/* * Copyright (c) 1994-2000 FUJITSU LABORATORIES LIMITED * All rights reserved. * * FUJITSU LABORATORIES LIMITED ("FLL") hereby grants you a limited, * non-exclusive and royalty-free license to use, copy, modify and * redistribute, solely for non-commercial and non-profit purposes, the * computer program, "Risa/Asir" ("SOFTWARE"), subject to the terms and * conditions of this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, you acquire * only a limited right to use the SOFTWARE hereunder, and FLL or any * third party developer retains all rights, including but not limited to * copyrights, in and to the SOFTWARE. * * (1) FLL does not grant you a license in any way for commercial * purposes. You may use the SOFTWARE only for non-commercial and * non-profit purposes only, such as academic, research and internal * business use. * (2) The SOFTWARE is protected by the Copyright Law of Japan and * international copyright treaties. If you make copies of the SOFTWARE, * with or without modification, as permitted hereunder, you shall affix * to all such copies of the SOFTWARE the above copyright notice. * (3) An explicit reference to this SOFTWARE and its copyright owner * shall be made on your publication or presentation in any form of the * results obtained by use of the SOFTWARE. * (4) In the event that you modify the SOFTWARE, you shall notify FLL by * e-mail at risa-admin@sec.flab.fujitsu.co.jp of the detailed specification * for such modification or the source code of the modified part of the * SOFTWARE. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. FLL * MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AND * EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTIES' * RIGHTS. NO FLL DEALER, AGENT, EMPLOYEES IS AUTHORIZED TO MAKE ANY * MODIFICATIONS, EXTENSIONS, OR ADDITIONS TO THIS WARRANTY. * UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES AND UNDER NO LEGAL THEORY, TORT, CONTRACT, * OR OTHERWISE, SHALL FLL BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES OF ANY CHARACTER, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THE SOFTWARE OR THIS AGREEMENT, DAMAGES * FOR LOSS OF GOODWILL, WORK STOPPAGE, OR LOSS OF DATA, OR FOR ANY * DAMAGES, EVEN IF FLL SHALL HAVE BEEN INFORMED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGES, OR FOR ANY CLAIM BY ANY OTHER PARTY. EVEN IF A PART * OF THE SOFTWARE HAS BEEN DEVELOPED BY A THIRD PARTY, THE THIRD PARTY * DEVELOPER SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE, * PERFORMANCE OR NON-PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. * * $OpenXM: OpenXM_contrib2/asir2018/plot/ox_plot_xevent.c,v 1.1 2018/09/19 05:45:08 noro Exp $ */ #include "ca.h" #include "parse.h" #include "ox.h" #include "ifplot.h" #include "cursor.h" #include #include static void Quit(); static void print_canvas(Widget w, struct canvas *can, XtPointer calldata); static void output_to_printer(Widget w, struct canvas *can, XtPointer calldata); static void print_canvas_to_file(Widget w, struct canvas *can, XtPointer calldata); static void printing_method(Widget w, struct canvas *can, XtPointer calldata); void clear_pixmap(struct canvas *); void create_gc(); void create_font(); void create_cursors(); void copy_to_canvas(struct canvas *can); void draw_level(struct canvas *can,int index,GC gc); void draw_frame(Window window,POINT spos,POINT opos,POINT epos); void draw_frame0( Window window,POINT spos,POINT epos); void draw_coord(struct canvas *can,POINT pos); void draw_wideframe(struct canvas *can); void redraw_canvas(struct canvas *can); void reset_busy(struct canvas *can); int search_canvas(); int search_active_canvas(); void PSFromImage(FILE *fp,XImage *image,struct canvas *can); static Atom wm_delete_window; void SetWM_Proto(Widget w) { XtOverrideTranslations(w, XtParseTranslationTable("WM_PROTOCOLS: quit()")); XSetWMProtocols(display,XtWindow(w),&wm_delete_window,1); } #if 0 static void