/* $OpenXM: OpenXM_contrib2/asir2018/lib/glib,v 1.3 2019/09/26 04:15:35 takayama Exp $ */ /* BUG: this library has not yet been adapted to the new automatic launcher of ox_plot. 2002, Aug, 4. Do not load glib more than twice. */ extern Cfep_loaded$ extern Cfep_use_opengl$ #define DO_NOT_START_SERVER_EXPLICITLY /* #define CLIP 1 */ /* #define DEBUG 1 */ #define LIST 4 def glib_floor(N) { return(pari(floor,N)); } /* def join(A,B) { if (type(B) == 0) return(A); return(append(A,B)); } def eigenvalues(M) { return(pari(eigen,M)); } def roots(F) { return(pari(roots,F)); } */ /* ---------------------------------------------- */ def glib_ox_get_errors(P) { ox_push_cmd(P,276); return(ox_pop_cmo(P)); } def reset_plot() { /* It is no longer used. See, oxrfc103.rr */ extern Glib_process; if ((!Cfep_loaded) || (!Cfep_use_opengl)) { print(" Sending signal to ox_plot",0); ox_reset(Glib_process); print(" Done."); } } Glib_ps = 0$ Glib_h = []$ Glib_canvas_x = 400$ Glib_canvas_y = 400$ Glib_xmin=0$ Glib_xmax=Glib_canvas_x$ Glib_ymin=0$ Glib_ymax=Glib_canvas_y$ Glib_math_coordinate=0$ Glib_canvas = -1$ Glib_xmag = 1$ Glib_ymag=1$ Glib_xoffset=0$ Glib_yoffset=0$ Glib_safe_mode = 2 $ Glib_counter = 100$ extern Glib_ps_sx$ extern Glib_ps_sy$ Glib_ps_sx=2$ /* mag=1/2 for PS picture. cf. glib_ps_form, glib_tops */ Glib_ps_sy=2$ /* mag=1/2 for PS picture */ def open_Canvas(P,S) { extern Glib_process; /* print("open_Canvas: ",0);print(S); */ if ((!Cfep_loaded) || (!Cfep_use_opengl)) { if (P < 0) P=open_canvas(S); /* BUG, get process No. */ else open_canvas(P,S); Glib_process = P; R = ox_pop_cmo(P); /* if (glib_ox_get_errors(P) == []) { R = ox_pop_cmo(P); }else{ debug; } */ }else { R=cfep.open_canvas(S); } return(R); } /*&usage begin: glib_open() It starts the ox_plot server and opens a canvas. The canvas size is set to {Glib_canvas_x} X {Glib_canvas_y} (the default value is 400). This function is automatically called when the user calls glib functions. end: */ def glib_open() { extern Glib_canvas_x, Glib_canvas_y, Glib_process, Glib_canvas, Glib_server_started, Glib_process$ if ((!Cfep_loaded) || (!Cfep_use_opengl)) return glib_openx11(); else { Glib_canvas = open_Canvas(-1,[Glib_canvas_x,Glib_canvas_y])$ Glib_server_started = 1$ return(Glib_canvas); } } def glib_openx11() { extern Glib_canvas_x, Glib_canvas_y, Glib_process, Glib_canvas, Glib_server_started, Glib_process$ #ifndef DO_NOT_START_SERVER_EXPLICITLY if (type(Glib_server_started) == 0) { Glib_process = ox_launch_nox(0,"ox_plot")$ /* register_handler(reset_plot); */ Glib_server_started = 1$ }$ Glib_canvas = open_Canvas(Glib_process,[Glib_canvas_x,Glib_canvas_y])$ #else Glib_canvas = open_Canvas(-1,[Glib_canvas_x,Glib_canvas_y])$ /* register_handler(reset_plot); */ Glib_server_started = 1$ #endif glib_check_strict(); return(Glib_canvas); } def glib_check() { extern Glib_process, Glib_canvas, Glib_safe_mode, Glib_canvas_x, Glib_canvas_y, Glib_counter; if (Glib_safe_mode == 0) { return(0); } if (Glib_safe_mode == 2) { if (Glib_counter > 0) { Glib_counter--; return(0); }else{ Glib_counter=100; } } glib_check_strict(); } def glib_check_strict() { extern Glib_process, Glib_canvas, Glib_safe_mode, Glib_canvas_x, Glib_canvas_y, Glib_counter; if (Glib_canvas < 