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It is possible to link an Asir library to use the functionalities of
Asir from other programs.
The necessary libraries are included in the OpenXM distribution
(<A HREF="http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/OpenXM">OpenXM </A>)
At present only the OpenXM interfaces are available. Here we assume
that OpenXM is already installed. In the following
denotes the OpenXM root directory.
All the library files are placed in ‘$OpenXM_HOME/lib’.
There are three kinds of libraries as follows.
int asir_ox_init(int byteorder)
void asir_ox_push_cmo(void *cmo)
int asir_ox_peek_cmo_size()
int asir_ox_pop_cmo(void *cmo, int limit)
is called.
void asir_ox_push_cmd(int cmd)
void asir_ox_execute_string(char *str)
A program calling the above functions should include ‘$OpenXM_HOME/include/asir/ox.h’. In this file all the definitions of OpenXM tags and commands. The following example (‘$OpenXM_HOME/doc/oxlib/test3.c’) illustrates the usage of the above functions.
#include <asir/ox.h> #include <signal.h> main(int argc, char **argv) { char buf[BUFSIZ+1]; int c; unsigned char sendbuf[BUFSIZ+10]; unsigned char *result; unsigned char h[3]; int len,i,j; static int result_len = 0; char *kwd,*bdy; unsigned int cmd; signal(SIGINT,SIG_IGN); asir_ox_init(1); /* 1: network byte order; 0: native byte order */ result_len = BUFSIZ; result = (void *)malloc(BUFSIZ); while ( 1 ) { printf("Input>"); fflush(stdout); fgets(buf,BUFSIZ,stdin); for ( i = 0; buf[i] && isspace(buf[i]); i++ ); if ( !buf[i] ) continue; kwd = buf+i; for ( ; buf[i] && !isspace(buf[i]); i++ ); buf[i] = 0; bdy = buf+i+1; if ( !strcmp(kwd,"asir") ) { sprintf(sendbuf,"%s;",bdy); asir_ox_execute_string(sendbuf); } else if ( !strcmp(kwd,"push") ) { h[0] = 0; h[2] = 0; j = 0; while ( 1 ) { for ( ; (c= *bdy) && isspace(c); bdy++ ); if ( !c ) break; else if ( h[0] ) { h[1] = c; sendbuf[j++] = strtoul(h,0,16); h[0] = 0; } else h[0] = c; bdy++; } if ( h[0] ) fprintf(stderr,"Number of characters is odd.\n"); else { sendbuf[j] = 0; asir_ox_push_cmo(sendbuf); } } else if ( !strcmp(kwd,"cmd") ) { cmd = atoi(bdy); asir_ox_push_cmd(cmd); } else if ( !strcmp(kwd,"pop") ) { len = asir_ox_peek_cmo_size(); if ( !len ) continue; if ( len > result_len ) { result = (char *)realloc(result,len); result_len = len; } asir_ox_pop_cmo(result,len); printf("Output>"); fflush(stdout); printf("\n"); for ( i = 0; i < len; ) { printf("%02x ",result[i]); i++; if ( !(i%16) ) printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); } } }
This program receives a line in the form of keyword body as an input and it executes the following operations according to keyword.
is called.
is called.
and asir_ox_pop_cmo()
are called.
is called.
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