSIZ]; if ( launcher_initialized ) { strcpy(buf,launcher_path); return; } get_rootdir(rootname,sizeof(rootname)); sprintf(name,"%s/ox_launch.exe",rootname); cygwin_conv_to_full_win32_path(name,launcher_path); bslash2slash(launcher_path); launcher_initialized = 1; strcpy(buf,launcher_path); } #endif void spawn_server(char *host,char *launcher,char *server, int use_unix,int use_ssh,int use_x,int conn_to_serv, char *control_port_str,char *server_port_str) { char localhost[BUFSIZ]; char *dname,*conn_str,*rsh,*dname0,*asirhost; char AsirExe[BUFSIZ]; STRING rootdir; char prog[BUFSIZ]; char *av[BUFSIZ]; #if !defined(VISUAL) && !defined(__MINGW32__) char cmd[BUFSIZ]; #endif #if defined(__CYGWIN__) char win_start[BUFSIZ],win_launcher[BUFSIZ]; #endif void Pget_rootdir(); dname0 = (char *)getenv("DISPLAY"); if ( !dname0 ) dname0 = "0"; dname = use_x ? dname0 : 0; conn_str = conn_to_serv ? "1" : "0"; rsh = getenv("ASIR_RSH"); if ( !rsh ) rsh = use_ssh ? "ssh" : RSH; if ( !use_unix && strstr(rsh,"ssh") ) { /* * if "ssh" is used to invoke a remote server, * we should not specify "-display". */ use_ssh = 1; } asirhost = (char *)getenv("ASIRHOSTNAME"); if ( asirhost ) strcpy(localhost,asirhost); else gethostname(localhost,BUFSIZ); #if defined(VISUAL) || defined(__MINGW32__) if ( !use_unix ) error("spawn_server : not implemented on Windows"); Pget_rootdir(&rootdir); sprintf(AsirExe,"%s\\bin\\engine.exe",BDY(rootdir)); strcpy(prog,server); server = strrchr(prog,'/')+1; av[0] = "ox_launch"; av[1] = ""; av[2] = conn_str; av[3] = control_port_str; av[4] = server_port_str; av[5] = server; av[6] = use_x ? "1" : "0"; av[7] = 0; _spawnv(_P_NOWAIT,AsirExe,av); // _spawnv(_P_NOWAIT,"d:\\home\\noro\\engine2000\\debug\\engine.exe",av); // printf("ox_launch %s %s %s %s 0\n",conn_str,control_port_str,server_port_str,server); #else if ( use_unix || !host ) { #if defined(__CYGWIN32__) get_launcher_path(win_launcher); if ( dname && strchr(dname,':') ) { if ( !fork() ) { setpgid(0,getpid()); execlp("xterm","xterm","-name",OX_XTERM,"-T","ox_launch:local","-display",dname, "-geometry","60x10","-xrm","XTerm*locale:false","-e",launcher,use_unix?".":"127.1",conn_str, control_port_str,server_port_str,server,dname,(char *)0); } } else if ( dname && get_start_path(win_start) ) { sprintf(cmd,"%s %s %s %s %s %s %s 1", win_start,win_launcher,use_unix?".":"127.1",conn_str, control_port_str,server_port_str,server); system(cmd); } else { if ( !fork() ) { setpgid(0,getpid()); execlp(launcher,launcher,use_unix?".":"127.1",conn_str, control_port_str,server_port_str,server,dname0,"-nolog",(char *)0); } } #else if ( !fork() ) { setpgid(0,getpid()); if ( dname ) execlp("xterm","xterm","-name",OX_XTERM,"-T","ox_launch:local","-display",dname, "-geometry","60x10","-xrm","XTerm*locale:false","-e",launcher,use_unix?".":"127.1",conn_str, control_port_str,server_port_str,server,dname,(char *)0); else execlp(launcher,launcher,use_unix?".":"127.1",conn_str, control_port_str,server_port_str,server,dname0,"-nolog",(char *)0); } #endif } else if ( conn_to_serv == 2 ) { /* special support for java */ if ( dname ) sprintf(cmd, "%s -n %s \"(cd %s; xterm -name %s %s -geometry 60x10 -e java %s -host %s -control %s -data %s)>&/dev/null&\">/dev/null", rsh,host,launcher,OX_XTERM,dname,server,localhost,control_port_str,server_port_str); else sprintf(cmd, "%s -n %s \"(cd %s; java %s -host %s -control %s -data %s)>&/dev/null&\">/dev/null", rsh,host,launcher,server,localhost, control_port_str,server_port_str,server); fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",cmd); sleep(20); /* system(cmd); */ } else { if ( dname ) if ( use_ssh ) sprintf(cmd, "%s -f -n %s \"xterm -name %s -title ox_launch:%s -geometry 60x10 -xrm 'XTerm*locale:false' -e %s %s %s %s %s %s %s >&/dev/null\">/dev/null", rsh,host,OX_XTERM,host,launcher,localhost,conn_str, control_port_str,server_port_str,server,"1"); else sprintf(cmd, "%s -n %s \"xterm -name %s -title ox_launch:%s -display %s -geometry 60x10 -xrm 'XTerm*locale:false' -e %s %s %s %s %s %s %s >&/dev/null&\">/dev/null", rsh,host,OX_XTERM,host,dname,launcher,localhost,conn_str, control_port_str,server_port_str,server,dname); else if ( use_ssh ) sprintf(cmd, "%s -f -n %s \"%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s>&/dev/null&\">/dev/null", rsh,host,launcher,localhost,conn_str, control_port_str,server_port_str,server,"1","-nolog"); else sprintf(cmd, "%s -n %s \"%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s>&/dev/null&\">/dev/null", rsh,host,launcher,localhost,conn_str, control_port_str,server_port_str,server,dname0,"-nolog"); system(cmd); } #endif /* VISUAL */ } void Pox_launch(NODE arg,Obj *rp) { ox_launch_main(1,arg,rp); } void Pox_launch_nox(NODE arg,Obj *rp) { ox_launch_main(0,arg,rp); } /* ox_launch() : invoke local ox_asir ox_launch(0,ox_xxx) : invoke local ox_xxx with asir_libdir/ox_launch ox_launch(remote,lib,ox_xxx) : invoke remote ox_xxx with lib/ox_launch */ void ox_launch_main(int with_x,NODE arg,Obj *p) { char *str; char *hostname,*servername; char *control; int use_unix; Z ret; extern char *asir_libdir; if ( arg && ARG0(arg) && argc(arg) != 3 ) error("ox_launch : argument mismatch"); control = (char *)MALLOC(BUFSIZ); if ( !arg || ( !ARG0(arg) && argc(arg) == 1 ) ) { sprintf(control,"%s/ox_launch",asir_libdir); use_unix = IS_CYGWIN ? 0 : 1; servername = (char *)MALLOC(BUFSIZ); sprintf(servername,"%s/ox_asir",asir_libdir); } else if ( !ARG0(arg) && argc(arg) == 2 ) { sprintf(control,"%s/ox_launch",asir_libdir); use_unix = IS_CYGWIN ? 0 : 1; str = BDY((STRING)ARG1(arg)); if ( str[0] == '/' ) servername = str; else { servername = (char *)MALLOC(BUFSIZ); sprintf(servername,"%s/%s",asir_libdir,str); } } else { sprintf(control,"%s/ox_launch",BDY((STRING)ARG1(arg))); if ( !ARG0(arg) ) use_unix = IS_CYGWIN ? 