0) { glib_open(); } if (Cfep_loaded && Cfep_use_opengl) return ; E = glib_ox_get_errors(Glib_process); if (E != []) { ox_pops(Glib_process,200); print(E); print("Warning: ",0); print("Drawing canvas seems to be closed."); print("Opening a new canvas."); Glib_canvas = open_Canvas(Glib_process,[Glib_canvas_x,Glib_canvas_y])$ error("Drawing aborted"); } } /*&usage begin: glib_clear() Clear the screen. end: */ def glib_clear() { extern Glib_process, Glib_canvas; if (Glib_canvas < 0) glib_open(); if ((!Cfep_loaded) || (!Cfep_use_opengl)) clear_canvas(Glib_process,Glib_canvas); else cfep.glib_clear(); } /*&usage begin: glib_window(Xmin,Ymin,Xmax,Ymax) It generates a window with the left top corner [{Xmin},{Ymin}] and the right bottom corner [{Xmax},{Ymax}]. If the global variable {Glib_math_coordinate} is set to 1, mathematical coordinate system will be employed, i.e., the left top corner will have the coordinate [{Xmin},{Ymax}]. example: glib_window(-1,-1,10,10); end: */ def glib_window(Xmin,Ymin,Xmax,Ymax) { extern Glib_xmin, Glib_xmax, Glib_ymin, Glib_ymax, Glib_canvas_x, Glib_canvas_y, Glib_process, Glib_canvas, Glib_xoffset, Glib_yoffset, Glib_xmag, Glib_ymag; if (Xmax <= Xmin) error("glib window: Invalid size"); if (Ymax <= Ymin) error("glib window: Invalid size"); glib_check_arg(Xmin,Ymin); glib_check_arg(Xmax,Ymax); Glib_xmin = Xmin; Glib_xmax = Xmax; Glib_ymin = Ymin; Glib_ymax = Ymax; Glib_xoffset = -Xmin; Glib_yoffset = -Ymin; Glib_xmag = Glib_canvas_x/(Xmax-Xmin); Glib_ymag = Glib_canvas_y/(Ymax-Ymin); if (Glib_canvas < 0) glib_open(); } def glib_check_arg(X,Y) { if (type(X) <= 1 && type(Y) <= 1) return 1; else { print("Error in glib: arguments ",0); print([X,Y],0); print(" are not numbers."); error("Invalid argument for glib_window, glib_putpixel, glib_line."); } } /*&usage begin: glib_putpixel(X,Y|color) It puts a pixel at [{X},{Y}] with {color} example: glib_putpixel(1,2 | color=0xffff00); end: */ def glib_putpixel(X,Y) { extern Glib_process, Glib_canvas, Glib_xoffset, Glib_yoffset, Glib_xmag, Glib_ymag, Glib_ps, Glib_math_coordinate, Glib_canvas_y; if (Glib_canvas < 0) glib_open(); glib_check(); glib_check_arg(X,Y); C = getopt(color); if (Glib_math_coordinate) { Pos = [glib_floor(Glib_xmag*(X+Glib_xoffset)), Glib_canvas_y-glib_floor(Glib_ymag*(Y+Glib_yoffset))]; Pos2= [glib_floor(Glib_xmag*(X+Glib_xoffset)), glib_floor(Glib_ymag*(Y+Glib_yoffset))]; }else{ Pos = [glib_floor(Glib_xmag*(X+Glib_xoffset)), glib_floor(Glib_ymag*(Y+Glib_yoffset))]; Pos2= [glib_floor(Glib_xmag*(X+Glib_xoffset)), Glib_canvas_y-glib_floor(Glib_ymag*(Y+Glib_yoffset))]; } if ( type(C) != -1 ) { if ((!Cfep_loaded) || (!Cfep_use_opengl)) draw_obj(Glib_process,Glib_canvas,Pos,C); else cfep.draw_obj2(Glib_process,Glib_canvas,Pos,C); if (Glib_ps) glib_history(["putpixel",Pos2,C]); }else{ if ((!Cfep_loaded) || (!Cfep_use_opengl)) draw_obj(Glib_process,Glib_canvas,Pos); else cfep.draw_obj(Glib_process,Glib_canvas,Pos); if (Glib_ps) glib_history(["putpixel",Pos2,0]); } } /*&usage begin: glib_line(X0,Y0,X1,Y1|color,shape) It draws the line [{X0},{Y0}]-- [{X1},{Y1}] with {color} and {shape} example: glib_line(0,0,5,3/2 | color=0xff00ff); glib_line(0,0,10,0 | shape=arrow); end: */ def glib_line(X0,Y0,X1,Y1) { extern