quit(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params,Cardinal *nparams) { XBell(display,0); } #endif /* XXX : these lines are in plotg.c, but ld says they are not defined */ #if __DARWIN__ int stream; DISPLAY *display; CURSOR normalcur,runningcur,errorcur; #if defined(VISUAL) || defined(__MINGW32__) POINT start_point, end_point; SIZE cansize; #else Window rootwin; GC drawGC,dashGC,hlGC,scaleGC,clearGC,xorGC,colorGC,cdrawGC; XFontStruct *sffs; #endif struct canvas *canvas[MAXCANVAS]; struct canvas *closed_canvas[MAXCANVAS]; struct canvas *current_can; #endif /* __DARWIN__ */ #ifdef ABS #undef ABS #define ABS(a) ((a)>0?(a):-(a)) #endif static char *dname; static int depth,scrn; extern JMP_BUF ox_env; static Widget toplevel; static XtAppContext app_con; static int busy; static struct PlotResources { Pixel ForePixel,BackPixel,DashPixel; char *ForeName,*BackName,*DashName; Boolean Reverse; Boolean UpsideDown; } PlotResources; #define forePixel PlotResources.ForePixel #define backPixel PlotResources.BackPixel #define dashPixel PlotResources.DashPixel #define foreName PlotResources.ForeName #define backName PlotResources.BackName #define dashName PlotResources.DashName #define reverse PlotResources.Reverse #define upsidedown PlotResources.UpsideDown Pixel BackPixel; Cursor create_cursor(); #define blackPixel BlackPixel(display,scrn) #define whitePixel WhitePixel(display,scrn) #define LABELWIDTH 150 void process_xevent() { XEvent ev; while ( XPending(display) ) { XtAppNextEvent(app_con,&ev); XtDispatchEvent(&ev); } } /* event handlers */ static POINT spos,cpos; void press(Widget w,struct canvas *can,XButtonEvent *ev) { POINT p; switch ( ev->button ) { case Button1: XC(spos) = ev->x; YC(spos) = ev->y; cpos = spos; break; case Button3: XC(p) = ev->x; YC(p) = ev->y; draw_coord(can,p); break; default: break; } } void motion(Widget w,struct canvas *can,XMotionEvent *ev) { POINT o,p; if ( ev->state & Button1Mask ) { o = cpos; XC(cpos) = ev->x; YC(cpos) = ev->y; draw_frame(can->window,spos,o,cpos); } else if ( ev->state & Button3Mask ) { XC(p) = ev->x; YC(p) = ev->y; draw_coord(can,p); } } void release(Widget w,struct canvas *can,XButtonEvent *ev) { POINT e; switch ( ev->button ) { case Button1: e.x = ev->x; e.y = ev->y; draw_frame0(can->window,spos,e); if(!busy && can->mode != modeNO(INTERACTIVE) && can->mode != modeNO(POLARPLOT)) plot_resize(can,spos,e); break; default: break; } } void structure(Widget w,struct canvas *can,XEvent *ev) { switch ( ev->xany.type ) { case Expose: if ( !ev->xexpose.count ) redraw_canvas(can); break; case ConfigureNotify: redraw_canvas(can); break; default: break; } } static int lindex; void lpress(Widget w,struct canvas *can,XButtonEvent *ev) { lindex = (can->height-ev->y)/(can->height/can->nzstep); draw_level(can,lindex,hlGC); } void jumpproc(Widget w,struct canvas *can,float *percent) { int index; index = can->nzstep * (1.0-*percent); if ( index == lindex ) return; if ( lindex >= 0 ) draw_level(can,lindex,drawGC); lindex = index; draw_level(can,lindex,hlGC); } void jumpproc_m(Widget w,struct canvas *can,float *percent) { int index; index = can->nzstep * (1.0-*percent); if ( index != lindex ) { draw_level(can,lindex,drawGC); draw_level(can,lindex,hlGC); } } void lrelease(Widget w,struct canvas *can,XButtonEvent *ev) { draw_level(can,lindex,drawGC); lindex = -1; } void lrelease_m(Widget w,struct canvas *can,XButtonEvent *ev) { lindex = -1; } void draw_level(struct canvas *can,int index,GC gc) { Pixmap pix; struct pa *pa; int i,len; POINT *p; Arg arg[2]; char buf[BUFSIZ]; if ( busy || can->wide || index < 0 || index > can->nzstep ) return; pix = can->pix; pa = &can->pa[index]; len = pa->length; p = pa->pos; for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) XDrawPoint(display,pix,gc,p[i].x,p[i].y); sprintf(buf,"level:%g",can->zmin+(can->zmax-can->zmin)*index/can->nzstep); XtSetArg(arg[0],XtNlabel,buf); XtSetArg(arg[1],XtNwidth,LABELWIDTH); XtSetValues(can->level,arg,2); copy_to_canvas(can); } void