0 : 1; else use_unix = 0; str = BDY((STRING)ARG2(arg)); if ( str[0] == '/' ) servername = str; else { servername = (char *)MALLOC(BUFSIZ); sprintf(servername,"%s/%s",BDY((STRING)ARG1(arg)),str); } } if ( arg && ARG0(arg) ) hostname = BDY((STRING)ARG0(arg)); else hostname = 0; ox_launch_generic(hostname,control,servername,use_unix,0,with_x,0,&ret); *p = (Obj)ret; } void extend_mctab(int bound) { int i,n; struct m_c *t; if ( !m_c_tab ) { n = (bound/INIT_TAB_SIZ + 1)*INIT_TAB_SIZ; t = (struct m_c *)MALLOC_ATOMIC(n*sizeof(struct m_c)); for ( i = m_c_s; i < n; i++ ) { t[i].af_unix = 0; t[i].m = t[i].c = -1; } m_c_s = n; m_c_tab = t; }else if (bound >= m_c_s) { n = (bound/INIT_TAB_SIZ + 1)*INIT_TAB_SIZ; t = (struct m_c *)MALLOC_ATOMIC(n*sizeof(struct m_c)); bzero((void *)t,n*sizeof(struct m_c)); bcopy((void *)m_c_tab,(void *)t,m_c_s*sizeof(struct m_c)); for ( i = m_c_s; i < n; i++ ) { t[i].af_unix = 0; t[i].m = t[i].c = -1; } m_c_s = n; m_c_tab = t; }else { return; } } int available_mcindex(int ind) { if (ind < 0) return 1; extend_mctab(ind); return m_c_tab[ind].m<0 && m_c_tab[ind].c<0; } int register_server(int af_unix,int m,int c,int ind) { int s,i; struct m_c *t; if ( c < 0 ) return -1; extend_mctab( (ind<0)? 0: ind ); if(ind >= 0) { if (m_c_tab[ind].m<0 && m_c_tab[ind].c<0) { m_c_tab[ind].m = m; m_c_tab[ind].c = c; m_c_tab[ind].af_unix = af_unix; if (ind>=m_c_i) m_c_i = ind+1; return ind; } return -1; } #if !defined(MPI) for ( i = 0; i < m_c_i; i++ ) if ( (m_c_tab[i].m<0) && (m_c_tab[i].c<0) ) break; if ( i < m_c_i ) { m_c_tab[i].m = m; m_c_tab[i].c = c; m_c_tab[i].af_unix = af_unix; return i; } #endif if ( m_c_i == m_c_s ) { s = (m_c_s+INIT_TAB_SIZ)*sizeof(struct m_c); t = (struct m_c *)MALLOC_ATOMIC(s); bcopy((void *)m_c_tab,(void *)t,m_c_s*sizeof(struct m_c)); for ( i = 0; i < INIT_TAB_SIZ; i++ ) { t[m_c_s+i].af_unix = 0; t[m_c_s+i].m = m_c_tab[m_c_s+i].c = -1; } m_c_s += INIT_TAB_SIZ; m_c_tab = t; } m_c_tab[m_c_i].m = m; m_c_tab[m_c_i].c = c; m_c_tab[m_c_i].af_unix = af_unix; return m_c_i++; } /* iofp index => m_c_tab index */ int get_mcindex(int i) { int j; for ( j = 0; j < m_c_i; j++ ) if ( m_c_tab[j].c == i ) return j; return -1; } /* arg = [ind0,ind1,...]; indk = index to m_c_tab */ void Pox_select(NODE arg,LIST *rp) { int fd,n,i,index,mcind,s,maxfd,minfd; fd_set r,w,e; NODE list,t,t1,t0; Z q; double max; struct timeval interval; struct timeval *tvp; list = BDY((LIST)ARG0(arg)); arg = NEXT(arg); if ( arg ) { max = ToReal((Num)BDY(arg)); interval.tv_sec = (int)max; interval.tv_usec = (int)((max-(int)max)*1000000); tvp = &interval; } else tvp = 0; FD_ZERO(&r); FD_ZERO(&w); FD_ZERO(&e); maxfd = minfd = -1; for ( t = list, t0 = 0; t; t = NEXT(t) ) { index = ZTOS((Q)BDY(t)); valid_mctab_index(index); s = m_c_tab[index].c; if ( ox_data_is_available(s) ) { MKNODE(t1,(Q)BDY(t),t0); t0 = t1; } else { fd = get_fd(s); FD_SET((unsigned int)fd,&r); maxfd = maxfd<0 ? fd : MAX(fd,maxfd); minfd = minfd<0 ? fd : MIN(fd,minfd); } } if ( t0 ) { MKLIST(*rp,t0); return; } n = select(FD_SETSIZE,&r,&w,&e,tvp); #if defined(VISUAL) || defined(__MINGW32__) for ( i = minfd, t = 0; n && i <= maxfd; i++ ) #else for ( i = 0, t = 0; n && i < FD_SETSIZE; i++ ) #endif if ( FD_ISSET(i,&r) ) { /* index : index to iofp array */ index = get_index(i); /* mcind : index to m_c_tab array */ mcind = get_mcindex(index); n--; STOZ(mcind,q); MKNODE(t1,q,t); t = t1; } MKLIST(*rp,t); } void Pox_flush(NODE arg,Z *rp) { int index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); valid_mctab_index(index); ox_flush_stream_force(m_c_tab[index].c); *rp = ONE; } void Pox_send_raw_cmo(NODE arg,Obj *rp) { int s; int index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); valid_mctab_index(index); s = m_c_tab[index].c; ox_write_cmo(s,(Obj)ARG1(arg)); /* flush always */ ox_flush_stream(s); *rp = 0; } void Pox_recv_raw_cmo(NODE arg,Obj *rp) { int s; int index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); valid_mctab_index(index); s = m_c_tab[index].c; ox_read_cmo(s,rp); } void Pox_send_102(NODE arg,Obj *rp) { int rank = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); ox_send_data_102(rank,(Obj)ARG1(arg)); *rp = 0; } void Pox_recv_102(NODE arg,Obj *rp) { int id; int rank = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); ox_recv_102(rank,&id,rp); } void Pox_bcast_102(NODE arg,Obj *rp) { int rank = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); Obj data; if ( argc(arg) > 1 ) asir_push_one((Obj)ARG1(arg)); ox_bcast_102(rank); *rp = (Obj)asir_pop_one(); } void Pox_reduce_102(NODE arg,Obj *rp) { int root = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); STRING op; char *opname; void (*func)(); op = (STRING)ARG1(arg); asir_assert(op,O_STR,"ox_reduce_102"); opname = BDY(op); if ( !strcmp(opname,"+") ) func = arf_add; else if ( !strcmp(opname,"*") ) func = arf_mul; else { error("ox_reduce_102 : operation not supported"); } if ( argc(arg) > 2 ) asir_push_one((Obj)ARG2(arg)); ox_reduce_102(root,func); *rp = (Obj)asir_pop_one(); } void Pox_push_local(NODE arg,Obj *rp) { int s; struct oLIST dummy; VL vl; int index; if ( !arg ) error("ox_push_local : too few arguments."); index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); valid_mctab_index(index); s = m_c_tab[index].c; arg = NEXT(arg); dummy.id = O_LIST; dummy.body = arg; get_vars_recursive((Obj)&dummy,&vl); ox_send_local_ring(s,vl); for ( ; arg; arg = NEXT(arg) ) ox_send_local_data(s,BDY(arg)); *rp = 0; } void Pox_push_cmo(NODE arg,Obj *rp) { int s; int index; if ( !arg ) error("ox_push_cmo : too few arguments."); index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); valid_mctab_index(index); s = m_c_tab[index].c; arg = NEXT(arg); for ( ; arg; arg = NEXT(arg) ) ox_send_data(s,BDY(arg)); *rp = 0; } void Pox_push_vl(NODE arg,Obj *rp) { int index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); valid_mctab_index(index); ox_send_local_ring(m_c_tab[index].c,CO); *rp = 0; } void Pox_pop_local(NODE arg,Obj *rp) { int s; int index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); valid_mctab_index(index); s = m_c_tab[index].c; ox_send_cmd(s,SM_popSerializedLocalObject); ox_flush_stream_force(s); ox_get_result(s,rp); } void