Glib_xmag, Glib_ymag, Glib_xoffset, Glib_yoffset; C = getopt(color); glib_check_arg(X0,Y0); glib_check_arg(X1,Y1); glib_clip_line(glib_floor(Glib_xmag*(X0+Glib_xoffset)), glib_floor(Glib_ymag*(Y0+Glib_yoffset)), glib_floor(Glib_xmag*(X1+Glib_xoffset)), glib_floor(Glib_ymag*(Y1+Glib_yoffset)),C); Shape = getopt(shape); if (type(Shape) != 2) return; Px = X0+(7/8)*(X1-X0); Py = Y0+(7/8)*(Y1-Y0); Qx = (Y0-Y1)/8; Qy = (X1-X0)/8; if (type(C)>0) glib_line(X1,Y1,Px+Qx,Py+Qy | color=C); else glib_line(X1,Y1,Px+Qx,Py+Qy); if (type(C)>0) glib_line(X1,Y1,Px-Qx,Py-Qy | color=C); else glib_line(X1,Y1,Px-Qx,Py-Qy); } def glib_clip_line(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,Color) { /* X0, Y0, X1, Y1 should be integers. Coordinates are already translated. */ extern Glib_process, Glib_canvas, Glib_canvas_x, Glib_canvas_y, Glib_ps, Glib_math_coordinate; if (Glib_canvas < 0) glib_open(); if (Glib_ps) { #ifdef DEBUG print(["clip_line",[X0,Y0,X1,Y1]]); #endif /* clip by x = 0 */ S = glib_clip0_x(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,0); #ifdef DEBUG print(["clip0_x",S]); #endif if (type(S) == 0) return; X0 = S[0]; Y0 = S[1]; X1 = S[2]; Y1 = S[3]; S = glib_clip1_x(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,Glib_canvas_x-1); #ifdef DEBUG print(["clip1_x",S]); #endif if (type(S) == 0) return; X0 = S[0]; Y0 = S[1]; X1 = S[2]; Y1 = S[3]; S = glib_clip0_y(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,0); #ifdef DEBUG print(["clip0_y",S]); #endif if (type(S) == 0) return; X0 = S[0]; Y0 = S[1]; X1 = S[2]; Y1 = S[3]; S = glib_clip1_y(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,Glib_canvas_y-1); #ifdef DEBUG print(["clip1_y",S]); #endif if (type(S) == 0) return; X0 = S[0]; Y0 = S[1]; X1 = S[2]; Y1 = S[3]; #ifdef DEBUG print([X0,Y0,X1,Y1]); #endif } glib_check(); if (Glib_math_coordinate) { Pos = [glib_floor(X0),Glib_canvas_y-glib_floor(Y0), glib_floor(X1),Glib_canvas_y-glib_floor(Y1)]; Pos2= [glib_floor(X0),glib_floor(Y0),glib_floor(X1),glib_floor(Y1)]; }else{ Pos = [glib_floor(X0),glib_floor(Y0),glib_floor(X1),glib_floor(Y1)]; Pos2 = [glib_floor(X0),Glib_canvas_y-glib_floor(Y0), glib_floor(X1),Glib_canvas_y-glib_floor(Y1)]; } if ( type(Color) != -1 ) { if ((!Cfep_loaded) || (!Cfep_use_opengl)) draw_obj(Glib_process,Glib_canvas,Pos,Color); else cfep.draw_obj2(Glib_process,Glib_canvas,Pos,Color); if (Glib_ps) glib_history(["line",Pos2,Color]); }else{ if ((!Cfep_loaded) || (!Cfep_use_opengl)) draw_obj(Glib_process,Glib_canvas,Pos); else cfep.draw_obj(Glib_process,Glib_canvas,Pos); if (Glib_ps) glib_history(["line",Pos2,0]); } } def glib_clip0_x(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,Clip) { if (X0 < Clip && X1 < Clip) return(0); if (X0 < Clip && X1 > Clip) { return([Clip, Y0+(Clip-X0)*(Y1-Y0)/(X1-X0),X1,Y1]); } if (X1 > Clip && X1 < Clip) { return([X0,Y0,Clip, Y1+(Clip-X1)*(Y0-Y1)/(X0-X1)]); } return([X0,Y0,X1,Y1]); } def glib_clip0_y(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,Clip) { if (Y0 < Clip && Y1 < Clip) return(0); if (Y0 < Clip && Y1 > Clip) { return([X0+(Clip-Y0)*(X1-X0)/(Y1-Y0),Clip,X1,Y1]); } if (Y1 > Clip && Y1 < Clip) { return([X0,Y0,X1+(Clip-Y1)*(X0-X1)/(Y0-Y1),Clip]); } return([X0,Y0,X1,Y1]); } def glib_clip1_x(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,Clip) { if (X0 > Clip && X1 > Clip) return(0); if (X0 > Clip && X1 < Clip) { return([Clip, Y0+(Clip-X0)*(Y1-Y0)/(X1-X0),X1,Y1]); } if (X1 < Clip && X1 > Clip) { return([X0,Y0,Clip, Y1+(Clip-X1)*(Y0-Y1)/(X0-X1)]); } return([X0,Y0,X1,Y1]); } def glib_clip1_y(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,Clip) { if (Y0 > Clip && Y1 > Clip) return(0); if (Y0 > Clip && Y1 < Clip) { return([X0+(Clip-Y0)*(X1-X0)/(Y1-Y0),Clip,X1,Y1]); } if (Y0 < Clip && Y1 > Clip) { return([X0,Y0,X1+(Clip-Y1)*(X0-X1)/(Y0-Y1),Clip]); } return([X0,Y0,X1,Y1]); } /*&usage begin: glib_print(X,Y,Text|color) It put a string {Text} at [{X},{Y}] on the glib canvas. example: glib_print(100,100,"Hello Worlds" | color=0xff0000); end: */ def glib_print(X,Y,Text) { extern Glib_process, Glib_canvas, Glib_xoffset, Glib_yoffset, Glib_xmag, Glib_ymag, Glib_ps, Glib_math_coordinate, Glib_canvas_y; if (Glib_canvas < 0) glib_open(); glib_check(); glib_check_arg(X,Y); if (type(Text) != 7) error("glib_print(X,Y,Text): Text must be a string."); C = getopt(color); if (Glib_math_coordinate) { Pos = [glib_floor(Glib_xmag*(X+Glib_xoffset)), Glib_canvas_y-glib_floor(Glib_ymag*(Y+Glib_yoffset))]; Pos2= [glib_floor(Glib_xmag*(X+Glib_xoffset)), glib_floor(Glib_ymag*(Y+Glib_yoffset))]; }else{ Pos = [glib_floor(Glib_xmag*(X+Glib_xoffset)), glib_floor(Glib_ymag*(Y+Glib_yoffset))]; Pos2= [glib_floor(Glib_xmag*(X+Glib_xoffset)), Glib_canvas_y-glib_floor(Glib_ymag*(Y+Glib_yoffset))]; } if ( type(C) != -1 ) { if ((!Cfep_loaded) || (!Cfep_use_opengl)) draw_string(Glib_process,Glib_canvas,Pos,Text,C); else cfep.draw_string2(Glib_process,Glib_canvas,Pos,Text,C); if (Glib_ps) glib_history(["print",Pos2,Text,C]); }else{ if ((!Cfep_loaded) || (!Cfep_use_opengl)) draw_string(Glib_process,Glib_canvas,Pos,Text); else cfep.draw_string(Glib_process,Glib_canvas,Pos,Text); if (Glib_ps) glib_history(["print",Pos2,Text,0]); } } def glib_history(L) { extern Glib_h, Glib_canvas_x, Glib_canvas_y, Glib_math_coodinate; if (L[0] == "putpixel" || L[0] == "print") { if (L[1][0] <= Glib_canvas_x && L[1][0] >= 0) { if (L[1][1] <= Glib_canvas_x && L[1][1] >= 0) Glib_h = cons(L,Glib_h); } }else { Glib_h = cons(L,Glib_h); } return 0; } #define xxx(x) idiv(x,Glib_ps_sx) #define yyy(y) idiv(y,Glib_ps_sy) /*&usage begin: glib_tops() If Glib_ps is set to 1, it returns a postscript program to draw the picture on the canvas. ref: print_output end: */ def glib_tops() { extern Glib_h; return glib_ps(Glib_h); } def glib_ps(L) { extern Glib_ps_sx; extern Glib_ps_sy; PS = string_to_tb(""); Prev_color = 0; /* Prolog */ write_to_tb("%%!PS-Adobe-1.0\n",PS); write_to_tb("%%BoundingBox: 0 0 " + rtostr(xxx(Glib_canvas_x)) + " " + rtostr(yyy(Glib_canvas_y)) + "\n",PS); write_to_tb("%%Creator: This is generated by ifplot\n",PS); write_to_tb("%%Title: ifplot\n",PS); write_to_tb("%%EndComments: \n",PS); write_to_tb("0.1 setlinewidth \n",PS); write_to_tb("2 setlinecap \n",PS); write_to_tb("2 setlinejoin \n",PS); write_to_tb("/ifplot_putpixel { \n",PS); write_to_tb(" /yyy 2 1 roll def /xxx 2 1 roll def \n",PS); write_to_tb(" gsave newpath xxx yyy .5 0 360 arc \n",PS); write_to_tb(" fill grestore \n",PS); write_to_tb("} def \n",PS); L = reverse(L); N = length(L); for (I=0; I