draw_frame(Window window,POINT spos,POINT opos,POINT epos) { if ( XC(opos) != XC(epos) || YC(opos) != YC(epos) ) draw_frame0(window,spos,opos); draw_frame0(window,spos,epos); } void draw_frame0(Window window,POINT spos,POINT epos) { int ulx,uly,w,h; ulx = MIN(XC(spos),XC(epos)); uly = MIN(YC(spos),YC(epos)); w = ABS(XC(spos)-XC(epos)); h = ABS(YC(spos)-YC(epos)); if ( !w || !h ) return; XDrawRectangle(display,window,xorGC,ulx,uly,w,h); XFlush(display); } void draw_coord(struct canvas *can,POINT pos) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; Arg arg[2]; double x,y,xmin,ymax,dx,dy; if ( can->wide ) { dx = 10*(can->xmax-can->xmin); dy = 10*(can->ymax-can->ymin); xmin = (can->xmax+can->xmin-dx)/2; ymax = (can->ymax+can->ymin+dy)/2; } else { dx = can->xmax-can->xmin; dy = can->ymax-can->ymin; xmin = can->xmin; ymax = can->ymax; } x = xmin+XC(pos)*dx/can->width; y = ymax-YC(pos)*dy/can->height; sprintf(buf,"%s:%g",can->vx?can->vx->name:"horiz",x); XtSetArg(arg[0],XtNlabel,buf); XtSetArg(arg[1],XtNwidth,LABELWIDTH); XtSetValues(can->xcoord,arg,2); sprintf(buf,"%s:%g",can->vy?can->vy->name:"vert",y); XtSetArg(arg[0],XtNlabel,buf); XtSetArg(arg[1],XtNwidth,LABELWIDTH); XtSetValues(can->ycoord,arg,2); } void redraw_canvas(struct canvas *can) { if ( can->wide ) draw_wideframe(can); else copy_to_canvas(can); } int search_canvas() { int i; for ( i = 0; i < MAXCANVAS; i++ ) if ( !canvas[i] ) { canvas[i] = (struct canvas *)MALLOC(sizeof(struct canvas)); canvas[i]->index = i; return i; } return -1; } int search_active_canvas() { int i; for ( i = 0; i < MAXCANVAS; i++ ) if ( canvas[i] ) return i; return -1; } void popup_canvas(int index) { clear_pixmap(canvas[index]); XtPopup(canvas[index]->shell,XtGrabNone); copy_to_canvas(canvas[index]); } void destroy_canvas(Widget w,struct canvas *can,XtPointer calldata) { XtPopdown(can->shell); /* XtDestroyWidget(can->shell); */ XFlush(display); if ( can == current_can ) { reset_busy(can); current_can = 0; } if ( closed_canvas[can->index] ) XtDestroyWidget(closed_canvas[can->index]->shell); closed_canvas[can->index] = can; canvas[can->index] = 0; } void precise_canvas(Widget w,struct canvas *can,XtPointer calldata) { if ( can->precise ) can->precise = 0; else can->precise = 1; } void wide_canvas(Widget w,struct canvas *can,XtPointer calldata) { if ( can->wide ) { can->wide = 0; copy_to_canvas(can); } else { can->wide = 1; draw_wideframe(can); } } void noaxis_canvas(Widget w,struct canvas *can,XtPointer calldata) { if ( can->noaxis ) can->noaxis = 0; else can->noaxis = 1; if ( can->wide ) draw_wideframe(can); else copy_to_canvas(can); } void toggle_button(Widget w,int flag) { Arg arg[2]; if ( flag ) { XtSetArg(arg[0],XtNforeground,backPixel); XtSetArg(arg[1],XtNbackground,forePixel); } else { XtSetArg(arg[0],XtNforeground,forePixel); XtSetArg(arg[1],XtNbackground,backPixel); } XtSetValues(w,arg,2); XFlush(display); } void draw_wideframe(struct canvas *can) { struct canvas fakecan; double xmid,ymid,dx,dy; POINT s,e; fakecan = *can; dx = 10*(can->xmax-can->xmin); dy = 10*(can->ymax-can->ymin); xmid = (can->xmax+can->xmin)/2; ymid = (can->ymax+can->ymin)/2; fakecan.xmin = xmid-dx/2; fakecan.xmax = xmid+dx/2; fakecan.ymin = ymid-dy/2; fakecan.ymax = ymid+dy/2; XFillRectangle(display,can->window,clearGC, 0,0,can->width,can->height); pline(display,&fakecan,can->window); XC(s) = can->width*9/20; YC(s) = can->height*9/20; XC(e) = can->width*11/20; YC(e) = can->height*11/20; draw_frame0(can->window,s,e); } void create_popup(Widget parent,char *name,char *str,Widget *shell,Widget *dialog) { Arg arg[3]; Position x,y; XtTranslateCoords(parent,0,0,&x,&y); XtSetArg(arg[0],XtNx,x); XtSetArg(arg[1],XtNy,y); *shell = XtCreatePopupShell(name,transientShellWidgetClass,parent,arg,2); XtSetArg(arg[0],XtNlabel,str); *dialog = XtCreateManagedWidget("dialog",dialogWidgetClass,*shell,arg,1); } void