Pox_pop_cmo(NODE arg,Obj *rp) { int s; int index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); valid_mctab_index(index); s = m_c_tab[index].c; ox_send_cmd(s,SM_popCMO); ox_flush_stream_force(s); ox_get_result(s,rp); } void Pox_pop0_local(NODE arg,Obj *rp) { int index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); valid_mctab_index(index); ox_send_cmd(m_c_tab[index].c,SM_popSerializedLocalObject); *rp = 0; } void Pox_pop0_cmo(NODE arg,Obj *rp) { int index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); valid_mctab_index(index); ox_send_cmd(m_c_tab[index].c,SM_popCMO); *rp = 0; } void Pox_pop0_string(NODE arg,STRING *rp) { int index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); valid_mctab_index(index); ox_send_cmd(m_c_tab[index].c,SM_popString); *rp = 0; } void Pox_pop_string(NODE arg,Obj *rp) { int s; int index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); valid_mctab_index(index); s = m_c_tab[index].c; ox_send_cmd(s,SM_popString); ox_flush_stream_force(s); ox_get_result(s,rp); } void Pox_get(NODE arg,Obj *rp) { int index; int s; if ( !arg ) { /* client->server */ ox_get_result(0,rp); } else { /* server->client */ index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); valid_mctab_index(index); s = m_c_tab[index].c; ox_flush_stream_force(s); ox_get_result(s,rp); } } void Pox_pops(NODE arg,Obj *rp) { int s; USINT n; int index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); valid_mctab_index(index); s = m_c_tab[index].c; if ( NEXT(arg) ) MKUSINT(n,ZTOS((Q)ARG1(arg))); else MKUSINT(n,1); ox_send_data(s,n); ox_send_cmd(s,SM_pops); *rp = 0; } void Pox_execute_function(NODE arg,Obj *rp) { int s; USINT ui; int index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); valid_mctab_index(index); s = m_c_tab[index].c; MKUSINT(ui,ZTOS((Q)ARG2(arg))); ox_send_data(s,ui); ox_send_data(s,ARG1(arg)); ox_send_cmd(s,SM_executeFunction); *rp = 0; } void Pox_setname(NODE arg,Obj *rp) { int s; int index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); valid_mctab_index(index); s = m_c_tab[index].c; ox_send_data(s,ARG1(arg)); ox_send_cmd(s,SM_setName); *rp = 0; } void Pox_evalname(NODE arg,Obj *rp) { int s; int index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); valid_mctab_index(index); s = m_c_tab[index].c; ox_send_data(s,ARG1(arg)); ox_send_cmd(s,SM_evalName); *rp = 0; } void Pox_execute_string(NODE arg,Obj *rp) { int s; int index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); asir_assert(ARG1(arg),O_STR,"ox_execute_string"); valid_mctab_index(index); s = m_c_tab[index].c; ox_send_data(s,ARG1(arg)); ox_send_cmd(s,SM_executeStringByLocalParser); *rp = 0; } /* arg=[sid,fname,arg0,arg1,...,arg{n-1}] */ void Pox_rpc(NODE arg,Obj *rp) { int s,i,n; STRING f; USINT ui; pointer *w; NODE t; int index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); valid_mctab_index(index); s = m_c_tab[index].c; arg = NEXT(arg); f = (STRING)BDY(arg); arg = NEXT(arg); ox_send_local_ring(s,CO); for ( n = 0, t = arg; t; t = NEXT(t), n++ ); w = (pointer *)ALLOCA(n*sizeof(pointer)); for ( i = 0, t = arg; i < n; t = NEXT(t), i++ ) w[i] = BDY(t); for ( i = n-1; i >= 0; i-- ) ox_send_local_data(s,w[i]); MKUSINT(ui,n); ox_send_data(s,ui); ox_send_data(s,f); ox_send_cmd(s,SM_executeFunction); *rp = 0; } void Pox_cmo_rpc(NODE arg,Obj *rp) { int s,i,n; STRING f; USINT ui; NODE t; Obj dmy; pointer *w; int index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); int find; Obj sync; find = get_opt("sync",&sync); valid_mctab_index(index); s = m_c_tab[index].c; arg = NEXT(arg); f = (STRING)BDY(arg); arg = NEXT(arg); for ( n = 0, t = arg; t; t = NEXT(t), n++ ); w = (pointer *)ALLOCA(n*sizeof(pointer)); for ( i = 0, t = arg; i < n; t = NEXT(t), i++ ) w[i] = BDY(t); for ( i = n-1; i >= 0; i-- ) ox_send_data(s,w[i]); MKUSINT(ui,n); ox_send_data(s,ui); ox_send_data(s,f); if ( find && sync ) { ox_send_cmd(s,SM_executeFunctionSync); ox_get_result(s,&dmy); } else ox_send_cmd(s,SM_executeFunction); *rp = 0; } int No_ox_reset; extern Z ox_pari_stream; extern int ox_pari_stream_initialized; void Pox_reset(NODE arg,Z *rp) { USINT t; int id,c,m; Obj obj; NODE nd; Z q; int index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); valid_mctab_index(index); m = m_c_tab[index].m; c = m_c_tab[index].c; if ( m >= 0 ) { if ( no_ox_reset(c) == 1 ) { STOZ(index,q); nd = mknode(1,q); switch ( No_ox_reset ) { case 1: fprintf(stderr,"The server does not implenent OX reset protocol.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"The server is terminated.\n"); Pox_shutdown(nd,rp); if ( index == ZTOS(ox_pari_stream) ) ox_pari_stream_initialized = 0; break; case 2: Pox_shutdown(nd,rp); if ( index == ZTOS(ox_pari_stream) ) ox_pari_stream_initialized = 0; break; default: error("The server does not implement OX reset protocol."); *rp = ONE; break; } return; } if ( argc(arg) == 1 ) { ox_send_cmd(m,SM_control_reset_connection); ox_flush_stream_force(m); #if 0 /* XXX obsolete */ ox_recv(m,&id,&obj); t = (USINT)obj; #endif } *rp = ONE; #if defined(VISUAL) || defined(__MINGW32__) Sleep(100); ox_send_cmd(c,SM_nop); ox_flush_stream_force(c); #endif while ( 1 ) { ox_recv(c,&id,&obj); if ( id == OX_SYNC_BALL ) break; } ox_send_sync(c); } else *rp = 0; } void Pox_intr(NODE arg,Z *rp) { int m; int index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); valid_mctab_index(index); m = m_c_tab[index].m; if ( m >= 0 ) { if ( argc(arg) == 1 ) { ox_send_cmd(m,SM_control_intr); ox_flush_stream_force(m); } *rp = ONE; } else *rp = 0; } void Pox_sync(NODE arg,Z *rp) { int c; int index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); valid_mctab_index(index); c = m_c_tab[index].c; ox_send_sync(c); *rp = 0; } void Pox_shutdown(NODE arg,Z *rp) { int s; int index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); #if !defined(VISUAL) && !defined(__MINGW32__) int status; #endif valid_mctab_index(index); s = m_c_tab[index].m; ox_send_cmd(s,SM_shutdown); free_iofp(s); s = m_c_tab[index].c; free_iofp(s); #if !defined(MPI) && !defined(VISUAL) && !defined(__MINGW32__) if ( m_c_tab[index].af_unix ) wait(&status); #endif m_c_tab[index].m = -1; m_c_tab[index].c = -1; m_c_tab[index].af_unix = 0; *rp = 0; } void Pox_push_cmd(NODE arg,Z *rp) { int ui; int index = ZTOS((Q)ARG0(arg)); valid_mctab_index(index); ui = ZTOS((Q)ARG1(arg)); ox_send_cmd(m_c_tab[index].c,ui); *rp = 0; } void shutdown_all() { int s; int i,index; #if !defined(VISUAL) && !defined(__MINGW32__) int status; #endif for ( i = I_am_server?1:0; i < m_c_i; i++ ) { index = i; check_valid_mctab_index(index); if ( index < 0 ) continue; s = m_c_tab[index].m; ox_send_cmd(s,SM_shutdown); #if defined(VISUAL) || defined(__MINGW32__) Sleep(1000); #endif free_iofp(s); s = m_c_tab[index].c; free_iofp(s); #if !defined(MPI) && !defined(VISUAL) && !defined(__MINGW32__) if ( m_c_tab[index].af_unix ) wait(&status); #endif m_c_tab[index].m = 0; m_c_tab[index].c = 0; m_c_tab[index].af_unix = 0; } } char *ox_get_servername(int); int is_ox_plot(int index) { char *name; check_valid_mctab_index(index); if ( index < 0 ) return 0; /* m : client, c : server ??? */ name = ox_get_servername(m_c_tab[index].c); return strcmp(name,"ox_plot") ? 0 : 1; } int debug_plot; int validate_ox_plot_stream(int index) { int i; NODE arg; STRING name; Obj r; if ( is_ox_plot(index) ) return index; for ( i = 0; i < m_c_i; i++ ) if ( is_ox_plot(i) ) return i; /* create an ox_plot server */ MKSTR(name,"ox_plot"); arg = mknode(2,NULL,name); if ( debug_plot ) Pox_launch(arg,&r); else Pox_launch_nox(arg,&r); i = ZTOS((Q)r); #if defined(VISUAL) || defined(__MINGW32__) Sleep(100); ox_send_cmd(m_c_tab[i].c,SM_nop); ox_flush_stream_force(m_c_tab[i].c); #endif return i; } int get_ox_server_id(int index) { valid_mctab_index(index); return m_c_tab[index].c; } int register_102(int s1,int rank,int is_master) { unsigned char c,rc; if ( rank >= MAXIOFP ) return -1; iofp_102[rank].s = s1; #if defined(VISUAL) || defined(__MINGW32__) iofp_102[rank].in = WSIO_open(s1,"r"); iofp_102[rank].out = WSIO_open(s1,"w"); #else iofp_102[rank].in = fdopen(s1,"r"); iofp_102[rank].out = fdopen(s1,"w"); #if !defined(__CYGWIN__) setbuffer(iofp_102[rank].in,iofp_102[rank].inbuf = (char *)MALLOC_ATOMIC(LBUFSIZ),LBUFSIZ); setbuffer(iofp_102[rank].out,iofp_102[rank].outbuf = (char *)MALLOC_ATOMIC(LBUFSIZ),LBUFSIZ); #endif #endif if ( little_endian ) c = 1; else c = 0xff; if ( is_master ) { /* server : write -> read */ write_char((FILE *)iofp_102[rank].out,&c); ox_flush_stream_force_102(rank); read_char((FILE *)iofp_102[rank].in,&rc); } else { /* client : read -> write */ read_char((FILE *)iofp_102[rank].in,&rc); /* special care for a failure of spawing a server */ if ( rc !=0 && rc != 1 && rc != 0xff ) return -1; write_char((FILE *)iofp_102[rank].out,&c); ox_flush_stream_force_102(rank); } iofp_102[rank].conv = c == rc ? 0 : 1; iofp_102[rank].socket = 0; return 0; }