warning(struct canvas *can,char *s) { void popdown_warning(); Widget warnshell,warndialog; if ( !can->shell ) return; create_popup(can->shell,"warning",s,&warnshell,&warndialog); XawDialogAddButton(warndialog,"dismiss",popdown_warning,warnshell); XtPopup(warnshell,XtGrabNone); SetWM_Proto(warnshell); } void popdown_warning(Widget w,XtPointer client,XtPointer call) { XtPopdown(client); XtDestroyWidget(client); } void show_formula(Widget w,struct canvas *can,XtPointer calldata) { void popdown_formula(); Widget fshell,fdialog; char buf[BUFSIZ]; soutput_init(buf); sprintexpr(CO,(Obj)can->formula); create_popup(can->shell,"formula",buf,&fshell,&fdialog); XawDialogAddButton(fdialog,"dismiss",popdown_formula,w); XtSetSensitive(w,False); XtPopup(fshell,XtGrabNone); SetWM_Proto(fshell); } void popdown_formula(Widget w,Widget fbutton,XtPointer call) { Widget shell = XtParent(XtParent(w)); XtPopdown(shell); XtDestroyWidget(shell); XtSetSensitive(fbutton,True); } #define NormalSelection ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask|Button1MotionMask|Button3MotionMask|StructureNotifyMask| ExposureMask void create_canvas(struct canvas *can) { Widget box,frame,commands, coords,quit,print,wide,precise,canvas,formula; Window window; Pixmap pix; int width,height; Arg arg[6]; char buf[BUFSIZ]; XImage *image; width = can->width; height = can->height; sprintf(buf,"%s : %d", can->wname?can->wname:"Plot",can->index); XtSetArg(arg[0],XtNiconName,buf); can->shell = XtCreatePopupShell("shell",topLevelShellWidgetClass,toplevel,arg,1); XtSetArg(arg[0],XtNhSpace,0); XtSetArg(arg[1],XtNvSpace,0); XtSetArg(arg[2],XtNborderWidth,0); box = XtCreateManagedWidget("box",boxWidgetClass,can->shell,arg,3); frame = XtCreateManagedWidget("form",formWidgetClass,box,NULL,0); XtSetArg(arg[0],XtNorientation,XtorientHorizontal); XtSetArg(arg[1],XtNborderWidth,0); commands = XtCreateManagedWidget("commands",boxWidgetClass,frame,arg,2); quit = XtCreateManagedWidget("quit",commandWidgetClass,commands,NULL,0); XtAddCallback(quit,XtNcallback,(XtCallbackProc)destroy_canvas,can); print = XtCreateManagedWidget("print",commandWidgetClass,commands,NULL,0); XtAddCallback(print,XtNcallback,(XtCallbackProc)print_canvas,can); can->wideb = wide = XtCreateManagedWidget("wide",toggleWidgetClass,commands,NULL,0); XtAddCallback(wide,XtNcallback,(XtCallbackProc)wide_canvas,can); can->preciseb = precise = XtCreateManagedWidget("precise",toggleWidgetClass,commands,NULL,0); XtAddCallback(precise,XtNcallback,(XtCallbackProc)precise_canvas,can); formula = XtCreateManagedWidget("formula",commandWidgetClass,commands,NULL,0); XtAddCallback(formula,XtNcallback,(XtCallbackProc)show_formula,can); can->noaxisb = XtCreateManagedWidget("noaxis",toggleWidgetClass,commands,NULL,0); XtAddCallback(can->noaxisb,XtNcallback,(XtCallbackProc)noaxis_canvas,can); XtSetArg(arg[0],XtNfromVert,commands); XtSetArg(arg[1],XtNwidth,width); XtSetArg(arg[2],XtNheight,height); canvas = XtCreateManagedWidget("canvas",simpleWidgetClass,frame,arg,3); XtSetArg(arg[0],XtNfromVert,canvas); XtSetArg(arg[1],XtNheight,5); XtSetArg(arg[2],XtNwidth,width); XtSetArg(arg[3],XtNorientation,XtorientHorizontal); XtSetArg(arg[4],XtNsensitive,False); can->xdone = XtCreateManagedWidget("xdone",scrollbarWidgetClass,frame,arg,5); XtSetArg(arg[0],XtNfromHoriz,canvas); XtSetArg(arg[1],XtNfromVert,commands); XtSetArg(arg[2],XtNwidth,5); XtSetArg(arg[3],XtNheight,height); XtSetArg(arg[4],XtNorientation,XtorientVertical); XtSetArg(arg[5],XtNsensitive,False); can->ydone = XtCreateManagedWidget("ydone",scrollbarWidgetClass,frame,arg,6); XtSetArg(arg[0],XtNfromVert,can->xdone); XtSetArg(arg[1],XtNorientation,XtorientHorizontal); XtSetArg(arg[2],XtNborderWidth,0); coords = XtCreateManagedWidget("coords",boxWidgetClass,frame,arg,3); XtSetArg(arg[0],XtNwidth,LABELWIDTH); can->xcoord = XtCreateManagedWidget("xcoord",labelWidgetClass,coords,arg,1); XtSetArg(arg[0],XtNwidth,LABELWIDTH); can->ycoord = XtCreateManagedWidget("ycoord",labelWidgetClass,coords,arg,1); XtAddEventHandler(canvas,ButtonPressMask,False,(XtEventHandler)press,can); XtAddEventHandler(canvas,ButtonReleaseMask,False,(XtEventHandler)release,can); XtAddEventHandler(canvas,Button1MotionMask,False,(XtEventHandler)motion,can); XtAddEventHandler(canvas,Button3MotionMask,False,(XtEventHandler)motion,can); XtAddEventHandler(canvas,StructureNotifyMask,False,(XtEventHandler)structure,can); XtAddEventHandler(canvas,ExposureMask,False,(XtEventHandler)structure,can); if ( can->mode == modeNO(CONPLOT) ) { XtSetArg(arg[0],XtNwidth,LABELWIDTH); can->level = XtCreateManagedWidget("level",labelWidgetClass, commands,arg,1); XtSetArg(arg[0],XtNsensitive,True); XtSetValues(can->ydone,arg,1); if ( depth >= 2 ) { XtAddCallback(can->ydone,XtNjumpProc,(XtCallbackProc)jumpproc,can); XtAddEventHandler(can->ydone,ButtonReleaseMask,False,(XtEventHandler)lrelease,can); } else { XtAddCallback(can->ydone,XtNjumpProc,(XtCallbackProc)jumpproc_m,can); XtAddEventHandler(can->ydone,ButtonReleaseMask,False,(XtEventHandler)lrelease_m,can); } } if ( can->mode != modeNO(IFPLOT) || !qpcheck((Obj)can->formula) ) XtSetSensitive(precise,False); XtPopup(can->shell,XtGrabNone); SetWM_Proto(can->shell); window = can->window = XtWindow(canvas); pix = can->pix = XCreatePixmap(display,window,width,height,depth); XFillRectangle(display,pix,clearGC,0,0,width,height); image = XGetImage(display, can->pix, 0, 0, can->width, can->height, -1, ZPixmap); BackPixel = XGetPixel(image,0,0); XDefineCursor(display,window,normalcur); XFlush(display); current_can = can; } void alloc_pixmap(struct canvas *can) { can->pix = XCreatePixmap(display,can->window, can->width,can->height,depth); XFillRectangle(display,can->pix,clearGC,0,0,can->width,can->height); } static XrmOptionDescRec options[] = { {"-upsidedown","*upsidedown",XrmoptionNoArg,"on"}, {"-reverse","*reverse",XrmoptionNoArg,"on"}, {"-fg","*foreground",XrmoptionSepArg,NULL}, {"-bg","*background",XrmoptionSepArg,NULL}, }; #define offset(name) XtOffset(struct PlotResources *,name) static XtResource resources[] = { {"upsidedown","UpsideDown",XtRBoolean,sizeof(Boolean), offset(UpsideDown),XtRBoolean,&upsidedown}, {"reverse","Reverse",XtRBoolean,sizeof(Boolean), offset(Reverse),XtRBoolean,&reverse}, {"foreground","Foreground",XtRString,sizeof(char *), offset(ForeName),XtRString,NULL}, {"foreground","Foreground",XtRPixel,sizeof(Pixel), offset(ForePixel),XtRPixel,(XtPointer)&forePixel}, {"background","Background",XtRString,sizeof(char *), offset(BackName),XtRString,NULL}, {"background","Background",XtRPixel,sizeof(Pixel), offset(BackPixel),XtRPixel,(XtPointer)&backPixel}, {"dash","Dash",XtRString,sizeof(char *), offset(DashName),XtRString,NULL}, {"dash","Dash",XtRPixel,sizeof(Pixel), offset(DashPixel),XtRPixel,(XtPointer)&dashPixel}, }; static XtActionsRec actions_table[] = { {"quit",Quit}, }; static void Quit(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params,Cardinal *nparams) { XBell(XtDisplay(w),0); } int init_plot_display(int argc,char **argv) { int ac; char **av; unsigned int tmp; for ( ac = argc, av = argv; ac; ac--, av++ ) if ( !strcmp(*av,"nox") ) return 0; else if ( index(*av,':') ) dname = *av; XtToolkitInitialize(); app_con = XtCreateApplicationContext(); XtAppAddActions(app_con,actions_table, XtNumber(actions_table)); display = XtOpenDisplay(app_con,dname,"plot","Plot", options,XtNumber(options),&argc,argv); if ( !display ) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't open display\n"); return 0; } toplevel = XtAppCreateShell(0,"Plot",applicationShellWidgetClass, display,0,0); forePixel = blackPixel; backPixel = whitePixel; dashPixel = blackPixel; XtGetApplicationResources(toplevel,&PlotResources, resources,XtNumber(resources),NULL,0); display = XtDisplay(toplevel); scrn = DefaultScreen(display); depth = DefaultDepth(display,scrn); rootwin = RootWindow(display,scrn); /* for handling DELETE message */ wm_delete_window = XInternAtom(display,"WM_DELETE_WINDOW",False); XtOverrideTranslations(toplevel, XtParseTranslationTable("WM_PROTOCOLS: quit()")); if ( reverse ) { tmp = forePixel; forePixel = backPixel; backPixel = tmp; } create_gc(); create_font(); create_cursors(); return 1; } static char *scalefont = "*-8-80-*"; void create_font() { Font sfid; sfid = XLoadFont(display,scalefont); sffs = XQueryFont(display,sfid); XSetFont(display,scaleGC,sfid); } void create_gc() { static XColor color = {0,0x0,0x0,0x0,DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue,0}; drawGC = XCreateGC(display,rootwin,0,NULL); dashGC = XCreateGC(display,rootwin,0,NULL); hlGC = XCreateGC(display,rootwin,0,NULL); clearGC = XCreateGC(display,rootwin,0,NULL); scaleGC = XCreateGC(display,rootwin,0,NULL); xorGC = XCreateGC(display,rootwin,0,NULL); colorGC = XCreateGC(display,rootwin,0,NULL); cdrawGC = XCreateGC(display,rootwin,0,NULL); XCopyGC(display,DefaultGC(display,scrn),(1L<<(GCLastBit+1))-1,drawGC); XCopyGC(display,DefaultGC(display,scrn),(1L<<(GCLastBit+1))-1,dashGC); XCopyGC(display,DefaultGC(display,scrn),(1L<<(GCLastBit+1))-1,clearGC); XCopyGC(display,DefaultGC(display,scrn),(1L<<(GCLastBit+1))-1,scaleGC); XCopyGC(display,DefaultGC(display,scrn),(1L<<(GCLastBit+1))-1,xorGC); XCopyGC(display,DefaultGC(display,scrn),(1L<<(GCLastBit+1))-1,colorGC); XCopyGC(display,DefaultGC(display,scrn),(1L<<(GCLastBit+1))-1,cdrawGC); XSetForeground(display,drawGC,forePixel); XSetForeground(display,scaleGC,forePixel); XSetForeground(display,clearGC,backPixel); XSetForeground(display,xorGC,forePixel^backPixel); XSetFunction(display,xorGC,GXxor); XSetForeground(display,dashGC,dashPixel); XSetLineAttributes(display,dashGC,1,LineOnOffDash,CapButt,JoinRound); color.red = color.green = color.blue = 0xffff/2; XAllocColor(display,DefaultColormap(display,scrn),&color); XSetForeground(display,hlGC,color.pixel); color.red = 0xffff; color.green = color.blue = 0; XAllocColor(display,DefaultColormap(display,scrn),&color); XSetForeground(display,colorGC,color.pixel); } void set_drawcolor(unsigned int c) { XColor color = {0,0x0,0x0,0x0,DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue,0}; color.red = (c&0xff0000)>>8; color.green = (c&0xff00); color.blue = (c&0xff)<<8; XAllocColor(display,DefaultColormap(display,scrn),&color); XSetForeground(display,cdrawGC,color.pixel); } void create_cursors() { static XColor fg = {0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue,0}; static XColor bg = {0, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff,DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue,0}; XAllocColor(display,DefaultColormap(display,scrn),&fg); XAllocColor(display,DefaultColormap(display,scrn),&bg); normalcur = create_cursor(h_bits,h_m_bits,h_width,h_height, h_x_hot,h_y_hot,&fg,&bg); runningcur = create_cursor(ht_bits,ht_m_bits,ht_width,ht_height, ht_width/2,ht_height/2,&fg,&bg); errorcur = create_cursor(m_bits,m_m_bits,m_width,m_height, m_width/2,m_height/2,&fg,&bg); } Cursor create_cursor(char *image,char *mask,int width,int height,int xhot,int yhot,XColor *fg,XColor *bg) { Pixmap ipix,mpix; ipix = XCreateBitmapFromData(display,rootwin,image,width,height); mpix = XCreateBitmapFromData(display,rootwin,mask,width,height); return XCreatePixmapCursor(display,ipix,mpix,fg,bg,xhot,yhot); } void copy_to_canvas(struct canvas *can) { if ( display ) { if ( can->color ) { set_drawcolor(can->color); XCopyArea(display,can->pix,can->window, cdrawGC,0,0,can->width,can->height,0,0); } else XCopyArea(display,can->pix,can->window, drawGC,0,0,can->width,can->height,0,0); pline(display,can,can->window); XFlush(display); } } void copy_subimage(struct canvas *subcan,struct canvas *can,XPoint pos) { if ( display ) { XCopyArea(display,subcan->pix,can->pix, drawGC,0,0,subcan->width,subcan->height,pos.x,pos.y); XFlush(display); } } #include #include void set_selection() { if ( current_can ) { XSelectInput(display,current_can->window,0); XFlush(display); } } void reset_selection() { if ( current_can ) { XSelectInput(display,current_can->window,NormalSelection); XFlush(display); } } void set_busy(struct canvas *can) { busy = 1; XtSetSensitive(can->wideb,False); XtSetSensitive(can->preciseb,False); XtSetSensitive(can->noaxisb,False); XFlush(display); } void reset_busy(struct canvas *can) { busy = 0; if ( can->window ) { XtSetSensitive(can->wideb,True); XtSetSensitive(can->noaxisb,True); if ( can->mode == modeNO(IFPLOT) && qpcheck((Obj)can->formula) ) XtSetSensitive(can->preciseb,True); XFlush(display); } } void reset_current_computation() { if ( current_can ) { reset_selection(); reset_busy(current_can); define_cursor(current_can->window,normalcur); } } static struct canvas *Can; /* void print_canvas(Widget w,struct canvas *can, XtPointer calldata); */ static void output_to_file(Widget , XtPointer, XtPointer ); static void output_to_ps_printer(Widget , XtPointer, XtPointer ); static void cancel_output_to_file(Widget , XtPointer,XtPointer); static void generate_psfile(struct canvas *can, FILE *fp); static void set_printing_method(Widget,XtPointer,XtPointer); static void method_is_not_available(); static Widget PrintDialog; static Widget PrintDialog_lp; static Widget W; static char *Fname = NULL; static char *PrinterName = NULL; #define PRINTING_METHOD_BITMAP 0 #define PRINTING_METHOD_VECTOR 1 static int PrintingMethod = PRINTING_METHOD_BITMAP; static String Printing_methods[]={ "bitMap","vector", }; static int N_printing_methods = 2; /* static Widget create_printing_method_bar(Widget parent) { Widget panel, button; int i,n; Arg wargs[1]; panel = XtCreateManagedWidget("printing methods",panedWidgetClass, parent,NULL,0); for (i=0; ishell,"Print/Output PS file","",&fshell,&fdialog); XawDialogAddButton(fdialog,"print",(XtCallbackProc)output_to_printer,w); XawDialogAddButton(fdialog,"output PS file",(XtCallbackProc)print_canvas_to_file,w); XawDialogAddButton(fdialog,"method",(XtCallbackProc)printing_method,w); XawDialogAddButton(fdialog,"dismiss",(XtCallbackProc)cancel_output_to_file,w); XtSetSensitive(w,False); XtPopup(fshell,XtGrabNone); SetWM_Proto(fshell); } static void set_printing_method(Widget w,XtPointer number,XtPointer call_data) { Widget shell; extern int PrintingMethod; PrintingMethod = (long) number; fprintf(stderr,"PrintingMethod=%d\n",(long)number); shell = XtParent(XtParent(w)); XtPopdown(shell); XtDestroyWidget(shell); } static void printing_method(Widget w,struct canvas *can,XtPointer calldata) { Arg arg[10]; int i,n; Widget fshell,fdialog; extern struct canvas *Can; extern int PrintingMethod; w = W; can = Can; create_popup(can->shell,"Printing method",Printing_methods[PrintingMethod], &fshell,&fdialog); n = 0; XtSetArg(arg[n], XtNlabel, "Method: "); n++; XtSetArg(arg[n], XtNvalue, Printing_methods[PrintingMethod]); n++; XtSetValues(fdialog,arg,n); for (i=0; ishell,"Output as PS file",psfile,&fshell,&fdialog); n = 0; XtSetArg(arg[n], XtNlabel, "File : "); n++; XtSetArg(arg[n], XtNvalue, psfile); n++; XtSetValues(fdialog,arg,n); XawDialogAddButton(fdialog,"output to file",output_to_file,w); XawDialogAddButton(fdialog,"cancel",cancel_output_to_file,w); PrintDialog = fdialog; XtSetSensitive(w,False); XtPopup(fshell,XtGrabNone); SetWM_Proto(fshell); } static void output_to_printer(Widget w,struct canvas *can,XtPointer calldata) { Arg arg[10]; int n; static char *psfile = NULL; Widget fshell,fdialog; extern struct canvas *Can; extern Widget PrintDialog_lp; extern char *PrinterName; w = W; can = Can; if (psfile == NULL || PrinterName == NULL) psfile = "lp"; else psfile = PrinterName; create_popup(can->shell,"Output PS file to printer",psfile,&fshell,&fdialog); n = 0; XtSetArg(arg[n], XtNlabel, "PS Printer Name : "); n++; XtSetArg(arg[n], XtNvalue, psfile); n++; XtSetValues(fdialog,arg,n); XawDialogAddButton(fdialog,"output to PS printer",output_to_ps_printer,w); XawDialogAddButton(fdialog,"cancel",cancel_output_to_file,w); PrintDialog_lp = fdialog; XtSetSensitive(w,False); XtPopup(fshell,XtGrabNone); SetWM_Proto(fshell); } static void cancel_output_to_file(Widget w,XtPointer fbutton,XtPointer call) { Widget shell = XtParent(XtParent(w)); XtPopdown(shell); XtDestroyWidget(shell); XtSetSensitive(fbutton,True); } static void output_to_file(Widget w,XtPointer fbutton,XtPointer call) { char *fname; FILE *fp; int i; extern struct canvas *Can; extern Widget PrintDialog; extern int PrintingMethod; Widget shell = XtParent(XtParent(w)); if (PrintingMethod == PRINTING_METHOD_BITMAP) { TODO; }else{ method_is_not_available(); XtPopdown(shell); XtDestroyWidget(shell); XtSetSensitive(fbutton,True); return; } fname = XawDialogGetValueString(PrintDialog); Fname = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(fname)+1); strcpy(Fname,fname); for (i=0; ipix, 0,0,can->width,can->height,-1,ZPixmap); color[0] = 0; /* black line */ PSFromImage(fp,image,can); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"Cannot print on this system\n"); } }else{ method_is_not_available(); } fflush(NULL); } static void method_is_not_available() { char *m; #define MSG1 "Printing method \"" #define MSG2 "\" is not available for this picture." m = (char *)malloc(strlen(MSG1)+strlen(MSG2)+strlen(Printing_methods[PrintingMethod])+1); strcpy(m,MSG1); strcat(m,Printing_methods[PrintingMethod]); strcat(m,MSG2); warning(Can,m); } void clear_pixmap(struct canvas *can) { XFillRectangle(display,can->pix,clearGC,0,0,can->width,can->height); XFlush(display); } #if 0 /* The following functions are used to generate color postscript file. */ /* In order to count colorSize, binary tree (sm_btree) is used. */ static struct sm_btree *sm_newNode(unsigned long v); static void sm_insert(struct sm_btree *node,unsigned long v); static int sm_count(struct sm_btree *rootp); static int getColorSizeOfImageForPS(int xsize,int ysize,XImage *image, struct xcolorForPS **tableOfxcolorForPS); struct sm_btree { unsigned long p; struct sm_btree * left; struct sm_btree * right; }; static struct sm_btree *sm_newNode(unsigned long v) { struct sm_btree * n; n = (struct sm_btree *)MALLOC(sizeof(struct sm_btree)); if (n == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"No more memory.\n"); exit(10); } n->p = v; n->left = NULL; n->right = NULL; return n; } static void sm_insert(struct sm_btree *node,unsigned long v) { if (node->p == v) return; if (node->p > v) { if (node->left == NULL) { node->left = sm_newNode(v); return; } sm_insert(node->left,v); } if (node->p < v) { if (node->right == NULL) { node->right = sm_newNode(v); return; } sm_insert(node->right,v); } } static int sm_count(struct sm_btree *rootp) { if (rootp == NULL) return 0; return (1+sm_count(rootp->left)+sm_count(rootp->right)); } static int setTableOfxcolorForPS(struct sm_btree *rootp, struct xcolorForPS *table,int k,int size) { int m; m = k; if (rootp == NULL) return 0; if (k >= size) { warning(Can,"internal error of setTableOfxcolorForPS"); } if (rootp->left != NULL) { m = setTableOfxcolorForPS(rootp->left,table,k,size); } (table[m]).pixel = rootp->p; m++; if (rootp->right != NULL) { m = setTableOfxcolorForPS(rootp->right,table,m,size); } return m; } static int getColorSizeOfImageForPS(int xsize,int ysize,XImage *image, struct xcolorForPS **tableOfxcolorForPS) { int x,y; int size; struct sm_btree root; struct xcolorForPS *table; XStandardColormap scm; Colormap cm; XColor color; XColor white; int screen,i; root.p = 0; root.left = NULL; root.right=NULL; /* get color size */ for (x=0; x 1.0) (table[i]).r = 1.0; if ((table[i]).g > 1.0) (table[i]).g = 1.0; if ((table[i]).b > 1.0) (table[i]).b = 1.0; if (color.red == white.red && color.green == white.green && color.blue == white.blue) { (table[i]).print = 0; }else{ (table[i]).print = 1; } } *tableOfxcolorForPS = table; return size; } #endif